SQL Saturday Redmond 2025 (#1107) - POSTPONED

Event Date: 29 March 2025

This event is: in-person

The capacity limit for this event is 250

Registration coming soon

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Event Details

Due to a scheduling conflict, this event is postponed for now. We will update the date as soon as we know more.

Please join us for the return of SQL Saturday to NW Washington! SQL Saturday Redmond is a free, all day training event for all data professionals interested in the Microsoft data platform or PostgreSQL.

Lunch: Available for purchase at the event.

Registration coming soon


The event is taking place at:
Redmond Reactor
3709 157th Ave NE
Redmond, WA 98052



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Code of Conduct

This event has its own code of conduct that all attendees are expected to follow. Please report violations to the organizers. If you need to report a Code of Conduct violation, please contact the organizers and send a copy to coc@sqlsaturday.com

Data Privacy

This event adheres to the generic data privacy policy. Please be aware that by registering, you give permission for organizers to share data with sponsors. Sponsors are required to adhere to their own data privacy policy in using this data.

Please Visit Our Sponsors


There are sponsorship plans available.


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The schedule has not been announced yet.


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The call for speakers is open.

The call for speakers is now closed.


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Volunteers are very important to a successful event. Please contact the organizer to volunteer.


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Contact the Organizers

The organizers of this event are:


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Previous Events

You can see a list of previous events for this location here


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Sponsorship Plan

Description Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Blog
Lunch session (if desired) X
Preferred Table Location X X
Sponsorship table at the event X X X
Your logo on event emails X X X X
Raffle item - sponsor provided - $100+ value X X X X
Link to your website/blog X X X X X
Cost $1500 $1000 $500 $250 $50


Tags: Redmons Washington USA physical 2025

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