SQLSaturday #589 - Pordenone 2017

Event Date: 02/25/2017 00:00:00

Event Location:

  • Consorzio Universitario di Pordenone
  • Via Prasecco, 3/a
  • Pordenone, Friuli, Italy

PDF of Schedule

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This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.

Title: Data Science for beginners

Abstract: Data science can be hard to grasp, complex and big, but making data science easy to understand and bringing it closer to all who want to tackle this new emerging field is an important task in world of data. Exploring, extracting and finding hidden gems from data using statistical and mathematical methods, computer science and several different technologies is essentially what data science is doing. In practice this means, data science is an iterative process of harvesting data, managing and cleaning the data, performing analysis and and at the end interpreting, visualizing and using information that will bring insights to end-user, business people and making decisions much easier. We will focus on answering 5 simple questions.

1) is this weird? 2) is A better than B, respectively? 3) how much / many of this is needed? 4) this belong to group A? 5) what is next?

Session we will look into technologies that can be tackled using SQL Server 2016 and ML Azure.


  • Tomaž Kaštrun


Title: Analyzing Text with SQL Server, R, and Azure ML

Abstract: Text mining is becoming more and more popular. Everybody would like to understand data from blogs, Web sites, and social media. Microsoft SQL Server in versions 2012 and 2014 enhances full-text search support that was substantially available in previous editions. Semantic Search, a new component in Full-Text Search, can help you understanding the meaning of documents. The Term Extraction and Term Lookup components from SQL Server Integration Services also help with text analysis. Free statistical package / language R is also useful for the text mining tasks. Azure ML is adding additional techniques to the big picture. However, the question arises: is all this enough? This presentation unveils the good and the bad side of text mining with the tools mentioned.


  • Dejan Sarka


Title: Data Quality Services: Let’s clean our data

Abstract: Data quality and data consistency today are big concerns for people working with databases. Data Quality Services (DQS) is a feature introduced in SQL Server 2012, that aims to give users and IT professionals a simple and flexible solution to these problems. It allows to perform cleansing operation on bad data such as: correction, standardization, completion and de-duplication.

In this session we’ll introduce the main concepts of DQS, and its components. We’ll see how to create and build a Knowledge Base, how to implement a Data Quality Project, how to define and manage a Domain. Starting from real world example, we’ll learn how to perform Data Cleansing and Matching and how to define business rules to verify and mantain data integrity.

For those who are working with SQL Server versions prior to 2012, we’ll show some tasks and techniques to implement data quality, exploiting other SQL Server’s suite tools, although DQS is not yet available.


  • Andrea Martorana Tusa

Track and Room: BI/CLOUD - BI/CLOUD

Title: SQL Server Infernals: Worst Practices in Action

Abstract: Let’s face it: Best Practices are too many to really know them all and choose which ones should be applied first. Does your telephone ring all the time? Do your users ask for that “quick report” that instead takes ages and keeps changing every time you think it’s done?

Have you ever thought that in dire times avoiding Worst Practices could be a good starting point and you can leave fine tuning for a better future? If the answer is “yes”, then this session is for you: we will discover together how not to torture a SQL Server instance and we will see how to avoid making choices that in the long run could turn out to be not as smart as they looked initially.


  • Gianluca Sartori

Track and Room: DBA - DBA

Title: Columnstore Indexes: what they are, and how to use them

Abstract: La prima apparizione dei ColumnStore Indexes risale a SQL Server 2012 e, nel corso degli anni, l’aggiunta di numerose funzionalità quali indici aggiornabili e continuo incremento delle performance li hanno resi una scelta appetibile in ambito Enterprise sia per carichi di lavoro DWH che OLTP. Il recente Service Pack 1 di SQL Server 2016, inoltre, estende l’adozione dei CI con le dovute limitazioni in termini di risorse a tutte le edizioni, Express compresa. In questa sessione verranno introdotti i Columnstore Indexes, concentrandosi sulle differenze rispetto ai tradizionali B-Tree, su come utilizzarli al meglio e sulle attenzioni da prestare nel passaggio tra le varie versioni ed edizioni di SQL Server.


  • Francesco Milano

Track and Room: DEV - DEV

Title: Performance tips for faster SQL queries

Abstract: When you need to extract data from the database you are writing, more or less complex, T-SQL code. Often simplistic and procedural approach reflects what you have in your mind, however this could have a negatively impact about performance because the database engine might think otherwise. Fortunately T-SQL, as a declarative language, allows us to ask the “what” and delegate to the engine the “how”. Everything works best as long as you respect a few simple rules and you may use special constructs. In this session, with few slides and a lot of real-case scenarios, you can see the advantages of writing the query for high performance, even when they are written by that “someone else” called ORM.


  • Emanuele Zanchettin

Track and Room: DEV - DEV

Title: Performance Tuning for the Transaction Log

Abstract: SQL Server transaction log is one of the most critical components of the database and in the same time one of the most misunderstood. While being neglected it can easily become a bottleneck for our system. Are you interested in learning how to avoid issues with the transaction log and streamline its work? In these sessions we will explore how to optimize it, configure it and keep it under control.


  • Miroslav Dimitrov

Track and Room: DBA - DBA

Title: Indici e statistiche: quanto e come incidono sull’efficenza dei nostri databases

Abstract: Un modello dei dati relazionale si avvale di indici di varia natura per elevare il grado di efficienza delle queries. Ma lo strumento che l’Engine utilizza per individuare se e quali indici possano soddisfare al meglio una query è l’insieme delle statistiche allestite sulle tabelle e sugli indici. Questa sessione prova ad illustrare il legame tra le due entità e il modo in cui l’ottimizzatore può trarre vantaggio o essere “ingannato”.


  • Gilberto Zampatti

Track and Room: DBA - DBA

Title: Cloud BI with Azure Analysis Services

Abstract: Azure Analysis Services (Azure AS) was released in Public Preview and it gives us possibilities to create full-managed Cloud BI solution without using on-premise servers or VMs, installing and configuring any software. Now, we have full set of PAAS and SAAS services like Azure SQL DWH, Azure AS and Power BI for creating our BI solutions. In this session I will introduce Azure AS and how we can use it together with other Azure services for creating complete BI solution in the cloud.


  • Sergiy Lunyakin

Track and Room: BI/CLOUD - BI/CLOUD

Title: SQL Server 2016 Temporal Database Support - Management, Retention and Performance

Abstract: Dopo una breve introduzione rivolta a chi non avesse ancora approcciato questa nuova feature di SQL Server 2016 si procederà all’analisi delle tecniche per fare della adeguata manutenzione in scenari critici in cui la tabella storica è destinata a crescere in modo (quasi) esponenziale.


  • Pasquale Ceglie

Track and Room: DEV - DEV

Title: SQL Server tuning : start to finish

Abstract: In questa sessione vedremo come preparare la “cassetta degli attrezzi” per effettuare il performance tuning delle query, quali sono gli approcci più efficaci per identificare ed isolare le query più problematiche ed esamineremo le cause più comuni e le relative soluzioni per velocizzare il nostro SQL Server.


  • Danilo Dominici

Track and Room: DBA - DBA

Title: Think work like a Data Scientist with SQL 2016 R

Abstract: What are these DATA Scientists up to? How can we see their statistical model in our day to day familiar tool like Microsoft SQL Server?

You now have answers to these questions and thanks to Microsoft for integrating R Revolution within new SQL Server 2016. We all now have the opportunity to use R packages and see the results within SQL 2016.

In this session, you will definitely take away a breakthrough concept of Advanced R Analytics within SQL 2016 and get ready to kick your creative horse, and go beyond your imagination on how you can build advanced analytics and impress your employers/customers.


  • Dr. Subramani Paramasivam


Title: Big Data with Azure: where to begin? Concepts and best practices

Abstract: In order to ascertain the abilities of cloud computing platform, let us overview what is available offered on Microsoft Azure.

Microsoft Azure has the ability to move, store and analyze data within the cloud. It is essential to evaluate multiple opportunities and options with Microsoft Azure data insights. In this session let us talk about strategies on data storage, data partitioning and availability options with Azure. A tour on how best these Azure components can help you achieve success for your Big Data platform.


  • Satya Jayanty


Title: SQL Server deployment journey, da Dev a Ops

Abstract: Anche il mondo dei database relazionali risente della cultura DevOps. Sarebbe strano il contrario, possiamo fare unit test, possiamo metterlo in scenari di continuous integration, possiamo automatizzare i processi sfruttando sia piattaforme as a service che on premises. In questa sessione proveremo ad implementare una soluzione completa, con tanto di deploy su diversi ambienti, fino alla produzione, il tutto seguendo pratiche DevOps ed utilizzando VSTS ed i suoi plugin. Un walkthrough verso il delivery automatizzato.


  • Alessandro Alpi

Track and Room: DEV - DEV

Title: Securing SQL Server 2016 Databases (IT)

Abstract: SQL Server 2016 e Azure SQL Database hanno introdotto svariate nuove funzionalità legate alla sicurezza. In questa sessione faremo brevemente il punto sulle varie tecnologie disponibili per poi entrare più in dettaglio nelle nuove funzionalità di Data Masking, Row Level Security e Always Encrypted con l’ausilio di dimostrazioni pratiche.


  • Gianluca Hotz

Track and Room: DEV - DEV

Title: Exploring SQL Server Plan Cache

Abstract: In questa sessione esploreremo la Plan Cache, la zona in cui SQL Server memorizza i piani di esecuzione. Si parlerà di come viene gestita e delle tecniche che permettono di scoprire quali sono i piani di esecuzione in cache, da quanto tempo risiedono lì, quante volte sono stati utilizzati e se contengono operatori sub-ottimali come scansioni, operazioni di ordinamento eseguite nel tempdb e altri tipi di warning. Sapere quello che è successo permetterà di sapere cosa è necessario ottimizzare.


  • Sergio Govoni

Track and Room: DBA - DBA

Title: Optimizing Dax

Abstract: Optimizing Dax


  • Marco Pozzan

Track and Room: BI/CLOUD - BI/CLOUD

Title: What’s new on SQL Azure?

Abstract: What’s new on SQL Azure?


  • Marco Parenzan

Track and Room: BI/CLOUD - BI/CLOUD


This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.

Sergiy Lunyakin

Twitter: - slunyakin

LinkedIn: Sergiy Lunyakin

Contact: https://slunyakin.wordpress.com

Sergiy Lunyakin (MCSA, MCSE, MCTS) is a Big Data Architect at SoftServe, Inc. He has extensive experience in designing and developing Big Data Analytics, Data Warehouse, and BI solutions, using both on-premises and cloud products. In 2016, Sergiy became Microsoft Data Platform MVP and has since maintained his MVP status. Sharing knowledge is another one of his passions. He regularly speaks at international conferences such as SQLSaturday, SQLDay, SQLNexus, and SQLBits. He also runs the Lviv SQL Server User Group in Ukraine and organizes SQLSaturday Lviv.

Emanuele Zanchettin

Twitter: - @thinkIT

LinkedIn: Emanuele Zanchettin

Emanuele Zanchettin, after studying in Computer Engineering, began his career with DB2 in the banking sector in 1998. After a few years and a change of scope of application, he encountered Access and Oracle with which he subsequently worked for several years in data access tuning and database design for new application features. Since 2007 he has also launched into the SQLServer world 2K, 2005, 2008* and 201* and more importantly, since 2011, into Azure SQL Database (SQL Azure). In order to have a greater capacity for assessment and familiarity with the various technologies that the market offers, he has deepened his knowledge to include MySQL and DocumentDB. Today Emanuele is mainly involved in IT projects and database management.

Danilo Dominici

Twitter: - @danilo_dominici

Danilo Dominici, lavora con SQL Server sin dalla versione 6.5. Si occupa principalmente di progettazione, implementazione ed ottimizzazione architetturale, monitoring e performance tuning. Alterna le attivit#224; di consulenza a quelle di formatore, speaker ed autore. Microsoft Certified Trainer dal 2000 e SQL Server MVP dal 2014, #232; anche co-leader del PASS Global Italian Virtual Chapter, lo user group quot;virtualequot; in lingua italiana dedicato a SQL Server.

Sergio Govoni

Twitter: - @segovoni

LinkedIn: Sergio Govoni

Contact: https://mvp.microsoft.com/it-it/PublicProfile/4029181?fullName=Sergio%20Govoni

Since 1999 Sergio Govoni has been a software developer; in 2000 he got a degree in Computer Science at “Università degli Studi” in Ferrara (Italy). He has worked for over 18 years in Centro Software, a software house that produces the best ERP for manufacturing companies that are export oriented. Now, he manages the development product team and he is constantly involved on several team projects, where he focues his attention on the architecture and the mission-critical technical details. Since 2016 he is the vice president of the UGISS (www.ugiss.org). For the provided help to technical communities and for sharing his own experience, since 2010 he has received the Microsoft Data Platform MVP award.

Gilberto Zampatti

Time ago (a lot of time ago…) an excellent IT pro brought me with him and became my Mentor in the IT wonderland…it was a world full of mainframes… I met the Relational theory when there were no commercial RDBMS, and I was spellbound by that “magic”. When Microsoft appeared in the IT market, I felt finally which trek I had to follow. I’m still walking on such road, and in my rucksack I’ve ben putting some other stuff (like SharePoint, for example). My sole regret: I’ve left the College to consecrate all my time to my job; curiously, since then, I’ve never stop learning…

Andrea Martorana Tusa

Twitter: - bruco441

Andrea Martorana Tusa is a Business Intelligence Team Manager at Würth Phoenix, the IT and consulting company of the Würth-Group. He is awarded as MVP in the Data Platform category

Former BI Specialist at Widex, a Danish manufacturing company, and BI Developer in the IT department of an Italian banking group. 20+ years of experience working with data. He is focused on the entire BI stack: database development, data warehousing, data analysis, reporting, etc. Andrea is a usual speaker at many events: SQLSaturdays, conferences in Europe and PASS Summit, and for PASS Virtual Groups.

Andrea is an author for sqlshack.com, sqlservercentral.com, and UGISS (User Group Italiano SQL Server).

Satya Jayanty

Twitter: - sqlmaster

LinkedIn: Satya Jayanty

Contact: http://www.sqlserver-qa.net

My experience surrounded with high focus on the data platform with a track record of defining strategy, designing and delivering digital transformation migrations with major enhancements to current working methods. Worked in a capacity of Head of Data Engineering, Enterprise Data Architect and Solutions

Key career accomplishment recognition as an industry expert technical excellence from the Microsoft as Data Platform Most Valuable Professional (MVP) recognition since the year 2006 (13 years as MVP and counting), which recognizes exceptional technical community leaders worldwide who actively deliver, present share their extraordinary contributions, high quality, and real-world expertise. Twitter pod (http://twitter.com/sqlmast

Dejan Sarka

Twitter: - DejanSarka

Contact: http://blogs.solidq.com/dsarka/Home.aspx

Dejan Sarka, MCT and Data Platform MVP, is an independent trainer and consultant that focuses on development of database and business intelligence applications. Besides projects, he spends about half of his time on training and mentoring. He is the founder of the Slovenian SQL Server and .NET Users Group. Dejan Sarka is the main author or co-author of eighteen books about databases and SQL Server. Dejan Sarka has also developed many courses and seminars for Microsoft, Radacad, SolidQ, and Pluralsight.

Sergio Govoni

Twitter: - @segovoni

LinkedIn: Sergio Govoni

Contact: https://mvp.microsoft.com/it-it/PublicProfile/4029181?fullName=Sergio%20Govoni

Since 1999 Sergio Govoni has been a software developer; in 2000 he got a degree in Computer Science at “Università degli Studi” in Ferrara (Italy). He has worked for over 18 years in Centro Software, a software house that produces the best ERP for manufacturing companies that are export oriented. Now, he manages the development product team and he is constantly involved on several team projects, where he focues his attention on the architecture and the mission-critical technical details. Since 2016 he is the vice president of the UGISS (www.ugiss.org). For the provided help to technical communities and for sharing his own experience, since 2010 he has received the Microsoft Data Platform MVP award.

Dr. Subramani Paramasivam

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/dageop

LinkedIn: Dr. Subramani Paramasivam

Contact: http://www.yoursqlman.com/index.php/blogs

Dr.SubraMANI Paramasivam is a Microsoft MVP, PhD, Microsoft Certified Trainer and Head of Data AI at DAGEOP Ltd having 21 years of DB, BI, Analytics and AI experience. Mani has also spoken in various events like MS IGNITE, PASS Summit, MS Inspire, SQLBITS, Power Platform Summit, Global AI Bootcamp, Data BI Summit, SQLRelay, Power BI World Tour, Data Platform Summit, INSIDESQL UK, Global AI Nights, SQLServerGeeks Summit, MCT Global Summits, Data Day Events and various user group events. Mani also believes in Empowering Every Person in the planet and spreads the awareness on Global challenges via www.EmpoweringEveryPerson.com. He is also a co-owner of 1 Global AI Meetup and 3 Power BI PUG PASS local / user groups.

Sergiy Lunyakin

Twitter: - slunyakin

LinkedIn: Sergiy Lunyakin

Contact: https://slunyakin.wordpress.com

Sergiy Lunyakin (MCSA, MCSE, MCTS) is a Big Data Architect at SoftServe, Inc. He has extensive experience in designing and developing Big Data Analytics, Data Warehouse, and BI solutions, using both on-premises and cloud products. In 2016, Sergiy became Microsoft Data Platform MVP and has since maintained his MVP status. Sharing knowledge is another one of his passions. He regularly speaks at international conferences such as SQLSaturday, SQLDay, SQLNexus, and SQLBits. He also runs the Lviv SQL Server User Group in Ukraine and organizes SQLSaturday Lviv.

Gianluca Sartori

Twitter: - http://twitter.com/#!/spaghettidba

LinkedIn: Gianluca Sartori

Contact: http://spaghettidba.com

Gianluca Sartori is a Data Platform MVP, independent consultant and performance tuning specialist. He has been working in the software industry since 1999 and has been working with SQL Server ever since. He also works as a SQL Server trainer and in his spare time he writes technical articles and participates the SQL Server forums. Gianluca enjoys presenting SQL Server topics at conferences in Europe and in Italy in particular. He is currently working as lead DBA at a famous Formula 1 team.

Alessandro Alpi

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/suxstellino

LinkedIn: Alessandro Alpi

Contact: http://suxstellino.wordpress.com/

Alessandro lavora nell#39;IT dal 2000. La passione per l#39;informatica nasce ad 11 anni partendo dal C64 ed oggi #232; CTO di Engage IT Services srl dove si occupa della gestione del team di sviluppo e del contatto tecnico con i clienti. Nel team si occupa anche dell#39;amministrazione e del ciclo di vita dei database. E’ MVP SQL Server dal 2008, #232; anche Microsoft Certified Professional, ed oltre ad essere speaker a diversi eventi Microsoft, segue due blog e risponde sui forum di StackOverflow e MSDN

Dejan Sarka

Twitter: - DejanSarka

Contact: http://blogs.solidq.com/dsarka/Home.aspx

Dejan Sarka, MCT and Data Platform MVP, is an independent trainer and consultant that focuses on development of database and business intelligence applications. Besides projects, he spends about half of his time on training and mentoring. He is the founder of the Slovenian SQL Server and .NET Users Group. Dejan Sarka is the main author or co-author of eighteen books about databases and SQL Server. Dejan Sarka has also developed many courses and seminars for Microsoft, Radacad, SolidQ, and Pluralsight.

Pasquale Ceglie

Twitter: - @pceglie

LinkedIn: Pasquale Ceglie

MCSE - Data Management and Analytics

Francesco Milano

Twitter: - @fmilano

LinkedIn: Francesco Milano

I’ve been working with Microsoft technologies since 2000, and I’m specialized in .NET Framework and SQL Server platform. I focus primarily on back-end development, integration solutions, relational model design and implementation. Starting from 2011 I’m also member of UGISS (Italian SQL Server User Group) and speaker at main italian SQL Server conferences and workshops.

andrea benedetti

Twitter: - @anbenedetti

LinkedIn: andrea benedetti

Contact: http://blogs.technet.com/b/andrea_benedetti_blog/

Andrea Benedetti è Architect SQL Server BI nella divisione Servizi di Microsoft Italia dove ha la responsabilità dei progetti enterprise su tutta la data platform. SQL Server MVP dal 2004 a fine 2011, lavora con SQL Server fin dalla versione 6.5, è intervenuto come relatore in numerosi workshop, conferenze, seminari e roadshow. Appassionato di alpinismo (in solitaria) cura un blog in italiano. Scrive su Twitter come @anbenedetti.

Gianluca Hotz

Twitter: - glhotz

LinkedIn: Gianluca Hotz

Contact: http://www.ghotz.com

Gianluca Hotz is an independent consultant, trainer, speaker and Mentor specialized in architecture, database design, high availability, capacity planning, performance tuning, system integration and migrations for Microsoft SQL Server. He has been working as a consultant in the IT field since 1993 and with SQL Server since 1996. He is among the original founders of ugiss.org, where he served as vice-president from 2001 to 2016 and he is now serving as president, for his contribution to the community he has been a SQL Server MVP since 1998.

Tomaž Kaštrun

Twitter: - @tomaz_tsql

LinkedIn: Tomaž Kaštrun

Contact: http://www.tomaztsql.wordpress.com

Tomaž Kaštrun is BI developer and data analyst. His main focus are data mining, T-SQL development, programming and query optimization. He has been working with SQL server since version 2000. He is Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft MVP for data platform and Microsoft trainer.

Marco Parenzan

Twitter: - @marco_parenzan

LinkedIn: Marco Parenzan

Contact: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcoparenzan/

Marco Parenzan is an independent Cloud and IoT Architect and .NET Developer. He has been awarded as a MVP on Microsoft Azure since 2014. He is a speaker in major community events in Italy about Azure and .NET development. He is a community lead for 1nn0va, an official Microsoft community in Pordenone, Italy. He has written a book on Azure in 2016. He loves developing retrogames and reading comix.

Marco Parenzan è professionista per le architetture Cloud e IoT e lo sviluppo in .NET. Ha ricevuto il titolo di MVP su Microsoft Azure dal 2014. È uno speaker in Italia su Azure e lo sviluppo di .NET. E’ un community lead per 1nn0va, una community ufficiale Microsoft a Pordenone, in Italia. Ha scritto un libro su Azure nel 2016.

Miroslav Dimitrov

Twitter: - @miro_dd

LinkedIn: Miroslav Dimitrov

Contact: http://www.sqlshack.com/author/miroslav-dimitrov/

Miroslav Dimitrov is a Senior Big Data and Analytics Engineer at DXC Technology, regular speaker at various events and Microsoft Certified Trainer. He is MCSE: Data Platform for SQL Server and MCITP on SQL 2008. In the last years he had worked on great variety of customers’ environments and involved in complex transitions and transformation projects as well as developing private and public cloud solutions. Miroslav is also leading database courses at Sofia University.

Marco Pozzan

Twitter: - @marcopozzan

LinkedIn: Marco Pozzan

Contact: http://www.marcopozzan.it

Consultant and trainer in business intelligence, analytics and data mining on Methode . Teacher for ITS courses of data warehouse at the University of Pordenone.


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