SQL Saturday San Diego 2024 (#1092)

Event Date: 14 September 2024

This event is: in-person

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Event Details

SQL Saturday SD is a FREE, 100% volunteer ran, training event for IT data professionals. This event offers high-quality technical training on a variety of data-related topics such as:

...and more

This is a great opportunity for all data professionals or students to engage with their peers and learn from Microsoft MVPs and other local and international speakers, not to mention the great networking opportunities that this in-person event will offer. Don't forget to inform your friends and colleagues about the event!

The official website is: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sql-saturday-san-diego-2024-tickets-920448966637

Register now


The event is taking place at:
Universitv Citv Center
6256 Greenwich Drive, San Diego, CA 92122


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Parking Map

Code of Conduct

There is a code of conduct for this event that all attendees are expected to follow. Please report violations to the organizers If you need to report a Code of Conduct violation, please contact the organizers and send a copy to coc@sqlsaturday.com

Data Privacy

This event adheres to the generic data privacy policy.

Please Visit Our Sponsors

Global Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

ViK Sponsor

There are sponsorship plans available.


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Tuning Databases in One Day by Brent Ozar

You've got production databases in SQL Server or Azure SQL DB, and you want to make 'em faster. You need to identify the database's bottleneck, prove the root cause, and then recommend fixes. You want to make the right choice for each bottleneck - should you do index changes, query tuning, or server-level settings?

The class will be a mix of 50% slides, and 50% live demos, with plenty of time for Q&A. We'll even cover 3 sample client findings for the most common performance issues so you can see how I explain the issues to my own clients, and give them proof.

Register today - Admission with Lunch - $149.00

Speaker Info

I'm Brent Ozar, and I do this for a living. In one day, I'll teach you the exact same techniques I use with my clients. I can't teach you everything about what I do in one day - but I'll teach you the most important stuff.

Additional Information

Friday, September 13, 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM PDT
6256 Greenwich Drive San Diego, CA 92122
Lunch included and will be provided by Mendocino Farm


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Please note the event is taking place in Pacific Daylight time UTC-8

The schedule shown below is updated by Sessionize to match your computer's time zone setting.


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The call for speakers is open until Aug 30, 2024.

You can submit a session by clicking the link below. The call for speakers ends on 30 Aug 2024

Submit your session

Here is a list of speakers for this event:


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Volunteers are very important to a successful event. Please contact the organizers to volunteer.


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Contact the Organizers

The organizers of this event are:


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Previous Events

You can see a list of previous events for this location here


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Sponsorship Plan

Please view our sponsorship plan options and contact the organizers.


Tags: San Diego California physical 2024 USA North America

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