SQL Saturday Atlanta 2023 - BI & Data Analytics Edition (#1042)

Event Date: 25 February 2023

This event is: in-person

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Event Details

SQL Saturday Atlanta is an all day event focusing on Business Intelligence and Data Analytics for anyone who is interested in using data in an effective way. This event will also have some sessions that are geared towards high schoolers for gaining understanding of data and usage in the real world.

Event Hotel:

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The event is taking place at:
Innovation Academy
125 Milton Avenue
Alpharetta, GA 30009


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Code of Conduct

There is a code of conduct for this event that all attendees are expected to follow. Please report violations to the organizers If you need to report a Code of Conduct violation, please contact the organizers and send a copy to coc@sqlsaturday.com

Data Privacy

This event adheres to the generic data privacy policy. Please be aware that by registering, you give permission for organizers to share data with sponsors. Sponsors are required to adhere to their own data privacy policy in using this data.

Please Visit Our Sponsors











There are sponsorship plans available.


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There will be three pre conference sessions available on Friday, February 24, 2023. These are:

Regular Price: $150

Note: Precon Location: Microsoft Office Alpharetta - 8000 Avalon Blvd, Suite 900, Alpharetta GA 30009


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Please note the event is taking place in Eastern Daylight Savings time UTC -5

The schedule shown below is updated by Sessionize to match your computer's time zone setting.


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The call for speakers is closed.

The call for speakers is now closed.


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Volunteers are very important to a successful event. Please contact the organizer to volunteer.


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Contact the Organizers

The organizers of this event are:


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Previous Events

You can see a list of previous events for this location here


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Sponsorship Plan

Sponsorship Opportunities

We have a number of sponsorship opportunities available. You can see a list of the plans and benefits below:

Description Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Blog
Speaker dinner sponsored by "Your Name" X
1st choice for table location X
Lunch session (if desired) X X
Advance email to attendees regarding your lunch session X X
Sponsorship table at the event X X X
Attendee list (name + email) X X X
Your logo on event emails X X X X
Raffle item (to attendees) X X X X
Logo on SQL Saturday Atlanta website X X X X X
Link to your website/blog X X X X X
Cost $1500 $1000 $750 $500 $50

This event will be a great opportunity for you to reach out to potential customers at a very nominal cost and help us run this free event successfully.

Please contact us at AtlantaSQLSaturday@gmail.com if you would like to sponsor SQL Saturday Atlanta 2023 - BI & Data Analytics edition. We greatly appreciate your support.


Tags: Atlanta Georgia USA physical 2023 North America BI

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