SQLSaturday #871 - Sardegna 2019

Event Date: 05/18/2019 00:00:00

Event Location:

  • Palazzo delle Scienze - Università degli Studi di Cagliari
  • Via Ospedale, 72
  • Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy

PDF of Schedule

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This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.

Title: Il mio grosso grasso modello di Power BI

Abstract: Le ottime prestazioni del motore di Power BI (VertiPaq), unite al suo elevato fattore di compressione dei dati, spesso rendono superflua l’attività di ottimizzazione dei modelli dati realizzati con Power BI desktop. In realtà questa è una buona prassi che dovrebbe sempre essere prevista nel ciclo di sviluppo dei nostri modelli indipendentemente dalla loro dimensione e complessità. In questa sessione, dopo una breve introduzione teorica sul funzionamento di VertiPaq e dei suoi algoritmi di compressione, ci concentreremo su alcune best practices da seguire per ottimizzare i nostri modelli e sugli strumenti a nostra disposizione per verificare l’effettivo livello di ottimizzazione degli stessi. Inoltre, vedremo come sia possibile raccogliere, tramite DMV, tutte le informazioni utili delle strutture dati dei nostri modelli utilizzando Power BI desktop, fino a realizzare una versione “Power BI” del famoso tool Vertipaq Analizer.


  • Francesco De Chirico

Track and Room: Advanced Analytics - Room 2

Title: Set-based vs Iterative programming (IT)

Abstract: Confrontato con gli altri linguaggi di programmazione, T-SQL non è difficile da imparare e al netto di eventuali errori sintattici può essere molto tollerante. Tuttavia, per ottenere il massimo delle prestazioni dobbiamo sfruttare una delle sue caratteristiche più importanti, la sua natura dichiarativa! In questa sessione confronteremo due approcci per sviluppare codice T-SQL, l’approccio Set-based e l’approccio Procedurale. Vedremo perché l’approccio Set-Based è raccomandato e da dove derivano le difficoltà che si incontrano nel pensare una soluzione Set-based fin dall’inizio. Solo attraverso un’attenta valutazione della struttura e della logica delle query, unita alla consapevolezza di avere a disposizione un linguaggio dichiarativo, gli sviluppatori potranno ottenere, dal proprio codice T-SQL, il massimo delle performance e della scalabilità.


  • Sergio Govoni

Track and Room: Database Development - Room 1

Title: Stranger IoThing: behind remote monitoring

Abstract: Una soluzione di remote monitoring consta di vari elementi dall’invio delle telemetrie dai dispositivi fino allo store dei dati. Vediamo dunque la soluzione usando IoT hub per gestire i dati in ingresso, la manipolazione di questi dati attraverso uno Stream Analytics e il suo immagazzinamento mostrandoli infine in una web app in near real time. Vedremo il tutto attraverso una demo reale con un dispositivo compatibile arduino (azure iot development kit) e i dati dei suoi sensori.


  • Francesco Sparacio

Track and Room: Internet of Things - Room 2

Title: Machine Learning - Best Practices

Abstract: Sempre più progetti oggi necessitano della potenza dell’intelligenza Artificiale ed del Machine Learning. Per progetti la cui problematica è standard si possono trovare soluzione pronte all’uso, tuttavia questa estrema facilità spesso è il più grande nemico quando dobbiamo risolvere problematiche specifiche o custom. In questa sessione scopriremo come applicare alcune best practices nell’uso e configurazione del ML, ma soprattutto, ne abbiamo sempre realmente bisogno? Analizzeremoi alcuni falsi miti nell’impiego del ML e quando non è necessario usarlo.


  • Sebastiano Galazzo

Track and Room: Machine Learning - Room 3

Title: SQL Server ed Azure: Disaster Recovery per tutti

Abstract: Grazie al Azure, oggigiorno è possibile disegnare soluzioni di Disaster Recovery affidabili e di facile implementazione anche per la media e piccola impresa. Vediamo insieme quali sono le soluzioni suggerite da Microsoft, confrontandone pregi e difetti.


  • Marco Obinu

Track and Room: Database Admin - Room 1

Title: Create IoT devices connected or on the Edge using AI and ML

Abstract: Build IoT devices is not something new. But build devices for the intelligent edge or smart devices that solve complex problems or automate day by day task is something more engaging. Let’s see how we can use Azure IoT platform to build this kind of devices using services and platform expressly designed to include AI and ML in our devices.


  • Marco Dal Pino

Track and Room: Internet of Things - Room 2

Title: Practical Data Virtualization

Abstract: Data virtualization gestisce le difficolta di integrazione tra diverse fonti dati e formati senza dare origine a repliche o spostamento dei dati stessi. Quali sono i concetti e come poterli affrontare con i miglioramenti aggiunti a Polybase presenti in SQL Server 2019 è lo scopo di questa sessione


  • Franco Perduca

Track and Room: Database Development - Room 1

Title: SQL Server 2019 CTP 2.4 (IT)

Abstract: A circa un anno dal rilascio della versione RTM di SQL Server 2017 è stata rilasciata la prima CTP pubblica della prossima versione che sarà la 2019. In questa sessione vedremo quali sono le novità introdotte nel database engine ricapitolando le varie funzionalità introdotte nelle versioni più recenti. Vedremo anche una breve introduzione dell’architettura di SQL Server 2019 Big Data Cluster.


  • Gianluca Hotz

Track and Room: Database Admin - Room 1

Title: Applied ML: from theoretical to actionable Deep Learning Structures (IT)

Abstract: Incontriamo sempre più spesso modelli di Deep Learning che sfruttano molteplici tipi di reti neurali per creare nuovi applicativi di intelligenza artificiale. Durante questa sessione comprenderemo la struttura delle reti neurali e il loro funzionamento da un punto di vista teorico, per poi creare un modello di Deep Learning predittivo con l’ausilio di Keras.

  • Introduzione al Machine Learning
  • Cosa sono le reti neurali e come si utilizzano nel Deep Learning
  • Case study: creazione di un modello di Deep Learning per il riconoscimento di immagini con Keras


  • Lucrezia Noli

Track and Room: Machine Learning - Room 3

Title: Self-Service ETL: The PowerBI Data Flows

Abstract: What was already good has became even better. We were already able to make ETL in PowerBI using M, now, using the PoweBI Data Flows we are able to store the ETL on the PowerBI Portal, control the ETL execution, the data among many ETL steps and share the result with many Power BI files, instead of having to duplicate M scripts accross different .PBIX files

In this session you will understand better what Data Flows can bring to our already powerful self-service BI tools


  • Dennes Torres

Track and Room: Advanced Analytics - Room 2

Title: From 0 to Conversational AI using Microsoft Azure platform: how to get started

Abstract: In this session we will explore how to start using the Azure platform to build a conversational AI system, including chat and voice.


  • Francesco Diaz

Track and Room: Artificial Intelligence - Room 3

Title: How AI will help us to work better

Abstract: AI is many things, but overall is technology that learns from our habits and helps us to achieve better results with less efforts. In this session we’ll learn how to leverage the AI inside many everyday technologies to do things smarter and in a very efficient way. The objective is to understand what we already have and how to use it, while perceiving the limits and produce better software in the future.


  • Davide Luzzu

Track and Room: Artificial Intelligence - Room 3

Title: Lap around the Azure Cognitive Services for the .NET Developer

Abstract: In questa sessione si parlerà degli Azure Cognitive Service e di come il loro utilizzo, reso semplice dai tool sdk integrati, permetta di infondere all’interno di workload applicativi algoritmi intelligenti di vario tipo.


  • Giancarlo Lelli

Track and Room: Internet of Things - Room 2

Title: Market Basket Analysis in SQL Server Machine Learning Services

Abstract: La Market Basket Analysis è una metodologia che permette l’identificazione delle relazioni esistenti tra una vasto numero di prodotti acquistati da differenti consumatori. Nasce come tecnica di Data Mining per supportare il cross-selling e il piazzamento a scaffale dei prodotti; ma è anche utilizzata per diagnosi mediche, nella bioinformatica, in analisi della società in base a dati anagrafici, ecc. In questa sessione vedremo come i nuovi Machine Learning Services ci permettono di ricavare gli insight di questa analisi direttamente in SQL Server 2017, utilizzando il linguaggio di programmazione R.


  • Luca Zavarella

Track and Room: Machine Learning - Room 3

Title: SQL Server Execution Plans: From Zero to Hero (IT)

Abstract: Ogni query, prima di essere eseguita, viene trasformata dal Query Optimizer in un piano di esecuzione. Il piano di esecuzione descrive in quale ordine verranno accedute le tabelle, quali saranno gli indici utilizzati, quali gli operatori di JOIN e molto altro. In questa sessione impareremo a leggere i piani di esecuzione per trarre informazioni che ci permettano di scrivere query più efficienti; vedremo infine anche le caratteristiche del piano di esecuzione per i comandi INSERT/UPDATE e DELETE.


  • Sergio Govoni

Track and Room: Database Development - Room 1


This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.

Gianluca Hotz

Twitter: - glhotz

LinkedIn: Gianluca Hotz

Contact: http://www.ghotz.com

Gianluca Hotz is an independent consultant, trainer, speaker and Mentor specialized in architecture, database design, high availability, capacity planning, performance tuning, system integration and migrations for Microsoft SQL Server. He has been working as a consultant in the IT field since 1993 and with SQL Server since 1996. He is among the original founders of ugiss.org, where he served as vice-president from 2001 to 2016 and he is now serving as president, for his contribution to the community he has been a SQL Server MVP since 1998.

Sergio Govoni

Twitter: - @segovoni

LinkedIn: Sergio Govoni

Contact: https://mvp.microsoft.com/it-it/PublicProfile/4029181?fullName=Sergio%20Govoni

Since 1999 Sergio Govoni has been a software developer; in 2000 he got a degree in Computer Science at “Università degli Studi” in Ferrara (Italy). He has worked for over 18 years in Centro Software, a software house that produces the best ERP for manufacturing companies that are export oriented. Now, he manages the development product team and he is constantly involved on several team projects, where he focues his attention on the architecture and the mission-critical technical details. Since 2016 he is the vice president of the UGISS (www.ugiss.org). For the provided help to technical communities and for sharing his own experience, since 2010 he has received the Microsoft Data Platform MVP award.

Luca Zavarella

Twitter: - @lucazav

LinkedIn: Luca Zavarella

Contact: http://blogs.solidq.com/en/author/lzavarella/

Mentor Technical Director at SolidQ Italy. He loves BI, Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning. He plays piano in the free time.

Giancarlo Lelli

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/itsonlyGianca

LinkedIn: Giancarlo Lelli

Contact: https://giancarlolelli.github.io

Hi there, I’m Giancarlo - I work for Avande in the CRM Talent Community. I’m a technical lead accountable for the technical quality and delivery of CRM projects. I’m a doer in the Windows and Cloud technology space and former Microsoft MVP on Windows Development. I love rock festivals and in my spare time I do CrossFit. If you want to chat about Cloud, Development Technologies and other geeky stuff…you have found your guy!!

Dennes Torres

Twitter: - Dennes

LinkedIn: Dennes Torres

Contact: https://www.red-gate.com/simple-talk/author/dennes-torres/

Dennes Torres is a Data Platform MVP with more than 25 years of experience in the IT area. He improves Data Platform Architectures and turns data into knowledge. As a Brazilian living in Malta, Dennes works as a software developer and leads the Malta MDP User Group. Having the MCSE Data Platform, Business Intelligence, and Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) certifications, Dennes has been in love with database servers since he was introduced to SQL Server 6.5, more years ago than he would like to admit.

Francesco Sparacio

Twitter: - @fraspax

Just another bald of the IT world fighting with Azure architectures, IoT and Dynamics.

Francesco Diaz

Twitter: - francedit

LinkedIn: Francesco Diaz

Contact: http://francescodiaz.azurewebsites.net

Francesco (@francedit) works at Insight as Partner Technology Services Manager. He#39;s responsible for the delivery of technical services, mainly related to cloud and data projects, for the italian subsidiary. He#39;s passionate about Cloud, Dev, and Data Insights, and he posts articles on http://francescodiaz.azurewebsites.net

Franco Perduca


Marco Dal Pino

Twitter: - MarcoDalPino

LinkedIn: Marco Dal Pino

Contact: http://mobileprog.com

He started working in IT in early ‘90. Long experience in LOB application design and development for Retail, distribution and logistics market. Trainer and Speaker in the main technical conference In Italy and overseas. He is a staff member of DotNetToscana a community on Microsoft tech. From 2013 Microsoft recognize him the title of MVP Most Valuable Professional in May 2014 become Intel Software Innovator and later Intel Black Belt. In 2017 joined Projest SPA as Senior Program Manager. In 2020 he started working in Softjam SPA as Advisory Engineer and then in Microsoft as Cloud Solution Architect

Sebastiano Galazzo

Twitter: - @galazzoseba

LinkedIn: Sebastiano Galazzo

Passionate about Artificial Intelligence, Sebastiano @galazzoseba brings over 15 years of experience in AI and machine learning to his current position as CTO at Sistem-EVO srl. Sebastiano has dedicated the last few years to designing and developing algorithms to tackle the challenges of Natural Language Processing, image recognition and predictive analysis through machine learning. He is a Microsoft MVP and his work in AI has gained commendation in numerous publications and has received several national and international awards.

Francesco De Chirico

Twitter: - http://twitter.com/fdechirico

LinkedIn: Francesco De Chirico

Contact: http://francescodechirico.wordpress.com/

Francesco De Chirico is a consultant, trainer and speaker specialized in modeling and developing complex BI solutions with the Microsoft BI stack. He has been working with SSAS since 2001 and has a strong knowledge of the MDX, DAX and M. He focused on all the Microsoft Data Platform especially on Power BI. Co-leader of the PASS Global Italian Virtual Group and Milan Power BI User Group, regular speaker at events like PASS SQLSaturday, Microsoft Certified Trainer for many years, Francesco holds several Microsoft certifications including the prestigious SSAS Maestro for BI certification (2012) and the Microsoft Professional Program Data Science certification (2017). He is the project creator of the Analysis Services Query Analyzer tool.

Marco Obinu

Twitter: - omegamadlab

LinkedIn: Marco Obinu

Contact: https://www.omegamadlab.com

Curious by nature, talkative geek who can speak in front of a public or a camera, in love with technology, primarily SQL Server and Azure. I’d like to understand how things work and to solve problems by myself.

Sergio Govoni

Twitter: - @segovoni

LinkedIn: Sergio Govoni

Contact: https://mvp.microsoft.com/it-it/PublicProfile/4029181?fullName=Sergio%20Govoni

Since 1999 Sergio Govoni has been a software developer; in 2000 he got a degree in Computer Science at “Università degli Studi” in Ferrara (Italy). He has worked for over 18 years in Centro Software, a software house that produces the best ERP for manufacturing companies that are export oriented. Now, he manages the development product team and he is constantly involved on several team projects, where he focues his attention on the architecture and the mission-critical technical details. Since 2016 he is the vice president of the UGISS (www.ugiss.org). For the provided help to technical communities and for sharing his own experience, since 2010 he has received the Microsoft Data Platform MVP award.

Lucrezia Noli

LinkedIn: Lucrezia Noli

Contact: http://lucrezianoli.strikingly.com/

Lucrezia Noli is a Big Data Scientist at Dataskills, major player in the italian market specialized in ideating Business Intelligence infrastructures and Predictive Analytics solutions. With an international background comprising studying experiences in the US and Australia, she graduated Cum Laude in Economics of Innovation Technology from Bocconi University in Milan. Her research thesis “Machine Learning Techniques to Investigate the ALS Disease” won the second prize at the PRISLA contest, ideated to advance research on the neurodegenerative disease. She is part of the Department of Informatics of Bocconi University, where she teaches the course “Big Data”

Davide Luzzu

Twitter: - https://www.twitter.com/daviluzzo

LinkedIn: Davide Luzzu

Curious, creative and determined, I’ve been playing with technology since I have memory, and my aproach to problems concerning technologies is methodic, logic and still genuine. When it comes to business I believe that only three things matter most: ask, listen, do. Ask for resources to meet customer expectations, listen what is the customer value, do and keep doing until is done.


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