Event Date: 05 April 2025
This event is: in-person
The capacity limit for this event is 200
Location ● Sponsors ● Pre-cons ● Schedule ● Speakers ● Volunteers ● Contact ● Sponsorship Plans
CountdownSQL Saturday RVA (Richmond, Virginia) is a free one-day training event for IT professionals and students interested in the Microsoft data platform (SQL Server Databases, Business Intelligence, Data Analytics, and more).
The official website is: https://sqlsaturday.com/richmond
Lunch: Available for purchase at the event.
The event is taking place at:
Reynolds Community College
1651 E Parham Rd, Richmond, VA 23228
Location ● Sponsors ● Pre-cons ● Schedule ● Speakers ● Volunteers ● Contact ● Sponsorship Plans
This event has its own code of conduct that all attendees are expected to follow. Please report violations to the organizers. If you need to report a Code of Conduct violation, please contact the organizers and send a copy to coc@sqlsaturday.com
This event adheres to the generic data privacy policy. Please be aware that by registering, you give permission for organizers to share data with sponsors. Sponsors are required to adhere to their own data privacy policy in using this data.
There are sponsorship plans available.
Location ● Sponsors ● Pre-cons ● Schedule ● Speakers ● Volunteers ● Contact ● Sponsorship Plans
Note: The all-day pre-con workshops will be held on Friday, April 4th, and are a separate registration (ticket) from the SQL Saturday RVA event.
Ever used a NOLOCK hint, only to find that nothing broke the next day? Odds are most folks reading this have. So if fire and brimstone did not rain from the sky, why do we worry so much about this hint? What could actually go wrong? SQL Server supports two table types - heaps and tables with clustered indexes. We almost always create a unique clustered index on tables ... but why? Since heaps are part of the product they must have a use case but what is it? Any what is the secret sauce in clustered indexes that makes them so popular? There is a substantial body of best practice information in the SQL Server community. Many of these practices are routinely ignored in some organizations, presumably because the consequences of not following aren't always clear. Come join this full day session for in-depth explanations of _why_ we give some of the advice that we do. Topics covered include query hints, indexing, LINQ to Entities, common table expressions, looping vs set-based operations and more
You can get register for the Friday workshop here: EventBrite Pre-con Tickets
DBA's endeavor to lead a very boring work life. We like to control the environment. We like to be aware of the state of the database footprint. We like to not be surprised. Face it, life as a DBA is most exciting when we are able to work on our pet projects to help us achieve control, automation, security, anonymity, and consistency (or lack of surprises). How we achieve these goals is to first fully understand the health and state of our database footprint. This session is designed to help document your environment and give you an idea of where the hot/pain points will be so they can be addressed. We will discuss:
You can get register for this Friday pre-con here: EventBrite Pre-con Tickets
In this session, we discuss data engineering using Microsoft Fabric Data Factory, compare Azure Data Factory with Fabric Data Factory, and demonstrate how to use Data Factory for data engineering in the modern data enterprise. Topics include:
You can get register for thhis Friday pre-con here: EventBrite Pre-con Tickets
Location ● Sponsors ● Pre-cons ● Schedule ● Speakers ● Volunteers ● Contact ● Sponsorship Plans
Please note the event is taking place in Eastern Daylight Time UTC -5
The schedule shown below is updated by Sessionize to match your computer's time zone setting.
Location ● Sponsors ● Pre-cons ● Schedule ● Speakers ● Volunteers ● Contact ● Sponsorship Plans
The call for speakers is closed.
The call for speakers is now closed.
Location ● Sponsors ● Pre-cons ● Schedule ● Speakers ● Volunteers ● Contact ● Sponsorship Plans
Volunteers are very important to a successful event. Please contact the organizer to volunteer.
Location ● Sponsors ● Pre-cons ● Schedule ● Speakers ● Volunteers ● Contact ● Sponsorship Plans
The organizers of this event are:
Location ● Sponsors ● Pre-cons ● Schedule ● Speakers ● Volunteers ● Contact ● Sponsorship Plans
You can see a list of previous events for this location here
Location ● Sponsors ● Pre-cons ● Schedule ● Speakers ● Volunteers ● Contact ● Sponsorship Plans
| Speaker Event $2,200 | Platinum $1,600 | Gold $1,200 | Silver $800 | Bronze $400 |
Speaker & Volunteer Event Sponsor (Friday evening) | X | | | | |
Sponsor Table w/ 2 chairs | X | X | X | | |
Lunch for 2 sponsor representatives | X | X | X | | |
Participation in event prize drawing | X | X | X | X | |
Unattended table for sponsor info. | | | | X | X |
Logo in Event Program | X | X | X | X | X |
Logo on Event website | X | X | X | X | X |
Social Media mentions | X | X | X | X | X |
Listed as sponsor in event emails | X | X | X | X | X |
Registration Contact List | X | X | X | X | |
Vendor Speaking Session | X | X | X | | |
| | | | | |
Richmond SQL Server Users Group - Sponsorship | Contact event coordinators for pricing & scheduling |
15 min intro at 1 meeting | |
Sponsor designated speaker for 1 meeting | |
Sponsor table at 1 meeting | |
Logo and link on meeting sign-up page |