SQLSaturday #895 - Parma 2019
Event Date: 11/23/2019 00:00:00
Event Location:
- Viale G.P. Usberti c/o Campus Università degli Studi di Parma
- Parco Area delle Scienze, 181/a
- Parma, , Italy
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This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.
Title: Power BI server and Office Online server, modernize your on-premises BI approach.
Abstract: Your company is not-yet- ready for the cloud ? How to refresh your BI solution by providing the beauty of Power BI reports on premises and the ability from the same place to consume your legacy reports or to share efficiently your data model through a unique place. Demo based session with a strong architecture introduction and a “from the field” real project feedback.This session will explore all the possibilities offered by Power Bi Report server: What are the difference with the classical SQL Server Report Server ? What is the difference with Power BI Service ? What kind of data sources are used ? How to manage the refresh ? What infrastructure is needed to make it working ? How to manage the authentication from the data source to the report ?
- Isabelle Van Campenhoudt
Track and Room: Data Science - Aula 6
Title: The language of graph databases and SQL Server
Abstract: SQL Server 2017 introduced the extension for graph databases. As there are millions of SQL Server users worldwide, this feature broadens enormously the audience of potential users. But, what to expect exactly from a graph database? How to query it? Is SQL Server fully featured compared to other products? In this session we answer these questions. We start illustrating the concepts behind the model; how relationships are handled and what are the common patterns and issues for a graph. What are the data connections a graph can easily represent. Then we compare the semantic model with SQL Server to discover how to apply it to real world. We analyze some case study: pattern matching, path finding, aggregation, ranking … For each of them we show how to use standard T-SQL and how to rewrite the query using graph objects. What is the benefit of reformulate our queries in terms of clearness and performances, what is already available in order to consider SQL Server a valuable player.
- Andrea Martorana Tusa
Track and Room: Development - Aula E
Title: SQL Server Availability Groups for dummies
Abstract: Availability Groups have become Microsoft’s default high availability and scalability go-to solution for SQL Server, but due to their relative complexity is often misunderstood, or worse, feared.
In this session, we will explain how to plan for, deploy, and manage Availability Groups from the ground up in easy to understand examples and demos.
We will cover both Basic Availability Groups (BAGs) and full deployments, and also cover their use in Windows and Linux environments as well as look at the new SQL Server 2019 availability group support on containers in a Kubernetes cluster.
If you want to finally get to grips with SQL Server Always On Availability Groups, then this is the session for you!
- Mark Broadbent
Track and Room: Database Admin - Aula 7
Title: Analyzing System with Extended events, Query Store and R and Python
Abstract: Analyzing System from the eyes of DBA using Extended events and Query Store for performance bottlenecks and improvements. Adding R and Python Framework (with SQL Server 2016) and Power BI we can improve the insights of performance and predict next problems.
Simplifying the performance troubleshooting by analysing query plans, runtime statistics and query history captured (all by using the Query store) we will be combining the data from extended events. With both powerful system insights, we will add the statistical abilities of Microsoft R server and create advanced statistical analysis (clustering type of errors occurring, discriminating the events and reducing the complexity of gathered information). Further more, we will be adding also predictive models for specific events (disk IO, size of temp db) or queries.
Session will cover demos and use cases, especially which statistical approaches and cases can help you enhance the monitoring and predicting next possible event.
- Tomaž Kaštrun
Track and Room: Database Admin - Aula 7
Title: A gentle introduction to Apache Spark for SQL Server people
Abstract: Lavorando con i dati, capita sempre più frequentmente di doversi confrontare con mondi che fino a poco tempo fa erano quasi estranei fra loro. SQL Server 2019, per esempio, introdurrà per la prima volta con i nuovi Big Data Cluster il supporto nativo ad Apache Spark, rendendo concreta la convivenza tra il carico di lavoro tipico di un engine relazionale e il calcolo distribuito.
Proveniendo da un ambiente SQL, l’approccio ad Apache Spark tramite il suo dialetto Spark SQL può sembrare molto naturale e poco ostico. La sensazione di “sentirsi a casa”, però, non deve far dimenticare che l’engine sottostante ragiona in modo molto diverso da quello a cui siamo abituati.
In questa sessione proveremo ad avvicinarci ad Apache Spark partendo dalle sue basi, così da capire come ragiona e conoscerlo per affrontarlo al meglio.
- Francesco Milano
Track and Room: Development - Aula E
Title: Query Processing improvements in the latest versions of SQL Server – IT
Abstract: How many times have you faced bad performances caused by incorrect rows-estimation or caused by multi-statement user-defined table valued functions? Have you ever seen a warning on Sort operator that spills data on tempdb caused by inadequate memory estimation? These are not the only problems we could have with queries optimization, but these are the three problems that SQL Server 2017 Adaptive Query Processing attempts to address. SQL Server 2019 introduces additional features and all of them are known with the name Intelligent Query Processing. This session will cover the Adaptive Query Processing first. Next we will cover briefly the features implemented in the latest CTP of SQL Server 2019.
- Sergio Govoni
Track and Room: Database Admin - Aula 7
Title: How to use PowerBI as a free monitoring tool (including 5 free reports for SQL Server)
Abstract: Power BI is a business analytics service that delivers insights to enable fast, informed decisions; we’ll use it as an (improper) free monitoring tool. Being at SQLSaturday, we’ll focus on SQL Server Reports, but the methodology is system-agnostic and will enable you to create a monitoring report for anything.
In the first part of the session, you’ll learn why we’re using PowerBI for such task and what are the limitations, explaining the PowerBI basics, architecture and components.
In the second part, we’ll analyze 5 examples of ready-to-go and license free monitoring reports tailored for SQL Server:
- FirstRespondersKit Monitoring Dashboard
- Xevents Dashboard to track query errors
- Job Information Dashboard
- Permission Information Dashboard
- Streaming DataSet
This will give you both some reports that you can start to use right now, and the inspiration to build your own.
- Emanuele Meazzo
Track and Room: Analytics and Visualization - Aula 6
Title: SQL-Serverless
Abstract: Il serverless è la nuova frontiera dello sviluppo Cloud e le Azure Functions sono uno degli strumenti a disposizione per implementare questo nuovo paradigma. SQL Server è un componente importante nell’ecosistema Azure ma non esiste, al momento, un modo “chiavi in mano” per poterlo utilizzare all’interno delle Azure Functions. In questa sessione vedremo in che modo sfruttare l’estensibilità delle Azure Functions per implementare Trigger, Binding o supportare i nostri servizi per l’accesso a SQL Server.
- Massimo Bonanni
Track and Room: Cloud - Aula E
Title: Inside SQL Server containers
Abstract: I containers consentono una nuova modalità di distribuzione, gestione ed esecuzione di istanze SQL Server, in maniera molto più semplice ed efficiente rispetto ad esempio alle macchine virtuali. In questa sessione vedremo in dettaglio come funzionano i containers Docker, come SQL Server viene eseguito in essi e come vengono orchestrati da Kubernetes, on premise e su Azure.
- Danilo Dominici
Track and Room: DevOps - Aula 8
Title: Architecting SQL Server environments for Mission Critical and High Performance
Abstract: Mission critical SQL Servers require right architecture to satisfy SLAs, high availability, and disaster recovery requirements for your critical IT operational data environment. The ability to scale up these environments, to provide the level of performance required by OLTP and provide adequate resources is a significant operational challenge.
- Marcelo Fernandes
Track and Room: Database Admin - Aula 7
Title: TempDB optimizations from SQL Server 2005 to 2019
Abstract: La contesa dei metadati in tempdb è sempre stato uno dei colli di bottiglia per quanto riguarda la scalabilità delle istanze SQL. Negli anni sono state fatte parecchie ottimizzazioni dell’architettura del tempdb. In questa sessione verranno illustrate tutte le configurazioni, ottimizzazioni e best practices riguardanti il tempdb da SQL Server 2005 ad oggi.
- Gabriele Franco
Track and Room: Database Admin - Aula 7
Title: Database recovery: Concetti e novità in SQL Server 2019
Abstract: Il Recovery è fondamentale per ogni database, consentendo di ripristinare la consistenza e l’integrità dei dati a fronte di qualsiasi evento e/o circostanza. Questa sessione ne illustra i concetti e l’evoluzione delle tecniche e degli strumenti disponibili nella piattaforma SQL Server, con un particolare accento sulle novitrà introdotte dalla versione 2019
- Gilberto Zampatti
Track and Room: Database Admin - Aula 8
Title: Design and Architect always disconnected IoT System
Abstract: Most of IoT system run around data retrieval, sensors interface, machine control and metrics sent to cloud Back-end; unfortunately in many cases, continuous network connection can’t be guaranteed due to the type of device, to its location or the nature of the device itself. Let’s see what are the main topic to consider during the design process of this kind of systems.
- Marco Dal Pino
Track and Room: Cloud - Aula E
Title: Walk-through of Azure Machine Learning Service new features
Abstract: La sessione consiste prevalentemente in una dimostrazione pratica che vi guiderà nel mondo del nuovo Azure Machine Learning Service, focalizzandosi sulle nuove funzionalità quali il Designer (ML senza codice), l’auto ML e l’interpretabilità di un modello.
- Luca Zavarella
Track and Room: Data Science - Aula 6
Title: Machine Learning - Best Practices and Vulnerabilities
Abstract: It seems like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are a must nowdays. For projects carrying a simple or well kown problem we can find a lot of ready-made solutions, but this extremne easy to use could be one of our best enemy when facing with specific custom problems. With this session we will cover how to apply best practices in configurin ML but much more, do we reaaly need it always? The second part will cover vulnerabilities of ML discovering how easy could be to fool a neural network by some techinques (Like pixel attack) and their implication in projects that requires no security issues.
- Sebastiano Galazzo
Track and Room: Data Science - Aula 6
Title: No more Powerpoint: Datastorytelling Presentation with PowerBi
Abstract: Quali sono le caratteristiche fondamentali del Data Storytelling? Come utilizzare PowerBI non solo come strumento di analisi dati ma anche di data storytelling? Durante la sessione scopriremo come trasformare un report in una vera e propria presentazione interattiva e dinamica senza uscire mai da PowerBI, utilizzando tutti gli strumenti messi a disposizione dal tool e dal servizio di PowerBI, su tutti i Bookmarks.
- Lorenzo Vercellati
Track and Room: Analytics and Visualization - Aula 6
Title: Monitoring SQL Server without breaking the bank
Abstract: Monitoring SQL Server can become a very expensive business. Sure, the market offers countless paid solutions, but what if you have a large server estate and your budget is tight? In this session we will combine multiple open source tools (InfluxDB, Telegraf , Grafana, DbaTools and many more) to collect important performance metrics, analyze the data they collect, set up alert for the critical events, troubleshoot issues and plan for the future. Join me and you will see how monitoring is not a business for billionaires.
- Gianluca Sartori
Track and Room: DevOps - Aula 8
Title: Azure SQL Database: Dove siamo arrivati
Abstract: Azure SQL Database è sul mercato da parecchio tempo, negli anni sono state aggiunte features che l’hanno reso estremamente efficace. Facciamo un recap e vediamo cosa ci mette a disposizione per i più classici scenari d’utilizzo.
- Luca Ferrari
Track and Room: Cloud - Aula E
Title: Pratical Data Virtualization
Abstract: Data virtualization gestisce le difficolta di integrazione tra diverse fonti dati e formati senza dare origine a repliche o spostamento dei dati stessi. Quali sono i concetti e come poterli affrontare con i miglioramenti aggiunti a Polybase presenti in Sql Server 2019 è lo scopo di questa sessione
- franco perduca
Track and Room: Analytics and Visualization - Aula 6
Title: 101 BI and AI
Abstract: How does the AI make my BI applications smarter?
How can the AI make my BI application smarter? Everybody is talking about AI but what can you do with it today? Currently there are tools like the Cognitive Services, Azure ML or Azure Bot Framework, which can help in the classic ETL process to prepare or enrich data. Examples are the analysis of large data streams from the IoT area, how can I improve my demand planning of a call center or the analysis of social media regarding trends. If you already have your BI application in the cloud, Azure Data Factory, Logic App or Azure Stream Analytics would be the right components for an AI extension.
- Alexander Klein
Track and Room: Cloud - Aula 6
Title: SQL Server e PowerShell: from zero to hero!
Abstract: L’automazione dei task di amministrazione e monitoraggio è un’esigenza sempre più sentita da parte dei DBA: permette di essere più efficaci e di risparmiare tempo, che può essere dedicato ad attività più interessanti. PowerShell ed i moduli dedicati a SQL Server sono l’ideale per assolvere a questo compito; vediamo insieme come muovere i primi passi in questo mondo e come affrontare in maniera semplice qualche scenario più sfidante.
- Marco Obinu
Track and Room: DevOps - Aula 8
Title: Query tuning with Hypothetical Indexes - IT
Abstract: The query tuning activity very often implies the evaluation of the impact of one or more new indexes on the query plan. The creation of a new index on a large table, as we will see, could require a long time to complete, could take locks for the entire process and occupy a lot of disk space. In several situations hypothetical indexes can help, although, in order to create and use them, we have to rely on a couple of undocumented features. In this session we are going to give all the known details of these features and apply them in examples and practical situations.
- Alessandro Mortola
Track and Room: Database Admin - Aula 8
Title: SQL Server Modernization (IT)
Abstract: Il supporto esteso per SQL Sever 2008 è terminato da pochi mesi, molte aziende si stanno ancora organizzando per modernizzare i loro ambienti. Ma cosa vuol dire modernizzare? Aggiornamento, cambio di piattaforma, consolidamento, spostamento da IaaS a PaaS… quali e quanti sono gli scenari evolutivi? Quali sono i fattori bloccanti? Quali sono i fattori di rischio più comuni? Come è strutturato un progetto di migrazione/modernizzazione? Quali sono gli strumenti a supporto? A queste e altre domande cercheremo di dare risposta con questa sessione che si pone l’obiettivo sia di fornire una panoramica sull’argomento anche portando esempi concreti dal campo.
- Gianluca Hotz
Track and Room: Database Admin - Aula 8
Title: EmPower your BI Architecture
Abstract: Con PowerBI puoi portare la tua infrastruttura BI “to the next level”. L’architettura è una parte importante in un progetto di business intelligence, scopriamo insieme quali sono le domende da porsi, i possibili scenari, ed il ruolo di PowerBI sia per costruirne una ex-novo, sia per integrare il tool in una esistente.
- Riccardo Perico
Track and Room: Database Admin - Aula 7
Title: Accesso ai dati in applicazioni client/server con .NET Core 3.0
Abstract: Il nuovo .NET Core 3.0 supporta Windows Forms e WPF, che sono stati rilasciati come open-source: possiamo quindi aspettarci un nuovo impulso allo sviluppo di queste piattaforme. Nel corso di questa sessione mostreremo quali sono gli strumenti che abbiamo a disposizione per realizzare architetture client/server basate su accesso ai dati con .NET Core 3.0.
- Marco Minerva
Track and Room: Development - Aula E
This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.
Andrea Martorana Tusa
Twitter: - bruco441
Andrea Martorana Tusa is a Business Intelligence Team Manager at Würth Phoenix, the IT and consulting company of the Würth-Group. He is awarded as MVP in the Data Platform category
Former BI Specialist at Widex, a Danish manufacturing company, and BI Developer in the IT department of an Italian banking group. 20+ years of experience working with data. He is focused on the entire BI stack: database development, data warehousing, data analysis, reporting, etc. Andrea is a usual speaker at many events: SQLSaturdays, conferences in Europe and PASS Summit, and for PASS Virtual Groups.
Andrea is an author for sqlshack.com, sqlservercentral.com, and UGISS (User Group Italiano SQL Server).
Gabriele Franco
LinkedIn: Gabriele Franco
In questi ultimi anni ho approfondito notevolmente le mie conoscenze di SQL Server/infrastruttura server, grazie anche all’affiancamento di un collega (ex dipendente Microsoft) che mi ha trasmesso tutti i suoi anni di esperienza. Sono aggiornato sulle ultimissime tecnologie del mondo Microsoft tramite l’MSDN (SQL Server 2017/2019, Windows Server 2019, Visual Studio 2019, TFS ecc..), per essere sempre pronto ad affrontare qualsiasi tipo di problema o necessità in quanto l’informatica è in continua evoluzione e ci sono sempre tantissime cose nuove da imparare.
Francesco Milano
Twitter: - @fmilano
LinkedIn: Francesco Milano
I’ve been working with Microsoft technologies since 2000, and I’m specialized in .NET Framework and SQL Server platform. I focus primarily on back-end development, integration solutions, relational model design and implementation. Starting from 2011 I’m also member of UGISS (Italian SQL Server User Group) and speaker at main italian SQL Server conferences and workshops.
Alessandro Mortola
Twitter: - @AlexMortola
LinkedIn: Alessandro Mortola
Alessandro Mortola graduated in Mathematics at the University of Genoa (Italy); during his career, he has always worked as a developer, analyst, database developer and DBA with an increasing interest in Sql Server with which he has been working since the 7.0 version. He is a Microsoft Certified Professional having earned the “SQL 2016 Database Development” certificate in 2018. He sometimes writes articles for sqlservercentral.com. During his career, he has always been a person to refer to for his colleagues regarding data; he has periodically carried out internal Sql Server courses at his company. Today he works in Zucchetti S.p.a. – BU Asset Management – mainly as DBA.
Luca Zavarella
Twitter: - @lucazav
LinkedIn: Luca Zavarella
Contact: http://blogs.solidq.com/en/author/lzavarella/
Mentor Technical Director at SolidQ Italy. He loves BI, Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning. He plays piano in the free time.
Tomaž Kaštrun
Twitter: - @tomaz_tsql
LinkedIn: Tomaž Kaštrun
Contact: http://www.tomaztsql.wordpress.com
Tomaž Kaštrun is BI developer and data analyst. His main focus are data mining, T-SQL development, programming and query optimization. He has been working with SQL server since version 2000. He is Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft MVP for data platform and Microsoft trainer.
Riccardo Perico
LinkedIn: Riccardo Perico
Back in 2010 I started working in Information Technology.
After a brief experience as ERP Consultant, I moved into the realm of Data. I spent these years exploring Data world from different points of view, both as DBA and Business Intelligence Specialist.
I’m a Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) and Microsoft Certified Solution Associate (MCSA) in database and BI areas.
I’m an active user and speaker for Power BI User Group, I’d been speaker during the italian Power Platform World Tour stop, SQLSaturdays and Azure Saturdays events in Italy.
I’m currently part of big SolidQ family. Last but not least, Hard Rock and Heavy Metal addicted!
franco perduca
LinkedIn: franco perduca
Lorenzo Vercellati
Twitter: - @supergimi
LinkedIn: Lorenzo Vercellati
Graduated in Medieval History, I’ve been working with databases since 2000 and with Microsoft Data Platform since SQL Server 2005. I’m Senior Developer at SolidQ Italy and I love Data storytelling and visualization
Gilberto Zampatti
Once upon a time a well skilled and valuable IT pro took care of me and elected himself as my mentor. I bumped into RDBMS when they were just prototypes and… when SQL Server appeared on the market I knew my trek. I#39;m still walking on it, glad to tell the people what I#39;m learning throughout my journey .
Isabelle Van Campenhoudt
Twitter: - @thesqlgrrrl
LinkedIn: Isabelle Van Campenhoudt
Contact: http://thesqlgrrrl.wordpress.com
Isabelle Van Campenhoudt is a system engineer (MCSE; MVP SQL Server) who has been working for more than 15 years in the world of databases; she lives in Belgium; Isabelle has strong experience in Business Intelligence. Trainer (Microsoft Certified Trainer), speaker and consultant, she used to collaborate with developers; infra (design and performance). She is also a teacher at EPHEC (Brussels) for the Bachelor of Computer Science curriculum. Isabelle is co-founder of CLUG; V-chapter Francophone
Danilo Dominici
Twitter: - @danilo_dominici
Danilo Dominici, lavora con SQL Server sin dalla versione 6.5. Si occupa principalmente di progettazione, implementazione ed ottimizzazione architetturale, monitoring e performance tuning. Alterna le attivit#224; di consulenza a quelle di formatore, speaker ed autore. Microsoft Certified Trainer dal 2000 e SQL Server MVP dal 2014, #232; anche co-leader del PASS Global Italian Virtual Chapter, lo user group quot;virtualequot; in lingua italiana dedicato a SQL Server.
Emanuele Meazzo
LinkedIn: Emanuele Meazzo
Contact: https://tsql.tech
Passionate about technology since I can remeber, I pursued an education focused on scientific and technical fields, becoming an IT Engineer. I often spend my free time trying to learn something new and be up to date on the topics in my interest, allowing me to maintain and develop my skillset. I focused my interests on the SQL Server ecosystem and had the opportunity to attend to a big number of online courses and webinars from SQL Server experts from all around the world. Specifically, I focused my research (and had experience) on Performance Tuning, involving all the elements of the system, from the queries, to the configuration up until the hardware itself. I have a blog where I publish my thought experiments: https://tsql.tech
Gianluca Sartori
Twitter: - http://twitter.com/#!/spaghettidba
LinkedIn: Gianluca Sartori
Contact: http://spaghettidba.com
Gianluca Sartori is a Data Platform MVP, independent consultant and performance tuning specialist. He has been working in the software industry since 1999 and has been working with SQL Server ever since. He also works as a SQL Server trainer and in his spare time he writes technical articles and participates the SQL Server forums. Gianluca enjoys presenting SQL Server topics at conferences in Europe and in Italy in particular. He is currently working as lead DBA at a famous Formula 1 team.
Sergio Govoni
Twitter: - @segovoni
LinkedIn: Sergio Govoni
Contact: https://mvp.microsoft.com/it-it/PublicProfile/4029181?fullName=Sergio%20Govoni
Since 1999 Sergio Govoni has been a software developer; in 2000 he got a degree in Computer Science at “Università degli Studi” in Ferrara (Italy). He has worked for over 18 years in Centro Software, a software house that produces the best ERP for manufacturing companies that are export oriented. Now, he manages the development product team and he is constantly involved on several team projects, where he focues his attention on the architecture and the mission-critical technical details. Since 2016 he is the vice president of the UGISS (www.ugiss.org). For the provided help to technical communities and for sharing his own experience, since 2010 he has received the Microsoft Data Platform MVP award.
Luca Ferrari
LinkedIn: Luca Ferrari
Contact: http://tipsandtrickssqlserver.blogspot.com
Luca Ferrari lavora in Microsoft Italia come PFE Engineer. Lavora con Sql server dalla versione 2000 ed ha seguito con attenzione tutte le evoluzioni del prodotto. Si occupa principalmente di: MPP SMP Design Troubleshooting Performance Tuning SSIS e SSRS, Azure SQL Database, Azure DataWarehouse.
Mark Broadbent
Twitter: - @retracement
LinkedIn: Mark Broadbent
Contact: http://tenbulls.co.uk
Mark Broadbent is a Data Platform MVP and SQL Server MCM with more than 20 years of experience working with SQL Server and principal of SQLCloud, a consultancy specializing in concurrency control and highly available solutions. He is the founder of the UK’s SQLSaturday Cambridge (its first and largest), SharePoint Saturday Cambridge, the Hybrid Virtual Chapter and the East Anglia SQL User Group.
Alexander Klein
Twitter: - @SQL_Alex
LinkedIn: Alexander Klein
Alexander Klein is a senior Business Intelligence consultant with more than 15 years of experience. He focuses on Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse projects with Microsoft technologies like SQL Server, Power BI, Azure ML or Cortana Intelligence.
Since 2008, he has been a self-employed consultant in large and medium-sized projects in all sectors across Europe. He has been visiting SQLSaturdays and other Data Conference all over Europe since 2013. Speaker at national and international events since 2017.
Sebastiano Galazzo
Twitter: - @galazzoseba
LinkedIn: Sebastiano Galazzo
Passionate about Artificial Intelligence, Sebastiano @galazzoseba brings over 15 years of experience in AI and machine learning to his current position as CTO at Sistem-EVO srl. Sebastiano has dedicated the last few years to designing and developing algorithms to tackle the challenges of Natural Language Processing, image recognition and predictive analysis through machine learning. He is a Microsoft MVP and his work in AI has gained commendation in numerous publications and has received several national and international awards.
Marco Obinu
Twitter: - omegamadlab
LinkedIn: Marco Obinu
Contact: https://www.omegamadlab.com
Curious by nature, talkative geek who can speak in front of a public or a camera, in love with technology, primarily SQL Server and Azure. I’d like to understand how things work and to solve problems by myself.
Marcelo Fernandes
Twitter: - marcelodba
LinkedIn: Marcelo Fernandes
Contact: http://marcelodba.wordpress.com
Marcelo Fernandes is SQL Server MVP and has 12+ years experience with databases, specialized in High Availability, critical missions and very large databases. He holds the MCP / MCDBA / MCSA / MCTS / MCITP and MCT certifications, he lives and works in Berlin for an American e-commerce company that sells home goods. He share their knowledge through webcasts, presentations and articles on Microsoft technologies and can be cantacted by email fernandes_dba@hotmail.com or twitter @ marcelodba
Marco Minerva
Twitter: - https://twitter.com/marcominerva
LinkedIn: Marco Minerva
Contact: https://marcominerva.wordpress.com
Marco Minerva si è dedicato a .NET fin dalla sua prima introduzione. Attualmente lavora come consulente freelance e si occupa di progettazione e sviluppo di applicativi basati sul Framework .NET, realizzando app per Windows, Xamarin e IoT, e soluzioni Web con ASP.NET, Web API e Azure. Organizza e tiene corsi di formazione. E’ co-fondatore e Community Leader di DotNetToscana. E’ speaker ad eventi tecnici di livello nazionale e scrive articoli per riviste. E’ Microsoft MVP per la categoria Windows Development.
Gianluca Hotz
Twitter: - glhotz
LinkedIn: Gianluca Hotz
Contact: http://www.ghotz.com
Gianluca Hotz is an independent consultant, trainer, speaker and Mentor specialized in architecture, database design, high availability, capacity planning, performance tuning, system integration and migrations for Microsoft SQL Server. He has been working as a consultant in the IT field since 1993 and with SQL Server since 1996. He is among the original founders of ugiss.org, where he served as vice-president from 2001 to 2016 and he is now serving as president, for his contribution to the community he has been a SQL Server MVP since 1998.
Massimo Bonanni
Twitter: - massimobonanni
LinkedIn: Massimo Bonanni
I’m Senior Consultant in Modern Apps Domain at Microsoft. I spend my time to help customers to leverage the power of Azure in their solutions, especially using microservice, serverless architectures, and DevOps. I’m a technical speaker both for local and international events and a user-group guy. I love biking, reading, and dogs!!
Marco Dal Pino
Twitter: - MarcoDalPino
LinkedIn: Marco Dal Pino
Contact: http://mobileprog.com
He started working in IT in early ‘90. Long experience in LOB application design and development for Retail, distribution and logistics market. Trainer and Speaker in the main technical conference In Italy and overseas. He is a staff member of DotNetToscana a community on Microsoft tech. From 2013 Microsoft recognize him the title of MVP Most Valuable Professional in May 2014 become Intel Software Innovator and later Intel Black Belt. In 2017 joined Projest SPA as Senior Program Manager. In 2020 he started working in Softjam SPA as Advisory Engineer and then in Microsoft as Cloud Solution Architect
The following is a list of sponsors that helped fund the event: