SQLSaturday #707 - Pordenone 2018

Event Date: 02/17/2018 00:00:00

Event Location:

  • Consorzio Universitario di Pordenone
  • Via Prasecco, 3/a
  • Pordenone, Friuli, Italy

PDF of Schedule

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This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.

Title: SQL Server 2017 Graph Database

Abstract: SQL Server offre da sempre gli strumenti per gestire dati gerarchici e relazioni tra le entità. A volte, però, le relazioni tra le entità possono diventare complesse. Pensiamo ad una relazione molti-a-molti, i database relazionali non dispongono di soluzioni native per questo tipo di legame, che viene comunemente implementato con una tabella di associazione. SQL Server 2017, grazie all’introduzione di Graph Database, permette di esprimere certi tipi di query più facilmente rispetto ad un database relazionale puro. In questa sessione verrà fornita un’introduzione a SQL Graph e agli scenari di utilizzo. Nell’ultima demo verrà mostrato come costruire un sistema di raccomandazione per le offerte, in grado di determinare i prodotti consigliati sulla base del prodotto che il cliente sta acquistando, uno scenario tipico di utilizzo di SQL Graph.


  • Sergio Govoni

Track and Room: Development - Cloud

Title: MDX is still alive! Are you ready for MDX Troubleshooting 2.0 ?

Abstract: Il linguaggio MDX è ancora vivo e vegeto sia perché in molti scenari il paradigma multidimensionale rappresenta ancora la scelta migliore per un nuovo progetto di BI, sia per il rilevante numero di progetti in produzione utilizzati quotidianamente da aziende di tutti i settori. Ma per garantire le migliori performance possibili occorre avere dimestichezza con le tecniche e gli strumenti necessari all’attività di troubleshooting. Tale attività richiede profonde conoscenze di MDX e di Analysis Services, e l’esecuzione ripetitiva di molte attività manuali con strumenti diversi, risultando pertanto complessa, dispendiosa e soggetta ad errori. Ma ora tutto questo è cambiato ed in questa sessione vedremo come, grazie al nuovo tool Analysis Services Query Analyzer, potremo scordarci il Profiler, il comando Clear Cache e tutte le atre attività “old style” e, direttamente dal Management Studio, vedere cosa accade dietro le quinte durante l’esecuzione delle nostre query MDX!


  • Francesco De Chirico

Track and Room: Data Science - Cloud

Title: Integrazione tra PowerBI e Reporting Services: il perché ed il come

Abstract: PowerBI è uno strumento di reportistica (o meglio, di visualizzazione) in continua evoluzione. Non è tuttavia pensato come piattaforma sostitutiva dei più consolidati Reporting Services. Anzi: PowerBI e Reporting Services hanno, nelle loro versioni più recenti (da SQL Server 2016 in poi), la possibilità di integrarsi, consentendo di collocare in Dashboard di PowerBI reports pubblicati su Reporting Services. Si può così disporre di un sito centralizzato nel cloud per rendere progressivamente più uniforme ed accessibile l’insieme di reports e visualizzazioni che costituiscono l’accesso alla Business Intelligence della nostra Azienda. Questa sessione illustra i prerequisiti e le procedure necessarie a raggiungere questo obiettivo.


  • Gilberto Zampatti

Track and Room: Analytics and Visualization - Data Science

Title: Columnstore Indexes: what they are, and how to use them

Abstract: La prima apparizione dei ColumnStore Indexes risale a SQL Server 2012 e, nel corso degli anni, l’aggiunta di numerose funzionalità quali indici aggiornabili e continuo incremento delle performance li hanno resi una scelta appetibile in ambito Enterprise sia per carichi di lavoro DWH che OLTP. Il recente Service Pack 1 di SQL Server 2016, inoltre, estende l’adozione dei CI con le dovute limitazioni in termini di risorse a tutte le edizioni, Express compresa. In questa sessione verranno introdotti i Columnstore Indexes, concentrandosi sulle differenze rispetto ai tradizionali B-Tree, su come utilizzarli al meglio e sulle attenzioni da prestare nel passaggio tra le varie versioni ed edizioni di SQL Server.


  • Francesco Milano

Track and Room: Development - Development

Title: JSON before and after SQL Server 2016

Abstract: The JavaScript Object Notation format, known simply as JSON, has now become a standard in data interchange between client-server applications, it is also used to store information in non-relational databases and the SQL Server 2016 engine handles it natively . However, today, not everyone has passed to the latest version of SQL Server, however, it is possible to process the JSON format even with earlier versions: in this session, it is confident with this format and illustrates the non-native mode that allows you to be ready in the moment of the upgrade to 2016 (or later) with a few simple moves. Finally, with a few simple examples, you will find some tips on how to use JSON in an advanced way with SQL Server 2016.


  • Emanuele Zanchettin

Track and Room: Development - Cloud

Title: Responding to Extended Events in near real-time

Abstract: Extended Events provide deep insight into SQL Server’s behavior and allow us to gather information not available by other means. However, compared to other technologies such as SQL Trace and Event Notifications, Extended Events don’t seem to provide a way to react to the events as soon as they happen.

In this session we will see how the Extended Events streaming API can be used to process events in a near real-time fashion. We will demonstrate how this technology enables new possibilities to solve real world problems, such as capturing and notifying deadlocks or blocking sessions. We will also offer a different approach to analyzing captured events, without shredding XML files.


  • Gianluca Sartori

Track and Room: Advanced Analysis Techniques - Administration

Title: Azure Functions e Logic Apps: i tuoi coltellini svizzeri per gestire i tuoi dati in un SQL Database

Abstract: Hai più o più SQL Database da gestire. A volte è necessario importare, manipolare, esportare i dati, è necessario lavorare sullo schema. È necessario pianificare alcune attività, è necessario attendere alcuni eventi prima di eseguire alcune attività. O devi inviare o gestire notifiche. In tutte queste situazioni, una scarsa piccola conoscenza dei linguaggi di programmazione, come C#, aiuta a svolgere queste attività in modo più semplice e veloce. E si esegue il codice direttamente nel cloud. Quindi introduceremo le minime conoscenze .NET necessarie, come scrivere una Function App e le funzioni e come creare workflow di manipolazione dei dati.


  • Marco Parenzan

Track and Room: Cloud - Administration

Title: GDPR and Database Management

Abstract: In this presentation you will see how GDPR implies improvement of Database Management in terms of monitoring, replication, back up. Discover examples of solutions and attend live demo of existing solutions, to monitor not only performance but also user access, down to tables accessed and objects used


  • Alessandro Falchetti

Track and Room: Database Administration - Administration

Title: SQL Server 2017: Data Science with Python or R?

Abstract: SQL Server 2016 brought support or the R language. SQL Server 2017 added a new language to the list, the Python language. Both languages target advanced analytics scenarios, popularly known as data science. For a SQL Server professional who wants to move in the data science area, the first question is which language to choose. In this presentation, you will learn basics about both languages. We will try to solve the same problem with both languages. This way, through demos with a lot of explanation, you will realize the most important differences between the two competing languages. You will understand which one is more appropriate for you to start with.


  • Dejan Sarka

Track and Room: Advanced Analysis Techniques - Data Science

Title: An introduction to the magical world of BIML!

Abstract: Ever feel like you are just doing busy work while creating new SSIS packages? Feel like you are doing the same thing over and over while changing the names to protect the innocent? Ever wonder if there is a better way? Well wonder no more. Come learn about the magical world of BIML and how it can help transform your environment by increasing your productivity while reducing the possibility of errors. Come with intrigue and leave with a fundamental understanding of BIML!


  • Jonathan Stewart

Track and Room: Data Science - Development

Title: What can you do with SQL Server on Linux?

Abstract: The best RDBMS meets the best Operating System. But can you leverage all the power of SQL Server on Linux? Can you create AlwaysOn Availability Groups on Linux? Can you use Integration Service (SSIS) to exchange data ? Is Change Data Capture (CDC) available? Can you use Active Directory Authentication? You will need to attend this session to get the answers!


  • Rudi Bruchez

Track and Room: Database Administration - Development

Title: SQL Server performance tuning on Azure IaaS

Abstract: While creating SQL Server VMs via Azure gallery templates is really cool, these pre-built instaces are meant to be used in a large variety of scenarios and consequently use generic settings which aren’t optimized from a performance point of view. Let’s see together how to maximize performance (and minimize costs) of our SQL VMs on Azure, following Microsoft best practices and some additional tips.


  • Marco Obinu

Track and Room: Cloud - Administration

Title: Introducing SQL Operations Studio

Abstract: Il 2017 è stato un anno ricco di novità per quanto riguarda SQL Server. Una delle principali riguarda la cosiddetta “General availability” ovvero la possibilità di installare e distribuire il database engine anche su piattaforme non-Microsoft come ad esempio Linux e Docker. Anche gli strumenti di lavoro stanno adenguandosi a tale cambiamento ed hanno intrapreso questa strada. A partire da Novembre 2017 infatti, un nuovo tool per la gestione del ciclo di vita delle nostre basi dati (SQL Operations Studio) è stato rilasciato (in preview). In questa sessione cercheremo di esplorarne le funzionalità di base e di meglio comprenderne le prospettive future.


  • Luca Bruni

Track and Room: Professional Development - Administration

Title: Parameter Sniffing on SQL Server

Abstract: When is good, when bad for your database performance? How can we use the good sides, and how avoid bad sides of parameter sniffing? Answers to this questions will be provided during the session with lots of demos.


  • Dean Savović

Track and Room: Database Administration - Development

Title: SQL Audit - Evidence Never Lies

Abstract: We’ve all heard about massive data breaches from big name companies. As a DBA, you should consider your company’s data to be the most valuable assets. So when a data breach happens at your company, will you be able to provide management with the information? If not, then discover how SQL Server Audit can help provide you with an accurate forensic analysis of who did what to your data. In this session, we’ll cover what SQL Audit can capture, how to set it up for both on-premise SQL Servers and Azure SQL Database, and finally produce reports from it.


  • Patrick Keisler

Track and Room: Database Administration - Development

Title: Azure Data Lake Analytics

Abstract: Azure Data Lake Analytics is a new service, built to make big data analytics scalable, performance efficient and distributed and easy. Service is focused on data usability and analytics, rather than setting up the infrastructure.

Besides scaling and faster deployment, it is affordable and cost effective and easy to integrate into your existing IT environment.

For the demo, we will look at the image recognition and emotion detection.


  • Tomaž Kaštrun

Track and Room: Analytics and Visualization - Data Science

Title: SQL Server Database Engine 2017 Enhancements

Abstract: Ogni nuovo rilascio di SQL Server introduce parecchie novità, molte delle quali legate a componenti o funzionalità specifiche del prodotto. Questa sessione riguarda le novità legate al Database Engine con approfondimenti sulle nuove funzionalità T-SQL e di diagnostica/miglioramento delle prestazioni. Faremo, inoltre, una breve panoramica su temi quali la versione per Linux e il supporto ai grafi il cui approfondimento necessita di intere sessioni dedicate.


  • Gianluca Hotz

Track and Room: Development - Cloud

Title: Power BI: Dal dato grezzo al modello di analisi con M e DAX

Abstract: Avrete probabilmente visto molti scenari in cui viene utilizzato Power BI. Tuttavia la maggior parte delle demo si basano su scenari in cui tutto funziona con un drag and drop dei campi del modello. Ma cosa succede quando il dato non è perfetto o il vostro problema di business è più complesso? In questa sessione, si vedranno come risolvere le problematiche che inevitabilmente si andrà in contro quando si torna al lavoro. Questa sessione vi darà la possibilità di vedere come si modellano i dati per risolvere i problemi del mondo reale con Power BI.


  • Marco Pozzan

Track and Room: Analytics and Visualization - Data Science

Abstract: SQL Server 2012 introduced an important extension to its integrated Full-text Search, namely the Statistical Semantic Search. In this session you will learn how to install and configure this new functionality, how to use it to extend your existing full-text search capabilities, and how to utilize it properly to improve your information management solutions. You will learn how to automatically extract key phrases from your documents, and how to find similarities between individual documents of your information corpus based on the key phrases that they contain.


  • Matija Lah

Track and Room: Development - Development

Title: Lavorare con database SQL Server con .NET Standard 2.0

Abstract: Grazie a .NET Standard 2.0, oggi siamo finalmente in grado di collegarci in modo nativo a database SQL Server (su Windows o Linux) e SQL Azure da qualunque piattaforma: Desktop, Web, .NET Core, UWP e persino Xamarin. Nel corso di questa sessione mostreremo come sfruttare al meglio questa caratteristica e quali strumenti ci possono aiutare nello sviluppo di tutti i giorni.


  • Marco Minerva

Track and Room: Development - Cloud

Title: Practical SQL Server Machine Learning Services

Abstract: Admit to yourself that you’ve seen enough basic “R is coming to SQL Server” sessions with the same old examples! Enough of that, in this session we’ll walk through a real SQL Server Machine Learning Services scenario from idea to code and from deployment to monitoring maintenance. Learn how you can easily roll out your own Data Science projects or support the data scientists and analysts at your company.


  • Jan Mulkens

Track and Room: Advanced Analysis Techniques - Data Science

Title: Decision Trees: the Machine Learning “Magic” Unveiled

Abstract: Spesso un algoritmo di Machine Learning è visto come una di quelle armi magiche in grado di rivelare possibili scenari futuri a chi la detiene. In verità si tratta di applicazioni dirette di concetti di matematica e statistica, che a volte generano come output dei modelli complessi da interpretare. Esistono però dei modelli predittivi basati su alberi decisionali che sono davvero semplici da comprendere. In questa sessione verrà spiegato cosa c’è dietro ad un modello predittivo di questo tipo, chiarendo il tutto con pratici esempi realizzati in R.


  • Luca Zavarella

Track and Room: Advanced Analysis Techniques - Data Science

Title: High availability for SQL Server using Azure as DR site

Abstract: In this session we will present the union of the local environment and the cloud and show the integration between these environments. The cloud is already a reality and we still have several environments that must remain in local environments due to legislation or company rules. In this session you will see that it is possible to maintain both environments.


  • Marcelo Fernandes

Track and Room: Cloud - Administration

Title: Gestire SSRS con Powershell

Abstract: Powershell consente di automatizzare, attraverso i suoi script, le attività di manutenzione di SQL Server. Reporting Services non fa eccezione. SSRS espone dei web services attraverso i quali è possibile amministrare o ottenere il risultato dei reports in vari formati. In questa sessione vedremo come sfruttare la combinazione Powershell + SSRS web services per gestire le più comuni attività amministrative, come ad esempio importare o esportare dei reports, visualizzare o impostare i parametri di un report, schedulare la produzione di un report da Task scheduler.


  • Danilo Dominici

Track and Room: Data Science - Cloud


This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.

Matija Lah

Twitter: - @MatijaLah

LinkedIn: Matija Lah

Contact: http://milambda.blogspot.com

Matija Lah has more than a decade of experience working with Microsoft SQL Server, mostly architecting data-centric solutions in the legal domain. His contributions to the SQL Server community have led to the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional award in 2007 (Data Platform), which he held until 2017. In 2008 Matija joined SolidQ as a Mentor, located in Central and Eastern Europe. He spends most of his time on projects involving advanced information management, and natural language processing.

Emanuele Zanchettin

Twitter: - @thinkIT

LinkedIn: Emanuele Zanchettin

Emanuele Zanchettin, after studying in Computer Engineering, began his career with DB2 in the banking sector in 1998. After a few years and a change of scope of application, he encountered Access and Oracle with which he subsequently worked for several years in data access tuning and database design for new application features. Since 2007 he has also launched into the SQLServer world 2K, 2005, 2008* and 201* and more importantly, since 2011, into Azure SQL Database (SQL Azure). In order to have a greater capacity for assessment and familiarity with the various technologies that the market offers, he has deepened his knowledge to include MySQL and DocumentDB. Today Emanuele is mainly involved in IT projects and database management.

Marcelo Fernandes

Twitter: - marcelodba

LinkedIn: Marcelo Fernandes

Contact: http://marcelodba.wordpress.com

Marcelo Fernandes is SQL Server MVP and has 12+ years experience with databases, specialized in High Availability, critical missions and very large databases. He holds the MCP / MCDBA / MCSA / MCTS / MCITP and MCT certifications, he lives and works in Berlin for an American e-commerce company that sells home goods. He share their knowledge through webcasts, presentations and articles on Microsoft technologies and can be cantacted by email fernandes_dba@hotmail.com or twitter @ marcelodba

Francesco Milano

Twitter: - @fmilano

LinkedIn: Francesco Milano

I’ve been working with Microsoft technologies since 2000, and I’m specialized in .NET Framework and SQL Server platform. I focus primarily on back-end development, integration solutions, relational model design and implementation. Starting from 2011 I’m also member of UGISS (Italian SQL Server User Group) and speaker at main italian SQL Server conferences and workshops.

Patrick Keisler

Twitter: - @PatrickKeisler

LinkedIn: Patrick Keisler

Contact: http://www.patrickkeisler.com

I#39;m a husband, a father, an Atlanta Braves fan, and oh yeah…I know a thing or two about Microsoft SQL Server, because I work for Microsoft supporting it as a Premier Field Engineer. I have over 15 years of DBA experience and have gained considerable knowledge in SQL Server by supporting lots of different type of applications ranging from high-volume trading applications to large data warehouses. I hold several certifications: MCSE: Data Platform, MCITP SQL 2008 Admin and Dev, and Security+.

Marco Minerva

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/marcominerva

LinkedIn: Marco Minerva

Contact: https://marcominerva.wordpress.com

Marco Minerva si è dedicato a .NET fin dalla sua prima introduzione. Attualmente lavora come consulente freelance e si occupa di progettazione e sviluppo di applicativi basati sul Framework .NET, realizzando app per Windows, Xamarin e IoT, e soluzioni Web con ASP.NET, Web API e Azure. Organizza e tiene corsi di formazione. E’ co-fondatore e Community Leader di DotNetToscana. E’ speaker ad eventi tecnici di livello nazionale e scrive articoli per riviste. E’ Microsoft MVP per la categoria Windows Development.

Sergio Govoni

Twitter: - @segovoni

LinkedIn: Sergio Govoni

Contact: https://mvp.microsoft.com/it-it/PublicProfile/4029181?fullName=Sergio%20Govoni

Since 1999 Sergio Govoni has been a software developer; in 2000 he got a degree in Computer Science at “Università degli Studi” in Ferrara (Italy). He has worked for over 18 years in Centro Software, a software house that produces the best ERP for manufacturing companies that are export oriented. Now, he manages the development product team and he is constantly involved on several team projects, where he focues his attention on the architecture and the mission-critical technical details. Since 2016 he is the vice president of the UGISS (www.ugiss.org). For the provided help to technical communities and for sharing his own experience, since 2010 he has received the Microsoft Data Platform MVP award.

Dejan Sarka

Twitter: - DejanSarka

Contact: http://blogs.solidq.com/dsarka/Home.aspx

Dejan Sarka, MCT and Data Platform MVP, is an independent trainer and consultant that focuses on development of database and business intelligence applications. Besides projects, he spends about half of his time on training and mentoring. He is the founder of the Slovenian SQL Server and .NET Users Group. Dejan Sarka is the main author or co-author of eighteen books about databases and SQL Server. Dejan Sarka has also developed many courses and seminars for Microsoft, Radacad, SolidQ, and Pluralsight.

Gianluca Hotz

Twitter: - glhotz

LinkedIn: Gianluca Hotz

Contact: http://www.ghotz.com

Gianluca Hotz is an independent consultant, trainer, speaker and Mentor specialized in architecture, database design, high availability, capacity planning, performance tuning, system integration and migrations for Microsoft SQL Server. He has been working as a consultant in the IT field since 1993 and with SQL Server since 1996. He is among the original founders of ugiss.org, where he served as vice-president from 2001 to 2016 and he is now serving as president, for his contribution to the community he has been a SQL Server MVP since 1998.

Rudi Bruchez

Twitter: - nepasderanger

LinkedIn: Rudi Bruchez

Contact: http://www.babaluga.com/

(same as before)

Jonathan Stewart

Twitter: - sqllocks

LinkedIn: Jonathan Stewart

Contact: https://sqllocks.net/

Jonathan Stewart is a Business Intelligence consultant specializing in data visualization, data warehousing, and data management technologies. An advocate for educating others, he is a public speaker, teacher and blogger, continually teaching people about the Microsoft BI Stack. Since 2000, he has been working in the database field with industry leaders in healthcare, manufacturing, financial, insurance and federal, state and local governments.

Jonathan is very active in the community. He has presented on SQL Server, SSIS, Reporting Services, Power BI and Business Intelligence at numerous SQLSaturday events, local user groups, and conferences throughout the United States and around the world. He participates in webcasts, podcasts, and on

Gilberto Zampatti

Time ago (a lot of time ago…) an excellent IT pro brought me with him and became my Mentor in the IT wonderland…it was a world full of mainframes… I met the Relational theory when there were no commercial RDBMS, and I was spellbound by that “magic”. When Microsoft appeared in the IT market, I felt finally which trek I had to follow. I’m still walking on such road, and in my rucksack I’ve ben putting some other stuff (like SharePoint, for example). My sole regret: I’ve left the College to consecrate all my time to my job; curiously, since then, I’ve never stop learning…

Tomaž Kaštrun

Twitter: - @tomaz_tsql

LinkedIn: Tomaž Kaštrun

Contact: http://www.tomaztsql.wordpress.com

Tomaž Kaštrun is BI developer and data analyst. His main focus are data mining, T-SQL development, programming and query optimization. He has been working with SQL server since version 2000. He is Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft MVP for data platform and Microsoft trainer.

Danilo Dominici

Twitter: - @danilo_dominici

Danilo Dominici, lavora con SQL Server sin dalla versione 6.5. Si occupa principalmente di progettazione, implementazione ed ottimizzazione architetturale, monitoring e performance tuning. Alterna le attivit#224; di consulenza a quelle di formatore, speaker ed autore. Microsoft Certified Trainer dal 2000 e SQL Server MVP dal 2014, #232; anche co-leader del PASS Global Italian Virtual Chapter, lo user group quot;virtualequot; in lingua italiana dedicato a SQL Server.

Gianluca Sartori

Twitter: - http://twitter.com/#!/spaghettidba

LinkedIn: Gianluca Sartori

Contact: http://spaghettidba.com

Gianluca Sartori is a Data Platform MVP, independent consultant and performance tuning specialist. He has been working in the software industry since 1999 and has been working with SQL Server ever since. He also works as a SQL Server trainer and in his spare time he writes technical articles and participates the SQL Server forums. Gianluca enjoys presenting SQL Server topics at conferences in Europe and in Italy in particular. He is currently working as lead DBA at a famous Formula 1 team.

Marco Obinu

Twitter: - omegamadlab

LinkedIn: Marco Obinu

Contact: https://www.omegamadlab.com

Curious by nature, talkative geek who can speak in front of a public or a camera, in love with technology, primarily SQL Server and Azure. I’d like to understand how things work and to solve problems by myself.

Jan Mulkens

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/JanMulkens

LinkedIn: Jan Mulkens

Contact: http://www.janmulkens.be

Jan Mulkens is a Microsoft MVP in AI, a Solution Expert at Ordina Belgium, and a Microsoft Data Platform BI Consultant. In his spare time, he is a speaker at conferences and user groups in Europe and he organizes two user groups and a conference in Belgium. Power BI Days conference (www.powerbidays.com), Belgium Microsoft Advanced Analytics User Group (bit.ly/msaaug), and Flemish Power BI User Group (meetup.powerbibelgium.com).

Luca Zavarella

Twitter: - @lucazav

LinkedIn: Luca Zavarella

Contact: http://blogs.solidq.com/en/author/lzavarella/

Mentor Technical Director at SolidQ Italy. He loves BI, Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning. He plays piano in the free time.

Marco Pozzan

Twitter: - @marcopozzan

LinkedIn: Marco Pozzan

Contact: http://www.marcopozzan.it

Consultant and trainer in business intelligence, analytics and data mining on Methode . Teacher for ITS courses of data warehouse at the University of Pordenone.

Alessandro Falchetti

Quest Pre – Sales Information Management for Italian and Spanish market from July 2017 Database solution expert focus on replication and monitor solution. Provide product and industry expertise to the sale team by demonstrating solution utilizing Shareplex Foglight Toad and other software products to satisfy critical business requirements of the customer. Strong technical knowledge and great problem solving ability complete the entire professional profile

Francesco De Chirico

Twitter: - http://twitter.com/fdechirico

LinkedIn: Francesco De Chirico

Contact: http://francescodechirico.wordpress.com/

Francesco De Chirico is a consultant, trainer and speaker specialized in modeling and developing complex BI solutions with the Microsoft BI stack. He has been working with SSAS since 2001 and has a strong knowledge of the MDX, DAX and M. He focused on all the Microsoft Data Platform especially on Power BI. Co-leader of the PASS Global Italian Virtual Group and Milan Power BI User Group, regular speaker at events like PASS SQLSaturday, Microsoft Certified Trainer for many years, Francesco holds several Microsoft certifications including the prestigious SSAS Maestro for BI certification (2012) and the Microsoft Professional Program Data Science certification (2017). He is the project creator of the Analysis Services Query Analyzer tool.

Luca Bruni

Twitter: - @mrg3d

LinkedIn: Luca Bruni

Luca Bruni ottiene la Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica presso il Politecnico di Milano (sede di Como) nel 2006. Ha lavorato in diverse aziende coprendo vari ruoli: Software Developer, Consultant, Project Manager. Dal 2010 lavora in qualità di Software Data Architect presso una nota software house svizzera. Lavora con SQL Server dalla versione 2000 e da Dicembre 2016 è Contributor UGISS.

Dean Savović

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/dsavovic

LinkedIn: Dean Savović

Contact: http://www.savovic.com.hr

Dean is Senior DBA practicing SQL Server since version 7.0 and main areas of interest are performance tuning and troubleshooting SQL Server database. He speaks at Microsoft Windays Croatia, ATD Croatia, SSWUG, KulenDayz Croatia, SQLSaturday events, etc… Primary focus is on OLTP databases with occasional adventures with Business Intelligence. He finished Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing and MBA on Faculty of Economics in Zagreb. His premise was that it is very useful to combine technical knowledge with management process knowledge that help us in our everyday work. He works in SPAN which is specialized in data management field on Microsoft SQL Server.

Marco Parenzan

Twitter: - @marco_parenzan

LinkedIn: Marco Parenzan

Contact: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcoparenzan/

Marco Parenzan is an independent Cloud and IoT Architect and .NET Developer. He has been awarded as a MVP on Microsoft Azure since 2014. He is a speaker in major community events in Italy about Azure and .NET development. He is a community lead for 1nn0va, an official Microsoft community in Pordenone, Italy. He has written a book on Azure in 2016. He loves developing retrogames and reading comix.

Marco Parenzan è professionista per le architetture Cloud e IoT e lo sviluppo in .NET. Ha ricevuto il titolo di MVP su Microsoft Azure dal 2014. È uno speaker in Italia su Azure e lo sviluppo di .NET. E’ un community lead per 1nn0va, una community ufficiale Microsoft a Pordenone, in Italia. Ha scritto un libro su Azure nel 2016.


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