SQLSaturday #761 - Perth 2018

Event Date: 08/25/2018 00:00:00

Event Location:

  • State Library of Western Australia
  • 25 Francis St
  • Perth, Western Australia, Australia

PDF of Schedule

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This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.

Title: Real-Time Analytics with Power BI

Abstract: Power BI helps you build appealing visualizations of your data. With ever growing footprint of data it is equally important to get real-time insights into your data. It can be as simple as monitoring a single metric or viewing real-time sales performance across multiple locations. Power BI real-time streaming enables you to stream data and update dashboards in real-time. Any time sensitive data can be a source of streaming data set like IoT sensor devices, social media sources, service usage metrics etc.

In this session

  1. I will dive deep into real-time analytics with Power BI.
  2. How to build streaming tiles in Power BI Dashboards.
  3. Demo using Power BI REST APIs.
  4. Demo using Azure Event Hub and Azure Stream Analytics.


  • Manohar Punna

Track and Room: Analytics Big Data - Micromine

Title: Building a Database DevOps Pipeline in the Cloud under 49 minutes

Abstract: DevOps processes encompass both Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery.

Continuous integration is based around automated builds and tests. Continuous Delivery allows both application developers, database developers and DBAs alike to deploy better quality code/software.
In this DEMO heavy session, we will start off with source code only.

Over the course of 49 minutes we will build a deployment pipeline that starts off with pushing our database and application code to source control. We will utilize Visual Studio Team Services to automate our build and tests and perform Continuous Integration operations.

The output of these operations will be a standardized package of our built solution. Utilizing PowerShell in the form of Infrastructure as Code, we will spin up multiple Azure based environments that will be deployed to using automated Continuous Delivery processes. The finished result will be an automated and reliable deployment pipeline that was built under 49


  • Hamish Watson

Track and Room: DBA/DevOps - Insight Ignia

Title: Azure PaaS Databases - The Choice is Yours

Abstract: From the beginnings of Azure SQL DB, we now have Elastic Pools, Managed Instances and even MySQL, PostgreSQL and MariaDB. How do you work out which offering is the right one for you and once you have decided, how do you then ensure that you are looking after it adequately? The choice night be easy for the non-SQL Server PaaS, but the choice for SQL Server between SQL DB, Elastic Pools and Managed Instances can become, well, “cloudy”. This session will explore the features available to each option to help guide you through the first part. We’ll then look at what to do once you have your PaaS database deployed – what can you use to manage it and what maintenance tools are available in the service for each flavour.


  • Martin Cairney

Track and Room: DBA/DevOps - Insight Ignia

Title: Machine Learning Revolution with Azure Databricks

Abstract: Azure Databricks is an Apache Spark-based platform designed for the Microsoft Azure cloud services platform and easy to set up with one-click. It has an interactive workspace that enables collaboration between data scientists, data engineers, and business analysts. Azure Databricks notebook unify all the process from data gathering, model creation, deployment. It easy to connect to spark environment and access to the variety of data stores and services in Azure such as Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Data Lake Store, Azure Blob storage and Azure Event Hub. Moreover, the possibility to add advanced analytics capabilities will be available instantly and developer able to share their insights via Power BI. A brief introduction and demonstration on how to work with Azure Databricks will be presented. A demo of doing machine learning project with the help of Databricks on Azure, from getting data from data stores and modeling, deploying algorithm will be presented.


  • Leila Etaati

Track and Room: Analytics Big Data - Insight Ignia

Title: Data Privacy and the Data Professional.

Abstract: It’s almost a daily occurrence to hear about some sort of data breach. But what are the consequences of a data breach – for both the victims and companies involved – and what does that mean for you as a data professional. As governments start to legislate more in an effort to protect the privacy of its citizens the entire concept of data storage become more complex. Exactly what is legislation like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and how will it affect around the world. We’re seen Microsoft give us tools over the years – like Transparent Data Encryption and Dynamic Data masking - to help with this sort of thing – but is there a better answer? Come along to this session and hear how you and your team can lessen your chances of being the ones responsible for the next data breach.


  • Martin Catherall

Track and Room: Strategy and Architecture - Wardy IT

Title: Azure Machine Learning Power BI - Perfect Combo for Predictive Analytics

Abstract: Is Machine Learning still a buzz word or can we easily put it to use to gain actionable insights from our data ?
How amazing will it be to build visualization in Power BI forecasting the sales for a grocery chain or visualize property prices based on ML model ?

In this demo filled session, we will cover how you can find hidden patterns in the data, find outliers, predict results using real world data sets.

AML is a cloud service which helps us to create predictive analytical solutions. Power BI is a powerful tool for both data analysis and visual representation. Operationalizing the ML models thru the PBI service makes it a perfect combo.

In this session, we will build a predictive solution from scratch and visualize the models thru Power BI. The audience will be equipped with sufficient knowledge to build, operationalize ML models and be able to apply to any real world data set by the end of the session.


  • Ram Katepally

Track and Room: Analytics Big Data - Insight Ignia

Title: Tell me a story with Power BI

Abstract: “There are 2 ways to share knowledge. You can push information out or you can pull them in with a story.” – Quote by unknown Great stories will pull people in, and they will enable you to share ideas, persuade others, and get what you want. Power BI has some awesome features that take your reports from flat and boring to exciting, interactive applications, enhancing the practical experience and allowing you to tell a great story. In this session you will see demos of custom visuals, bookmarking, visual display controls, links, spotlights, drillthrough and ‘what if’ plus other tips and tricks that will give you powerful intuitive storytelling capabilities and let you create better insights and organisational performance.


  • Kelly Broekstra

Track and Room: Business Intelligence - Wardy IT

Title: Power BI and Excel. Better Together.

Abstract: Power BI and Excel are the ultimate combination for the serious analyst. Not only do they share the same engine (Power Query and Data Model) but they interact with each other beautifully. This session will showcase the integration features between Power BI and Excel including Power BI Publisher, Analyze in Excel and Publishing Excel files to the Service. We’ll even explore some of the latest data analysis innovations to hit the Excel Insider channel including Insights, and Data Types.


  • Wyn Hopkins

Track and Room: Business Intelligence - Wardy IT

Title: GITHB 101 - An introduction to using Github and Git for Source Control and Open Source Projects

Abstract: In the last few years the requirement to understand and use distributed Source control systems has become an increasing part of a Data Professionals life. With the move into Open Source and community involvement even Microsoft has embraced the use of GitHub!

In this session we will investigate the setup and use of GitHub and Git for source control. Using the highly popular DBATools open source project we will also investigate getting involved in an Open Source project and the process of Pull and Push requests!

Based around personal experience of learning not to hate Source control, this session assume no experience with Git or Github


  • Patrick Flynn

Track and Room: DBA/DevOps - Micromine

Title: Building a Modern Analytics Solution in the Cloud

Abstract: Do you want to build a modern analytics solution in the cloud using the latest technologies and go 100% PaaS/SaaS. If so, in this session, I will show and demonstrate how to use a several Azure Technologies. I will demonstrate how to ingest a large dataset, how to process/transform, how to build a data model and how to visualize. Some of the technologies covered in this session are: Azure Data Factory, Azure Analysis Services, Power BI, Azure SQL Database, Machine Learning, Azure Data Lake Store and Azure Data Lake Analytics.


  • Sergio Reginaldo Zenatti Filho

Track and Room: Analytics Big Data - Wardy IT

Title: Power BI Writeback with Power Apps

Abstract: Have your users ever asked if it is possible to update a record in a report, and see the results almost immediately?

In this session I will demonstrate how to integrate write back using Power Apps, within a Power BI report.

The session will be almost entirely demo based, in which I will demonstrate how to integrate the Power App with the Power BI report. And then show by updating a record, that the data is almost instantly updated within the Power BI report.


  • Gilbert Quevauvilliers

Track and Room: Business Intelligence - Wardy IT

Title: M and Power Query Beyond Limits

Abstract: Power Query is the transformation engine in Power BI. This is the engine that you do all data preparation before loading data into the model. This is the keystone of your Power BI solution. In this session, you will learn what things Power Query can do. M is the language behind the scene of Power Query, you will learn how M can be more beneficial than the Power Query Graphical interface. You will see demos of transformations that you can do with M Code. This session is full of live demos. Prepare to be amazed with what Power Query can do with heaps of demos in this session.


  • Reza Rad

Track and Room: Business Intelligence - Insight Ignia

Title: SQLOpsStudio Vs SSMS - There can be only one

Abstract: SQLOpsStudio is the new kid in town for the data professional. Is it a replacement for good old SSMS? In this session we will take you on a journey of comparing SSMS and SQLOpsStudio so that you can understand the ins and outs of both these tools, making it easier to know what each brings to the table. In this demo heavy session we not only hear about the differences but we match them up against each other to better learn what each can do.


  • Warwick Rudd

Track and Room: DBA/DevOps - Micromine

Title: Common TSQL Mistakes

Abstract: We are going to examine a variety of oopsies MANY developers fall prey too - some obvious, some pretty subtle and some down right sneaky! Lots of code examples with the bad AND good code presented. I GUARANTEE that you will find things here that will either prevent you from getting bad data, throwing unwanted errors or vastly improving your database application’s performance. I have given this talk over 100 times now and it is always very highly rated!


  • Kevin Boles

Track and Room: DBA/DevOps - Micromine

Title: Creating Custom Visualisations with Power BI

Abstract: While Power BI comes with a lot of useful visualisations out of the box, and third-party visuals and R gives you a lot more choice, sometimes you need full control over what is being displayed. This is not for the faint hearted, as you will require Typescript and JavaScript skills and an understanding of the D3 JavaScript libraries, but there is a lot of sample code to smooth the way.

This session introduces you to writing your own fully interactive custom visualisations in NodeJS, how to troubleshoot and debug, culminating in deployment of the Visual to your Power BI environment, giving you the ability to display exactly what you want in your Power BI reports.


  • Jim McLeod

Track and Room: Business Intelligence - Micromine

Title: Advanced Indexing for Beginners

Abstract: Indexing is critical to the success of your database, and it’s vital that you understand indexes thoroughly. You should know how they work in different situations, what kind of choices can work for or against you, and how to get the most out of them. This session will dive into index internals and demonstrate what’s going on behind the scenes as queries run. Using practical examples to explain the theory, we will take a journey from the basics through to advanced concepts that become simple when viewed correctly.


  • Rob Farley

Track and Room: DBA/DevOps - Wardy IT


This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.

Manohar Punna

Twitter: - ManuSQLGeek

LinkedIn: Manohar Punna

Contact: http://www.sqlservergeeks.com/author/manoharpunna/

Manohar Punna is an Data Platform Geek and Vice President of DataPlatformGeeks by passion and a Data Platform Consultant by profession. He is a speaker at various conferences like PASS Summit, SQLBits, DPS. He has authored over 150 blogs and has written a One DMV a Day series which is a longest one day series on any topic on SQL Server till date. Manohar is a product of this community and strongly believes in giving back to the community. So, ask him anything you would like to know and he is happy to learn it with you.

Leila Etaati

Twitter: - @leila_etaati

LinkedIn: Leila Etaati

Contact: http://blog.radacad.com

Leila Etaati is the First Microsoft AI MVP in New Zealand and Australia, as well as a Data Platform MVP. She has a Ph.D. from the University of Auckland and is the co-director and data scientist in RADACAD company with many clients around the world. Additionally, she is the co-organizer of Microsoft Business Intelligence and Power BI Use group in Auckland with more than 1300 members. Leila has also co-organized 3 main conferences in Auckland: SQLSaturday Auckland (from 2015), Difinity (from 2017) and Global AI Bootcamp. She is a data scientist, BI consultant, trainer, and speaker. She is a well-known International speaker to many conferences such as MS Ignite, SQL PASS, Data Platform Summit, SQLSaturday, Power BI World Tour and in Europe, USA, Asia, Australia, and NZ. She has over 10 years’ experience with databases and software systems. Leila is an active Technical Microsoft AI blogger in RADACAD.

Jim McLeod

Twitter: - @Jim_McLeod

LinkedIn: Jim McLeod

Contact: http://www.jimmcleod.net

Jim McLeod is a Canberra-based SQL Server consultant with Ignia. Coming from a software development background, Jim chose to specialise in SQL Server in 2005, with a particular focus on database performance. Since then, Jim has worked with most aspects of SQL Server on databases of all sizes across a large number of industries, with the focus in the past few years on data warehousing, Azure and Analytics.

Hamish Watson

Twitter: - theHybridDBA

LinkedIn: Hamish Watson

Contact: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/blogs/the-hybrid-dbas-blog/

Hamish Watson is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and VMware Expert with a passion for efficient database and application deployment using DevOps methodologies.

He has 20+ years of IT experience in managing and deploying large scale databases on SQL Server technologies.

He has been managing SQL Server since SQL Server 2000, and pragmatic approaches to delivering business value to clients is his career passion.

Educating and helping others learn is a driver for Hamish. He is a Director-At-Large on the PASS Board, international speaker, and a repeat guest lecturer at a local university.

Gilbert Quevauvilliers

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/gilbertque

LinkedIn: Gilbert Quevauvilliers

Contact: https://www.fourmoo.com/blog

Power BI Data Analytics Consultant with over 12 years experience.

From small to enterprise implementations on Azure (Azure Analysis Services, Function Apps, Runbooks, Automation Accounts, SQL Serverless DB) and On-Premise Microsoft Platform (SQL Server, Integration Services, Analysis Services Multidimensional and Tabular, Reporting Services)

Recently I have focused on Power BI, with its rapidly changing features and incredible uptake it has allowed me to consult in a variety of different and challenging solutions.

I was awarded the Microsoft MVP award for Power BI since 2017.

I have spoken at the Microsoft Business Applications Summit (Seattle Atlanta), Power BI World Tour,SQLSaturdays other events.

Ram Katepally

LinkedIn: Ram Katepally

Contact: http://katepally.com/

Ram Katepally is an experienced Data Analytics Consultant who worked on multiple BI projects in varied set of business domains.

He is MCSE in both Data Platform Data Analytics verticals, with a passion for analytics and visualizations. In his free time he is a avid player of chess.

Patrick Flynn

Twitter: - sqllensman

Contact: http://sqllensman.com/blog/

Patrick Flynn is a Senior Database Administrator with 10 years experience in large 24 x 7 enterprise environments. He is a certified master for SQL Server and a regular attendee of the PASS Summit.

Has presented at SQLSaturday events in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Auckland, Edmonton and Calgary, Oslo and Cambridge

Martin Cairney

Twitter: - martin_cairney

LinkedIn: Martin Cairney

Martin has 20 years’ experience in SQL Server technologies. His experience spans both the Database Engine and infrastructure requirements, and Data Warehousing and BI implementations. He has worked across many industry sectors including London’s global financial institutions and both State and Federal Government Departments. He is a SQL Server MVP, MCT and an experienced conference presenter, having presented at PASS Summit, SQLBits, and SQLSaturday events and User Groups round the world

Martin Catherall

Twitter: - MartyCatherall

LinkedIn: Martin Catherall

Contact: http://martincatherall.com

Martin is a data consultant in Melbourne, Australia, a Microsoft Data Platform MVP, and PASS Regional Mentor for the Asia Pacific (APAC) region. Martin founded the Christchurch, New Zealand PASS Local Group and lead the group for a number of years before relocating to Melbourne. He has been using SQL Server in various roles since 2000. In addition to anything data related, he enjoys playing the guitar and having fun with his family.

Reza Rad

Twitter: - Rad_Reza

LinkedIn: Reza Rad

Contact: http://radacad.com/blog

Reza Rad is a Microsoft Regional Director, MVP, author, trainer, speaker and consultant. He is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP for nine years from 2011. Reza wrote many books on Power BI subjects including the Power BI from Rookie to Rock Star, and Pro Power BI Architecture. Reza is the invited speaker at the world’s well-known conferences such as Microsoft Ignite, Microsoft Business Applications Summit, Ignite Tour, PASS Summit, and many other conferences. Reza is an active blogger and writes regularly about Power BI at https://radacad.com.

Warwick Rudd

Twitter: - @warwick_Rudd

LinkedIn: Warwick Rudd

Contact: http://www.sqlmastersconsulting.com.au/Blog

Warwick Rudd is a Microsoft Certified Master – SQL Server 2008 and Principal Consultant at SQL Master Consulting. He is a frequent speaker at local SQL Server User Groups and SQLSaturday events in Australia. When not playing with the SQL stack, Warwick likes to get away to the cold and spend time snowboarding.

Wyn Hopkins

Twitter: - @wynhopkins

LinkedIn: Wyn Hopkins

Contact: https://accessanalytic.com.au/blog/

Microsoft Excel MVP providing “Amazing Excel and Power BI Solutions” for leading companies in Perth.

Previously a Chartered Accountant with PwC and an analyst for HBOS and Barclays Group in the UK, Wyn is now a Director for Access Analytic.

Access Analytic utilises Business Intelligence software including Power BI, Power Query, Power Pivot and VBA to build applications that help companies with analysis and reporting, in order to assist growth, control cost and reduce risk.

Sergio Reginaldo Zenatti Filho

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/SergioZenatti

LinkedIn: Sergio Reginaldo Zenatti Filho

Contact: https://zenatti.net/

I am an Associate Director – Data Advanced Analytics at Satalyst with over 16 years of experience in the delivery of Data, Analytics and Application Solutions. I have worked internationally around Australia, Brazil and New Zealand, in sectors that include Government, Healthcare, Telecom, Finance Services, Retail, Manufacture, Automotive, Mining, Oil Gas, Dairy and Facility Management.

I have worked in various technologies and platforms such as Microsoft, SAP and Oracle; the full Microsoft BI stack including SQL Server 2017, Azure SQL DB, Azure SQL DW, Azure Data Factory, Azure ML, Power BI, HDInsight Azure Data Lake.

I am User Group Leader for Perth SQL User Group and also a speaker at SQL Server User Group and Power BI World To

Kelly Broekstra

Twitter: - kellybroekstra

LinkedIn: Kelly Broekstra

Kelly is an Information Management, Business Intelligence, and Project Management specialist with over fifteen years’ experience in data warehouse development and a passion for understanding a client’s need to create the most fit for purpose solution achievable. Kelly has considerable practice utilising and adapting best practice principles to extensive BI and data warehousing projects at large and small organisations. Her desire for simplifying the development process while providing the best solution for the client is perfectly suited to the fast-moving BI world.

Kevin Boles

Twitter: - @TheSQLGuru

LinkedIn: Kevin Boles

Kevin Boles is a SQL Server expert, working exclusively with the product since v6.5. With over 25 years of database experience and over 45,000 man hours of SQL Server engine experience, he holds many related certifications, is an MCT and was a SQL Server MVP from 2007 to 2012. Kevin has been a very successful independent consultant for over 20 years. His passion is the relational engine, especially designing, building, analyzing and tuning high-performance database applications.

Rob Farley

Twitter: - rob_farley

LinkedIn: Rob Farley

Contact: http://blogs.lobsterpot.com.au

Rob Farley runs LobsterPot Solutions in Australia, where he’s a consultant in the Microsoft Data Platform and Analytics space. He’s been an MVP since 2006, probably because of his blogging, his presentations around the world, and his dedication to the Adelaide Data Analytics User Group which he has led since before the release of SQL Server 2005. He’s on Twitter at @rob_farley, but you can always email him using rob@lobsterpot.com.au


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