SQL Saturday New York City 2025 (#1105)

Event Date: 10 May 2025

This event is: in-person

The capacity limit for this event is 400

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Event Details

SQL Saturday New York City is a one day, free training event for data platform professionals.

There is a precon available on Friday. Please click the link for more details.

Precon Tickets are now on sale

There is a precon available on Friday. Please click the link for more details.

Register now


The event is taking place at:
11 Times Sq
New York, NY 10036


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Code of Conduct

There is a code of conduct for this event that all attendees are expected to follow. Please report violations to the organizers If you need to report a Code of Conduct violation, please contact the organizers and send a copy to coc@sqlsaturday.com

Data Privacy

This event adheres to the generic data privacy policy. Please be aware that by registering, you give permission for organizers to share data with sponsors. Sponsors are required to adhere to their own data privacy policy in using this data.

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We're thrilled to announce the preconference workshop at SQL Saturday New York City!

Practical Performance Monitoring & Troubleshooting SQL Server
Friday, May 9 · 8:30am – 4:30pm EST

This full day precon is meant for everyone who finds himself supporting SQL Servers and having to answer questions like “why is the database slow?”. It will teach you techniques for general troubleshooting and performance analysis from start-up to advanced techniques. As a special feature, Andreas will enable access to his demo SQL Server so you can even run SQL queries to analyze the server yourself if you wish (Bring your own device with SSMS). More infos on the Register-page below.
Breakfast and lunch is included! Register soon because space is limited.
Click Here To Register for the PreCon

Speaker Info:
Andreas Wolter is a former Program Manager for Access Control in Azure SQL and SQL Server at Microsoft and responsible for the recent improvements to SQL Server's permission system including the design of the external authorization system used by Purview policies and Azure SQL database in Fabric. He has over 20 years of experience with SQL Server and is one of only 7 Microsoft Certified Solutions Master for Data Platform (MCSM) worldwide. Andreas is the founder of Sarpedon Quality Lab LLC, a consulting company specializing in SQL Server performance, high availability, and security.


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Please note the event is taking place in Eastern Daylight Time UTC -500

The schedule shown below is updated by Sessionize to match your computer's time zone setting.


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This call for speakers is open until January 20, 2025.

The call for speakers is now closed.

Here is a list of speakers for this event:


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Volunteers are very important to a successful event. Please contact the organizer to volunteer.


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Contact the Organizers

The organizers of this event are:


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Sponsorship Plan

The sponsorship plan is available here.


Tags: New York City New York USA physical 2025 North America

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