SQLSaturday #829 - Pordenone 2019

Event Date: 02/23/2019 00:00:00

Event Location:

  • Consorzio Universitario di Pordenone
  • Via Prasecco
  • Pordenone, , Italy

PDF of Schedule

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This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.

Title: Custom maps in Power BI

Abstract: Let’s go beyond the standard visuals available in Power BI for making maps. In this session we won’t talk about Bing or ArcGIS services. We want to explore all the available features for creating custom maps without having to rely on existing ones. Do you know what is a shapefile? Do you know how to create your own choropleth and import it into Power BI? What else? R support into Power BI opened the doors to the huge number of packages for spatial data analysis and statistical calculations included in the environment. Do you want to draw multi-layered interactive maps, or perform spatial analytics? With R in Power BI, now you can. Discover some custom visuals to overcome simple cartography: MapBox, IconMap, FlowMap. Last but not least, learn how to use Synoptic Panel, an awesome component that connects areas in a custom image with attributes in the data model and draws the data on a map. There are endless possibilities; the only limit is your imagination!


  • Andrea Martorana Tusa

Track and Room: Visualization - S1

Title: SQL Server and Continuous Integration

Abstract: It’s understandable that developers love to work in separate code branches, but this can create painful complications if not managed.

Do you dread large merge conflicts when integrating code?

Continuous Integration is a method of working where we merge and fully test our code multiple times a day. This is only possible with a high level of automation.

I’ll be discussing the tools I use to achieve this automation when developing SQL Server databases.

Finding automating the deployment of database changes hard? SQL Change Automation is a tool that allows you to test deployments during development.

How do you know your database change won’t affect something you haven’t thought of? tSQLt and Pester unit tests can put your mind at rest.

Having trouble keeping your test environments in sync with production? Docker enables us to fix this with infrastructure as code

You will see how a CI approach to database development can increase team efficiency and reduce the time to go from an idea


  • James Anderson

Track and Room: Application Database Development - S6

Title: Failure prediction for manufacturing industry with SQL Server R

Abstract: Working in manufacturing industry means that you must deal with product failures. As a BI and/or Data Scientist developer, your task is not only monitor and report product’s health state during its lifecycle, but also predict the likelihood of a fail in the production phase or when product has been delivered to the customer. Machine Learning techniques can help us to accomplish this task. Starting from past failure data, we can build up a predictive model to forecast the likelihood for a product to fail or giving an estimate on its duration. And now it is possible to develop an end-to-end solution in SQL Server, because of the introduction of advanced analytics tools like R since release 2016. In this session, we start from the real case of a manufacturing company to create some predictive models: a) Regression model ; b) binary and multivariate models. Binary or multi-class classification problem. Some reports are also created to deliver the outcome to the stakeholders.


  • Andrea Martorana Tusa

Track and Room: Analytics and Visualization - S6

Title: 8 Steps to Securing Azure Sql PaaS

Abstract: Moving databases and workloads to the cloud has never been easier. For Sql Server there is number of products that offer almost perfect feature parity. One of the last technical challenges is right security configuration. That’s because security model in the public cloud is different and requires different approach, skillset and knowledge. This session covers governance, risk management and compliance in public cloud and specifically focuses on Azure Sql PaaS resources. It provides practical examples of network topologies with their strengths and weaknesses including recommendations and best practices for hybrid and cloud-only solutions. Explains orchestration and instrumentation available in Azure like Security Center, Vulnerability Assessment, Threat Detection, Log Analytics/OMS, Data Classification, Key Vault and more. Finally shows techniques to acquire knowledge and gain advantage over attackers like deception and chaos engineering.


  • Janusz Rokicki

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - S8

Title: SQL Server Query Optimizer end-to-end

Abstract: Execution plans are produced by the query optimizer that generates possible alternative execution plans for the same query through the use of the transformation rules. You already learned how to read an execution plan and the most significant things to look for such as warnings, most costly operators and table methods access. Now, you want to acquire a deeper understanding of how the Query Optimizer builds the optimal plan. In this session we will learn more about the phases of the optimization process, using undocumented trace flags we will discover the secrets of the Query Optimizer. Finally, we will show how to understand better the workload in terms of the percentage of time-out, the percentage of queries that contain sub-query and so on. At the end, Query Optimizer will not have any secret for you.


  • Sergio Govoni

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - S7

Title: Il mio grosso grasso modello di Power BI

Abstract: Le ottime prestazioni del motore di Power BI (VertiPaq), unite al suo elevato fattore di compressione dei dati, spesso rendono superflua l’attività di ottimizzazione dei modelli dati realizzati con Power BI desktop. In realtà questa è una buona prassi che dovrebbe sempre essere prevista nel ciclo di sviluppo dei nostri modelli indipendentemente dalla loro dimensione e complessità. In questa sessione, dopo una breve introduzione teorica sul funzionamento di VertiPaq e dei suoi algoritmi di compressione, ci concentreremo su alcune best practices da seguire per ottimizzare i nostri modelli e sugli strumenti a nostra disposizione per verificare l’effettivo livello di ottimizzazione degli stessi. Inoltre, vedremo come sia possibile raccogliere, tramite DMV, tutte le informazioni utili delle strutture dati dei nostri modelli utilizzando Power BI desktop, fino a realizzare una versione “Power BI” del famoso tool Vertipaq Analizer.


  • Francesco De Chirico

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - S1

Title: Azure Data Factory v2 with Data Flows capabilities

Abstract: Microsoft’s services in Azure helps us to leverage big data more easily and even more often accessible for non-technical users. Having UI in ADF version 2 - Microsoft added a new feature: Data Flow which resembles components of SSIS. This is a very user-friendly and non-code approach tool-set. But, has that been only UI introduction? Why and how Databricks does work under the hood? Do you want to know this new (still in private preview) feature of ADF and reveal the power of modern big data processes without knowledge of such languages like Python or Scala? We will review this new feature of ADFv2, do deep dive to understand the mentioned techniques, compare them to SSIS and/or T-SQL and learn how modelled data flow runs Scala behind the scenes.


  • Kamil Nowinski

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - S8

Title: Data management for disconnected or almost disconnected devices

Abstract: IoT devices or sensors equipment are frequently disconnected from network, either for architectural design or for not predictable events. See how to architect and design a system that can manage this events and what are the main service and solution that we can choose from.


  • Marco Dal Pino

Track and Room: Application Database Development - S6

Title: Accesso ai dati in applicazioni client/server con .NET Core 3.0

Abstract: Il nuovo .NET Core 3.0 supporta Windows Forms e WPF, che sono stati rilasciati come open-source: possiamo quindi aspettarci un nuovo impulso allo sviluppo di queste piattaforme. Nel corso di questa sessione mostreremo quali sono gli strumenti che abbiamo a disposizione per realizzare architetture client/server basate su accesso ai dati con .NET Core 3.0.


  • Marco Minerva

Track and Room: Application Database Development - S3

Title: From Zero to Cube in forty minutes (within a web browser)

Abstract: L’utilizzo di Proof-of-Concept nei progetti BI è una pratica ormai molto diffusa. La possibilità di toccare con mano un prototipo navigabile in tempi stretti consente sia al cliente, sia al fornitore, di raffinare i requisiti in corso d’opera limitando il tempo speso in fase di analisi iniziale. Il Cloud rappresenta un ambiente ideale per lo sviluppo di PoC in quanto, riducendo drasticamente il tempo di provisioning delle risorse, permette agilmente di provare strade alternative valutandone il rapporto costi/benefici. In questa sessione (che è quasi una scommessa) proveremo, armati solamente di una subscription Azure e di un web browser, a tradurre in un modello navigabile dati grezzi forniti da un ipotetico cliente.


  • Francesco Milano

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - S6

Title: Data Overview and Manipulation – T-SQL, R, Python

Abstract: In a real data mining or machine learning project, you spend more than half of the time on data preparation and data understanding. The R language is extremely powerful in this area. The Python language is a match. Of course, you do work with data by using T-SQL. You will learn in this session how to get data understanding with really quickly prepared basic graphs and descriptive statistics analysis. You can do advanced data preparation with many data manipulation methods available out of the box and in additional packages from R and Python. After this session, you will understand what tasks data preparation involves, and what tools you have in SQL Server suite for these tasks.


  • Dejan Sarka

Track and Room: Advanced Analysis Techniques - S3

Title: SQL Server Modernization (IT)

Abstract: Mancano pochi mesi al termine del supporto esteso per SQL Sever 2008 e molte aziende si stanno organizzando per modernizzare i loro ambienti. Ma cosa vuol dire modernizzare? Aggiornamento, cambio di piattaforma, consolidamento, spostamento da IaaS a PaaS… quali e quanti sono gli scenari evolutivi? Quali sono i fattori bloccanti? Quali sono i fattori di rischio più comuni? Come è strutturato un progetto di migrazione/modernizzazione? Quali sono gli strumenti a supporto? A queste e altre domande cercheremo di dare risposta con questa sessione che si pone l’obiettivo sia di fornire una panoramica sull’argomento anche portando esempi concreti dal campo.


  • Gianluca Hotz

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - S8

Title: Azure Data Integration:Choosing between SSIS, Azure Data Factory, Azure Databricks

Abstract: Azure Data Integration:Choosing between SSIS, Azure Data Factory, Azure Databricks


  • andrea benedetti

Track and Room: Cloud Data Platform - S8

Title: Applied data analytics with Azure Databricks

Abstract: Azure Databricks is an Apache Spark–based analytics service for big data and data analytics on top. In this session we will create Databricks scenarios for useful business scenarios.

Data engineers and business analysts (data scientists) can now work on RDD structured files using workbooks for collaborative projects, using ANSI SQL, R, Python or Scala, easily covering both analytical and machine learning solutions on one hand, and also giving the capabilities to use it as a datawarehouse.


  • Tomaž Kaštrun

Track and Room: Advanced Analysis Techniques - S3

Title: Cosmos DB - La nuova frontiera del BigData e NoSql

Abstract: Sei pronto a distribuire globalmente le tue soluzioni BigData e NoSql? Hai bisogno di un ridimensionamento trasparente e della replica dei dati ovunque si trovino gli utenti? Azure Cosmos DB è la soluzione che fa per te e vedrai in come è possibile sfruttarlo al meglio con degli esempi pratici.


  • Marco Minerva

Track and Room: Other - S3

Title: From on-prem SQL instance to SQL Azure Database Managed Instances in 60 minutes!

Abstract: Le Managed Instances di Azure SQL Database rappresentano il percorso ideale per migrare i tuoi workload SQL Server in cloud, quando hai necessità di coniugare le feature di un’istanza SQL Server “tradizionale” alle comodità offerte da SQL Azure Database. Vediamo che cosa sono, e come possiamo agilmente spostarci sopra i nostri dati con pochi in maniera “DevOps-oriented”.


  • Marco Obinu

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - S8

Title: What is in reality a DAX filter context

Abstract: Often when discussing evaluation context in DAX courses, a complete and in-depth definition of this very important mechanism is not provided. Many times an approximation is given of what the evaluation contexts really are. In this session I will provide some important details on the evaluation contexts to proceed with more complex calculations and get a full understanding of how DAX evaluates the expressions, it is necessary learn in depth the way the evaluation contexts work and interact in a DAX Formulas


  • Marco Pozzan

Track and Room: Advanced Analysis Techniques - S7

Title: Event Processing with Spark

Abstract: Structured Streaming è il modulo di Stream Processing costruito sul motore Spark SQL. In poche parole garantisce l’esecuzione di un messaggio esattamente una volta, è scalabile e fault-tolerant. È possibile definire le analisi stream nello stesso modo in cui si definirebbe un calcolo batch sui dati usando i Dataset/DataFrame API in Scala, Java, Python or R utilizzando l’engine SQL di Spark. Durante la sessione vedremo un’overview delle funzionalità e un esempio di di come sia possibile eseguire l’ingestion dei dati con Event Hub (Kafka enabled) eseguire un’analisi con Spark e salvare i risultati su Cosmos DB.


  • Alessio Biasiutti

Track and Room: Other - S3

Title: SQL Server 2019 CTP 2.2 (IT)

Abstract: A circa un anno dal rilascio della versione RTM di SQL Server 2017 è stata rilasciata la prima CTP pubblica della prossima versione che sarà la 2019. In questa sessione vedremo quali sono le novità introdotte nel database engine ricapitolando le varie funzionalità introdotte nelle versioni più recenti. Vedremo anche le novità introdotte con la nuova versione di Azure Data Studio (che sostituisce SQL Operations Studio) e del SQL Server Management Studio versione 18. Infine, vedremo una breve introduzione dell’architettura di SQL Server 2019 Big Data Cluster.


  • Gianluca Hotz

Track and Room: Strategy and Architecture - S7

Title: Near Real-time data visualizations

Abstract: Many open source projects and tools are available on market for many of the possible ways to visualize near or real-time data. With selected language, visualization libraries, tinkering and time, one can deliver business added value with beautiful and yet self-explanatory visualization.

Session will cover several capabilities to use open source products to deliver real-time data visualization and data predictions on top of your SQL Server database.


  • Tomaž Kaštrun

Track and Room: Analytics and Visualization - S1

Title: Powershell, DBATools e i “ferri del mestiere” del DBA

Abstract: Avete un certo numero di SQL Server da amministrare? State progettando la migrazione dei vostri SQL Server 2005/2008 a versioni più recenti? Questa è la sessione per voi. Powershell e moduli open source come DBATools sono tra gli arnesi che ogni buon DBA dovrebbe avere dentro la propria cassetta degli attrezzi. In questa sessione vedremo come usarli al meglio per migrare, ottimizzare, mantenere i vostri server (lo sapete, sì, che a luglio 2019 anche le versioni 2008/2008 R2 andranno fuori supporto).


  • Danilo Dominici

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - S7

Title: PowerBI: From Zero to Hero

Abstract: Starting from the very beginning, in this session we will cross together the main features Power BI has to offer, starting with the powerful self-service ETL using M language when needed, modeling our tables and finally using powerful features to create a great data visualization, allowing you to better understand all the power and flexibility of this tool and how it will fit into your solution


  • Dennes Torres

Track and Room: Analytics and Visualization - S1

Title: Multitenancy – from zero to it works!

Abstract: With the evolution of the Internet in recent years, more and more services are provided online. The need to have as many installations as customers is replaced by the strategy to have a single service/product usable by different customers at the same time: this is called “multitenancy”. In this session we will see why approaching this architecture and the various ways of how to implement it. At the end the “wow” effect, with a simple demo we will see that you can really do it using the ShardMapManager of Azure SQLDatabase.


  • Emanuele Zanchettin

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - S6

Title: Market Basket Analysis in SQL Server Machine Learning Services

Abstract: La Market Basket Analysis è una metodologia che permette l’identificazione delle relazioni esistenti tra una vasto numero di prodotti acquistati da differenti consumatori. Nasce come tecnica di Data Mining per supportare il cross-selling e il piazzamento a scaffale dei prodotti; ma è anche utilizzata per diagnosi mediche, nella bioinformatica, in analisi della società in base a dati anagrafici, ecc. In questa sessione vedremo come i nuovi Machine Learning Services ci permettono di ricavare gli insight di questa analisi direttamente in SQL Server 2017, utilizzando il linguaggio di programmazione R.


  • Luca Zavarella

Track and Room: Advanced Analysis Techniques - S3

Title: Graph Databases in the Microsoft ecosystem

Abstract: With SQL Server and Cosmos Db we now have graph databases broadly available, after being studied for decades in Db theory, or being a niche approach in Open Source with Neo4J. And then there are services like Microsoft Graph and Azure Digital Twins that give us vertical implementations of graph. So let’s make a walkaround of graphs in the MIcrosoft ecosystem.


  • Marco Parenzan

Track and Room: DevOps/ Developer - S6

Title: I metadati di SQL Server

Abstract: Oltre ai dati gestiti a vario titolo dalle diverse applicazioni che costituiscono il sistema informativo dell’Azienda, in SQL Server è presente una considerevole quantità di metadati (dati che descrivono i dati), che illustrano come sono stati creati e come sono gestiti i nostri databases, oltre a mostrare le proprietà che contraddistinguono ogni oggetto ospitato dall’istanza di SQL Server. Questa sessione vuole illustrare come questa collezione di informazioni sia preziosa per ottenere una gestione di elevata efficienza della nostra piattaforma dati.


  • Gilberto Zampatti

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - S7

Title: What I have seen so far in my performance tuning audits

Abstract: In the last ten years, I have audited many SQL Server databases, for performance tuning. And I have encountered the same problems again and again. Let’s call them SQL Server antipatterns. This session is designed to show you what those antipatterns are, and how to avoid them once and for all.


  • Rudi Bruchez

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - S7

Title: Benchmarking in the Cloud

Abstract: Lifting and shifting your application to the cloud is extremely easy, on paper. The hard truth is that the only way to know for sure how it is going to perform is to test it. Benchmarking on premises is hard enough, but benchmarking in the cloud can get really hairy because of the restrictions in PaaS environments and the lack of tooling. Join me in this session and learn how to capture a production workload, replay it to your cloud database and compare the performance. I will introduce you to the methodology and the tools to bring your database to the cloud without breaking a sweat.


  • Gianluca Sartori

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - S8

Title: Il Decalogo del progetto Power BI

Abstract: Dieci piccole regole, Best Practice, tips e tools, che renderanno più efficaci ed efficienti i vostri progetti di Power BI. Dieci suggerimenti, da Power Query alla modellazione sino ai criteri per scegliere i visuals più adatti alle proprie esigenze, frutto dell’esperienza sul campo e del confronto con alcune tra le più autorevoli voci nel panorama di Power BI.


  • Lorenzo Vercellati

Track and Room: Analytics and Visualization - S1

Title: Common Data Model, nice to meet you

Abstract: “Data is the new oil” we heard it a lot of times. As IT professionals it’s very important to manage this fuel across our organizations, in order to properly feed “engines” in the hands of data analysts and data scientists. Without being able to share and understand the same data easily, each application or data integration project requires a custom implementation, which can be expensive and potentially risky from a business users point of view. Here is where the Common Data Model (CDM) comes in: we will understand CDM underlying concepts and try some hands-on integration with Microsoft Power Platform and Azure data services.


  • Elisa Piccin

Track and Room: - S1


This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.

Marco Parenzan

Twitter: - @marco_parenzan

LinkedIn: Marco Parenzan

Contact: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcoparenzan/

Marco Parenzan is an independent Cloud and IoT Architect and .NET Developer. He has been awarded as a MVP on Microsoft Azure since 2014. He is a speaker in major community events in Italy about Azure and .NET development. He is a community lead for 1nn0va, an official Microsoft community in Pordenone, Italy. He has written a book on Azure in 2016. He loves developing retrogames and reading comix.

Marco Parenzan è professionista per le architetture Cloud e IoT e lo sviluppo in .NET. Ha ricevuto il titolo di MVP su Microsoft Azure dal 2014. È uno speaker in Italia su Azure e lo sviluppo di .NET. E’ un community lead per 1nn0va, una community ufficiale Microsoft a Pordenone, in Italia. Ha scritto un libro su Azure nel 2016.

Francesco Milano

Twitter: - @fmilano

LinkedIn: Francesco Milano

I’ve been working with Microsoft technologies since 2000, and I’m specialized in .NET Framework and SQL Server platform. I focus primarily on back-end development, integration solutions, relational model design and implementation. Starting from 2011 I’m also member of UGISS (Italian SQL Server User Group) and speaker at main italian SQL Server conferences and workshops.

Alessio Biasiutti

I have always been passionate about data and technology.

Marco Minerva

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/marcominerva

LinkedIn: Marco Minerva

Contact: https://marcominerva.wordpress.com

Marco Minerva si è dedicato a .NET fin dalla sua prima introduzione. Attualmente lavora come consulente freelance e si occupa di progettazione e sviluppo di applicativi basati sul Framework .NET, realizzando app per Windows, Xamarin e IoT, e soluzioni Web con ASP.NET, Web API e Azure. Organizza e tiene corsi di formazione. E’ co-fondatore e Community Leader di DotNetToscana. E’ speaker ad eventi tecnici di livello nazionale e scrive articoli per riviste. E’ Microsoft MVP per la categoria Windows Development.

Dejan Sarka

Twitter: - DejanSarka

Contact: http://blogs.solidq.com/dsarka/Home.aspx

Dejan Sarka, MCT and Data Platform MVP, is an independent trainer and consultant that focuses on development of database and business intelligence applications. Besides projects, he spends about half of his time on training and mentoring. He is the founder of the Slovenian SQL Server and .NET Users Group. Dejan Sarka is the main author or co-author of eighteen books about databases and SQL Server. Dejan Sarka has also developed many courses and seminars for Microsoft, Radacad, SolidQ, and Pluralsight.

Emanuele Zanchettin

Twitter: - @thinkIT

LinkedIn: Emanuele Zanchettin

Emanuele Zanchettin, after studying in Computer Engineering, began his career with DB2 in the banking sector in 1998. After a few years and a change of scope of application, he encountered Access and Oracle with which he subsequently worked for several years in data access tuning and database design for new application features. Since 2007 he has also launched into the SQLServer world 2K, 2005, 2008* and 201* and more importantly, since 2011, into Azure SQL Database (SQL Azure). In order to have a greater capacity for assessment and familiarity with the various technologies that the market offers, he has deepened his knowledge to include MySQL and DocumentDB. Today Emanuele is mainly involved in IT projects and database management.

James Anderson

Twitter: - @DatabaseAvenger

LinkedIn: James Anderson

Contact: http://TheDatabaseAvenger.com

James Anderson is a freelance SQL Server guy in Southampton, UK. He has been working with databases since 2008. The first and worst RDBMS he worked with was Paradox. He quickly moved to using T-SQL in SQL Server 2005 and has worked on every version of the product since. His work ranges from stand-alone systems for simple websites to multi terabyte HA environments that support thousands of sites across Europe. Each have their own challenges.

Tomaž Kaštrun

Twitter: - @tomaz_tsql

LinkedIn: Tomaž Kaštrun

Contact: http://www.tomaztsql.wordpress.com

Tomaž Kaštrun is BI developer and data analyst. His main focus are data mining, T-SQL development, programming and query optimization. He has been working with SQL server since version 2000. He is Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft MVP for data platform and Microsoft trainer.

Dennes Torres

Twitter: - Dennes

LinkedIn: Dennes Torres

Contact: https://www.red-gate.com/simple-talk/author/dennes-torres/

Dennes Torres is a Data Platform MVP with more than 25 years of experience in the IT area. He improves Data Platform Architectures and turns data into knowledge. As a Brazilian living in Malta, Dennes works as a software developer and leads the Malta MDP User Group. Having the MCSE Data Platform, Business Intelligence, and Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) certifications, Dennes has been in love with database servers since he was introduced to SQL Server 6.5, more years ago than he would like to admit.

Elisa Piccin

LinkedIn: Elisa Piccin

I’ve been working in Data Analytics since 2011, during the last years I’ve been through manufacturing analytics applied to different industries, from stone to machinery and food. I find the world of Data Science applied to IIoT is very challenging. I play basketball and from a couple of years now I’m interested in internal martial arts, like taiji quan and qi gong. I love reading and have a passion for papersnovels about history and teaching of mathematics.

Gianluca Sartori

Twitter: - http://twitter.com/#!/spaghettidba

LinkedIn: Gianluca Sartori

Contact: http://spaghettidba.com

Gianluca Sartori is a Data Platform MVP, independent consultant and performance tuning specialist. He has been working in the software industry since 1999 and has been working with SQL Server ever since. He also works as a SQL Server trainer and in his spare time he writes technical articles and participates the SQL Server forums. Gianluca enjoys presenting SQL Server topics at conferences in Europe and in Italy in particular. He is currently working as lead DBA at a famous Formula 1 team.

andrea benedetti

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/anBenedetti

LinkedIn: andrea benedetti

Contact: http://blogs.technet.com/b/andrea_benedetti_blog/

Andrea Benedetti, Technical Development Manager DWH amp; BI Team at Microsoft Western Europe, was SQL Server amp; BI Architect in the Consulting Services division of Microsoft Italy where he was in charge of enterprise projects on data platform.

SQL Server MVP since 2004 in late 2011, he working with SQL Server since version 6.5, he participated as a speaker at numerous workshops, conferences, seminars and roadshows.

Andrea Martorana Tusa

Twitter: - bruco441

Andrea Martorana Tusa is a Business Intelligence Team Manager at Würth Phoenix, the IT and consulting company of the Würth-Group. He is awarded as MVP in the Data Platform category

Former BI Specialist at Widex, a Danish manufacturing company, and BI Developer in the IT department of an Italian banking group. 20+ years of experience working with data. He is focused on the entire BI stack: database development, data warehousing, data analysis, reporting, etc. Andrea is a usual speaker at many events: SQLSaturdays, conferences in Europe and PASS Summit, and for PASS Virtual Groups.

Andrea is an author for sqlshack.com, sqlservercentral.com, and UGISS (User Group Italiano SQL Server).

Gilberto Zampatti

Time ago (a lot of time ago…) an excellent IT pro brought me with him and became my Mentor in the IT wonderland…it was a world full of mainframes… I met the Relational theory when there were no commercial RDBMS, and I was spellbound by that “magic”. When Microsoft appeared in the IT market, I felt finally which trek I had to follow. I’m still walking on such road, and in my rucksack I’ve ben putting some other stuff (like SharePoint, for example). My sole regret: I’ve left the College to consecrate all my time to my job; curiously, since then, I’ve never stop learning…

Marco Obinu

Twitter: - omegamadlab

LinkedIn: Marco Obinu

Contact: https://www.omegamadlab.com

Curious by nature, talkative geek who can speak in front of a public or a camera, in love with technology, primarily SQL Server and Azure. I’d like to understand how things work and to solve problems by myself.

Janusz Rokicki

Twitter: - DataSic

LinkedIn: Janusz Rokicki

Contact: https://www.datasic.com/

Microsoft Data Platform Expert and certified Azure Solutions Architect with over 12 years’ experience working in the City of London in the Financial Services Industry (retail and investment banking, multi-asset class trading systems). He has passion for secure, high-performance, maintainable data-driven applications that can be deployed with confidence on-premises and in-cloud. With educational background in intelligent sensor networks and machine learning he is always in search of automation and optimisation opportunities.

Has presented at SqlBits, PASS Summit, SqlDay and multiple SQLSaturday events (Tel-Aviv, Kiev, Paris, Tallinn, Bonn, Bratislava, Goteborg, Kharkiv, Bucharest, Sofia, Ljubljana) and user groups.

Francesco De Chirico

Twitter: - http://twitter.com/fdechirico

LinkedIn: Francesco De Chirico

Contact: http://francescodechirico.wordpress.com/

Francesco De Chirico is a consultant, trainer and speaker specialized in modeling and developing complex BI solutions with the Microsoft BI stack. He has been working with SSAS since 2001 and has a strong knowledge of the MDX, DAX and M. He focused on all the Microsoft Data Platform especially on Power BI. Co-leader of the PASS Global Italian Virtual Group and Milan Power BI User Group, regular speaker at events like PASS SQLSaturday, Microsoft Certified Trainer for many years, Francesco holds several Microsoft certifications including the prestigious SSAS Maestro for BI certification (2012) and the Microsoft Professional Program Data Science certification (2017). He is the project creator of the Analysis Services Query Analyzer tool.

Kamil Nowinski

Twitter: - @NowinskiK

LinkedIn: Kamil Nowinski

Contact: https://sqlplayer.net

Blogger, speaker, #sqlfamily member. Microsoft Data Platform MVP. Data passionate, Data engineer and Architect. Over 13 years of programming and experience with SQL Server databases, he worked both as developer and administrator big databases designing systems from the scratch. Passionate about tuning database engines, code transparency and maximising performance database engine. Currently, he is expanding new horizons as a contractor in the UK market, making troubleshooting, prototyping BI and Big Data solutions, enhancing existing processes among Microsoft stuff environments, popularizing the DevOps approach and efficient solutions in the cloud. An originator of the “Ask SQL Family” podcast and founder of SQLPlayer blog.

Gianluca Hotz

Twitter: - glhotz

LinkedIn: Gianluca Hotz

Contact: http://www.ghotz.com

Gianluca Hotz is an independent consultant, trainer, speaker and Mentor specialized in architecture, database design, high availability, capacity planning, performance tuning, system integration and migrations for Microsoft SQL Server. He has been working as a consultant in the IT field since 1993 and with SQL Server since 1996. He is among the original founders of ugiss.org, where he served as vice-president from 2001 to 2016 and he is now serving as president, for his contribution to the community he has been a SQL Server MVP since 1998.

Tomaž Kaštrun

Twitter: - @tomaz_tsql

LinkedIn: Tomaž Kaštrun

Contact: http://www.tomaztsql.wordpress.com

Tomaž Kaštrun is BI developer and data analyst. His main focus are data mining, T-SQL development, programming and query optimization. He has been working with SQL server since version 2000. He is Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft MVP for data platform and Microsoft trainer.

Rudi Bruchez

Twitter: - nepasderanger

LinkedIn: Rudi Bruchez

Contact: http://www.babaluga.com/

(same as before)

Gianluca Hotz

Twitter: - glhotz

LinkedIn: Gianluca Hotz

Contact: http://www.ghotz.com

Gianluca Hotz is an independent consultant, trainer, speaker and Mentor specialized in architecture, database design, high availability, capacity planning, performance tuning, system integration and migrations for Microsoft SQL Server. He has been working as a consultant in the IT field since 1993 and with SQL Server since 1996. He is among the original founders of ugiss.org, where he served as vice-president from 2001 to 2016 and he is now serving as president, for his contribution to the community he has been a SQL Server MVP since 1998.

Marco Pozzan

Twitter: - @marcopozzan

LinkedIn: Marco Pozzan

Contact: http://www.marcopozzan.it

Consultant and trainer in business intelligence, analytics and data mining on Methode . Teacher for ITS courses of data warehouse at the University of Pordenone.

Andrea Martorana Tusa

Twitter: - bruco441

Andrea Martorana Tusa is a Business Intelligence Team Manager at Würth Phoenix, the IT and consulting company of the Würth-Group. He is awarded as MVP in the Data Platform category

Former BI Specialist at Widex, a Danish manufacturing company, and BI Developer in the IT department of an Italian banking group. 20+ years of experience working with data. He is focused on the entire BI stack: database development, data warehousing, data analysis, reporting, etc. Andrea is a usual speaker at many events: SQLSaturdays, conferences in Europe and PASS Summit, and for PASS Virtual Groups.

Andrea is an author for sqlshack.com, sqlservercentral.com, and UGISS (User Group Italiano SQL Server).

Marco Dal Pino

Twitter: - MarcoDalPino

LinkedIn: Marco Dal Pino

Contact: http://mobileprog.com

He started working in IT in early ‘90. Long experience in LOB application design and development for Retail, distribution and logistics market. Trainer and Speaker in the main technical conference In Italy and overseas. He is a staff member of DotNetToscana a community on Microsoft tech. From 2013 Microsoft recognize him the title of MVP Most Valuable Professional in May 2014 become Intel Software Innovator and later Intel Black Belt. In 2017 joined Projest SPA as Senior Program Manager. In 2020 he started working in Softjam SPA as Advisory Engineer and then in Microsoft as Cloud Solution Architect

Sergio Govoni

Twitter: - @segovoni

LinkedIn: Sergio Govoni

Contact: https://mvp.microsoft.com/it-it/PublicProfile/4029181?fullName=Sergio%20Govoni

Since 1999 Sergio Govoni has been a software developer; in 2000 he got a degree in Computer Science at “Università degli Studi” in Ferrara (Italy). He has worked for over 18 years in Centro Software, a software house that produces the best ERP for manufacturing companies that are export oriented. Now, he manages the development product team and he is constantly involved on several team projects, where he focues his attention on the architecture and the mission-critical technical details. Since 2016 he is the vice president of the UGISS (www.ugiss.org). For the provided help to technical communities and for sharing his own experience, since 2010 he has received the Microsoft Data Platform MVP award.

Luca Zavarella

Twitter: - @lucazav

LinkedIn: Luca Zavarella

Contact: http://blogs.solidq.com/en/author/lzavarella/

Mentor Technical Director at SolidQ Italy. He loves BI, Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning. He plays piano in the free time.

Danilo Dominici

Twitter: - @danilo_dominici

Danilo Dominici, lavora con SQL Server sin dalla versione 6.5. Si occupa principalmente di progettazione, implementazione ed ottimizzazione architetturale, monitoring e performance tuning. Alterna le attivit#224; di consulenza a quelle di formatore, speaker ed autore. Microsoft Certified Trainer dal 2000 e SQL Server MVP dal 2014, #232; anche co-leader del PASS Global Italian Virtual Chapter, lo user group quot;virtualequot; in lingua italiana dedicato a SQL Server.

Marco Minerva

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/marcominerva

LinkedIn: Marco Minerva

Contact: https://marcominerva.wordpress.com

Marco Minerva si è dedicato a .NET fin dalla sua prima introduzione. Attualmente lavora come consulente freelance e si occupa di progettazione e sviluppo di applicativi basati sul Framework .NET, realizzando app per Windows, Xamarin e IoT, e soluzioni Web con ASP.NET, Web API e Azure. Organizza e tiene corsi di formazione. E’ co-fondatore e Community Leader di DotNetToscana. E’ speaker ad eventi tecnici di livello nazionale e scrive articoli per riviste. E’ Microsoft MVP per la categoria Windows Development.

Lorenzo Vercellati

Twitter: - @supergimi

LinkedIn: Lorenzo Vercellati

Graduated in Medieval History, I’ve been working with databases since 2000 and with Microsoft Data Platform since SQL Server 2005. I’m Senior Developer at SolidQ Italy and I love Data storytelling and visualization


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