SQLSaturday #923 - Washington, DC 2019

Event Date: 12/14/2019 00:00:00

Event Location:

  • The Microsoft Technology Center
  • 5404 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 700
  • Chevy Chase, Maryland

PDF of Schedule

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This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.

Title: Power BI In a day Hands-On

Abstract: Attend this Power BI Hands-on comprehensive class with Ravi Kumar to learn how to model your data and how to create beautiful visuals using your data. Full day introductory course will give you a great working knowledge on how Power BI works in general. We will be covering Power BI Desktop and Power BI Service for the following topics:

Power BI Desktop: What is Power BI and what it is not Introduction Connecting to the data Shaping data at query time Modeling Data Dax Calculations Building Reports

Power BI Service: What is Power BI Service Publishing Power BI Desktop file to the Service (Instructor will provide logins to a test Power BI Service tenant) Get the online data Sharing reports and desktops Refreshing the data Mobile Reports

Power BI On Premises Server: How is Power BI On Premises server different from Power BI Service When should you use Power BI Server

SSAS Tabular: What it is and how it integrates with Power BI

Pre-requisite: Power BI Installed


  • Ravi Kumar

Track and Room: BI Information Delivery - Georgia 7054

Title: 10 Steps Towards Global Data Compliance

Abstract: Data compliance in the modern technology landscape feels like a constantly moving target as more and different laws, rules and regulations are passed locally, nationally and internationally. The days when only some organizations or certain countries had to worry about data compliance are gone. It’s everyone’s problem.

However, it is possible to define a core set of processes that will help to enable your ability to assist your business, or government agency, in meeting these compliance requirements. This session will walk you through the 10 steps you need to implement in order to move your organization towards full compliance with any, or all, of the regulations we all now face. From identifying where your data lives to monitoring for compliance and all the steps in between, you can meet this challenge.


  • Grant Fritchey

Track and Room: Strategy and Architecture - Connecticut 7050

Title: CozyRoc: Dynamic Data Flows in SSIS Without Programming

Abstract: This session is an introduction to the unique functionality offered by COZYROC to create integration packages that dynamically map columns at runtime. The standard SSIS Data Flow Task can only use static metadata which is defined when the package is initially designed. The mapping of columns is configured and remains unchanged until the package is re-opened and design changes are made, thus costing maintenance time and effort. Data Flow Task Plus extends the capabilities of the standard Microsoft Data Flow task in that it allows you to set up dynamic data flows, thus eliminating maintenance time and effort. Changes to tables and columns are automatically incorporated at run time without the need to change and redeploy the package. Columns and fields are mapped automatically at run time. Furthermore, the initial design time and effort may be greatly reduced when dealing with huge amounts of data in a large number of files and/or databases.


  • Diane Schuster

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - Connecticut 7050

Title: PowerApps and AI: A Flow of Location Events

Abstract: The Microsoft Power Platform has become an innovative bridge between data interaction, visualization, and analytics. The possibilities have become almost endless for businesses to engage with their data in amazing ways.

In this session, we will create an application using PowerApps and location services to track latitude and longitude coordinates on Bing maps. Attendees will learn how to configure and demonstrate it on a mobile device. I will also show two approaches using AI within the application by using Azure SQL Database, Cognitive Services and Flow. An end-user will be able to leverage Bing Search for location-aware web searches, while an administrator will be able to leverage the Azure SQL Database and Flow to send alerts based on predefined metrics.


  • Jeremy Frye

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - North Carolina 7022

Title: “Schadenfreude” - Let’s enjoy the mistakes other people made…

Abstract: This session will show a lot of things in the world of data that went very, very wrong… And yes you are welcome to have a laugh at the misfortune of other people (or as the german speaking population would call it: Let’s have some “Schadenfreude”! After a log day, come in and have some fun before the evening event starts


  • Thomas Grohser

Track and Room: Other - Connecticut 7050

Title: When to use Indexing Pro Features

Abstract: Using the right index for the right scenario can be the “go fast” button that keeps queries and customers happy.

Over the years, Microsoft has given us many different indexing options and flavors. Today there are many more considerations beyond “clustered or non clustered”. We’ll cover all those different flavor options: Filtered, Compressed, Columnstore, included columns, and Partitioning.

We won’t only talk about what these options are, we’ll also cover how and when to use these different indexing options, and how to make sure you have enough–but not too many–indexes for your workload.


  • Andy Mallon

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Connecticut 7050

Title: Docker for the SQL Server Developer

Abstract: Containerization with Docker is a hot topic these days, and SQL Server’s ability to run in-side Docker containers on both Windows and Mac has revolutionized the way develop-ers work with Microsoft’s venerable database engine. This dynamic session starts with a quick introduction to Docker and how it utilizes OS virtualization in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019 to provide isolation across multiple containers running on your machine. Then you’ll see how fast and easy it is to spin up any number of SQL Server in-stances to run in both Windows and Linux containers simultaneously. Get bit by the Docker bug, and you’ll never go through the pain of installing SQL Server on your devel-opment machine ever again!


  • Leonard Lobel

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Delaware 7052

Title: Performance Troubleshooting for the Accidental DBA

Abstract: Were you roped into “taking care” of SQL Server, gaining the “coveted” title DBA? (Had you only known…)

Do you have to deal with frequent performance problems like the app throwing timeouts at the users or the daily reports closing in on 24 hours runtime?

Does it seem, constant blocking or frequent deadlocks are now a common part of your daily agenda? So, how do you even know where to start? Do you “add more indexes”, “increase memory”, “buy a new SAN”, “update statistics”, “move to the cloud”, or something else entirely?

The good news: SQL Server provides the tools you need to clear the fog and identify exactly what the problem is.

In this session, we’ll take a look at the query store, wait stats, live execution plans and more. After attending you’ll have the tools you need to be able to quickly identify the exact culprit in any low-performance situation.

And, next time your boss breathes down your neck, you might even be able to point out that SQL Server is not the problem.


  • Sebastian Meine

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Georgia 7054

Title: Data Virtualization with PolyBase

Abstract: PolyBase is Microsoft’s data virtualization technology, allowing you to integrate SQL Server with external systems such as Hadoop and Azure Blob Storage. As of SQL Server 2019, PolyBase also allows you to connect to diverse systems such as Oracle, MongoDB, Cosmos DB, Teradata, Apache Spark, and even other SQL Server instances. In this talk, we will walk through the mechanics of PolyBase, showing how we can write T-SQL queries to access data from heterogeneous sources. We will investigate the Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) and other resources needed to tease out what the PolyBase engine is doing behind the scenes and where to go when things break down. Finally, we will look at several interesting use cases for PolyBase in the modern data environment.


  • Kevin Feasel

Track and Room: Application Database Development - North Carolina 7022

Title: Azure Data Factory Deep Dive

Abstract: This immersive full day hands on session will arm you with all the skills you need to build and orchestrate pipelines using Azure Data Factory v2 that solve both traditional data integration problems and also adapt to newer challenges such as real-time and complex event processing. We will start with a conceptual overview, and then explore using metadata to build scalable serverless pipelines to move data from disparate data sources including On-Premises and Platform As A Service. We will look at how to leverage SSIS Lift and shift to maximize reuse for your existing code base and review the pros and cons of this approach. We will dive deep and cover the design patterns and architectures for modern data warehouses and big data pipelines. We will also review best practices for operationalizing solutions including configuring monitoring, logging and alerting and implementing DevOps and CI/CD. This day is everything you need to do amazing things with Azure Data Factory.


  • Jason Horner

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - Delaware 7052

Title: Introduction to M (a.k.a Power Query)

Abstract: When it comes to getting your data into Excel or Power BI, M is your best choice. The M Language (A.K.A Power Query) is a powerful tool for self-service data preparation. However, it’s not clear where it fits compared to tools like SSIS or TSQL. It’s also not clear what it’s limitations are. This session will cover the basics of M and when to use it.

In this session, we’ll demonstrate how M is a linear series of transformations, just like a set of steps from a recipe. We’ll show how 80% of what you will ever need to do can be done from the GUI. We’ll also talk about how to write custom code for that other 20%. By the end of this presentation, you’ll be able to take any manual cleanup you do today and turn it into a repeatable process with M.


  • Eugene Meidinger

Track and Room: BI Information Delivery - 7030

Title: Two Truths That’s A Lie: Data Visualization Ethics

Abstract: Data visualization is an impactful and influential method of telling a story, so it’s important to be as open and truthful as possible when telling your story. The Society of Professional Journalists have a code of ethics that begins with a single mission, “Seek Truth and Report It”, but what is truth in data? Data can tell multiple stories. How do we protect our company and reputation?

In this session, we will discuss how everything from color to chart can be used to change the meaning of visualization. We will cover the things that influence and manipulate. Finally, we will put it all together, creating two opposing stories using the same data-set.


  • Jonathan Stewart

Track and Room: Analytics and Visualization - 7030

Title: Real-World Data Movement and Orchestration Patterns using Azure Data Factory V2

Abstract: In this session, we will start with an overview of Azure Data Factory V2 concepts, then show you how you can use metadata to quickly build scalable serverless pipelines to move data from disparate data sources including On-Premises and Platform As A Service. Next, we will look at how to integrate the solution using continuous integration and deployment techniques. Finally, we will look at how to schedule, monitor and log our solution. Whether you are just getting started with Azure Data Factory or looking to make your current data factory robust and enterprise-ready this session will take you to the next level.


  • Jason Horner

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - Pennsylvania 7024

Title: Streamline Database Deployments

Abstract: Have you tried implementing source control? How has your continuous integration (CI) process gone?

This session is for developers, database administrators, database engineers, and data architects that want to automate their database deployments. Particularly for those individuals that have hit roadblocks along that way. We will discuss the differences between migration and stated-based deployment methods. We will also discuss options with branching and merging.

At the end of the session, attendees will know how to select the best deployment method for their environment. In addition, attendees will be familiar with branching and merging strategies that can be used as part of their continuous integration strategy.

Attendees should be familiar with general concepts about source control and be comfortable with Visual Studio or VS Code.


  • Elizabeth Noble

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Connecticut 7050

Title: The SQL Server Performance Tasting Menu

Abstract: You’re a DBA or Developer, and you’ve been using SQL Server for a few years.

You know there are different ways to make queries faster, but you’re not sure when to use them.

I’m Erik Darling, and I’ll be your sommelier for the evening.

Over several courses of delicious demos, I’ll show you the types of performance problems different tuning techniques pair well with, and which ones to avoid.

When we’re done, you’ll understand exactly what patterns to look for when you’re troubleshooting slow queries, and how to approach them.

You’ll have the secret recipe for gourmet queries.


  • Erik Darling

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Connecticut 7050

Title: Recognizing Tempdb Performance Bottlenecks

Abstract: Tempdb is a shared resource on a SQL server instance which can present specific challenges. Knowing how to configure and troubleshoot tempdb is critical. In this session, we will discuss what makes tempdb unique, best practices for its configuration, how to identify and resolve common performance bottlenecks, and the newest tempdb features in SQL 2019.


  • Kat Edrington

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - 7030

Title: Profiling Your Data

Abstract: Have you ever started a warehouse or ETL project and realized that the data wasn’t as “clean” as you were told? If only you had profiled your data before you started then you wouldn’t have to rework design elements, change code or redesign your database. In this session we will talk about what data profiling is, why you should do it and how you can do it with tools that are already included in the SQL Server BI stack.


  • Angela Henry

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Pennsylvania 7024

Title: Networking 101: Getting Ready for a SQL Event

Abstract: Looking to get the most out of your SQLSaturday, PASS Summit, or local user group meeting? Plan ahead! Events aren’t just about learning new things, they’re about meeting new people, networking with peers, and learning different approaches to common issues.

In this session, we’ll go over steps you can take before, during and after the event to maximize the amount of great stuff you’ll take away at the end (besides cool vendor swag). Not just keeping up on new technologies, but meeting new people, getting leads on solutions/opportunities, and an appreciation for the community you’re in and what it has to offer.


  • Matt Cushing

Track and Room: Professional Development - 7030

Title: Common TSQL Mistakes

Abstract: We are going to examine a variety of oopsies MANY developers fall prey too - some obvious, some pretty subtle and some down right sneaky! Lots of code examples with the bad AND good code presented. I GUARANTEE that you will find things here that will either prevent you from getting bad data, throwing unwanted errors or vastly improving your database application’s performance. I have given this talk over 100 times now and it is always very highly rated!


  • Kevin Boles

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Georgia 7054

Title: How UCF IT uses Power BI to monitor our IT Services

Abstract: Curious how to monitor your IT Services using Power BI? Come see how UCF tracks our IT services to ensure our staff, students, and faculty are meeting their teaching, learning, research, and service objectives. Utilizing ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) practices, ServiceNow data, and Power BI we are able to take quantitative information and turn it into graphical visualizations to aid leadership and our customers in making informed decisions.


  • Priscilla Camp

Track and Room: BI Information Delivery - Pennsylvania 7024

Title: Big Data Clusters for the Absolute Beginner

Abstract: Are you a DBA or data professional working with out-dated technology or feel your skills are quickly becoming irrelevant? Stay ahead in today’s ever changing tech space and take your career to the next level.

Join Mohammad Darab this session to explore the cutting-edge technology that SQL Server 2019 has to offer: Big Data Clusters.

Topics include: -Big Data Cluster architecture and its components such as: Containers, Kubernetes and the newly enhanced Polybase -Unique advantage of SQL Server Big Data Clusters -Data Virtualization, Scale-out Data Marts, and Data Hub concepts


  • Mohammad Darab

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - North Carolina 7022

Title: Moving to SQL 2019- A primer for the unaware!

Abstract: SQL 2019 is coming here to stay. Do you know how to move to SQL 2019? In this riveting session we will learn about

  1. New Features of SQL 2019
  2. Why you need to migrate?
  3. How to upgrade/move to SQL 2019
  4. Certifying your application for SQL 2019- A tricky question and discussion
  5. Compatibility level and things you normally wouldn’t care for!
  6. Changes in functionality and caveats
  7. The holy trinity: “Database Migration Guide”, “Database Experimentation Assistant” and “Query Tuning Assistant”; tools that make your life easy.
  8. A direct look into the “MAP Toolkit” Time permitting we will demo these.


  • Paresh Motiwala

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Delaware 7052

Title: Case Study: How I used SharePoint, Flow, PowerApps, and Forms to build a Speaker Database

Abstract: In this case study, I detail how I went about designing and implementing a Speaker Database for the Project Management Institute using SharePoint, Flow, Power Apps, and Microsoft Forms. We will do a brief intro of what each technology is and it’s pros and cons, and then dive into what I learned about each, each strengths and weaknesses, and how I was able to build a functional Speaker Database.


  • Sarah Patrick

Track and Room: Application Database Development - North Carolina 7022

Title: SQL Server on your fingertips

Abstract: You are a DBA, you are the Elite of Database World. Your time is valuable and you should not make a typing mistake. In the first hour we’ll go through the most common SSMS keyboard shortcuts and I’ll show you how to setup your own shortcuts with your own queries. In the second hour I’ll show you how to set the best SQL queries developed by the best brains in the industry in your own SSMS and apply it to your environment.


  • Slava Murygin

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Delaware 7052

Title: Building your Microsoft Business Intelligence (MSBI) Career

Abstract: Are you excited to know about the MSBI tools and work as a Business Intelligence Professional, a dynamic and rewarding career in Information Technology? If yes, this is the right time and place for you. In this session, I will give you the overview of the MSBI tools (SSIS, SSRS, SSAS, Power BI, Azure Analytics). I will also provide you some insights to build the MSBI career and to leverage the learning curve in Microsoft Data Platform, based on my knowledge and experience, the proven strategies and techniques.


  • Ganesh Lohani

Track and Room: Professional Development - Pennsylvania 7024

Title: Introduction To Data Governance

Abstract: Data Governance has been seen by many as a very SCARY and BIG thing requiring biblical efforts to understand and more so to implement. Our discussion will provide context for what, why, and how of Data Governance. You will have an understanding of this and more importantly a road map for how to begin to implement and evangelize within the organization.


  • Warren Sifre

Track and Room: Strategy and Architecture - Delaware 7052

Title: A Beginner’s Guide to Seven Practices that Kill Performance

Abstract: Are you a relative newcomer to SQL Server and want to get into performance tuning? Or maybe you just want to expand your knowledge of hidden performance killers?

Then join me for a survey of seven worst practices that kill performance in SQL Server. In this demo-filled session, we will cover a mix of administrative and T-SQL development practices, making this session suitable for DBAs and developers alike! Topics include server configuration mistakes, T-SQL parallelism, and TempDB headaches.

When you leave, you’ll be armed with knowledge and tools to tackle your current workloads and hit the ground running.


  • Andy Yun

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Georgia 7054

Title: Azure SQL Managed Instance - Technical Overview, Deployment, Best Practices and Monitoring

Abstract: In this session you will learn the Managed instance deployment, best practices, challenges and monitoring capabilities with real-time scenarios and demos.


  • Kavitha Saravanan

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - Georgia 7054

Title: Integrating On-Premises Data with Azure-based Applications

Abstract: Azure applications (PowerBI, Power Apps, AI Machine Learning, etc) can greatly enhance business processes. Most organizations, however, have already invested in on-premises infrastructure for storing their data (database file servers). The problem therefore is: How can you use on-prem data sources with cloud-based (Azure) applications?

In this session, we will look at using an Azure On-Premises Data Gateway to integrate local (on-prem) data sources with Azure-based applications.


  • Jamie Wick

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - Pennsylvania 7024

Title: Query Plans For Visual Learners

Abstract: You’ve looked at query plans and done some tuning, but you’re not sure what’s going on underneath. Hash Match? Merge Join? Watch both come to life in animations, and more! See (not just hear) the inner workings of a plan, and learn about the details that matter for performance. When plans make sense, tuning will become easier, and maybe even fun!


  • Forrest McDaniel

Track and Room: Application Database Development - 7030

Title: Intro to Query Store

Abstract: In this session, we will look at the new Query Store feature in SQL Server 2016, 2017, and 2019. Query Store tracks changes in execution plans, allowing you to easily view performance differences and revert to older plans with a few clicks of the mouse in 2016.

Then in 2017, Microsoft added wait stats per query plan and Automatic Plan Correction capabilities. Allowing DBAs more tools to troubleshoot fires with and a way to automatically resolve issues.

In this session, we will walk through the features of Query Store, so you can understand how to use them in SQL Server 2016, 2017, and 2019.


  • Tracy Boggiano

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Georgia 7054

Title: Total Server Performance Tuning

Abstract: You’ve been working with SQL Server for a few years, and you’re sick and tired of not being able to understand how it all works. Every day, you stare at monitoring tool charts and graphs, wait stats, and widgets, and none of it seems to add up. In this fast paced full day of demos, I’m going to show you how queries interact with your server, and each other. You’ll discover that concurrency isn’t just about locking and blocking; concurrency is also about hardware. I’m going to teach you how to diagnose your worst server issues and practical ways to solve them.


  • Erik Darling

Track and Room: Analytics and Visualization - Connecticut 7050

Title: Speak Easy Snowflake

Abstract: We know TSQL, can you speak ANSI SQL 92? Snowflake’s use of SQL 92 can produce some unique translating challenges. We will share some lessons learned while we all begin to speak easy snowflake.


  • Sarah Whitworth

Track and Room: BI Information Delivery - North Carolina 7022

Title: Power BI and Analysis Services Tabular: How they work together a

Abstract: Power BI and Analysis Services Tabular are related at a very deep level. Come to this session and look at examples on how they are related, how they work with each other, and how it should be deployed in a mid to large level organization.


  • Ravi Kumar

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - Pennsylvania 7024


This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.

Erik Darling

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/erikdarlingdata

Contact: https://erikdarlingdata.com/blog/

Erik Darling started using SQL Server after a dispute with Excel over a vlookup. He enjoys public arguments with the optimizer and wine photography.

Tracy Boggiano

Twitter: - TracyBoggiano

LinkedIn: Tracy Boggiano

Contact: http://databasesuperhero.com

Tracy Boggiano is a Senior Database Administrator for DocuSIgn. She has spent over 20 years in IT, using SQL Server since 1999, and is currently certified as an MCSE Data Platform. Tracy has worked on SQL Server since 6.5. She has spoken at local user groups and numerous SQLSaturdays. She is currently a co-leader of a TriPASS Local Group in Raleigh, NC.

Tracy also tinkered with databases in middle school to keep her sports card collection organized. She blogs at databasesuperhero.com.

Her passion outside of SQL Server is volunteering with foster children as their advocate in court through volunteerforgal.org and being a mental health advocate as part of the PAIMI NC Advisory Council.

Matt Cushing

Twitter: - Sqlkohai

LinkedIn: Matt Cushing

Contact: http://sqlkohai.com

Matt started out his career in Accounting and quickly realized he liked data a whole lot more! Starting as a help desk associate, he’s moved through support, development, data, and management positions before settling back to his passion for data.

Currently working for Applegate Farms in NJ, he loves the people he works with and for, and the company as a whole. Thanks to the input and help from the SQL community, he was able to be ready for the right opportunity in his current position as a BI developer. He also teaches a Database Management class at Rutgers University.

Ask him about the Red Sox sometime if you want your ear talked off ;).

Kevin Boles

Twitter: - @TheSQLGuru

LinkedIn: Kevin Boles

Kevin Boles is a SQL Server expert, working exclusively with the product since v6.5. With over 25 years of database experience and over 45,000 man hours of SQL Server engine experience, he holds many related certifications, is an MCT and was a SQL Server MVP from 2007 to 2012. Kevin has been a very successful independent consultant for over 20 years. His passion is the relational engine, especially designing, building, analyzing and tuning high-performance database applications.

Sarah Whitworth

Twitter: - stackqSQL

LinkedIn: Sarah Whitworth

Sarah is a self starter with a passion for Information Technology. She is Microsoft Certified, carries 2 Bachelor Degrees, and is in a permanent mode of Continuous Self Improvement. Although not having spent a lot of time in the world of Data, the time she has spent has been working as; SQL DBA working through Performance Tuning, Replication and Process Automation; Analytics working with Power BI, Snowflake, SSRS, SSIS, and many other tools, Power Shell Development and more.

Angela Henry

Twitter: - SQLSwimmer

LinkedIn: Angela Henry

Contact: http://SQLSwimmer.com

Angela is a Solution Architect, living in High Point, NC and loves what she does. She’s worked with all versions of SQL Server worn all the hats that come with dealing with SQL Server throughout the years: developer, administrator, data architect and BI developer. She has her MSCE in Data and Analytics (f.k.a., Business Intelligence), is a Data Platform MVP, and a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT). She is the former chapter leader for the PASS Triad SQL User Group in Greensboro, NC. In her spare time you can probably find her in or at the pool, she’s an avid US Masters Swimmer, Coach and Instructor.

Priscilla Camp

Twitter: - ITDataDiva

LinkedIn: Priscilla Camp

Contact: https://itdatadiva.com

Priscilla Camp is a Business Intelligence and Analytics Specialist at the University of Central Florida. She has over 9 years of experience in the field of IT working as a Business Intelligence Analyst. Priscilla started her career working for a startup small business in 2010 and several years later moved over to the Higher Education Industry where she currently resides. Priscilla’s focus is T-SQL, Data Warehousing, MS Power BI, and B.I. Strategy. She is also the Leader of the Orlando Power BI User Group.

Sebastian Meine

Twitter: - @sqlity

LinkedIn: Sebastian Meine

Contact: http://sqlity.net/en/blog/

Sebastian Meine, Ph.D. is the SQL Stylist behind sqlity.net llc. In 2010 he founded sqlity.net to fully engage in his passion for SQL Server. Armed with a Ph.D. in Computer Science and years of experience in architecting DBs for a global Fortune 50 company, Sebastian now provides training and consulting services for his clients, specializing in SQL Server Security, Test Driven Development and Performance. Sebastian is an experienced public speaker, published author, president of the Philly PASS Chapter, PASS Regional Mentor and coauthor lead developer of tSQLt.

Kat Edrington

Twitter: - RxSQLKat

Kat is a Database Administrator at Dynaxys, LLC in Silver Spring, Maryland. Kat has 8 years of experience with both systems and database administration. She holds degrees from the UMUC and the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy along with multiple industry certifications.

Erik Darling

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/erikdarlingdata

Contact: https://erikdarlingdata.com/blog/

Erik Darling started using SQL Server after a dispute with Excel over a vlookup. He enjoys public arguments with the optimizer and wine photography.

Thomas Grohser

LinkedIn: Thomas Grohser

Thomas Grohser has spent most of the past 26+ years exploring the deeper inner workings of SQL Server and its features while working for entertainment, pharmaceutical, and financial services industries. His primary focus is to architect, plan, build, and operate reliable, highly available, secure, and scalable infrastructures for SQL Server. Over the years he has managed thousands of SQL Server instances, processing trillions of rows, taking up petabytes of storage. Thomas has been a Microsoft Data Platform MVP for 9 years and has spoken regularly at conferences, SQLSaturdays, and user groups for 12 years.

Eugene Meidinger

Twitter: - @sqlgene

Contact: http://www.sqlgene.com

Eugene Meidinger works as a BI consultant and full time Pluralsight author. He currently focuses on content on Power BI and related products. He also leads the Pittsburgh Power BI User Group. He is certified in querying and administering SQL Server.

Kevin Feasel

Twitter: - feaselkl

LinkedIn: Kevin Feasel

Contact: http://www.catallaxyservices.com

Kevin Feasel is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and CTO at Envizage, where he specializes in data analytics with T-SQL and R, forcing Spark clusters to do his bidding, fighting with Kafka, and pulling rabbits out of hats on demand. He is the lead contributor to Curated SQL (https://curatedsql.com), president of the Triangle Area SQL Server Users Group (https://www.meetup.com/tripass), and author of PolyBase Revealed (https://www.apress.com/us/book/9781484254608). A resident of Durham, North Carolina, he can be found cycling the trails along the triangle whenever the weather’s nice enough.

Warren Sifre

Twitter: - WAS_SQL

LinkedIn: Warren Sifre

Contact: http://www.broadstrokeconsulting.com/blog/, http://www.allegient.com

Warren Sifre has been in the IT community since 1998 and has worked in a variety of industries deploying solutions utilizing MS SQL Server in one capacity or another. In 2003, he decided to make SQL Server his mastery and has since developed skills in most defined disciplines of MS SQL. Currently he is a Principal Consultant and Technology Leader with Moser Consulting. He is responsible for BI Solution Architecture and the mentorship of team members. He has been a SQLSaturday Speaker since 2012, Azure Global Bootcamp, and many user groups in 2015 alone. He has a passion for knowledge transfer and solutions architecture, with a keen interested in Info Security.

Diane Schuster

LinkedIn: Diane Schuster

Diane has worked with COZYROC since 2012. She has attended numerous SQLSaturdays to shine the light on the time-saving and capability-extending components and tasks that COZYROC offers in it’s SSIS+ library. Without even having a background in databases or SQL Server, Diane successfully configures packages in live demonstrations that use COZYROC components and tasks. She believes that, if the toolkit is this easy to use for a novice, then just imagine what a SQL Server expert can do with it!

In Diane’s data networking days, Diane performed a variety of development-related and customer-facing roles for IBM, Lucent Technologies, North Carolina State University and Connectware.

Slava Murygin

Twitter: - SlavaSQL

LinkedIn: Slava Murygin

Contact: http://slavasql.blogspot.com/

Started working with SQL Server 7.0 as DBA and Developer. Since then went through all SQL Server versions, migrations and multiple companies of different sizes and industries. Currently working as a contractor with all aspects of SQL Server, including, but not limited to: troubleshooting performance, designing/developing: databases, systems, processes, data warehouses, cubes, reports, ETLs; Refactoring old code; Migrating data from other systems to SQL Server; Securing the data on enterprise level.

Jamie Wick

Twitter: - Jamie_Wick

LinkedIn: Jamie Wick

Contact: http://blog.wicktech.net

Jamie Wick is the Systems Database Engineer for The College of William Mary and has been working with SQL databases for the past 10+ years. His background includes working for several years as a SQL SysAdmin for the University of Queensland (Australia), a Masters degree in Computer Information Systems from Boston University, and assorted Microsoft SQL certifications. He is the Chapter Leader of the Richmond SQL Server Users Group, a volunteer and speaker at regional SQL events (User Groups/SQLSaturdays), helps run the SQLSaturday RVA events, and is an avid photographer.

Sarah Patrick

Twitter: - sarahepatrick

LinkedIn: Sarah Patrick

Sarah has presented at several TechGirlz workshops for the Boys and Girls Club of Harford County, as an advocate for women in STEM. Sarah graduated from the Science and Mathematics Academy in Aberdeen, MD in May 2018, where she presented her senior capstone project “Engineering peer credibility via mastery of roles,” where she designed roles for an ad hoc team. She worked with an army professional from CERDEC. She is currently attending the University of Maryland - College Park to major in Information Science. Sarah completed an internship with the Project Management Institute, helping them with their Professional Development Event, and worked as at the SharePoint Intern at Smithsonian Institution’s Office of the Chief Information Officer.

Andy Mallon

Twitter: - AMtwo

LinkedIn: Andy Mallon

Contact: http://www.AM2.co

Andy is a Data Platform MVP and SQL Server DBA that has managed databases in the healthcare, finance, e-commerce, and non-profit sectors. He has been supporting high-volume, highly-available OLTP environments with demanding performance needs since 2003.

Andy is the founder of the BostonSQL User Group, and previous co-organizer of SQLSaturday events in Boston. He blogs at am2.co.

Andy lives just outside Boston, Massachusetts, USA with his husband and their two dogs.

Leonard Lobel

Twitter: - @lennilobel

LinkedIn: Leonard Lobel

Contact: http://lennilobel.wordpress.com

Leonard Lobel (Microsoft MVP, Data Platform) is CTO and co-founder of Sleek Technologies, Inc., a New York-based development shop with an early adopter philosophy toward new technologies. He is also a principal consultant at Tallan, Inc., a Microsoft National Systems Integrator and Gold Competency Partner.

Programming since 1979, Lenni specializes in Microsoft-based solutions, with experience that spans a variety of business domains, including publishing, financial, wholesale/retail, health care, and e-commerce. Lenni has served as chief architect and lead developer for various organizations, ranging from small shops to high-profile clients. He is also a consultant, trainer, and frequent speaker at local usergroup meetings, VSLive, SQL PASS, and other industry conferences.

Lenni has also authored several MS Press books and Pluralsight courses on SQL Server programming.

Andy Yun

Twitter: - SQLBek

LinkedIn: Andy Yun

Contact: http://sqlbek.wordpress.com

Andy Yun is a SentryOne Principal Solutions Engineer and a former Microsoft MVP. He has been working with SQL Server for nearly 20 years as both a Database Developer and Administrator. Leveraging knowledge of SQL Server Internals and extensive experience in highly transactional environments, he strives to make T-SQL leaner and meaner. Andy is extremely passionate about passing knowledge onto others, regularly speaking at User Groups, SQLSaturdays, and PASS Summit. Andy is a co-founder of the Chicago SQL Association, co-Chapter Leader of the Chicago Suburban User Group, and part of the Chicago SQLSaturday Organizing Committee.

Elizabeth Noble

Twitter: - SQLZelda

LinkedIn: Elizabeth Noble

Elizabeth Noble is a Director of Database Development in the metro Atlanta area. When she was introduced to her first database over 10 years ago, it was love at first sight. Her passion is to help others improve the quality and speed of deploying database changes through automation. When she is not trying to automate all of the things, she can be found spending time with her dogs, playing disc golf, or taking a walk at the gym.

Paresh Motiwala

Twitter: - pareshmotiwala

LinkedIn: Paresh Motiwala

Contact: https://pareshmotiwala.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=2amp;action=editamp;message=6amp;postpost=v2

Paresh Motiwala a Azure/Big Data enthusiast, Manager of Database Platform teams has led several large SQL implementations, migrations and upgrades. He has managed multi terabyte OLTP databases. He has also been a Sr. SQL DBA and a Solutions Architect in Fortune 100 companies. He helps/organizes and speaks at many SQLSaturdays, Azure Bootcamp, Azure Datafests and User Groups(Boston BI UG, NESQL, PASS PD VG and PASS DBA VG).

He is certified in Big Data Analytics, FinTech, PMP, Public Speaking, Business Communications. He is a avid singer, cook, open networker, and stand-up comedian. He teaches public speaking, debating, interviewing and group discussion skills and mentors children around the globe via www.circlesofgrowth.com

Forrest McDaniel

Twitter: - tsqladdict

Contact: https://www.forrestmcdaniel.com

Simply put, Forrest is a nerd. For over a decade he’s applied his math skills in various industries, and has become specialized in SQL Server performance. His current goal is to animate all the operator algorithms in query plans.

Mohammad Darab

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/mwdarab

LinkedIn: Mohammad Darab

Contact: https://mohammaddarab.com

Mohammad Darab is a Microsoft Data Professional, speaker and blogger with over 19 years of IT professional experience, 10+ years of that working with SQL Server. Some areas of his focus are the database engine, HA/DR, and security. He is currently an MCITP, MCP, as well as an IDERA ACE Class of 2019.

Ravi Kumar

Twitter: - @sqlravi

I have over 12 years of experience working with SQL Server and Business Intelligence Technology. My current focus is cloud technologies: Power BI, Azure Analysis Services, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Azure Data Factory. As a PFE at Microsoft, I regularly deliver 2 - 4 day training workshops.

Ganesh Lohani

LinkedIn: Ganesh Lohani

Ganesh Lohani has 10 years of experience working with Business Intelligence platform and Data Analytics, with over 8 years of experience with MS BI tools and Business Intelligence processes. He is currently working for Stericycle as a senior Business Intelligence Developer. He also enjoy his evening and weekend time in providing online training, coaching and mentoring individuals who want to learn MSBI (T – SQL, SSIS, SSRS, SSAS, and Power BI ) products. He holds MSIS degree from University of Texas at Arlington.

Jason Horner

Twitter: - jasonhorner

LinkedIn: Jason Horner

Contact: http://blog.jasonhorner.com

Hi, my name is Jason I’m a practice lead at Redapt. I spend most of my day helping clients solve business problems mostly in the Data and Advanced Analytics spaces. Sometimes this involves various and sundry cloud technologies including Azure Data Factory, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Azure Data Lake Store, Azure Databricks, HDInsight and Azure SQL Database. I’m fluent in several languages including: SQL, C#, Python, and PowerShell.

I’m a Microsoft Certified Master of SQL Server (MCM) and have been recognized for my technical excellence and evangelism efforts by Microsoft by being awarded the Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for the last 5+ years.

In my off hours I like to snowboard, karaoke, ride roller coasters, and play arcade games

Kavitha Saravanan

LinkedIn: Kavitha Saravanan

Kavitha Saravanan currently works as SQL Premier Field Engineer at Microsoft. With 20+ years of experience in Database Administration, Architecture, Design, Development and Support of MS SQL Server ( On-Premise and Azure) .

Grant Fritchey

Twitter: - @gfritchey

LinkedIn: Grant Fritchey

Contact: http://scarydba.com

Grant Fritchey is a Data Platform MVP with over 20 years’ experience in IT, including time spent in support and development. He has worked with SQL Server since 6.0 back in 1995. He has also developed in VB, VB.NET, C#, and Java. Grant has written books for Apress and Simple-Talk. Grant presents at conferences and user groups, large and small, all over the world. He joined Redgate Software as a product evangelist in January 2011.

Ravi Kumar

Twitter: - @sqlravi

I have over 12 years of experience working with SQL Server and Business Intelligence Technology. My current focus is cloud technologies: Power BI, Azure Analysis Services, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Azure Data Factory. As a PFE at Microsoft, I regularly deliver 2 - 4 day training workshops.

Jason Horner

Twitter: - jasonhorner

LinkedIn: Jason Horner

Contact: http://blog.jasonhorner.com

Hi, my name is Jason I’m a practice lead at Redapt. I spend most of my day helping clients solve business problems mostly in the Data and Advanced Analytics spaces. Sometimes this involves various and sundry cloud technologies including Azure Data Factory, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Azure Data Lake Store, Azure Databricks, HDInsight and Azure SQL Database. I’m fluent in several languages including: SQL, C#, Python, and PowerShell.

I’m a Microsoft Certified Master of SQL Server (MCM) and have been recognized for my technical excellence and evangelism efforts by Microsoft by being awarded the Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for the last 5+ years.

In my off hours I like to snowboard, karaoke, ride roller coasters, and play arcade games

Jeremy Frye

Twitter: - SQLBInstein

LinkedIn: Jeremy Frye

Contact: https://jeremyfrye.net

Jeremy Frye is the manager of the Business Intelligence and data warehousing team at RDX. He is a Business Intelligence architect and developer with a background in database administration as well. Jeremy has over 9 years of experience in SQL Server. He has spoken on BI topics at many SQLSaturday’s throughout the country, webinars, and local and remote SQL user groups. In his spare time, Jeremy often spends time trying to bridge the gap between keyboard strokes and workout reps.

Jonathan Stewart

Twitter: - sqllocks

LinkedIn: Jonathan Stewart

Contact: https://sqllocks.net/

Jonathan Stewart is a Business Intelligence consultant specializing in data visualization, data warehousing, and data management technologies. An advocate for educating others, he is a public speaker, teacher and blogger, continually teaching people about the Microsoft BI Stack. Since 2000, he has been working in the database field with industry leaders in healthcare, manufacturing, financial, insurance and federal, state and local governments.

Jonathan is very active in the community. He has presented on SQL Server, SSIS, Reporting Services, Power BI and Business Intelligence at numerous SQLSaturday events, local user groups, and conferences throughout the United States and around the world. He participates in webcasts, podcasts, and on


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