SQLSaturday #466 - Montreal 2015
Event Date: 11/21/2015 00:00:00
Event Location:
- Microsoft Office
- 2000 McGill College, 5e étage
- Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.
Title: Visualisation de donn#233;es en mode libre-service
Abstract: Cette conf#233;rence a comme objectif de d#233;montrer comment cr#233;er des visualisations pertinentes dans Excel #224; l’aide de Power View et comment utiliser Sharepoint ou Power BI pour permettre aux membres d’une m#234;me #233;quipe de cr#233;er des visualisations sur des mod#232;les de donn#233;es partag#233;s et de consulter les visualisations des autres membres de leur #233;quipe. Depuis le 24 juillet dernier, Power BI (tout comme Power BI Desktop) utilise un engin de visualisation qui n’est plus Power View (et qui ne requi#232;re plus Silverlight) et cette conf#233;rence propose #233;galement d’illustrer les principales diff#233;rences entre les deux engins de visualisation.
- Sophie Marchand
Track and Room: BI Information Delivery - 2
Title: Query Plans and Indexes in SQL Server
Abstract: Data access can be easy to set up in your applications with wizards and ORMs, but sometimes your queries are just not as fast as you think they should be – especially on those tables that are getting bigger and bigger. In this session, we will take a peek under the hood and see how SQL server answers the questions you ask of it. This is an introductory session, but it will be jam-packed with demos and useful tips that you will be able to use to make your applications more responsive.
- Michael DeFehr
Track and Room: Application Database Development and Administration - 1
Title: The SQL Server Modern DBA
Abstract: What is a modern DBA? Well that depend on what you are doing in your day to day job. The modern DBA is the guy that uses the right tools for the job. SQL Server come with many tools (SSMS SSIS, SSRS) but these tools are not always the right tools for the job. This session will show you tip and trick and different tools for different job. Some of these tools tip and trick may become very useful in your day to day job.
- Jean Rene Roy
Track and Room: Application Database Development and Administration - 1
Title: Analyse Pr#233;dictive - Partie 2
Abstract: Discussion d’un sc#233;nario pr#233;cis: cr#233;ation d’un mod#232;le de donn#233;es pour pr#233;dire quels passagers ont surv#233;cu au naufrage du Titanic. Exploration des donn#233;es dans Excel et Power BI Discussion des concepts statistiques : s#233;lection des variables (co-d#233;pendance) Performance de divers algorithmes, et explications de leurs comportements Comparaison de performance : faux positifs et faux n#233;gatifs, ROC, Recall, Lift Optimisation des param#232;tres d’un algorithme Op#233;rationnalisation du mod#232;le
- Charles Verdon
Track and Room: Azure ML - 2
Title: Improve query performance with the new SQL Server 2016 query store!!
Abstract: The Query Store feature maintains a history of query execution plans with their performance data, allowing you to quickly identify queries that are performing slower recently, allowing administrators or developers to force the use of an older, better plan if required. The Query Store is configured at the individual database level and not on the instance level. This session will discuss the query store and what you can do on an ad-hoc basis or regularly.
- Michelle Gutzait
Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - 2
Title: Analyse Pr#233;dictive - Partie 1
Abstract: Positionnement des technologies de l’analyse pr#233;dictive sous la plateforme de Microsoft: Azure ML, Revolution Analytics (R), HDInsight Spark, SQL Server 2016. Discussion des avantages et differentiation de Azure ML par rapport aux plateformes SAS, IBM SPSS, et IBM Watson Analytics. Introduction #224; l’approche requise pour l’analyse pr#233;dictive et presentation d’une d#233;monstration de Azure ML. Integration des donn#233;es dans Excel, Power BI et applications .NET.
- Charles Verdon
Track and Room: Azure ML - 2
This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.
Michelle Gutzait
Twitter: - mgutzait
LinkedIn: Michelle Gutzait
Contact: http://Google me!
Involved in IT for more than 30 years as a developer, business analyst and database consultant. Worked exclusively with Microsoft SQL Server for the past 20+ years, consulting for many and diverse clients. Skills include everything related to SQL Server: infrastructure and database design, Performance tuning, security, High Availability, consolidation, Disaster Recovery, Cloud migrations and much more! Also active in the community as a speaker and a Blogger. One of the Organizers of the PASS Chapter in Montreal.
Michael DeFehr
Twitter: - @mdefehr
LinkedIn: Michael DeFehr
Contact: http://mikedefehr.com
Michael DeFehr is an independent SQL Server consultant based in Winnipeg, Canada. He is focused on database administration and development using Microsoft SQL Server. A SQL Server MVP, Professional Engineer and MCITP in both Database Development and Administration, Mike has spent the past 15 years producing and maintaining database solutions. Mike specializes in the relational and storage engines and his solutions emphasize performance and simplicity.
Sophie Marchand
Twitter: - lecfomasque
LinkedIn: Sophie Marchand
Contact: http://www.lecfomasque.com/accueil-mon-cher-watson/
Instigatrice du CFO masqu#233;, Sophie Marchand est d#233;tentrice d’une M.Sc. en finance corporative, d’un titre comptable CPA, CGA et d’un titre MVP (Most valuable professional) Excel et d#39;un titre MVP Data Platform de Microsoft, et cumule de nombreuses ann#233;es d’exp#233;rience dans le milieu des affaires. Elle se sp#233;cialise particuli#232;rement en mod#233;lisation financi#232;re et en intelligence d’affaires. #192; ce titre, elle d#233;veloppe des mod#232;les financiers rigoureux, des tableaux de bord sophistiqu#233;s et des outils de gestion performants. Elle offre
Michael DeFehr
Twitter: - @mdefehr
LinkedIn: Michael DeFehr
Contact: http://mikedefehr.com
Michael DeFehr is an independent SQL Server consultant based in Winnipeg, Canada. He is focused on database administration and development using Microsoft SQL Server. A SQL Server MVP, Professional Engineer and MCITP in both Database Development and Administration, Mike has spent the past 15 years producing and maintaining database solutions. Mike specializes in the relational and storage engines and his solutions emphasize performance and simplicity.
Charles Verdon
Twitter: - https://twitter.com/chverdon
LinkedIn: Charles Verdon
Contact: http://blogs.technet.com/b/cansql/
Charles Verdon (@chverdon) is a McGill MBA alum (2013), undergrad at Polytechnique in software engineering (2006). He is a business intelligence architect, now technical seller for Microsoft based in Montreal and covering accounts in Eastern Canada. He worked in the Transport, Retail and Banking industries. Charles is passionate about analytics, activating a data-driven culture and by interactive data visualization.
Charles Verdon
Twitter: - https://twitter.com/chverdon
LinkedIn: Charles Verdon
Contact: http://blogs.technet.com/b/cansql/
Charles Verdon (@chverdon) is a McGill MBA alum (2013), undergrad at Polytechnique in software engineering (2006). He is a business intelligence architect, now technical seller for Microsoft based in Montreal and covering accounts in Eastern Canada. He worked in the Transport, Retail and Banking industries. Charles is passionate about analytics, activating a data-driven culture and by interactive data visualization.
Jean Rene Roy
Twitter: - https://twitter.com/#!/DevTeachConfere
LinkedIn: Jean Rene Roy
Contact: http://www.softdesign.ca/blog
Jean-Ren#233; Roy has been developing IT solution for large and small enterprises since 1987. In 1991 he founded the consulting firm Technologies SoftDesign Inc.
Since that time he has worked on projects for House of Commons, Innovapost, Bell Canada, CGI, CNSC, Kraft, and many other clients assuming the responsibility of Business Analyst, Software Architect,ETL and BI Architect, Software Developers, Analyst, Team leader and mentor. Jean-Ren#233; Roy is a SQL Server Microsoft MVP.
The following is a list of sponsors that helped fund the event: