SQLSaturday #861 - Columbus 2019

Event Date: 06/08/2019 00:00:00

Event Location:

  • Roush Hall, Otterbein University
  • 27 S Grove Street
  • Columbus, Ohio

PDF of Schedule

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This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.

Title: Large Transactional Data Migration: A Sr. DBA Case Study From The Trenches

Abstract: No need to groan anymore when you hear the words “Data Migration”! I’ll show you the Data Migration Script that the Mid Level Developer gave me to start with, and you will be AMAZED at the transformation to the final product! Walk thru the steps I took for the data migration and the additional database implications moving the data has. As a Sr. DBA, my code has a special focus on performance and resource utilization throughout the development and implementation process. Participants will learn of the techniques that can make for a smooth data migration, development through testing through production deployment. In additon, some of the gotchas I uncovered as well as their resolutions will be reviewed. I will share scripts related to table partitioning, indexing, as well as pre and post data migration scripts that partitipants will find easy to implement in their own Data Migrations.


  • Julie McLain-Harper

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Roush 210

Title: Extending DevOps To SQL Server

Abstract: Most organizations are under pressure to speed up the software delivery cycle, whether that’s to respond more quickly to the needs of the business, the needs of your customers or just to keep up with the competition. Unfortunately the database is commonly considered a bottleneck. Without the right processes in place, database change management can slow things down, adding risk, uncertainty, and getting in the way of development and operations working together to deliver. Any organization that wants to fully benefit from a DevOps approach is going to have to overcome some specific challenges presented by the database. This session will teach you how to take DevOps principles and practices and apply them to SQL Server so that you can speed up the database delivery cycle at the same time you protect the information contained within.


  • Grant Fritchey

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Roush 114

Title: Let’s Build SSIS Packages with Biml – Live!

Abstract: Have you heard about the Business Intelligence Markup Language (Biml)? Maybe you’ve even seen a session about it before but you still have doubts about how easily you can make something useful out of it. In this session, we’ll use Biml to build and populate a staging area including the corresponding SSIS packages. But there won’t be any pre-compiled demos - everything is happening live! Starting with a blank staging database, we will end up building a complete solution over the course of this session to prove that you can start from scratch and still quickly be successful. Let’s see, how that goes… :)

PS: Even if you have not heard about Biml but are still tired of manually building SSIS packages or ADF pipelines, this is the right session for you!


  • Ben Weissman

Track and Room: Information Delivery - Roush 118

Title: Business Technology: A Communication Guide

Abstract: Technical teams and business decision makers frequently conflict. Business people don’t always understand that without software, their companies wouldn’t make money. Developers don’t always realize that solving a problem requires more than the latest framework. Each group has different priorities. This session is designed to help technical teams reconcile those priorities. You will learn to identify the values you share with the business and how to communicate with those shared values in mind. You’ll also learn how to apply different communication styles when discussing technical solutions with the business. By finding a shared set of values and a shared language, you’ll create solutions that have business and technology working in harmony.


  • Cassandra Faris

Track and Room: Professional Development - Room 2

Title: Analysis Services is in Azure? Seriously!? Let’s build a model!

Abstract: Have you used SSAS before? Have you created reports using T-SQL and Group by? Are you interested in or currently using Power BI? Do you you have a need for Analysis Services but don’t want to have to deal with the hassle of buying and installing a server? Are you dreading having to upgrade your hardware for your current SSAS Tabular instance? Is your organization using Office 365? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might need Azure Analysis Services. The wait is over! Azure Analysis Services is the platform as a service version of the wildly popular Analysis Services Tabular product.

This demo heavy session will be focused on setting up Azure Analysis Services, deploying a model, loading the model with data and finally reporting from your Azure Analysis Services instance.


  • Phillip Labry

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - Roush 118

Title: The Analyst’s Guide To Finding and Fixing Performance Anti-Patterns

Abstract: Waiting too long for your SQL-based analytical jobs to finish? Need results in minutes instead of hours?

Bert Wagner, a principal business intelligence developer, regularly advises analysts and developers on how minor changes to their SQL-based jobs can dramatically improve performance. In this session he will show how to spot common anti-patterns that negatively impact performance, and apply solutions that will correct them.

Whether you strictly write SQL queries or incorporate those queries into tools like Python, R, Power BI, SAS, SSIS, etc… this session will teach you how to recognize poor-performing patterns in your queries as well as how to fix them for improved performance.


  • Bert Wagner

Track and Room: Analytics and Visualization - Roush 213

Title: Hey, You Got Your TDD in my SQL DB!

Abstract: When should we test our data? From an application development perspective, a unit test against a database isn’t a unit test at all. Which makes sense – connected systems introduce overhead and dependency, both of which reduce stability and decrease productivity during test-driven development (TDD). But if we wait for integration testing, critical functionality can get missed. In this session, we will discuss strategies for filling the data testing gap, directly within a Microsoft SQL Server environment. If you do a lot of work in T-SQL but aren’t familiar with TDD, you’ll learn the why and how of test-first development. If you’re accomplished with unit tests, but never tried them in your database, you’ll learn how to apply familiar concepts like setup, mocking, and assertion. We’ll spend most of our time walking through a solution based on a real-world project, specifically using the open source tSQLt database unit testing framework.


  • Jeff McKenzie

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Roush 210

Title: Extending Your Use of Extended Events

Abstract: If you have made the leap to using Extended Events, chances are you’re using Extended Events to do the exact same thing you used to do in Trace. Maybe you use it to capture query performance over time, or find queries that exceed a specific duration, I/O, or CPU. Maybe you want to find what login executed a query, or from what workstation or application the query originated. But Extended Events is so much more than a replacement for trace; it is a whole new way to think about troubleshooting.

In this session we will discuss the targets, actions, and predicates available in Extended Events and see how you can leverage them to look at problems in SQL Server in ways that you never could before. We will step through as many demos as possible in the time available so you can see why joining Team XE was one of the best decisions you ever made. You’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of Extended Events along with a new methodology for approaching and solving issues in SQL Server.


  • Erin Stellato

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Roush 114

Title: “Black Arts” Index Maintenance #1: How the “Best Practice” Methods are Silently Killing Performance

Abstract: This isn’t your typical presentation on Index Maintenance.

In this 1st of two back-to-back sessions, we’ll learn how the current “Best Practice” Methods are actually a leading cause of perpetual logical and physical fragmentation, totally unnecessary wasted memory/disk space, costly/continuous “Bad” page splits, unexplainable blocking, comparatively insane amounts of log file generation and, in an interesting “Catch 22”, a major part of why we have to do so much index maintenance and how it all negatively impacts your code even if it’s perfect code.

We’ll also discover the true costs of page splits, how REORGANIZE can perpetuate them, their effect on performance, introduce and learn how to use “sp_IndexDNA” to see indexes as you’ve never seen them before, and introduce methods to make even active GUID-based indexes 100% fragmentation free for months at a time, which will also fix the problems we’ve discovered.

This 1st session is also a recommended segue into the second session.


  • Jeff Moden

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Roush 204

Title: “Black Arts” Index Maintenance #2: Better Methods that Can Actually Prevent Fragmentation for Weeks.

Abstract: This isn’t your typical presentation on Index Maintenance.

In this 2nd of two back-to-back sessions, we’ll learn the 5 main “Insertion Patterns” and how they cause or prevent fragmentation, introduce the additional page splitting/fragmenting horror of “ExpAnsive Updates”, continue to learn about the true costs of using REORGANIZE and why it should be avoided, how it all affects performance and disk/memory usage, how it all affects Index Maintenance, and steps that can be taken to seriously improve all of that.

We’ll also learn that simply reducing Fill Factors isn’t the “fix” for fragmentation and can actually cost you serious amounts of additional totally wasted memory while providing little to no value.

Unfortunately, there won’t be time to cover it all but well documented code will be provided to help identify the sources of page splits and “ExpAnsive Updates” so that they can be eliminated.

Session #1 is a strongly recommend prerequisite for this session.


  • Jeff Moden

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Roush 204

Title: Populating a Data Warehouse with SSIS and Biml Patterns

Abstract: This session will demonstrate how to leverage “Biml powered SSIS Patterns”, to rapidly build SSIS packages. The focus of this session will be on populating a data warehouse, however the concepts presented could be applied to any ETL/ETL scenarios. The components used during this session: BimlSnap_v2 (an Open-Source, Biml integrated SQL Server database), and BimlExpress (a Visual Studio Add-in used to generate SSIS package) are both available at no charge. In addition, attendees will receive a ‘SQL Server Metadata Manager’ solution, along with a fully integrated SSIS Framework. Attend to see how Biml can revolutionize your SSIS development!


  • Jim Miller

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - Roush 213

Title: Emergency! Are You Ready for Disaster to Strike?

Abstract: Just like pilots who are prepared for disaster recovery through regular practice, we as Database Administrators need to actually spend time practicing recovering with those backups. Ransomware has made it critical to prepare to rebuild your datacenter at any moment. This session will focus on the kinds of situations that can dramatically affect a data center, and how to practice recovery processes to assure business continuity.


  • Allen White

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Roush 118

Title: Building a Machine Learning Regression Model with Zero Code in PowerBI

Abstract: PowerBI recently added support for AutoML (Supervised Automated machine Learning). This session demonstrates the new ML capabilities with an end to end example using Power BI Dataflows. In this session, we will use AutoML to create and apply a regression model. Regression is a machine learning technique used for understanding the relationship between input and output variables. Regression techniques provide additional insight into data, making it easier to see relationships between dependent and independent variables.


  • Greg Deckler

Track and Room: Analytics and Visualization - Roush 116

Title: The Community Speaks: WIT, LGBTQ, diversity and inclusion.

Abstract: Join us as we (yes, including attendees) discuss incidents and look for ways as victims, as by-standers and as event host to react. Let’s enable each other to do what is right, speak up and support one another. It’s time for the community to come together, make their voice be heard and share ways and tools to deal with these difficult situations. Although some stores are inspired in part by a true incident, they are fictional and do not depict any actual person or event.


  • Tamera Clark

Track and Room: Professional Development - Roush 210

Title: What’s New with SQL Server 2019?

Abstract: In this session, we’ll cover many of the new features with SQL Server 2019. We’ll look at the new features in the SQL Engine, Availability groups, and SQL on Linux. Finally we’ll talk about the biggest feature in SQL Server 2019, Big Data Clusters. By the end of this session, you’ll have a solid grasp on what’s coming next year.


  • Eugene Meidinger

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Roush 213

Title: SQL Server and PowerShell: Let’s Get Serious

Abstract: Whether you’ve dabbled in PowerShell or wondered what all the fuss is about, make no mistake: PowerShell isn’t going away. It is definitely something worth learning to make your life as a SQL Server professional easier, and allow you to advance in your career as a DBA.

In this session, you’ll see practical, real-world examples of how you can blend SQL Server and PowerShell together. You’ll also get a look at the SQL Server PowerShell provider and how you can incorporate it into your automation scripts.

Instead of focusing on syntax, the session will plunge straight into examples and highlight various snippets of code and how they work. You can expect to see code examples on how PowerShell can do anything from comparing tables across servers, automating and centralizing your backups, and even doing in-depth security audits.


  • Drew Furgiuele

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Roush 116

Title: Demystifying Data Compression

Abstract: SQL Server 2016 SP1 makes data compression available in all editions. Data compression can reduce storage costs, and provide a performance boost—and now compression is available without the added cost of Enterprise Edition. Whether you are a developer or a DBA, it’s important to know how to use compression to save money and improve speed.

Come learn about how data compression actually works, the differences between ROW and PAGE compression, and learn how to pick the best compression level for your data. This session will cover the details of the compression algorithms, and the costs and benefits associated with each type of compression.

By the end of this session, you’ll have a better idea of how the different compression algorithms work, when compression is the right solution, as well as what type of compression to use.


  • Andy Mallon

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Roush 114

Title: Better Together: Power BI Dataflows and Azure Data Lake Storage

Abstract: Power BI Dataflows bring advanced self-service data preparation capabilities to power users and business analysts. Azure Data Lake Storage offers massively scalable and performant storage solution for enterprise big data analytics. The ability to integrate Power BI Dataflows with Azure Data Lake Storage promises to open a new set of opportunities for collaboration between business analysts, data engineers, and data scientists. In this demo-rich session, we’ll take a look at an example of such collaborations and discuss the questions and limitations that you should consider as you begin working with these services.


  • Slava Trofimov

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - Room 3

Title: Help Me SSIS Logging, You’re My Only Hope!

Abstract: When something goes wrong with your SSIS package and you need to tell your boss more than “I have a bad feeling about this…”, let the Force of SSIS logging save you from the dark side!

SSIS logging may be the last thing on your mind when starting a new project, but getting it right in the beginning is well worth your while. Logging can help troubleshoot errors, tackle inefficiencies, and even raise a red flag when there are issues in your data flow. Newer versions of SQL Server have brought new options for logging. Learn what information is available for each option along with how to implement custom logging when the built-in options aren’t robust enough for your project’s needs.


  • Vanessa Kesten

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - Room 2

Title: Inside the Database Engine

Abstract: This session is for the absolute beginner to learn the basic components of the Database Engine (Relational Engine, Storage Engine, and SQLOS) and what is the purpose of each of these three components in the execution of a simple query. The relational engine to process a query, the storage engine to access data and the SQLOS to manage resource access. The session is led by an expert Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) and former Microsoft MVP who regularly teaches SQL Server certification courses.


  • John Deardurff

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Roush 210

Title: A TCP packet walks into a bar - Connectivity Issues and Bad Jokes

Abstract: Connectivity issues are one of the most common and many times one of the most frustrating issues to deal with, not just a DBA but in any client/server architecture. We will discuss troubleshooting methodologies and common tools that can be used to isolate, diagnose, and simplify most connectivity issues. Also, we will look in depth at a few of the more common and perplexing issues going around today. Finally, to up the excitement level on this thrilling topic, I’ll mix in a few computer jokes that only a dad mowing his lawn while wearing block socks and sandals would appreciate.


  • Joe McTaggart

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Roush 118

Title: Now you see it, but did you really? Correcting visual fallacies…

Abstract: Humans see images 60,000x better than text but are we always seeing what is being shown? In this talk, we will look at ways a visual designer can intentionally or unintentionally confuse readers by using techniques that are common but not correct. We will discuss topics such as color theory, chart selection and placement among others. Come join us to learn what makes a visualization clear and learn how to convey your story.


  • Jonathan Stewart

Track and Room: BI Information Delivery - Roush 114

Title: Data Time Travel with SQL Server Temporal Tables

Abstract: Many times developers have to support users by answering the “What happened to the data?” The task of retrieving data from a specific point in time is not an easy one. Often this involves retrieving a backup and restoring the data in question (hopefully!). SQL Server 2016 introduced Temporal Tables, allowing a developer to retrieve data from a specific point in time, without backups. With a few TSQL commands a historical table can be created, automatically updated, and readily accessed.


  • Sam Nasr

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Roush 204

Title: You should use Column Store but Avoid the Mistakes I made. (1/2)

Abstract: Column Stores are a very powerfull tool to handle large amounts of data. In this session Thomas guides you trough the process of creating a columnstore, filling it with data and using it in queries. He will do so by taking you along on the jurney filled with mistakes he made till he ended up with a well working design. This will help you start using colum stores the way they should be used from day one.


  • Thomas Grohser

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Roush 204

Title: Install Configure SQL Server with PowerShell DSC

Abstract: Get on the cutting edge by implementing infrastructure as code for your SQL Server environment. Using PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) we’ll look at how to take a newly built Windows Server and get it ready for prime time while discussing the benefits associated with infrastructure as code.

  • Setup Pre-Requisites
  • Install SQL Server
  • Configure SQL Server
  • Make SQL Server Application Ready


  • Jess Pomfret

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Roush 116

Title: Modernize Data Platform - A Detailed Case Study

Abstract: Microsoft Azure is becoming one of the most popular public cloud platforms available, and its popularity is only continuing to grow. To date, more than 85pc of Fortune 500 companies are on the Microsoft cloud. In this session, we will use a case study approach to understand key considerations and Implementation approach to migrate on-premise Database platforms and set up a Modern Data Platform on Azure and deep dive into using the Azure Database Migration Service and related tools. We also cover most commonly seen migration challenges and demonstrate how we can unblock them using Azure Tools and Technologies.


  • Sriharsh Adari

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - Roush 118

Title: You should use Column Store but Avoid the Mistakes I made. (2/2)

Abstract: Column Stores are a very powerfull tool to handle large amounts of data. In this session Thomas guides you trough the process of creating a columnstore, filling it with data and using it in queries. He will do so by taking you along on the jurney filled with mistakes he made till he ended up with a well working design. This will help you start using colum stores the way they should be used from day one.


  • Thomas Grohser

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Roush 204

Title: Implementing Key Value Store in SQL Server

Abstract: There are great Key/Value and Key/Document store NOSQL solutions out there. But many times you need one in your relational SQL Server database. This session shows how to implement them in a performant and efficient way. We will explore simple key value pairs, composite keys, how to handle for data retrieval with partial keys or patterns, have a look on how to keep track of changes over time and retrieve historic values. Handling access will be discussed as well as how to transform the Key Value data into a fact table for easy reporting.


  • Thomas Grohser

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Roush 213

Title: A Beginners Guide to Transactions

Abstract: This session is for the absolute beginner to learn the basics of Transactions and will answer questions such as, What is a Transaction? What are the ACID properties of a Transaction? How does the Transaction Log work to provide consistency to a database? What is a checkpoint? Are dirty pages bad or good? What is a lock? The session is led by an expert Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) and former Microsoft MVP who regularly teaches SQL Server certification courses.


  • John Deardurff

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Roush 116

Title: Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) in Azure Data Factory

Abstract: With Azure Data Factory (ADF) continuous integration, you help your team to collaborate and develop data transformation solutions within the same data factory workspace and maintain your combined development efforts in a central code repository. Continuous delivery helps to build and deploy your ADF solution for testing and release purposes. Basically, the CI/CD process helps to establish a good software development practice and aims to build a healthy relationship between development, quality assurance, and other supporting teams.

Let’s explore how we can use Microsoft DevOps and GitHub to build and release our ADF pipelines to other environments.


  • Rayis Imayev

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - Room 1

Title: SQL Server Big Data Clusters - A game changer?

Abstract: With SQL Server 2019, Microsoft is introducing a new couple of features for data virtualization, data mart scale out and big data analysis. They all together form the SQL Server Big Data Clusters.

Let’s take a look at what that means and how you can make use of the extended PolyBase capabilities, built-in Spark queries and more!


  • Ben Weissman

Track and Room: Other - Roush 204

Title: Classification With Naive Bayes

Abstract: The Naïve Bayes series of algorithms are some of the simplest classification algorithms, but they tend to offer reasonably good results very quickly for a number of problems, including Natural Language Processing problems such as spam classification, as well as more classical feature-driven classification. In this talk, we will look at the math behind Naïve Bayes classification, solving problems by hand before looking at a package in R which solves the problem for us. By the end of this talk, you should be able to apply Naïve Bayes to existing problems. No experience with statistics is required, although there will be a small amount of math.


  • Kevin Feasel

Track and Room: Advanced Analysis Techniques - Roush 213

Title: Watch this space!

Abstract: Something exciting coming soon!


  • David Maxwell

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Roush 118

Title: Alexa, Talk to Me

Abstract: Learn how to create your own skill (app) for Amazon’s Echo / Dot service known as Alexa. In this session, we’ll create a simple skill from scratch, and show how to get into some of the more advanced options.


  • Dave Mattingly

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - Roush 118

Title: Throw a Brick at Your Data: Intro to Azure Databricks

Abstract: There’s a new kid on the block in big data in Azure and they are very popular. In this session we’ll weed through the hype and take a real look at it. We’ll dive into it from the perspective of someone brand new to Databricks, big data, and data science. We’ll focus on how you can use it with the skills you have today.


  • Hope Foley

Track and Room: Advanced Analysis Techniques - Roush 114

Title: Joker’s Wild!

Abstract: Come one, come all to the greatest (and only) SQL Server variety show at SQLSaturday Columbus.

This session features a smattering of lightning talks covering a range of DBA- and developer-focused SQL Server topics, interspersed with interactive games to keep the speakers and audience on their toes.

Plan for plenty of sarcasm, laughs, and eye rolls in this thoughtfully structured yet highly improvised session.

We can’t guarantee what you’ll learn, but we do promise a great time!

*Slot machine will not generate real money for “winners”


  • Erin Stellato

Track and Room: Other - Roush 114

Title: Introduction To Data Lakes

Abstract: What is a Data Lake and can I swim in it??? Can I truly emerse myself in data? How difficult is it to create a lake? When is a lake part of the data strategy? Can data lakes evaporate? These questions and more will be answered in the wake of this session.


  • Warren Sifre

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - Roush 210

Title: Performance Tuning for SQL Developer through Execution Plans

Abstract: Performance Tuning for SQL Developer session aims to provide essential building blocks to get starting with this challenging subject. When it comes to performance tuning the execution plan needs to be the first stop for every developer however many developers don’t know how to read and extract relevant information. When looking at execution plans in SSMS, there are many different ways of getting relevant information however it is not always simple to understand. The goal of this presentation is to provide tools and high-level overview of pertinent information to enable each developer to start optimizing their code.


  • Vladimir Oselsky

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Roush 213

Title: 45 Minutes to Your First Tabular Model

Abstract: Have you been watching SSAS Tabular develop? What about the Azure Analysis Services product? Power BI’s data modeling? These technologies are all effectively the same, but live in different places and can serve different roles. Now’s the time to dive in and figure all of this out. In this session, we will talk about what Tabular is and what it does, in addition to the various “flavors” it comes in. We’ll explore development processes and will wind up with a model ready for ad-hoc querying through Excel or Power BI.


  • Kerry Tyler

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - Roush 210

Title: Lambda architecture design using Azure Databricks for advanced analytics

Abstract: In this session, we will review the history of Azure Databricks, world records it broke, and how to accelerate your data platform solutions. We will cover lambda architecture, Azure Databricks components, and how to integrate other Microsoft Azure services. Then we will see a demonstration on creating clusters, notebooks, team collaboration, and advanced analytics. Finally, we will take a look at additional information on how to further utilize Azure Databricks.


  • Lucas Feiock

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - Roush 116

Title: Starting your own consulting firm without getting sued.

Abstract: This presentation will cover (1) legal ways to structure a company, (2) how to pick a name for your company, (3) how to avoid being sued by your present employer, and (4) how to avoid conflicts with others over intellectual property rights.

This is a sponsor session provided by Arenstein and Andersen Co., LPA. Our presenters will be Nicholas I Andersen and Christen M Shore.


  • David Maxwell

Track and Room: Professional Development - Roush 116


This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.

Lucas Feiock

Twitter: - @LucasFeiock

LinkedIn: Lucas Feiock

Contact: https://sql-stack.com

Lucas Feiock is a Senior Business Intelligence Consultant with KiZAN Technologies. He has four years of experience with the Microsoft BI Stack. In addition to data warehousing, data integration and data visualization, Lucas is also involved with machine learning and advanced analytics. He has experience working in multiple industries including manufacturing, sales, gas and electric utilities, and health care.

Cassandra Faris

Twitter: - cassandrafaris

LinkedIn: Cassandra Faris

Cassandra Faris is passionate about the human side of technology. Her career has focused on supporting tech professionals through community outreach, hiring, mentoring, and employee engagement. She is an international speaker who specializes in teaching people how to be more effective team members and advance their careers. She is also the President of the Microsoft and open source conference, DogFoodCon, and a Per Scholas Advisory Board member. She has an MBA in Organizational Leadership. When she’s not busy with the tech community, she is avid tabletop gamer, runner, and soccer fan who travels as much as possible.

Greg Deckler

Twitter: - @GregDeckler

LinkedIn: Greg Deckler

Contact: https://www.linkedin.com/today/author/0_3IIpqzJXt0rHLHrw11HbE0?trk=prof-sm

I am a Director at Fusion Alliance and the Solution Director of Cloud Services. In addition, I am a Microsoft MVP for Data Platform. As an active member in the Columbus IT community, I founded the Columbus Azure ML and Power BI User Group (CAMLPUG) and have presented at many different conferences and events including Dog Food, SharePoint Saturday, CloudDevelop and M3. I have written numerous trade journal articles on business and technical subjects and the book “Achieving Process Profitability, Building the IT Profit Center”.

Ben Weissman

Twitter: - bweissman

LinkedIn: Ben Weissman

Ben Weissman has been working with SQL Server since SQL Server 6.5, mainly in the BI/Datawarehousing field. He is a Data Platform MVP, MCSE Data Management and Analytics, and a Certified Data Vault Data Modeler. He is also the first BimlHero Certified Expert in Germany and a co-author of ‘SQL Server Big Data Clusters’ and ‘The Biml Book’. Ben has been involved in more than 150 BI Projects and is always looking for ways to become more productive and make SQL Server even more fun! Together with his team at Solisyon, Ben provides training, implementation and consultancy for SQL/BI developers and data analysts in upper-mid-market companies around the globe.

Jeff Moden

With more than 51,000 posts and 39 mostly 5 star articles, Jeff Moden is a strong contributor on SQLServerCentral.com where he coined the term “RBAR” (Row By Agonizing Row) and helped make the “Tally Table” a household name. Jeff has more than 2 decades of experience with SQL Server and is mostly self-trained in what he calls the “Black Arts” of T-SQL. He’s known worldwide for his informative articles, high performance T-SQL coding methods, and methods of mentoring. His dedication to helping others earned him the MS SQL Server MVP award for nine years and the RedGate Exceptional DBA Award in 2011. His mantra is “Performance is in the code”.

Sam Nasr

Twitter: - SamNasr

LinkedIn: Sam Nasr

Contact: http://samnasr.blogspot.com/

Sam Nasr has been a software developer since 1995, focusing mostly on Microsoft technologies. He’s a Sr. Software Engineer with NIS Technologies where he consults and teaches clients about the latest .Net technologies. Sam has achieved multiple certifications from Microsoft (MCSA, MCAD, MCTS, MCT), and is the leader of the Cleveland C#/VB.Net User Group since 2003. In addition, he’s the leader of the .Net Study Group, an author for Visual Studio Magazine, and a Microsoft MVP since 2013. When not coding, Sam loves spending time with his family and friends or volunteering at his local church.

Slava Trofimov

LinkedIn: Slava Trofimov

Slava Trofimov has over 15 years of experience in leading business transformation using data and and analytics. He currently works as a Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft, specializing in Data AI.

Vanessa Kesten

Twitter: - VanessaEHL

LinkedIn: Vanessa Kesten

Vanessa Kesten is a Data Engineer with BrightSpring Health Services. She is an Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE) in Data Management and Analytics. Vanessa has over a decade of experience with the Microsoft BI Stack and has led large scale deployments of data warehousing solutions and has worked in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, health insurance, and government contracts.

Ben Weissman

Twitter: - bweissman

LinkedIn: Ben Weissman

Ben Weissman has been working with SQL Server since SQL Server 6.5, mainly in the BI/Datawarehousing field. He is a Data Platform MVP, MCSE Data Management and Analytics, and a Certified Data Vault Data Modeler. He is also the first BimlHero Certified Expert in Germany and a co-author of ‘SQL Server Big Data Clusters’ and ‘The Biml Book’. Ben has been involved in more than 150 BI Projects and is always looking for ways to become more productive and make SQL Server even more fun! Together with his team at Solisyon, Ben provides training, implementation and consultancy for SQL/BI developers and data analysts in upper-mid-market companies around the globe.

Julie McLain-Harper

LinkedIn: Julie McLain-Harper

As “The Goddess of the Database”, I am a Sr DBA, Technical Professional and Microsoft Certified Trainer who has over 25 years of experience and a passion for EDUCATING, new technology, system performance and troubleshooting. My experience started with Hierarchical Databases and thankfully moved to Relational Databases, Open Systems technology, and SQL Programming. Because of my desire to give Developers a new perspective on their process of interacting with database data, I began educating co-workers and then training others in SQL Programming best practices. I have significant background as a professor/educator; a Sr. DBA; in performance tuning; as a data, app and infra architect; an Adopter of PowerShell and am MCSA Certified.

Jeff McKenzie

Twitter: - jeffreymckenzie

LinkedIn: Jeff McKenzie

Contact: https://github.com/mcknz

Jeff McKenzie has worked in software development for nearly twenty years, in both freelance and full-time capacities, as a developer and team leader. He enjoys helping others solve problems through technology, whether it’s the small business getting on the web for the first time, or a Fortune 500 company expanding its enterprise. Although he started his career using BASIC on an Atari 800, he took a big detour, getting Biology and English degrees before rediscovering programming, with a new thing called the World Wide Web. He is currently an Architect at Insight Digital Innovation (formerly Cardinal Solutions) in Columbus Ohio.

Warren Sifre

Twitter: - WAS_SQL

LinkedIn: Warren Sifre

Contact: http://www.broadstrokeconsulting.com/blog/, http://www.allegient.com

Warren Sifre has been in the IT community since 1998 and has worked in a variety of industries deploying solutions utilizing MS SQL Server in one capacity or another. In 2003, he decided to make SQL Server his mastery and has since developed skills in most defined disciplines of MS SQL. Currently he is a Principal Consultant and Technology Leader with Moser Consulting. He is responsible for BI Solution Architecture and the mentorship of team members. He has been a SQLSaturday Speaker since 2012, Azure Global Bootcamp, and many user groups in 2015 alone. He has a passion for knowledge transfer and solutions architecture, with a keen interested in Info Security.

Jeff Moden

With more than 51,000 posts and 39 mostly 5 star articles, Jeff Moden is a strong contributor on SQLServerCentral.com where he coined the term “RBAR” (Row By Agonizing Row) and helped make the “Tally Table” a household name. Jeff has more than 2 decades of experience with SQL Server and is mostly self-trained in what he calls the “Black Arts” of T-SQL. He’s known worldwide for his informative articles, high performance T-SQL coding methods, and methods of mentoring. His dedication to helping others earned him the MS SQL Server MVP award for nine years and the RedGate Exceptional DBA Award in 2011. His mantra is “Performance is in the code”.

Kerry Tyler

Twitter: - AirborneGeek

LinkedIn: Kerry Tyler

Contact: http://airbornegeek.com

Kerry Tyler is a SQL Server, Business Intelligence, and Azure consultant. His initial IT experience was in network engineering and Windows system administration before moving into the data realm. This infrastructure background builds a firm foundation for performance tuning and cloud infrastructure design and implementation. Kerry has full-time DBA experience in SQL Server since version 2000 and business intelligence architecture since SQL Server 2005. In addition to consulting work, he delivers presentations and training on SQL Server administration, business intelligence, and Azure data and infrastructure components.

Allen White

Twitter: - SQLRunr

LinkedIn: Allen White

Contact: http://dataperfpro.com/blog/

Allen White is a Data Platform consultant. He has been both a developer and an administrator, so he understands both perspectives towards database technology. He loves sharing his experiences and helping people learn how to use SQL Server. Allen has spent over 40 years in IT, using SQL Server since 1992, and has been awarded Microsoft’s MVP Award for the last 13 years. Allen was a PASS Director from 2016 - 2018.

Rayis Imayev

Twitter: - rayisimayev

LinkedIn: Rayis Imayev

Contact: http://datanrg.blogspot.ca/

Database professional with hands-on database design, data analysis, and reporting skills. I believe that I can help to make this intricate world of data to be more structured and well understood. Born in USSR; graduated and started my IT journey in Ukraine; now I work and live with my family in Toronto, Canada.

John Deardurff

Twitter: - SQLMCT

LinkedIn: John Deardurff

Contact: https://www.sqlmct.com

John has been a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) for over 20 years teaching Azure, SQL Server, Exchange Server, and Windows Server networking courses. He is currently a SQL Premier Field Engineer for Microsoft. He is an MCT Regional Lead for the Eastern United States and a former Data Platform MVP.

Phillip Labry

Twitter: - @philliplabry

Contact: http://phillip.labry.com

Phillip Labry is a Senior BI Consultant and Trainer with over 20 years experience in SQL Server and over 30 in IT. He has been lucky enough to work on data projects spanning telecom, banking, retail, law enforcement, health care, insurance, financial services and energy sectors. As a national consultant he provides training and builds solutions utilizing the full MS BI stack. He is an active member of the Madison, WI PASS chapter and speaks at events in the USA and Canada.

Thomas Grohser

LinkedIn: Thomas Grohser

Thomas Grohser has spent most of the past 26+ years exploring the deeper inner workings of SQL Server and its features while working for entertainment, pharmaceutical, and financial services industries. His primary focus is to architect, plan, build, and operate reliable, highly available, secure, and scalable infrastructures for SQL Server. Over the years he has managed thousands of SQL Server instances, processing trillions of rows, taking up petabytes of storage. Thomas has been a Microsoft Data Platform MVP for 9 years and has spoken regularly at conferences, SQLSaturdays, and user groups for 12 years.

Erin Stellato

Twitter: - erinstellato

LinkedIn: Erin Stellato

Contact: http://www.sqlskills.com/blogs/erin

Erin Stellato is a Data Platform MVP and lives outside Cleveland, OH. She has almost 20 years of technology experience and has worked with SQL Server since 2003. Her areas of interest include performance tuning, Query Store, Extended Events, and helping accidental/involuntary DBAs understand how SQL Server works. Erin is an active member of the SQL Server community, has volunteered for PASS at the local and national level, and is a regular speaker at conferences including the PASS Summit, SQLIntersection, and SQLBits. Outside of time with family and friends, she enjoys running, spinning, movies, and all things chocolate.

Hope Foley

Twitter: - hope_foley

LinkedIn: Hope Foley

Contact: http://www.hopefoley.com

Hope Foley, a former Data Platform MVP, has worked across many industries as a DBA and Business Intelligence consultant. She joined team at Microsoft and is a Data AI Technology Solutions Professional. She has worked with enterprise customers but now focuses on education. Hope is an active member in the SQL Server and PASS communities speaking at events and organizing the SQLSaturday event in Indianapolis.

Bert Wagner

Twitter: - bertwagner

LinkedIn: Bert Wagner

Contact: https://bertwagner.com

Bert Wagner teaches data-focused developers how to use SQL Server efficiently every week on his YouTube channel “SQL with Bert.” When not filming episodes, he gains inspiration for his content through his work as a Principal Business Intelligence Developer for Progressive Insurance in Cleveland, OH.

Starting his career as an SSIS and SSRS developer, Bert fell in love with SQL Server query writing and performance tuning. Nowadays, he focuses on full stack web development and uses his database tuning skills to ensure that his applications run at peak performance.

Erin Stellato

Twitter: - erinstellato

LinkedIn: Erin Stellato

Contact: http://www.sqlskills.com/blogs/erin

Erin Stellato is a Data Platform MVP and lives outside Cleveland, OH. She has almost 20 years of technology experience and has worked with SQL Server since 2003. Her areas of interest include performance tuning, Query Store, Extended Events, and helping accidental/involuntary DBAs understand how SQL Server works. Erin is an active member of the SQL Server community, has volunteered for PASS at the local and national level, and is a regular speaker at conferences including the PASS Summit, SQLIntersection, and SQLBits. Outside of time with family and friends, she enjoys running, spinning, movies, and all things chocolate.

Tamera Clark

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/tameraclark

LinkedIn: Tamera Clark

Contact: http://tameraclark.com

Tamera Clark has been involved in the IT industry for greater than ten years, with experiences ranging from systems analysis/engineering to SQL Server and SSRS administration/development. She is an active member of the SQL Server community, participating in the Women in Technology Virtual Chapter, Co-leading the Nashville BI Chapter, assisting the Nashville PASS Chapter and serving as a Regional Mentor. Tamera is also the event chair of SQLSaturday Nashville.

David Maxwell

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/dmmaxwell

LinkedIn: David Maxwell

Contact: https://dmmaxwell.wordpress.com/

David Maxwell has almost 20 years of experience with SQL Server, with a keen interest in performance tuning, monitoring, and troubleshooting. He has experience in environments as diverse as health care institutions, auto manufacturers, and insurance companies. David has been a frequent presenter at SQLSaturday events around the United States since 2012, as well as a presenter for the DBA Fundamentals Virtual Group, the Performance Virtual Group, 24 Hours of PASS, and the annual PASS Summit. David participates in his local Columbus Ohio PASS Local Group, where he serves on the board of directors as SQLSaturday coordinator.

Joe McTaggart

I am a Microsoft SQL Server Premier Field Engineer (PFE). I’ve been with Microsoft for 13 years with my time having been split working in SQL CTS support and PFE. My primary focus is SQL database engine but I do have experience with the full stack and all the SSxS components. Secondarily to working primary with customers on SQL, I have helped author a number of the SQL Server workshops offered by our Premier Services (most recently updates to SQL Server Features and Administration and SQL Server Hand-on Troubleshooting).

Sriharsh Adari

Twitter: - Sriharshadari

LinkedIn: Sriharsh Adari

Contact: https://www.sriharshadari.com/

Sriharsh Adari is a technology strategist and Cloud BI Architect. He has around 16 years of experience helping customers with setting up Data Platforms focused on Microsoft BI. He has helped multiple global customers across different industry verticals set up enterprise data platforms using the Microsoft Data Platform and Business Intelligence stack. Over the past few years, he has been helping customers migrate on-premise data workloads onto Cloud Data Platforms - Azure, AWS, and set up new data platforms on cloud. Sriharsh is passionate about all things related to data, big data and Business Intelligence.

Thomas Grohser

LinkedIn: Thomas Grohser

Thomas Grohser has spent most of the past 26+ years exploring the deeper inner workings of SQL Server and its features while working for entertainment, pharmaceutical, and financial services industries. His primary focus is to architect, plan, build, and operate reliable, highly available, secure, and scalable infrastructures for SQL Server. Over the years he has managed thousands of SQL Server instances, processing trillions of rows, taking up petabytes of storage. Thomas has been a Microsoft Data Platform MVP for 9 years and has spoken regularly at conferences, SQLSaturdays, and user groups for 12 years.

Kerry Tyler

Twitter: - AirborneGeek

LinkedIn: Kerry Tyler

Contact: http://airbornegeek.com

Kerry Tyler is a SQL Server, Business Intelligence, and Azure consultant. His initial IT experience was in network engineering and Windows system administration before moving into the data realm. This infrastructure background builds a firm foundation for performance tuning and cloud infrastructure design and implementation. Kerry has full-time DBA experience in SQL Server since version 2000 and business intelligence architecture since SQL Server 2005. In addition to consulting work, he delivers presentations and training on SQL Server administration, business intelligence, and Azure data and infrastructure components.

Dave Mattingly

Twitter: - @dave_mattingly

LinkedIn: Dave Mattingly

Contact: http://www.davemattingly.net

Dave Mattingly has spent thirty years of designing, developing, databasing, documenting, and directing a variety of projects in many industries. In the past, he’s worked on space travel, fraud prevention, data accuracy, and virtual reality for industries such as games, ecology, health, religion, and money. He also writes, publishes, orates, teaches, and preaches.

Thomas Grohser

LinkedIn: Thomas Grohser

Thomas Grohser has spent most of the past 26+ years exploring the deeper inner workings of SQL Server and its features while working for entertainment, pharmaceutical, and financial services industries. His primary focus is to architect, plan, build, and operate reliable, highly available, secure, and scalable infrastructures for SQL Server. Over the years he has managed thousands of SQL Server instances, processing trillions of rows, taking up petabytes of storage. Thomas has been a Microsoft Data Platform MVP for 9 years and has spoken regularly at conferences, SQLSaturdays, and user groups for 12 years.

David Maxwell

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/dmmaxwell

LinkedIn: David Maxwell

Contact: https://dmmaxwell.wordpress.com/

David Maxwell has almost 20 years of experience with SQL Server, with a keen interest in performance tuning, monitoring, and troubleshooting. He has experience in environments as diverse as health care institutions, auto manufacturers, and insurance companies. David has been a frequent presenter at SQLSaturday events around the United States since 2012, as well as a presenter for the DBA Fundamentals Virtual Group, the Performance Virtual Group, 24 Hours of PASS, and the annual PASS Summit. David participates in his local Columbus Ohio PASS Local Group, where he serves on the board of directors as SQLSaturday coordinator.

Vladimir Oselsky

Twitter: - @VladyOselsky

LinkedIn: Vladimir Oselsky

Vladimir Oselsky (Vlady) is an IT Professional with over 15 years of experience in various IT Jobs. Born and raised in Siberia, moved to United States in late 90s. Passion for computer and programming started with DOS games and learning Borland Paschal in 8th grade as a hobby. IT career consisted of everything from hardware and software support to server administration. Current focus on SQL Server Database Development and .NET programming

Grant Fritchey

Twitter: - @gfritchey

LinkedIn: Grant Fritchey

Contact: http://scarydba.com

Grant Fritchey is a Data Platform MVP with over 20 years’ experience in IT, including time spent in support and development. He has worked with SQL Server since 6.0 back in 1995. He has also developed in VB, VB.NET, C#, and Java. Grant has written books for Apress and Simple-Talk. Grant presents at conferences and user groups, large and small, all over the world. He joined Redgate Software as a product evangelist in January 2011.

Andy Mallon

Twitter: - AMtwo

LinkedIn: Andy Mallon

Contact: http://www.AM2.co

Andy is a Data Platform MVP and SQL Server DBA that has managed databases in the healthcare, finance, e-commerce, and non-profit sectors. He has been supporting high-volume, highly-available OLTP environments with demanding performance needs since 2003.

Andy is the founder of the BostonSQL User Group, and previous co-organizer of SQLSaturday events in Boston. He blogs at am2.co.

Andy lives just outside Boston, Massachusetts, USA with his husband and their two dogs.

Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman

Twitter: - DBAKevlar

LinkedIn: Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman

Contact: http://dbakevlar.com

Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman is a member of the Oak Table Network and an Idera ACE and Oracle ACE Director alumnus. She is a Data Platform Architect in Power BI with AI in the EdTech group at Microsoft. Kellyn is known for her extensive work with multi-database platforms, DevOps, cloud migrations, virtualization, visualizations, scripting, environment optimization tuning, automation, and architecture design.

Kellyn has spoken at numerous technical conferences for Oracle, Big Data, DevOps, testing, and SQL Server. Her blog (http://dbakevlar.com) and social media activity under her handle, DBAKevlar, is well respected for her insight and content.

Grant Fritchey

Twitter: - @gfritchey

LinkedIn: Grant Fritchey

Contact: http://scarydba.com

Grant Fritchey is a Data Platform MVP with over 20 years’ experience in IT, including time spent in support and development. He has worked with SQL Server since 6.0 back in 1995. He has also developed in VB, VB.NET, C#, and Java. Grant has written books for Apress and Simple-Talk. Grant presents at conferences and user groups, large and small, all over the world. He joined Redgate Software as a product evangelist in January 2011.

Eugene Meidinger

Twitter: - @sqlgene

Contact: http://www.sqlgene.com

Eugene Meidinger works as a BI consultant and full time Pluralsight author. He currently focuses on content on Power BI and related products. He also leads the Pittsburgh Power BI User Group. He is certified in querying and administering SQL Server.

Drew Furgiuele

Twitter: - pittfurg

LinkedIn: Drew Furgiuele

Contact: http://www.port1433.com

Drew Furgiuele is a senior DBA that lives in Dublin, Ohio who is passionate about SQL Server and PowerShell. He’s been working with SQL Server since 2002. When he’s not accidentally dropping tables in production, he likes writing automation scripts, blogging about SQL Server Replication, wiring electronics, playing board games, and spending time with his dog. He’s also not embarrassed by his Spotify playlists.

John Deardurff

Twitter: - SQLMCT

LinkedIn: John Deardurff

Contact: https://www.sqlmct.com

John has been a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) for over 20 years teaching Azure, SQL Server, Exchange Server, and Windows Server networking courses. He is currently a SQL Premier Field Engineer for Microsoft. He is an MCT Regional Lead for the Eastern United States and a former Data Platform MVP.

Jim Miller

LinkedIn: Jim Miller

Contact: https://https://www.bitracks.com/blog

Jim has worked in various facets of the IT business for over 30 years, with a primary focus on data warehousing, reporting and analytics, business intelligence, data modeling (relational, multi-dimensional), ETL frameworks, database architecture, as well as database performance tuning. In previous engagements, Jim has fulfilled roles as Data Architect, DBA, IT Director, and Senior Consultant. He also has experience in account management, marketing/technical support, and software application training. Jim has also had some extraordinary opportunities to lead IT organizations, with multinational participants, on reconstruction projects based in Bosnia and Iraq.

Jonathan Stewart

Twitter: - sqllocks

LinkedIn: Jonathan Stewart

Contact: https://sqllocks.net/

Jonathan Stewart is a Business Intelligence consultant specializing in data visualization, data warehousing, and data management technologies. An advocate for educating others, he is a public speaker, teacher and blogger, continually teaching people about the Microsoft BI Stack. Since 2000, he has been working in the database field with industry leaders in healthcare, manufacturing, financial, insurance and federal, state and local governments.

Jonathan is very active in the community. He has presented on SQL Server, SSIS, Reporting Services, Power BI and Business Intelligence at numerous SQLSaturday events, local user groups, and conferences throughout the United States and around the world. He participates in webcasts, podcasts, and on

Jess Pomfret

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/jpomfret

LinkedIn: Jess Pomfret

Contact: http://jesspomfret.com

Jess Pomfret is a SQL Server DBA at Westfield Group in Westfield, Ohio. She started working with SQL Server in 2011 and currently works as part of a team administering over 100 instances ranging from 2005 to 2017. She enjoys the problem-solving aspects of performance tuning and automating processes with PowerShell.

She also enjoys contributing to dbatools and dbachecks, two open source PowerShell modules that aid DBAs with automating the management of SQL Server instances.

She grew up in the South West of England and outside of her DBA life enjoys Crossfit, cycling and watching proper football.

Kevin Feasel

Twitter: - feaselkl

LinkedIn: Kevin Feasel

Contact: http://www.catallaxyservices.com

Kevin Feasel is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and CTO at Envizage, where he specializes in data analytics with T-SQL and R, forcing Spark clusters to do his bidding, fighting with Kafka, and pulling rabbits out of hats on demand. He is the lead contributor to Curated SQL (https://curatedsql.com), president of the Triangle Area SQL Server Users Group (https://www.meetup.com/tripass), and author of PolyBase Revealed (https://www.apress.com/us/book/9781484254608). A resident of Durham, North Carolina, he can be found cycling the trails along the triangle whenever the weather’s nice enough.


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