SQLSaturday #899 - Birmingham 2019

Event Date: 07/27/2019 00:00:00

Event Location:

  • Brock School of Business - Cooney Hall - Samford University
  • 840 Montague Dr.
  • Birmingham, Alabama

PDF of Schedule

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This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.

Title: Database Project Makes Deployment Consistent

Abstract: The deployment process is frustrating; an object is missing, an object is deployed in the wrong order or an incorrect version. Deploying to multiple environments like Dev, QA, UAT, and Prod is a challenge whether on-premise or in the cloud. Source controlling database objects is paramount. Team development is required. Database code will only be deployed when changed. Proper security deployment will be repeatable per environment. Together, let us discover how using Database Project will help us with consistent releases. Deployments can cause you trouble but we will share a reliable deployment and version control process. Let’s see how Database Project can help us accomplish this goal.


  • Thomas Norman

Track and Room: Application Database Development - ROOM 239

Title: Become a T-SQL Pivoting Ninja in 60 Minutes Or Less

Abstract: Stop wasting time using Excel Pivot Tables. Create them in SQL with ease.

Become a query writing ninja who uses the Pivot operator to move unique column values into multiple column names for better data insight. In this demo-heavy presentation, you will learn how to create pivot tables enhanced with multiple aggregate columns and column totals using Rollup and Cube operators, and the grouping function. Attendees will also learn to use the Unpivot Operator.

Come join me, and by the end of this session, you will have the knowledge to level up your pivoting skills to that of a ninja or maybe even *Chuck Norris. *Not Possible


  • Peter Doyle

Track and Room: Application Database Development - ROOM 279

Title: PowerShell + SQL Server = Better Together

Abstract: As a SQL Server professional, are you able to make a rhyme or reason to this thing called PowerShell? Need to accomplish something? Do you use Windows PowerShell or PowerShell Core? How will you interface with PowerShell? With the PowerShell console, ISE, VSCode, SAPIEN PowerShell Studio, or something else? Will you use Cmdlets from one of the various SQL related PowerShell modules? If so, which one? SQLPS, SQLServer, DBATools, etc. Or maybe you should use the SQL PS provider? What about SMO? Or write your own custom .NET code that can be executed with PowerShell? With it being so difficult to determine how to go about running something in PowerShell, it’s no wonder that most people resort to searching the Internet to figure it out. The sad thing is that most of the PowerShell code you’ll find on the Internet is less than optimal to say the least. I’ll demonstrate how and when to use different approaches along with adhering to the community’s best practices for writing PowerShell code.


  • Mike Robbins

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - ROOM 269

Title: Exploring the latest T-SQL enhancements

Abstract: With the most recent release of SQL Server 2017 and the upcoming release of SQL Server 2019, there are several enhancements that were introduced for the T-SQL language. This includes new string functions, bulk access options and approximate query processing among others that address several challenges that SQL developers have to confront.

In this demo heavy session, we will go over several of the new features, provide a demonstration of how you can use them, and share any considerations that you may need to consider before doing so. This session is intended for anyone interested in what’s new in the T-SQL language and will focus primarily just on enhancements to traditional T-SQL for the database engine.


  • Dustin Dorsey

Track and Room: Application Database Development - ROOM 269

Title: That’s So Metadata: Discover Your Database From The Inside

Abstract: Have you ever needed to learn a new database design and don’t know where to begin? Or are trying to find out why a query doesn’t perform well? Or need to provide security information to auditors or your security team?

SQL Server has numerous metadata facilities available to help you with these tasks and more. Functions, dynamic management views, and system stored procedures can illuminate details from a single column up through an entire SQL Server instance. We will demonstrate metadata techniques to help you:

  • Document your database schema objects such as procedures, functions, tables, columns and indexes
  • Investigate performance and look for bottlenecks and tuning opportunities
  • Discover metadata to administer your databases backups, index maintenance, and security
  • Apply your own metadata using extended properties

We will also cover the official Microsoft documentation on these features and other resources on how to use them.


  • Rob Volk

Track and Room: Application Database Development - ROOM 269

Title: PowerShell Core for Linux

Abstract: With the advent of SQL Server for Linux, you need a tool you can use to manage it. Sure, you could try to learn bash, python, or some other tool, but wouldn’t it be nice to be able to use a scripting language you’re familiar with? Or maybe you are a long time Linux admin, now having to work with all this new Microsoft technology. Wouldn’t it be great to leverage tools that make your life even easier?

In this session you’ll learn all about PowerShell Core for Linux. You’ll see just how quick and easy it is to install PowerShell Core, then interact with it from the terminal. But wait, there’s more! You’ll want a good editor to compose your PowerShell Core scripts in, and that’s where VSCode comes in. You’ll see how easy it is to install VSCode, then work with your PowerShell Core project within it.

We’ll wrap up the session showing how to install SQL Server in a Docker Container, all using PowerShell Core!


  • Robert Cain

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - ROOM 279

Title: How to Build Your Disaster Recovery Plan

Abstract: So your boss asked for a copy of your DR plan. Once you’ve wiped that deer-in-the-headlights look off your face, you realize “We’ve got database backups,” isn’t exactly a plan. You need to come up with a plan to recover your business when disaster strikes. This session will help you build this plan by defining what a disaster could be, documenting the business impact, and identifying your limitations. We will show how to use this information to establish metrics (such as RTO and RPO), document current recovery configurations, and design an effective recovery strategy that meets the needs and budget of your business. Attending this session will give you the knowledge and tools to create an effective disaster recovery plan that will make your boss happy and ensure the continuity of your business.


  • Rie Irish

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - ROOM 239

Title: Recent SSMS Performance Tuning Enhancements

Abstract: SQL Server Management Studio has for some time been undergoing very rapid changes and improvements! Many of the improvements are focused on helping improve SSMS’s ability to help with performance tuning problems. The SQL Server engine itself has had many such improvements too. Join me for a demo-filled run down of some of the highlights of these changes!


  • Kevin Boles

Track and Room: Application Database Development - ROOM 269

Title: User Experience Brilliance in Power BI Dashboards

Abstract: User Experience (UX) and Design Thinking are common buzz words around the office. What do these words have to do with BI and Dashboards, anyway? Sure, Power BI itself is intuitive and user friendly, but are YOU building dashboards that give the best user experience? In this session we will explore in a hands-on exercise what UX and Design thinking is, how to apply the methodologies to our daily work and then how we could apply it to BI to make kick ass dashboards and reporting for our internal and external customers.


  • Hilary Wilkie

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - ROOM 279

Title: AI on the Edge

Abstract: The next evolution in cloud computing is a smarter application not in the cloud. As the cloud has continued to evolve, the applications that utilize it have had more and more capabilities of the cloud. This presentation will show how to push logic and machine learning from the cloud to an edge application. Afterward, creating edge applications which utilize the intelligence of the cloud should become effortless.


  • Jared Rhodes

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - ROOM 279

Title: Azure Data Factory V2

Abstract: Moving data around in On-Prem databases is easy.

Moving data around when involving Azure - may be not. Especially if you don’t have a VM or an On-Prem server to move things around on.

We’ll look at moving data around from On-Prem to Azure, moving files to Azure, and moving data between Azure databases.


  • Kevin Wilkie

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - ROOM 239

Title: Certification Exams Inside Out

Abstract: Preparing for Microsoft certification? Do you want insight into how certification exams are written, how questions are designed, and how to follow a logical process of elimination? We’ll go through the process of item creation from an item writer’s viewpoint, what rules item writers must follow, and why questions sometimes have strange phrasing. For any technical skillset pursuing certification, we’ll review non-technical sample questions and walk through the process of using information at your disposal. You’ll better understand how to deconstruct the problem statement. We’ll leave time for QA with a veteran of the Microsoft certification exam writing process.


  • William Assaf

Track and Room: Professional Development - ROOM 239

Title: Mastering your Resume Interview: Tips to Get Hired

Abstract: Looking for a job? Learn trade secrets from a Recruiter! Resume blunders and interview tips, this session will focus on ten most important things you can do to get hired.


  • Christine Assaf

Track and Room: Professional Development - ROOM 239

Title: Turbo-charging SSMS for Beginners

Abstract: This session is for SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) rookies who want to work like veterans. Nathan will share lots of “tips and tricks” he’s learned in his 15 years of SQL Server administration and development.


  • Nathan Boster

Track and Room: Application Database Development - ROOM 279

Title: Power BI Architecture

Abstract: Having the right architecture is key to the adoption of Power BI, and to make the most of your business intelligence solution. This session guides you through different Power BI architectures, such as Direct Query, Import, Connect Live, Composite Models, and Embedded. We will analyze different techniques in data refresh, incremental extraction, integration and collaboration to provide a quick overview of the different approaches available.


  • Paco Gonzalez

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - ROOM 279

Title: The New Tool in Your Kit: Azure Data Studio

Abstract: Azure Data Studio is a newer tool in the database developer and DBA’s toolkit. It’s a cross-platform and extensible application for connecting to on-premises and cloud data. Does it replace SSMS? How is it different? Can it really check if my Diet Coke needs replenishing? Come and find out in this demo-driven session, that will hopefully have you convinced to install Azure Data Studio before 60 minutes are up.


  • Sven Aelterman

Track and Room: Application Database Development - ROOM 239

Title: The Psychology of Better Power BI Reporting

Abstract: In this course we identify some common mistakes that we see in the business world using Power BI. We will identify the psychology behind the reporting techniques needed to create powerful and effective reports. The attendee will leave the class ready to write better reports using Power BI in the real world.


  • Ed Watson

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - ROOM 269

Title: The Art of Data DevOps with SSDT

Abstract: The heart of software systems today is data storage. As software development cycles get shorter, database development is being forced adapt the same pace. It’s increasingly important to be able to combine Agile practices with SQL Server database development. Learn how to take advantage of SQL Server Data Tools and Azure DevOps to enable rapid, iterative development.


  • Ken Muse

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - ROOM 269


This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.

Thomas Norman

Twitter: - ArmorDba

LinkedIn: Thomas Norman

Contact: https://armordba.com/

Tom Norman is a Database Architect at KPA with a strong fervor to protect data. He works daily to review and improve data protection methodologies while reviewing governing laws affecting finance, healthcare, and personal data. His areas of expertise include encryption, auditing, data identification, and database object deployment. He is the current leader of the PASS Virtualization Group and Vice President of the TRIPASS user group. You can read his blog at https://armordba.com/ and reach him on twitter at @armordba. Tom speaks at a number of SQLSaturday events and SQL Server user groups.

William Assaf

Twitter: - william_a_dba

LinkedIn: William Assaf

Contact: http://www.sqltact.com

William Assaf, Data Platform MVP, is a principal consultant in Baton Rouge, LA. Initially a .NET developer, and later into database administration and architecture, William currently works with clients on SQL Server and Azure SQL platform optimization, management, disaster recovery and high availability, and leads a crack multi-city team of consulting SQL DBA’s. William has written for Microsoft SQL certification exams since 2011 and was the lead author of the 2017 and 2019 editions of “SQL Server Administration Inside Out” by Microsoft Press. William is a member of the Baton Rouge User Groups board, a regional mentor for PASS, and past lead of the annual SQLSaturday Baton Rouge Planning Committee, having run one of the largest SQLSaturdays.

Peter Doyle

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/thepeterdoyle

LinkedIn: Peter Doyle

On Jan 12, 2019, Peter attended his first SQLSaturday and experienced an engaging and uplifting community that encouraged everyone regularly to give back. That experience resulted in teaching eleven sessions and delivering a SQL Fundamentals pre-conference the last six months of the year. He is passionate about sharing knowledge on building a solid T-SQL foundation without wasting time.

Peter’s journey from minimal Excel knowledge to writing Dynamic SQL all started from watching Youtube videos for three hours every morning before work. Managers took notice of the results and transferred him to the reporting department. A few months later, a co-worker suggested he should learn SQL Server and his world of data has never been the same.

Hilary Wilkie

LinkedIn: Hilary Wilkie

Hilary Wilkie has worked with prominent companies like Home Depot and small solo entrepreneurs. She is a Business Analyst with a Six Sigma Black Belt and currently working at AutoVIN, a division of KAR Auction Services. Hilary has worked with professionals at all levels of business including C-level, managers, and even the warehouse person! She believes behind all good processes and software are great people; often we get so passionate about the technology we forget about the people.

Rob Volk

Twitter: - sql_r

LinkedIn: Rob Volk

Contact: http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/robv/

Rob Volk is a SQL Server DBA in the Metro Atlanta area since 2001. He also moderates and answers the forums on SQLTeam.com. While an old-time cranky DBA, he no longer considers quot;business intelligencequot; an oxymoron or quot;the cloudquot; as merely atmospheric moisture, and is delightedly dipping his toes into both of these new oceans, and loves to do things in new and and unusual ways.

Mike Robbins

Twitter: - @mikefrobbins

LinkedIn: Mike Robbins

Contact: http://mikefrobbins.com/

Mike F Robbins is a Microsoft MVP on Windows PowerShell and a SAPIEN Technologies MVP. He is a co-author of Windows PowerShell TFM 4th Edition and is a contributing author of a chapter in the PowerShell Deep Dives book. Mike has written guest blog articles for the Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog, PowerShell Magazine, and PowerShell.org. He is the winner of the advanced category in the 2013 PowerShell Scripting Games. Mike is also the leader and co-founder of the Mississippi PowerShell User Group. He blogs at mikefrobbins.com and can be found on twitter @mikefrobbins.

Rie Irish

Twitter: - IrishSQL

LinkedIn: Rie Irish

Rie lives with her family just north of Atlanta, Georgia. She worked as a SQL Server DBA, manager director for over 20 years. She’s worked in many industries including the non-profit sector, education, big pharma, and e-commerce. She was awarded the MVP in the Data Platform 3 times beginning in 2017 and gave that up to accept her role as a Senior Program Manager with Microsoft in 2019. She is very involved with the Atlanta MDF User Group, SQLSaturday Atlanta and is co-leader of the PASS Women in Tech virtual group.

Christine Assaf

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/HRTact

LinkedIn: Christine Assaf

Contact: https://www.hrtact.com

Christine Assaf is an experienced HR pro who is passionate about the mental health of employees, leadership, and organizations. She is a leadership development professional with over 15 years experience in human resources and 20 years in business management. She holds a BS in Business Management, received her HRM certification at LSU, and is finishing up her master’s degree at Colorado State University in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. She is a certified DDI Trainer, experienced public speaker, and is dedicated to teaching others about ways to support a culture of “expressiveness” in the workplace that creates connectivity.

Sven Aelterman

Twitter: - @svenaelterman

LinkedIn: Sven Aelterman

Contact: https://svenaelterman.wordpress.com

Sven Aelterman is the Director of IT for the Sorrell College of Business at Troy University; a role with a global scope. He is also a lecturer in Information Systems and teaches courses in data warehousing and information security. He continues consulting work through Adduxis, where he assists customers with various Microsoft technology implementations. Co-author of The Art of SQL Server FILESTREAM, published by Red Gate; and SQL Server 2017 Administration Inside Out, published by Microsoft Press. Cloud Software Architect at Sorrell Solutions, L.L.C. developing a Microsoft Azure-hosted Electronic Health Record system.

Nathan Boster

Twitter: - twitter.com/nboster

Nathan Boster is a data services developer for Improving - Atlanta.

Dustin Dorsey

Twitter: - sql_dd

LinkedIn: Dustin Dorsey

Contact: https://dustindorsey.com/

Dustin Dorsey has been architecting and managing SQL Server solutions for companies for well over a decade. While Dustin is skilled in many areas, he has a unique specialization in cost management and architecture around the data platform both on-premise and in the cloud that he has used to provide significant savings for multiple organizations and loves sharing information about this. Dustin is an avid speaker and can be seen writing articles on popular SQL websites, as well as, on his own blog at DustinDorsey.com. He is also active in the Nashville community as a local user group leader and co-organizer of his local SQLSaturday. Dustin currently serves as Director of Data Management at Lifepoint Health.

Ed Watson

Twitter: - http://twitter.com/SQLGator

LinkedIn: Ed Watson

Contact: http://sqlgator.com

Ed Watson is a Principal Data Platform Consultant for Improving Enterprises, a full-stack Microsoft consulting firm in Atlanta. Ed is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP since 2014 and like most children, Ed was born at an early age. Today, Ed specializes in the Business Intelligence stack and enjoys specializing in Power BI immensely. He currently lives in Atlanta and is active with the Atlanta MDF and Atlanta BI user groups and is an organizer for SQLSaturday Atlanta, Atlanta BI, and Pensacola.

Robert Cain

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/arcanecode

LinkedIn: Robert Cain

Contact: http://arcanecode.com

Robert C. Cain (http://arcanecode.com) is a Microsoft MVP, MCTS Certified in BI, and is the owner of Arcane Training and Consulting, LLC. He is also a course author for Plurasight, author for Red Gate’s SImple Talk website, and co-author of 4 books. A popular speaker, Robert has presented at events such as the SQL PASS Summit, TechEd, CodeStock, and numerous SQLSaturdays. Robert has over 25 years experience in the IT industry, working in a variety of fields ranging from manufacturing to telecommunications to nuclear power.

Paco Gonzalez

Twitter: - @pacosql

LinkedIn: Paco Gonzalez

Paco Gonzalez is the CEO of SolidQ North America, and a Microsoft Data Platform MVP. Focused on Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, he specializes in helping organizations become data driven from a strategic and technical perspective. Paco is a speaker at small and large conferences such as PASS Summit, Ignite, and Business Applications Summit, and he has published several books and whitepapers. He is based in Atlanta, GA.

Jared Rhodes

Twitter: - qimata

LinkedIn: Jared Rhodes

Contact: https://jaredrhodes.com

As a Microsoft MVP for Azure and Pluralsight Author, I focus on IoT, Mobile, and Cloud; trying to find the subsection of those and make them work together. Lately, I have working with AI and Edge computing as the they evolve together. I enjoy public speaking, walks on the beach, and no linker errors.

Kevin Wilkie

Twitter: - Oskaruth

LinkedIn: Kevin Wilkie

Contact: http://sherpaofdata.com

Kevin has 15+ years experience with SQL Server and has worked with the product since version 6.5, although he remembers with distaste the early versions of the product. He started working with SQL Server as an “Accidental” DBA, and has moved up through the ranks as a SQL Developer, a BI Associate, and Production DBA at various parts of his career. Currently, he works as a Lead Data Analyst spreading the gospel of how great data can be to anyone and everyone who will listen.

Ken Muse

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/atlantabass

LinkedIn: Ken Muse

Contact: https://2mu.se/blog

Ken is a cross-platform cloud architect and recovering polyglot programmer with more than 20 years of experience developing code in C, C#, Java, .NET, and PHP. He is an ALM DevOps Ranger, an Azure MVP, a Microsoft Certified Trainer, and a member of the Microsoft Azure Advisors. As the Consulting Director at Wintellect, Ken is helping companies of all sizes to create a culture of DevOps and to craft cloud-scale architectures.

Kevin Boles

Twitter: - @TheSQLGuru

LinkedIn: Kevin Boles

Kevin Boles is a SQL Server expert, working exclusively with the product since v6.5. With over 25 years of database experience and over 45,000 man hours of SQL Server engine experience, he holds many related certifications, is an MCT and was a SQL Server MVP from 2007 to 2012. Kevin has been a very successful independent consultant for over 20 years. His passion is the relational engine, especially designing, building, analyzing and tuning high-performance database applications.


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