SQLSaturday #815 - Nashville 2019

Event Date: 01/12/2019 00:00:00

Event Location:

  • Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU)
  • 1301 East Main Street, Murfreesboro
  • Nashville, Tennessee

PDF of Schedule

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This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.

Title: High Availability and Azure - Scaling SQL Server to the Cloud

Abstract: Has your manager come to you and said “I expect the SQL Server machines to have zero downtime?” Have you been told to make your environment “Always On” without any guidance (or budget) as to how to do that or what that means? This session will walk you through the high availability options in on-premises SQL Server, the high availability options in Azure SQL Database, and how those can be combined to enable you to achieve the ambitious goals of your management. Beyond the academic knowledge, we’ll discuss real world case studies covering exactly how your on-premises environments and Azure services can work together to keep your phone quiet at night.


  • Matt Gordon

Track and Room: Database Administration - S334

Title: Characteristics of a Great Relational Database

Abstract: When queried, most database professionals would mention normalized as one of the most important characteristics that tell the difference between a good and bad relational database design (whether they know what the term “normalized” means or not.) Normalization is a key to great relational designs, but there is so much more to be considered. A normalized database that suffers from poor naming, too many or too few indexes, terrible interfaces, and so on can derail your design’s value to the user. In this session I will present primary characteristics of a design that differentiates between an ugly design that will have your colleagues nitpicking you to death and one that will have them singing your praises. Characteristics such as comprehendible, documented, secure, well performing, and more (including normalized, naturally) will be discussed.


  • Louis Davidson

Track and Room: Database Application Development - S316

Title: Using Extended Events for Wait Stats Analysis

Abstract: When troubleshooting overall server performance, wait statistics are a great place to start. But when your SQL Server hosts a complex set of workloads, it can be difficult to narrow down which queries are causing the most wait, and what types of wait they are causing. Fortunately, SQL Server provides easy ways for targeting which queries are causing you the most wait time. In this session, we’ll learn how to use both Extended Events, and Dynamic Management Views for examining wait statistics from the instance level to the database level, all the way down to the individual query level. We’ll analyze poorly performing queries using a combination of methods including T-SQL queries and SQL 2017’s new XEvent Profiler, and show how to quickly narrow down what SQL Server is waiting for, and why.


  • David Maxwell

Track and Room: Database Application Development - S301

Title: Inside Kubernetes - An Architectural Deep Dive

Abstract: In this session we will introduce Kubernetes, we’ll deep dive into each component and its responsibility in a cluster. We will also look at and demonstrate higher-level abstractions such as Services, Controllers, and Deployments and how they can be used to ensure the desired state of an application and data platform deployed in Kubernetes. Next, we’ll look at Kubernetes networking and intercluster communication patterns. With that foundation, we will then introduce various cluster scenarios such as a single node, single head, and high availability designs. By the end of this session, you will understand what’s needed to put your applications and data platform in production in a Kubernetes cluster

Session Objectives: Understand Kubernetes cluster architecture Understand Services, Controllers, and Deployments Designing Production Ready Kubernetes Clusters


  • Anthony Nocentino

Track and Room: Cloud Database/Application Development Deployment - S332

Title: Revenge: The SQL!

Abstract: Pop quiz DBA: Your developers are running rampant in production. Logic, reason, and threats have all failed. You’re on the edge. What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO? Hint: You attend Revenge: The SQL! This session will show you how to “correct” all those bad practices. Everyone logging in as sa? Running huge cursors? Using SELECT * in ad-hoc SQL? Stop them dead, without actually killing them. Ever dropped a table, or database, or WHERE clause? You can prevent that! And if you’re tired of folks ignoring your naming conventions, make them behave with Unicode…and take your revenge! Revenge: The SQL! is fun and educational and may even have some practical use, but you’ll want to attend simply to indulge your Dark Side. Revenge: The SQL! assumes no liability and is not available in all 50 states. Do not taunt Revenge: The SQL! or Happy Fun Ball.


  • Rob Volk

Track and Room: Database Administration - S330

Title: Lambda architecture design using Azure Databricks for advanced analytics

Abstract: In this session, we will review the history of Azure Databricks, world records it broke, and how to accelerate your data platform solutions. We will cover lambda architecture, Azure Databricks components, and how to integrate other Microsoft Azure services. Then we will see a demonstration on creating clusters, notebooks, team collaboration, and advanced analytics. Finally, we will take a look at additional information on how to further utilize Azure Databricks.


  • Lucas Feiock

Track and Room: Cloud Database/Application Development Deployment - S213

Title: PowerShell for the DBA

Abstract: PowerShell is a tool used by many people in DevOps and Infrastructure. Should the DBA get on board with using PowerShell? The answer is yes - as a DBA, PowerShell can have a significant impact on tasks that would be long and tedious with just T-SQL alone. Today there are specific modules that can be incorporated into PowerShell to help in automating every-day DBA tasks. Beyond that, PowerShell can be used to do things like automate deployments and audit permissions.

In this session we will explore real-world examples and demonstrate how PowerShell can be leveraged by the DBA to not only improve efficiency but also streamline processes across an enterprise environment.


  • Amy Herold

Track and Room: PowerShell - S305

Title: Gaining insights with Power BI

Abstract: Power BI is a powerful self-service analysis tool and is being adopted by organizations across the globe to quickly gain meaningful business insights.

This session will cover the basics on creating compelling dashboards and guide you through the process of managing your company’s Power BI service, Power BI desktop, and mobile apps.


  • Daniel Glenn

Track and Room: BI Analytics and Visualization - S305

Title: Mom Rules for Managing Enterprise Database Environments

Abstract: Have you ever looked at an environment and wondered how the heck they ever got anything done because it is so disorganized? The first thing I do for newly inherited environments is implement some organization and do some database clean up. Not only does organization make the environment easier to maintain, it can help speed up trouble shooting. Good organization can even help with some performance issues.


  • Marsha Pierce

Track and Room: Database Administration - S270

Title: Python in SQL Server 2017

Abstract: SQL Server 2017 has finally arrived, bringing with it a host of exciting new features. Of particular interest to BI practitioners and data scientists is the integration of the Python programming language into the SQL ecosystem. This integration opens up a number of possibilities for in-database analytics and intelligent database applications, so let’s get started!

In this introductory session we’ll briefly introduce the Python language and then look at how to install and administer Machine Learning Services. We’ll start to demonstrate the power of Python by showing you how to create and run simple scripts from within T-SQL. We’ll then discuss some of the powerful open source packages that are available to aid your data analyses. Finally, we’ll go through some examples of how to use Python to integrate data analytical methods in real-world situations, and wow your customers with the power of analytics!


  • Chris Hyde

Track and Room: BI Analytics and Visualization - S260

Title: PowerShell for the Reluctant Administrator

Abstract: You’ve heard many people claim that PowerShell is fabulous, but you’ve never really felt the need for it. What’s all the fuss? What is PowerShell and why should you even care, much less learn it? How will this new toy make your work easier?

This session will help you understand what PowerShell is, how it integrates into the tools you know and love, and how it can help make your everyday work go faster and more smoothly. Along with the background on PowerShell, you’ll see some simple but useful tools and ideas for how you can use those tools and make your own tools too.

This session was designed for the non-PowerShell user and the new PowerShell user. It is intended to help people understand what PowerShell is and start to use PowerShell, and it will touch on advanced ideas but only assumes only basic scripting/coding experience like understanding a variable, a loop, etc.


  • Pat Phelan

Track and Room: PowerShell - S334

Title: Is My Application Bias Showing?

Abstract: Computers can’t be biased, right? I mean, it’s just lines of code. Yes or No. Ones Zeros. Those lines of code are written by people. People have life experiences that color how they see the world. Okay, let’s be blunt. People have baggage. And that baggage is seeping into your application, surveys and web forms.
You’ve got an idea for a new app and it’s going to change the world! Right? It’s a brilliant idea no one has ever thought of it before. You’re working on the GUI for your company’s web portal and you know just what information to collect from the user. Are you sure about that? Odds are pretty good that the information you’re going to collect is a reflection of your life your experiences.
Learn how to identify bias when it seeps in, how to code to be inclusive instead of exclusive , and some quick tips tricks to make sure you’re accounting for all the users that will use YOUR application to change the world. Instead of just the ones that look like you.


  • Rie Irish

Track and Room: Database Application Development - S339

Title: Taming of the Shrew - Optimizing Power BI

Abstract: No one wants to tell a report user that while running a report in Power BI they have time to go get a cup of coffee…in another town. Although data sets will often be the focus of performance issues, it’s important to know how to locate performance problems in Power BI and how to eliminate them.

This session will take the Power User through how to identify time consuming processing in Power BI and how to address it through step-by-step and proven methods used to optimize in multi-tier environments. This method removes frustration and finger-pointing and gets to the heart of the problem with a goal of correcting performance challenges. The results are satisfied end users who get the information they need, when they need it.

Take Aways: Learn how to identify what is taking the time in a Power BI data set and report. Understand the logging and tracing mechanisms and capabilities in the environment. Understand when a problem is really a problem.


  • Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman

Track and Room: BI Architecture Management - S330

Title: SQL Server ColumnStore Indexes

Abstract: Come and learn how the SQL Server feature, ColumnStore Indexes, can parallelize your Data Warehouse aggregations. I will be doing a deep dive into the inner workings of ColumnStore indexes; how they work, key characteristics, dos and don’ts, restrictions, and more. I will also have some insight into how CSI’s have been updated in SQL Server 2014 beyond. If you are a production DBA who needs to find out more about some of the additional hot features that have been included with CSI’s, like batch mode processing and data segments, then this session is for you. If you are a BI DBA or developer who needs to find out how CSI’s can increase the performance of your aggregations and star-joins by up to 40 times, then this session is also for you.


  • Gareth Swanepoel

Track and Room: BI Architecture Management - S316

Title: Query Tuning Internals for the Advanced SQL Developer

Abstract: Skilled SQL developers know that the SQL Server Query Optimizer uses a multi-step process to produce execution plans. But what about deeper components like the parser, the binder, the algebrizer, as well as the optimizer itself? This session will teach you advanced techniques for query tuning as well as surprising behaviors of the query optimization process that can have a dramatic impact on performance, with special attention paid to the transformations applied by the algebrizer, including associative, commutative, and transitive transforms. We will examine a variety of everyday queries whose performance can be greatly improved by applying a deeper understanding of these internal behaviors. Lots of examples and demos!


  • Kevin Kline

Track and Room: Database Application Development - S330

Title: SQL Server Take Over:  Establishing a Baseline

Abstract: SQL Server Take Over:  Establishing a Baseline

Performance assessment and tuning for the beginner DBA   Have you ever inherited a group of servers with not a lot of documentation to accompany them?  Do you have a lot of undocumented or new servers in your environment and you want to establish some baseline configuration setting prior to making changes? You need up to date information on the system very quickly.    The server is running slowly… or is it? Slow compared to what?  Before you being digging into performance issues, there are some baseline metrics you should have established. Only after the information has been gathered, can a plan of attack be developed to help resolve issues with performance. Attendees in this session will learn how to quickly  gather information, review the results and get an action plan on the next step in performance tuning.


  • Lowry Kozlowski

Track and Room: Database Administration - S270

Title: Continuous Learning for the Modern Age

Abstract: You have read this far, great! I already know this session is for you. How do I know? It is exceedingly rare that today’s “9-5” job provides anywhere near what is needed to develop the career you want to have. For the purposes of this session it does not matter if you are a newly minted, “wet behind the ears” data professional or a grizzled veteran. What does matter is that you know that you have a career oriented mindset and a desire to grow beyond what you are today.

This session is designed to help with just that. In addition to talking about a learning plan that fits your needs, we will discuss how to execute that plan, including lab environments, as well as resources to help you execute those plans. If you have reached this point, you simply need to be in this session, see you there.


  • Peter Shore

Track and Room: Professional Development - S330

Title: Very Large Databases in your future

Abstract: Your databases may not be terabyte-sized yet, but they’re probably growing every day. We’ll look at lessons learned from working with multi-terabyte, very large databases (VLDBs) in the real world. Topics include storage layout decisions, unique tuning challenges, HA/DR implications, and database restores, along with shoehorning backups, re- indexing and DBCC checks into itty-bitty maintenance windows. As a bonus, many of the techniques also apply to smaller databases and consolidated servers that run hundreds of databases.


  • Eric Peterson

Track and Room: Database Administration - S334

Title: Cracking the Code: Understanding and making good decisions on SQL Server licensing

Abstract: Have you found yourself confused about how SQL Server licensing works or wondered if you have made the right decisions for your organization? This session helps crack the code on this subject and provides you with information on the different options and and how to use these to your benefit. We will also look at things you can do to optimize your environment to make sure you are getting the most from your licenses.


  • Dustin Dorsey

Track and Room: Database Administration - S213

Title: Modern SQL Server Security Features for Developers

Abstract: In SQL Server and Azure SQL Database, the relational engine has been greatly enhanced for security with three new features that you’ll learn about in this demo-packed session. With dynamic data masking (DDM), you can fully or partially conceal sensitive columns from query results. Masking does not modify data on in the table, it simply hides data from users that don’t have permission to see it. Row-level security (RLS) also hides data from unauthorized users, but at the row level. With RLS, you can create your own security policy to control which users can read or write specific rows in the table. Finally, Always Encrypted (AE) uses client-side encryption to ensure that data is encrypted in flight, not just at rest. Furthermore, the encryption keys are accessible only to the client. This guarantees that data cannot be decrypted on the server, easing the migration path to the cloud for users with highly sensitive data.


  • Leonard Lobel

Track and Room: Database Application Development - S213

Title: Weird Stuff I Saw While … Working With Heaps

Abstract: We’ve all been told at some point that heaps are usually bad for select, update, and delete performance. But how bad are they really? Can they also be problematic for worloads that are mostly insert? Are they always recommended for ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) operations? Does it help to create non-clustered indexes on top of heaps? For this installment of Rick’s “Weird Stuff” series we will take a closer look at why heaps can cause issues and maybe see a deadlock or two.


  • Rick Lowe

Track and Room: Database Application Development - S301

Title: Rubrik - Simplifying SQL Server Data Protection

Abstract: When you think about backups in your environment, how many servers scripts do you have to manage? Or have you ever needed to get a table back from a large database and didn’t want to argue with the storage admins about space for the restore? With Rubrik, we empower you to backup and restore your databases quickly and with ease. Come see how you can quickly protect hundreds of databases with just a few clicks or bring back a database in minutes to satisfy your most demanding executives. With Rubrik, it’s not about backing up, it’s about going forward!


  • Andy Puckett

Track and Room: Other - S270

Title: A walk in the Azure cloud

Abstract: The Microsoft Azure offering now has several compelling features that are helpful to the business and to the data professional. This session highlights the landscape and provides an introduction to the landscape with an emphasis on SQL Server offerings. At the end of the session, the attendee will have some additional vocabulary they can use as they discuss Azure with others or they go looking for additional details.


  • Carlos L Chacon

Track and Room: Cloud Database/Application Development Deployment - S213

Title: What’s New with Azure Data Factory

Abstract: Azure Data Factory version 2 was launched into public beta at the end of 2017. It takes the best features of version 1 and adds new features like time execution triggers, Azure Data Lake activities and the ability to execute SSIS packages in Azure Data Factory. In this session we’ll do a walk-through of how the product has evolved, and help you understand the full feature set available in version 2. You’ll also understand how to lift and shift your SSIS packages to Azure Data Factory.


  • Josh Luedeman

Track and Room: Cloud Database/Application Development Deployment - S334

Title: SQL Internals , Recovery Models, Backups! OH MY

Abstract: The more you know about SQL Server the more you understand how it works. SQL Server is a product we use every day, and most of us know the big concepts. At the 10,000 foot view we know what Databases, Tables, and Columns are. But what makes up those Databases, Tables, and Columns. What are Records, Pages, Extents, and Allocation Units? What are Full, Simple, and Bulk-Logged Recovery? What are the differences between Full, Transaction Log, Differential, or Filegroup backups? This is an introduction to these concepts. In this session you will learn about the internal Structure, Recovery Modes, and Backups and be better prepared to for Future Learning and Managing SQL!


  • Bradley Ball

Track and Room: Database Administration - S301

Title: Reasons to upgade to SQL Server 2017

Abstract: You just upgraded your database to SQL Server 2017 recently or you are planning to upgrade your database to SQL Server 2017 soon and you want to learn more about its features and services. Join me to learn about SQL Server 2017 with many demos and tips.I will cover the following services/features :

Linux Support Graph Tables Intelligent Query Processing Resumable Online Index Rebuild How to run R/Python with Machine Learning Services In-Memory Tables (NoSQL in SQL Server)


  • Hasan Savran

Track and Room: Database Application Development - S260

Title: #GetModern with Dell EMC

Abstract: Dell EMC’s unique integrated copy data management (iCDM) offering combines performance scalability with reduced operational risk through automation and self-services. Maximize the value of your company’s storage deployment by simplifying MS SQL database application workflows and reducing development timelines. In this session, we will discuss how application admins and DBAs can repurpose different copies SQL Server DBs instantaneously and become more agile.


  • Bryan Walsh

Track and Room: Other - S316

Title: Performance tuning with SQLGrease

Abstract: Performance tuning a production system can be a difficult process when only relying on out of the box tools. This is even more difficult if you aren’t on the most recent release of SQL Server. In this presentation I will show you some common performance problems and how SQLGrease can help tune these. Along the way I will provide details on how SQLGrease collects its data in order to give some clarity on how we monitor as well as provide some useful queries you can use even if you aren’t a SQLGrease user.


  • franklin yamamoto

Track and Room: Database Administration - S260

Title: Using distributed AGs for your migrations

Abstract: You find yourself needing to migrate to new hardware or new operating system. If you’re running SQL Server 2016+, you’re in luck! Distributed Availability Groups (AGs) may just be the solution you want.

In this session I will discuss what distributed AGs are, show how to set them up, and show how to monitor distributed AGs.


  • Elizabeth Noble

Track and Room: Database Administration - S334

Title: Throw a Brick at Your Data: Intro to Azure Databricks

Abstract: There’s a new kid on the block in big data in Azure and they are very popular. In this session we’ll weed through the hype and take a real look at it. We’ll dive into it from the perspective of someone brand new to Databricks, big data, and data science. We’ll focus on how you can use it with the skills you have today.


  • Hope Foley

Track and Room: Database Application Development - S339

Title: How to Get SQL Server to Run Better on Crappy Hardware.

Abstract: Many of us have to deal with hardware that doesn’t meet our standards or contributes to performance problems. This session will cover how to work around hardware issues when it isn’t in the budget for newer, faster, stronger, better hardware. It’s time to make that existing hardware work for us. Learn tips and tricks on how to reduce IO, relieve memory pressure, and reduce blocking. Let’s see how compression, statistics, and indexes bring new life into your existing hardware.


  • Monica Rathbun

Track and Room: Database Administration - S316

Title: Introduction to PowerApps

Abstract: PowerApps is an O365 service that lets you build business apps that can run in the browser, tablet, or phone. To build PowerApps, no coding experience is required since PowerApps combines visual drag-and-drop concepts with Excel-like expressions for building the logic and working with data. You can build PowerApps against a modern SharePoint list or other types of data such as SQL and Excel. PowerApps also provides templates and sample data you can use to quickly build an app that you can customize to better suit your needs. In this session, you will learn the basics to building a PowerApp using PowerApps Studio.


  • Christina Wheeler

Track and Room: Cloud Database/Application Development Deployment - S270

Title: Learn History from Temporal Tables

Abstract: SQL Server 2016 came out with a bucket full of cool new features. One of them is Temporal Tables. SQL Server 2017 made some enhancements in this area. Temporal tables are basically history tables of the normal tables; that allows us to retrieve data from any point in time for every change such as updates and deletes. It does this all without any change to application code and without needing any triggers. In this session, we will see what the requirements of creating temporal tables are. We will see the demo on insert and update functionality and how to query historical information using new TSQL clause. We will touch upon retention of history as well. It has lots of demos and less theory.


  • Ameena Lalani

Track and Room: Database Administration - S316

Title: Women in IT. A survival guide.

Abstract: How to stay relevant if a tsunami of technology changes? what are the tools needed to survive and thrive in an IT career?


  • Gilda Alvarez

Track and Room: Professional Development - S305

Title: Data Analysis With SQL Window Functions

Abstract: SQL Window Functions provide a great way to aggregate and analyze data very efficiently. In this session we’ll go over what functions are available and look at many examples of how to use them. When you leave you’ll be familiar with the concept and will be able to recognize situations where they can be extremely useful.


  • Adam McDonald

Track and Room: Database Application Development - S305

Title: Master Data Services: BI and Data Science’s Best Friend

Abstract: No matter the complexity of your BI application, Master Data Services can provide your organization the tools needed to conform, manage and simplify your dimensions. Attend this session and learn how to unlock value MDS can bring to your analytical organization.


  • Tyler Graham

Track and Room: BI Architecture Management - S260

Title: I have Indexes, but do I have the Right Indexes?

Abstract: SQL Server indexes come in multiple types: clustered, non-clustered, full text and column store. In this session, you’ll get an understanding of what these types are and when each is an appropriate solution. We will explain and demonstrate each type, and you’ll leave this class with a repeatable indexing methodology you can use to improve your database performance.


  • Eric Blinn

Track and Room: Database Administration - S332

Title: Profiling Your Data

Abstract: Have you ever started a warehouse or ETL project and realized that the data wasn’t as “clean” as you were told? If only you had profiled your data before you started then you wouldn’t have to rework design elements, change code or redesign your database. In this session we will talk about what data profiling is, why you should do it and how you can do it with tools that are already included in the SQL Server BI stack.


  • Angela Henry

Track and Room: Database Application Development - S339

Title: Migrations 101

Abstract: The only constant thing is change. As companies continue to migrate to newer versions or different data centers, we need to develop strategies and tools to make sure we can perform successful migrations. What if we had a checklist? Just like moving to a new home the success of the “move” relies on the preparation. This presentation will go over a checklist of steps needed to prepare for a database migration.


  • Gilda Alvarez

Track and Room: Database Administration - S316

Title: Master Data Services: A Path to the Cloud with Profisee

Abstract: Microsoft Master Data Services has been shipping in Enterprise Box for 10 years now. Come learn how you can work with Profisee to bring your Master Data Management to the cloud. We will discuss the challenges or Azure and the benefits that a cloud environment can bring.


  • Tyler Graham

Track and Room: Cloud Database/Application Development Deployment - S332

Title: DevOops: Why Aren’t We Using DevOps for our BI and Analytics Projects?

Abstract: DevOps is one of those buzzwords that can scare people or make them roll their eyes. What does it even mean? Although the term is commonly discussed in the context of software development, the DevOps philosophy can significantly enhance BI and Analytics solutions. Come learn about ways in which you can apply DevOps principles to your BI projects through real enterprise examples and improve speed of deployments, communication among team members, and much more!


  • Jeff Dudenhoeffer

Track and Room: BI Architecture Management - S301

Title: SQL Server 2019 Big Data Clusters

Abstract: One of the most significant announcements in SQL Server history came in September 2018; the addition of SQL Server Big Data Clusters to the 2019 release. Combining big data tools such as HDFS and Spark with SQL Server into a single platform has tremendous potential. The change to platform architecture and administration, however, is extensive. In this session we we review the capabilities enabled by Big Data Clusters and become familiar with some necessary technologies that may be new to many, such as Kubernetes. Most of the time will be spent in demos of how the platform works.


  • Jon Boulineau

Track and Room: BI Architecture Management - S332

Title: Applying Data Warehousing Principles

Abstract: Many data analysts typically begin to work with data as a single flat table. While this works for small datasets, as the size of the data grows these naive methods do not scale. Processing records takes longer, queries become more complex, and introducing new datasets is inconsistent at best. In order to solve these problems, we must take into account the underlying architecture of our data and how it should be modeled. During this talk we will discuss key concepts, patterns, and techniques for designing a data model that is simple to query, scales with your data, and is extendable to new datasets.


  • Spencer Swindell

Track and Room: BI Architecture Management - S270

Title: Achievement Unlocked: How to Get Promoted

Abstract: Have you ever felt like an extra in Office Space? You’ve got the skills. You’ve got the big brain. You feel like you have a higher calling, but those other guys get picked instead. What’s the deal?

In this session, you’ll learn how to promote yourself, how to speak confidently, how to build your personal brand, how to demonstrate value, and how to interview.


  • Dave Mattingly

Track and Room: Professional Development - S339

Title: Data Collection and Usage: Illegal or Unethical?

Abstract: Data collection and usage is all around us, it is what we do. But is what we do with the data ethical? Are we collecting and processing biased data? We will take a look at ethical data collection and usage, what it means to your models and forecasts, and how being aware of possible biases can impact your bottom line. You might be training on extremely biased data and not know it, skewing your forecasts in the wrong direction.


  • Angela Tidwell

Track and Room: BI Architecture Management - S330

Title: Cleaning Is Half The Battle: Launching A Data Science Project

Abstract: There’s an old adage in software development: Garbage In, Garbage Out. This adage certainly applies to data science projects: if you simply throw raw data at models, you will end up with garbage results. In this session, we will build an understanding of just what it takes to implement a data science project whose results are not garbage. We will use the Microsoft Team Data Science Process as our model for project implementation, learning what each step of the process entails. To motivate this walkthrough, we will see what we can learn from a survey of data professionals’ salaries.


  • Kevin Feasel

Track and Room: BI Architecture Management - S305

Title: What Is Clogging Your Database Performance?

Abstract: A concise and systematic approaches rather than guessing to analyze SQL Server performance will be presented. Through measuring the response time and wait time at the query level, the performance bottleneck is pinpointed and tuned. The presentation will look at the basic of gathering the stats from SQL Server DMVs.


  • Eddy Djaja

Track and Room: Database Administration - S305

Title: On-Site Registration non-printed SPEEDPASS

Abstract: If you didn’t print your speedpass you may stop in here to get one printed. If you didn’t register you can also register in here. If you had issues printing/paying for lunch or any other questions you may stop by.


  • SQLSaturday Nashville

Track and Room: Other - S128

Title: Data Visualization: How to truly tell a great story!

Abstract: We have more information available to us today than ever before. So much so that we run the risk of not being able to tell concise stories. There’s a lot more to creating that story than just getting the correct information. Come learn not just the do’s and don’ts, but the whys…


  • Jonathan Stewart

Track and Room: BI Analytics and Visualization - S260

Title: A Beginners Guide to Transactions

Abstract: This session is for the absolute beginner to learn the basics of Transactions and will answer questions such as, What is a Transaction? What are the ACID properties of a Transaction? How does the Transaction Log work to provide consistency to a database? What is a checkpoint? Are dirty pages bad or good? What is a lock? The session is led by an expert Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) and former Microsoft MVP who regularly teaches SQL Server certification courses.


  • John Deardurff

Track and Room: Database Administration - S260

Title: Azure Data Factory V2

Abstract: Moving data around in On-Prem databases is easy.

Moving data around when involving Azure - may be not. Especially if you don’t have a VM or an On-Prem server to move things around on.

We’ll look at moving data around from On-Prem to Azure, moving files to Azure, and moving data between Azure databases.


  • Kevin Wilkie

Track and Room: Cloud Database/Application Development Deployment - S270

Title: The Evolving Role of the Data Professional

Abstract: TBD


  • Kerry Tyler

Track and Room: Cloud Database/Application Development Deployment - S330

Title: Integrating Hadoop data into Azure SQL Server PaaS - Lessons Learned

Abstract: Is integrating Hadoop data into an Azure SQL Server PaaS environment for BI reporting on your to-do list? Join us for data architecture lessons learned while migrating Apache Kudu data into an Azure SQL PaaS environment for a client new to the Azure cloud. We will address getting to know your data, the importance of designing an indexing strategy up front, helpful data pre-processing optimizations, ELT vs. ETL, the importance of managing Querystore and statistics purging, a couple of methods for capturing real-time query performance. Helpful links and Azure PaaS metadata queries will be provided.


  • Don McMunn

Track and Room: Cloud Database/Application Development Deployment - S332

Title: Containers - You Better Get on Board!

Abstract: Containers are taking over, changing the way systems are developed and deployed…and that’s NOT hyperbole. Just imagine if you could deploy SQL Server or even your whole application stack in just minutes. You can do that, leveraging containers! In this session, we’ll get you started on your container journey learning container fundamentals in Docker, then look at some common container scenarios and introduce deployment automation with Kubernetes.

In this session we’ll look at Container Fundamentals with Docker Common Container Scenarios Automation with Kubernetes


  • Anthony Nocentino

Track and Room: Cloud Database/Application Development Deployment - S339

Title: The Modern Power BI approach

Abstract: Power BI continues to become one of the best ways to report and analyze business data. With recent announcements in Power BI roadmap around Dataflows, Composite models, AI integration, Common Data Service and Power Suite integration there are many more ways to add value to your existing Power BI environment. Come learn about all the key new features in Power BI you should be using and what new features are coming down the roadmap so you can increase value and usage of Power BI across the organization.


  • Dan Evans

Track and Room: BI Analytics and Visualization - S332

Title: How I Would Attack SQL Server

Abstract: This isn’t a talk about best practices or how to configure your system. It’s designed to get into the mindset of a motivated, equipped adversary who wants to get in to a system or application, specifically SQL Server, and uses the full extent of his or her creativity to do so. We’ll look at both traditional and non-traditional weak points, how an attacker discovers them, exploits them, and then covers up his or her tracks. We’ll also discuss what we can do to compensate for a weakness we can’t fix, which revolves mostly around detection and response and how an attacker will respond to such countermeasures.


  • Brian Kelley

Track and Room: Database Administration - S301


This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.

Rie Irish

Twitter: - IrishSQL

LinkedIn: Rie Irish

Rie lives with her family just north of Atlanta, Georgia. She worked as a SQL Server DBA, manager director for over 20 years. She’s worked in many industries including the non-profit sector, education, big pharma, and e-commerce. She was awarded the MVP in the Data Platform 3 times beginning in 2017 and gave that up to accept her role as a Senior Program Manager with Microsoft in 2019. She is very involved with the Atlanta MDF User Group, SQLSaturday Atlanta and is co-leader of the PASS Women in Tech virtual group.

Kerry Tyler

Twitter: - AirborneGeek

LinkedIn: Kerry Tyler

Contact: http://airbornegeek.com

Kerry Tyler is a SQL Server, Business Intelligence, and Azure consultant. His initial IT experience was in network engineering and Windows system administration before moving into the data realm. This infrastructure background builds a firm foundation for performance tuning and cloud infrastructure design and implementation. Kerry has full-time DBA experience in SQL Server since version 2000 and business intelligence architecture since SQL Server 2005. In addition to consulting work, he delivers presentations and training on SQL Server administration, business intelligence, and Azure data and infrastructure components.

SQLSaturday Nashville

Twitter: - @SQLSatNash

Contact: http://www.sqlsatnash.com

SQLSaturday Nashville

David Maxwell

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/dmmaxwell

LinkedIn: David Maxwell

Contact: https://dmmaxwell.wordpress.com/

David Maxwell has almost 20 years of experience with SQL Server, with a keen interest in performance tuning, monitoring, and troubleshooting. He has experience in environments as diverse as health care institutions, auto manufacturers, and insurance companies. David has been a frequent presenter at SQLSaturday events around the United States since 2012, as well as a presenter for the DBA Fundamentals Virtual Group, the Performance Virtual Group, 24 Hours of PASS, and the annual PASS Summit. David participates in his local Columbus Ohio PASS Local Group, where he serves on the board of directors as SQLSaturday coordinator.

Gilda Alvarez

Twitter: - @Latina_DBA

She graduated from the University of Central Florida with MIS and Computer science degrees. She has over a decade of experience in Enterprise Information Technology solutions for several Fortune 500 companies. In depth and applied knowledge of database administration with emphasis on high availability and disaster recovery solutions, security audits, database health checks, capacity planning, resource utilization analysis and enterprise database migrations. She is a big advocate of technical and leadership education in her community. She loves to spend time with her family, friends and dance Latin music.

Eddy Djaja

Twitter: - ewdjaja

Contact: http://dbaworld.blogspot.com/

I have worked as a SQL DBA since 1997. I have managed SQL Server starting from version 6.5 to the latest version. Throughout my career I also worked as Oracle DBA, database architect, lead DBA and managing DBA team.

Pat Phelan

Twitter: - @YetAnotherSQL

LinkedIn: Pat Phelan

Pat Phelan first joined a computer user group (DECUS) in High School, and has joined many more since then. Pat worked many jobs in high school and college, and over twenty years for a major accounting firm. Pat started working for Involta in 2007 and is now the database mentor and a member of the Engineering team. Involta builds, owns and operates world class colocation datacenters and also provides managed services and support staff to clients.

Matt Gordon

Twitter: - sqlatspeed

LinkedIn: Matt Gordon

Contact: http://www.sqlatspeed.com

Matt is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and has worked with SQL Server since 2000. He is the leader of the Lexington, KY PASS local group and a frequent domestic and international community speaker. He’s an IDERA ACE alumnus and 2020 Friend of Redgate. His original data professional role was as a database developer, which quickly evolved into query tuning work that further evolved into being a full-fledged DBA in the healthcare realm. He has supported several critical systems utilizing SQL Server and managed dozens of 24/7/365 SQL Server implementations. He currently utilizes that real world experience as a data platform consultant helping clients design solutions that meet their ever-changing business needs.

Monica Rathbun

Twitter: - SQLEspresso

LinkedIn: Monica Rathbun

Contact: http://www.sqlespresso.com

Monica Rathbun lives in Virginia, is a Microsoft MVP for Data Platform and Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert. She has nearly two decades of experience working with a wide variety of database platforms with a focus on SQL Server and the Microsoft Data Platform. She is a frequent speaker at IT industry conferences on topics including performance tuning and configuration management. She is the Leader of the Hampton Roads SQL Server User Group and a Mid‐Atlantic PASS Regional Mentor. She is passionate about SQL Server and the SQL Server community, doing anything she can to give back. Monica can always be found on Twitter (@sqlespresso) handing out helpful tips. You can find Monica blogging at sqlespresso.com

Rob Volk

Twitter: - sql_r

LinkedIn: Rob Volk

Contact: http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/robv/

Rob Volk is a SQL Server DBA in the Metro Atlanta area since 2001. He also moderates and answers the forums on SQLTeam.com. While an old-time cranky DBA, he no longer considers quot;business intelligencequot; an oxymoron or quot;the cloudquot; as merely atmospheric moisture, and is delightedly dipping his toes into both of these new oceans, and loves to do things in new and and unusual ways.

Dave Mattingly

Twitter: - @dave_mattingly

LinkedIn: Dave Mattingly

Contact: http://www.davemattingly.net

Dave Mattingly has spent thirty years of designing, developing, databasing, documenting, and directing a variety of projects in many industries. In the past, he’s worked on space travel, fraud prevention, data accuracy, and virtual reality for industries such as games, ecology, health, religion, and money. He also writes, publishes, orates, teaches, and preaches.

franklin yamamoto

Twitter: - @sqlgrease

LinkedIn: franklin yamamoto

Contact: http://blog.sqlgrease.com

Franklin has spent a majority of his career working as a performance tuning consultant. While working as a consultant he saw a need for a subscription based performance monitoring solution that could live in the cloud. After four years of development this became SQLGrease. Franklin now heads SQLGrease as CEO and chief technologist. His goal is to build software capable of replacing himself so he could spend more time sailing.

Jon Boulineau

Twitter: - @jboulineau

LinkedIn: Jon Boulineau

Contact: http://jonboulineau.me

Jon Boulineau works as a Data Architect and Data Engineer in Nashville, TN.

Anthony Nocentino

Twitter: - nocentino

LinkedIn: Anthony Nocentino

Contact: http://www.centinosystems.com/blog/

Anthony Nocentino is the founder and President of Centino Systems as well as a Pluralsight author, Microsoft Data Platform MVP, Linux expert, and corporate problem solver. Anthony designs solutions, deploys the technology, and provides expertise on business system performance, architecture, and security. Anthony has a Bachelors and Masters in Computer Science with research publications in high performance/low latency data access algorithms and spatial database systems.

Jonathan Stewart

Twitter: - sqllocks

LinkedIn: Jonathan Stewart

Contact: https://sqllocks.net/

Jonathan Stewart is a Business Intelligence consultant specializing in data visualization, data warehousing, and data management technologies. An advocate for educating others, he is a public speaker, teacher and blogger, continually teaching people about the Microsoft BI Stack. Since 2000, he has been working in the database field with industry leaders in healthcare, manufacturing, financial, insurance and federal, state and local governments.

Jonathan is very active in the community. He has presented on SQL Server, SSIS, Reporting Services, Power BI and Business Intelligence at numerous SQLSaturday events, local user groups, and conferences throughout the United States and around the world. He participates in webcasts, podcasts, and on

Daniel Glenn

Twitter: - DanielGlenn

LinkedIn: Daniel Glenn

Contact: https://DanielGlenn.com

Daniel is a Microsoft MVP with 15 years’ experience building technology solutions, intranets and extranets. As Practice Leader for the Nashville-based InfoWorks Inc., Daniel helps organizations of all sizes solve complex data challenges by implementing Office 365 and SharePoint without the need of customization and costly investments.

Daniel is passionate about giving back and building the Microsoft technical community. Daniel holds leadership roles in various local user groups, serves as an organizer for Microsoft 365 Nashville, and is a co-host for the popular podcast 365 Message Center Show on https://MessageCenter.Show. You can follow Daniel online at https://DanielGlenn.com and @DanielGlenn on Twitter.

Gilda Alvarez

Twitter: - @Latina_DBA

She graduated from the University of Central Florida with MIS and Computer science degrees. She has over a decade of experience in Enterprise Information Technology solutions for several Fortune 500 companies. In depth and applied knowledge of database administration with emphasis on high availability and disaster recovery solutions, security audits, database health checks, capacity planning, resource utilization analysis and enterprise database migrations. She is a big advocate of technical and leadership education in her community. She loves to spend time with her family, friends and dance Latin music.

Angela Tidwell

Twitter: - angelatidwell

LinkedIn: Angela Tidwell

Contact: https://www.TidwellTidbits.com

Angela Tidwell is an experienced Data Professional with a love for Data Analytics, Data Science, Power BI, Python, SQL, etc. She is a dynamic and exciting speaker armed with a zest for life and quick wit; her background and unique views on the world provide the backdrop for a plethora of great stories. Utilizing her strong interpersonal skills and verbal/written communications, Angela supports SQLSaturdays across the country and blogs about her experiences in order to help other data professionals grow at TidwellTidbits.com.

Peter Shore

Twitter: - pshore73

LinkedIn: Peter Shore

Peter Shore is a seasoned IT professional with over 25 years of experience. He took the accidentally intentional DBA plunge in 2013 and has discovered that he loves to find the stories the data has to tell. Peter is comfortable working with both physical and virtual servers, where he tries to apply best practices to attain performance improvements. He is also adept at bridging the gap between technical and business language in order to bring technology solutions to business needs.

Anthony Nocentino

Twitter: - nocentino

LinkedIn: Anthony Nocentino

Contact: http://www.centinosystems.com/blog/

Anthony Nocentino is the founder and President of Centino Systems as well as a Pluralsight author, Microsoft Data Platform MVP, Linux expert, and corporate problem solver. Anthony designs solutions, deploys the technology, and provides expertise on business system performance, architecture, and security. Anthony has a Bachelors and Masters in Computer Science with research publications in high performance/low latency data access algorithms and spatial database systems.

Chris Hyde

Twitter: - ChrisHyde325

LinkedIn: Chris Hyde

Chris Hyde is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and Microsoft Certified Trainer based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He works as an independent SQL Server BI and DBA consultant, and is the leader of the Albuquerque PASS local user group. He is also part of the Friends of Redgate program and was a member of the Idera ACE class of 2018. He loves loud music and cricket, but usually not at the same time.

Adam McDonald

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/adam_mcd1

Adam McDonald is a Certified Hotel Industry Analyst with 15+ years of experience building tools to serve the data needs of the Hotel industry. He is an IT Architect who loves SQL development, data analytics, and efficient database solutions that development teams can build on. His passion is clean, quality code.

Rick Lowe

Twitter: - DataFLowe

LinkedIn: Rick Lowe

Contact: http://dataflowe.wordpress.com/

Rick is a Microsoft Certified Master with more than 20 years of SQL Server experience in a variety of roles. He currently lives in Washington state and works as an independent consultant providing remote performance DBA and performance tuning services for clients in the USA and Canada. His first exposure to SQL Server was as a database developer, but over time he became more and more interested in how the database engine operated… eventually specializing more on performance issues than code.

Rick will work with all things relational, but most enjoys helping smaller companies get better performance from MSSQL, as well as smoothing over relationships between DBA and development teams.

Lucas Feiock

Twitter: - @LucasFeiock

LinkedIn: Lucas Feiock

Contact: https://sql-stack.com

Lucas Feiock is a Senior Business Intelligence Consultant with KiZAN Technologies. He has four years of experience with the Microsoft BI Stack. In addition to data warehousing, data integration and data visualization, Lucas is also involved with machine learning and advanced analytics. He has experience working in multiple industries including manufacturing, sales, gas and electric utilities, and health care.

Louis Davidson

Twitter: - drsql

LinkedIn: Louis Davidson

Contact: https://www.red-gate.com/simple-talk/author/louis-davidson/

Louis Davidson has worked in the IT industry for over 25 years as a corporate database developer and architect. He has been a Microsoft SQL Server MVP for 15 years and has written five books on database design, and contributed to many other SQL Server books as an author and tech editor. He has a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. You can read more about Louis at http://drsql.org.

Brian Kelley

Twitter: - kbriankelley

LinkedIn: Brian Kelley

Contact: https://truthsolutions.wordpress.com/

Brian Kelley is an author, columnist, Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), accredited CISA trainer, and former Microsoft Data Platform (SQL Server) MVP (2009-2016) focusing primarily on SQL Server and Windows security. Brian currently serves as a data architect as well as an independent infrastructure/security architect concentrating on Active Directory, SQL Server, and Windows Server. He has served in a myriad of other positions including senior database administrator, data warehouse architect, web developer, incident response team lead, and project manager. Brian has spoken at 24 Hours of PASS, the Marathon of PASS, IT/Dev Connections, SQLConnections, the SSWUG Virtual Conferences, the Techno Security and Forensics Investigation

Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman

Twitter: - DBAKevlar

LinkedIn: Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman

Contact: http://dbakevlar.com

Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman is a member of the Oak Table Network and an Idera ACE and Oracle ACE Director alumnus. She is a Data Platform Architect in Power BI with AI in the EdTech group at Microsoft. Kellyn is known for her extensive work with multi-database platforms, DevOps, cloud migrations, virtualization, visualizations, scripting, environment optimization tuning, automation, and architecture design.

Kellyn has spoken at numerous technical conferences for Oracle, Big Data, DevOps, testing, and SQL Server. Her blog (http://dbakevlar.com) and social media activity under her handle, DBAKevlar, is well respected for her insight and content.

Carlos L Chacon

Twitter: - @CarlosLChacon

LinkedIn: Carlos L Chacon

Contact: http://sqldatapartners.com/blog

Carlos Chacon is the managing partner of SQL Data Partners LLC and co-host of the popular SQL Data Partners Podcast. While getting his start as a typical accidental DBA, Carlos has sat on Microsoft exam review panels, served as regional mentor and chapter leader. He enjoys traveling and has been to four continents, speaks Spanish and can eat his weight in raspberries (not yet proven). He and his family live in Richmond, Virginia.

Hasan Savran

Twitter: - Savranweb

LinkedIn: Hasan Savran

Contact: http://h-savran.blogspot.com/

Hasan Savran is a BI Architect at Progressive Insurance Company. He spends his days architecting cutting edge business solutions by using the latest Web and Database technologies. He is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP, Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer. Hasan has spoken at many SQLSaturdays, Code Camps and User groups. He is an active member of the HTML5 and WebAssembly W3C groups. He likes to write about SQL, CosmosDB, C#, and Front End development on his blog.

Eric Peterson

Eric Peterson is a consultant specializing in database architecture with experience in demanding Fortune 100 company environments. He has a Computer Science degree complemented with an MBA, which meshes well with his jobs integrating business information with the systems that process it. He has worked with SQL Server since its inception and was an instructor of SQL courses at a national technical training company. He also speaks are regional SQLSaturday events.

Dustin Dorsey

Twitter: - sql_dd

LinkedIn: Dustin Dorsey

Contact: https://dustindorsey.com/

Dustin Dorsey has been architecting and managing SQL Server solutions for companies for well over a decade. While Dustin is skilled in many areas, he has a unique specialization in cost management and architecture around the data platform both on-premise and in the cloud that he has used to provide significant savings for multiple organizations and loves sharing information about this. Dustin is an avid speaker and can be seen writing articles on popular SQL websites, as well as, on his own blog at DustinDorsey.com. He is also active in the Nashville community as a local user group leader and co-organizer of his local SQLSaturday. Dustin currently serves as Director of Data Management at Lifepoint Health.

Eric Blinn

Twitter: - @SQL2TheSequel

LinkedIn: Eric Blinn

Contact: https://ericblinn.com/

Eric has been a SQL Server DBA in the legal, software, transportation, and insurance industries for over 10 years. Currently he is the Sr Data Architect for Squire Patton Boggs, a leading provider of legal services with 47 offices in 20 countries.

Eric is a 2018-2019 Idera Ace and has co-authored 2 Idera Whitepapers.

He has been a presenter at PASS Summit, SQLSaturdays, the in.sight transportation conference, and the Ohio North SQL Server User’s Group.

Tyler Graham

Twitter: - @codeswim

LinkedIn: Tyler Graham

With over 20 years experience in Data Management 6 Years at Microsoft One of the Original Designers of SQL Server Master Data Services Author - Master Data Services -SQL Server 2008R2 and 2012 6 Years at Profisee developing Industry Solutions

Ameena Lalani

Twitter: - SQLHands

LinkedIn: Ameena Lalani

Ameena Lalani is a SQL Server veteran and started her journey with SQL Server 2000. She is a Microsoft Certified Solution Associate on SQL Server 2016 and also hold Azure Administrator Associate certification. Ameena works at Microsoft as a Premier Field engineer. She has implemented numerous High Availability and Disaster Recovery solutions at various companies. Ameena loves to share her technical knowledge and speaks at local user groups and SQLSaturday events throughout the United States.

Tyler Graham

Twitter: - @codeswim

LinkedIn: Tyler Graham

With over 20 years experience in Data Management 6 Years at Microsoft One of the Original Designers of SQL Server Master Data Services Author - Master Data Services -SQL Server 2008R2 and 2012 6 Years at Profisee developing Industry Solutions

Leonard Lobel

Twitter: - @lennilobel

LinkedIn: Leonard Lobel

Contact: http://lennilobel.wordpress.com

Leonard Lobel (Microsoft MVP, Data Platform) is CTO and co-founder of Sleek Technologies, Inc., a New York-based development shop with an early adopter philosophy toward new technologies. He is also a principal consultant at Tallan, Inc., a Microsoft National Systems Integrator and Gold Competency Partner.

Programming since 1979, Lenni specializes in Microsoft-based solutions, with experience that spans a variety of business domains, including publishing, financial, wholesale/retail, health care, and e-commerce. Lenni has served as chief architect and lead developer for various organizations, ranging from small shops to high-profile clients. He is also a consultant, trainer, and frequent speaker at local usergroup meetings, VSLive, SQL PASS, and other industry conferences.

Lenni has also authored several MS Press books and Pluralsight courses on SQL Server programming.

Jeff Dudenhoeffer

Jeff is a multi-faceted Business Intelligence Consultant experienced in developing complex client solutions and leading teams. Over the course of his career, Jeff has been involved in requirements gathering, data warehouse architecture, data modeling, ETL development and report development with industry leading tools.

Christina Wheeler

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/cwheeler76

LinkedIn: Christina Wheeler

Contact: https://www.sharepointwheeler.com

Christina Wheeler (MVP) is an Independent Consultant Solution Architect and a part-time Trainer specializing in Power BI, PowerApps, SharePoint and other O365 training. She is a highly respected O365/BI expert who focuses on development, administration, branding, and training. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Christina has knowledge in graphic design, Web development, and custom development who also specializes in Enterprise Content Management and Business Intelligence. As a trainer, Christina brings her real-world experience to the classroom.

Amy Herold

Twitter: - @texasamy

LinkedIn: Amy Herold

Contact: http://www.sqlkitten.com/

Amy Herold is currently a Premier Field Engineer with Microsoft, specializing in APS. Prior to this, she was a Sr. Database Administrator, focusing on PowerShell and automation. She is also currently the Director of Programs for the North Texas SQL Server User Group (NTSSUG). She frequently speaks at SQLSaturday and user group events across the United States and has also participated in numerous Women in Technology sessions as a panelist. Amy currently blogs at sqlkitten.com.

Angela Henry

Twitter: - SQLSwimmer

LinkedIn: Angela Henry

Contact: http://SQLSwimmer.com

Angela is a Solution Architect, living in High Point, NC and loves what she does. She’s worked with all versions of SQL Server worn all the hats that come with dealing with SQL Server throughout the years: developer, administrator, data architect and BI developer. She has her MSCE in Data and Analytics (f.k.a., Business Intelligence), is a Data Platform MVP, and a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT). She is the former chapter leader for the PASS Triad SQL User Group in Greensboro, NC. In her spare time you can probably find her in or at the pool, she’s an avid US Masters Swimmer, Coach and Instructor.

Andy Puckett

LinkedIn: Andy Puckett

Andy has worked in the data protection industry for over 7 years at companies such as Dell and Quest. Currently he’s a Sales Engineer for Rubrik which is a market leader in Cloud Data Management, the world’s first platform to orchestrate data for hybrid cloud enterprises anytime, anywhere. Blending future-proof architecture with consumer-grade simplicity to pioneer a fresh approach to an old problem.

Marsha Pierce

Twitter: - MarshaPierceDBA

LinkedIn: Marsha Pierce

Marsha Pierce lives in Nashville, TN. She studied Computer Science, Mathematics, and French at Belmont University. She has 23 years of experience as a DBA, which means she has broken and fixed a lot of stuff. Before joining Pure Storage, she was an architect at HCA and Asurion. She is passionate about DevOps, Storage, Performance Tuning, and Standardization.

Josh Luedeman

Twitter: - http://www.twitter.com/joshluedeman

LinkedIn: Josh Luedeman

Contact: http://www.joshluedeman.com

Josh is a Sr FastTrack Engineer with the FastTrack team in the Azure Engineering Group at Microsoft. Josh focuses on Microsoft’s Cloud Scale Analytics Solutions in Azure using products like HDInsight, Data Lake, Data Factory, and DataBricks. He has worked in IT for over 10 years holding positions in Application Support, Database Administration, and Business Intelligence, in industries like Higher Education, Consulting, Manufacturing, and Software Development.

Gareth Swanepoel

Twitter: - @GarethSwan

Contact: http://mygareth.com

Gareth Swanepoel is a sysadmin-turned-SQL Server DBA. He has been working in the IT industry doing support and administration for over 25 years. He enjoys solving the complex problems that customers encounter when performance tuning SQL Server or when deploying SQL Server in large data warehouse environments. He is originally from South Africa and is currently a Dedicated Support Engineer (PFE) with Microsoft. He is a passionate member of the SQL Server community and is an accomplished author and speaker having presented at various user groups, SQLSaturdays, the PASS Summit and other technical conferences.

Hope Foley

Twitter: - hope_foley

LinkedIn: Hope Foley

Contact: http://www.hopefoley.com

Hope Foley, a former Data Platform MVP, has worked across many industries as a DBA and Business Intelligence consultant. She joined team at Microsoft and is a Data AI Technology Solutions Professional. She has worked with enterprise customers but now focuses on education. Hope is an active member in the SQL Server and PASS communities speaking at events and organizing the SQLSaturday event in Indianapolis.

Kevin Wilkie

Twitter: - Oskaruth

LinkedIn: Kevin Wilkie

Contact: http://sherpaofdata.com

Kevin has 15+ years experience with SQL Server and has worked with the product since version 6.5, although he remembers with distaste the early versions of the product. He started working with SQL Server as an “Accidental” DBA, and has moved up through the ranks as a SQL Developer, a BI Associate, and Production DBA at various parts of his career. Currently, he works as a Lead Data Analyst spreading the gospel of how great data can be to anyone and everyone who will listen.

Kevin Kline

Twitter: - kekline

LinkedIn: Kevin Kline

Contact: http://blogs.sentryone.com/author/kevinkline

Kevin Kline is a database and industry expert serving as Principal Program Manager at SentryOne, the industry leading SQL Server database tools vendor. A Microsoft SQL Server MVP since 2003, he is a founder and former president of PASS. Kevin is an author of many books, blogger, columnist, and popular international speaker. Kevin’s best known book is the best-selling SQL in a Nutshell and contributes monthly to Database Trends Applications magazine. He tweets at @kekline and blogs at http://Blogs.SQLSentry.com/Author/KevinKline.

Dan Evans

Twitter: - @danthebiman

LinkedIn: Dan Evans

Dan Evans is a Data and Analytics evangelist with over 25 years’ experience deploying strategic and innovative analytic solutions. He’s focused on Microsoft technologies including Data Platform, Advanced Analytics and Business Applications. Current focuses include SQL Server, Power Suite, Cognitive Services, Artifical Inteligence and other Data Platform related topics in Azure. Dan presents at many local, regional and national events including SQL PASS, DAMA, TDWI, TechEd and Ignite and supports best practices in Microsoft data and analytics across North America.

Don McMunn

LinkedIn: Don McMunn

Don has over 20 years of experience leading enterprise data solutions. He is a hands-on, technical team leader who has worked across industries, spending significant time in healthcare and retail. As part of Cardinal Solutions – Insight Enterprises, Don focuses on helping businesses get the most value from their data assets.

Spencer Swindell

Twitter: - @SpencerSwindell

LinkedIn: Spencer Swindell

Spencer Swindell is the Lead Architect with Think Data Insights, LLC. Think Data Insights a consulting group based out of Nashville, TN that works with companies to implement and maintain their Enterprise Data Platform. Since graduating from Tennessee Tech in 2011, he has built and delivered solutions for numerous organizations in the Nashville area utilizing SQL Server and the Microsoft BI Toolset. Spencer lives in Mount Juliet with his wife and son.

Lowry Kozlowski

Twitter: - @lowrykoz

LinkedIn: Lowry Kozlowski

Lowry Kozlowski is a SR SQL DBA and SR Consultant for SWC Technology Partners. Been involved with SQL for 17 years. Co-Leader of the Chicago Suburban SQL User group. Part of the SQLSaturday team for Chicago. Love SQL, photography, solving problems and trying new food. Goal in life is to minimize off hours calls by proactive work on systems.

Elizabeth Noble

Twitter: - SQLZelda

LinkedIn: Elizabeth Noble

Elizabeth Noble is a Director of Database Development in the metro Atlanta area. When she was introduced to her first database over 10 years ago, it was love at first sight. Her passion is to help others improve the quality and speed of deploying database changes through automation. When she is not trying to automate all of the things, she can be found spending time with her dogs, playing disc golf, or taking a walk at the gym.

Josh Luedeman

Twitter: - http://www.twitter.com/joshluedeman

LinkedIn: Josh Luedeman

Contact: http://www.joshluedeman.com

Josh is a Sr FastTrack Engineer with the FastTrack team in the Azure Engineering Group at Microsoft. Josh focuses on Microsoft’s Cloud Scale Analytics Solutions in Azure using products like HDInsight, Data Lake, Data Factory, and DataBricks. He has worked in IT for over 10 years holding positions in Application Support, Database Administration, and Business Intelligence, in industries like Higher Education, Consulting, Manufacturing, and Software Development.

Bradley Ball

Twitter: - @SQLBalls

LinkedIn: Bradley Ball

Contact: http://www.sqlballs.com

Bradley Ball is a Sr. Azure Engineer for Microsoft, and former Data Platform MVP. During his IT career Bradley has spent 8 years working as a Defense contractor for clients such as the U.S. Army and The Executive Office of the President of the United States, and the former Data Platform Practice Manager for Pragmatic Works Consulting. He has presented at SQLSaturdays, SSUG’s, SQL Rally, DevConnections, SQLBits, SQL Live 360, and the PASS Summit. Bradley can be found blogging on http://www.SQLBalls.com

Kevin Feasel

Twitter: - feaselkl

LinkedIn: Kevin Feasel

Contact: http://www.catallaxyservices.com

Kevin Feasel is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and CTO at Envizage, where he specializes in data analytics with T-SQL and R, forcing Spark clusters to do his bidding, fighting with Kafka, and pulling rabbits out of hats on demand. He is the lead contributor to Curated SQL (https://curatedsql.com), president of the Triangle Area SQL Server Users Group (https://www.meetup.com/tripass), and author of PolyBase Revealed (https://www.apress.com/us/book/9781484254608). A resident of Durham, North Carolina, he can be found cycling the trails along the triangle whenever the weather’s nice enough.

Bryan Walsh

Twitter: - @BryanJWalsh

20 years into a career focused on Microsoft technologies and the impact of they make for companies across all industries and verticals. Started at EMC in 2006 and have held numerous leadership roles that champion Microsoft to our field, partners and customers. In my current role at XtremIO, my primary focus is SQL Server and how to unlock agility and end storage inefficiency.

John Deardurff

Twitter: - SQLMCT

LinkedIn: John Deardurff

Contact: https://www.sqlmct.com

John has been a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) for over 20 years teaching Azure, SQL Server, Exchange Server, and Windows Server networking courses. He is currently a SQL Premier Field Engineer for Microsoft. He is an MCT Regional Lead for the Eastern United States and a former Data Platform MVP.


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