SQLSaturday #691 - Montevideo 2017

Event Date: 12/02/2017 00:00:00

Event Location:

  • Auditorio Torre Antel
  • Guatemala 1075
  • Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay

PDF of Schedule

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This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.

Title: Usando R y Python desde SQL Server

Abstract: SQL Server 2017 ofrece, con Machine Learning Services, la posibilidad de ejecutar código R y Python desde Transact SQL, eliminando la tradicional fricción entre el mundo de la gestión de datos y la gestión analítica, al poner todo sobre un mismo ambiente. Con esto, es posible aprovechar lo mejor de estos lenguajes, sin tener el costo de traspaso de datos desde un ambiente a otro. La sesión constará con ejemplos prácticos, a través de los cuales se buscará mostrar las ventajas de esta nueva característica de SQL Server 2017.


  • Patricio Cofre

Track and Room: Advanced Analysis Techniques - Conference - SQLSaturday Montevideo - Torre ANTEL

Title: Creación de un Sistema Recomendador basado en Grafos

Abstract: Grafos son una forma común de representar redes y relaciones entre objetos. No es fácil representar tales estructuras de datos en bases de datos relacionales como SQL Server y Azure SQL DB. Para responder a este requisito, SQL 2017 tiene extensiones que nos permiten almacenar y consultar de forma nativa gráficos dentro de la base de datos en Azure SQL DB.


  • Patricio Cofre

Track and Room: Advanced Analysis Techniques - Conference - SQLSaturday Montevideo - Torre ANTEL

Title: Cognitive Computing con Microsoft

Abstract: La computacion cognitiva permite integrar nuevos servicios dentro de las soluciones de datos, en esta sesión veremos cómo utilizar los Cognitive Services de Microsoft y su papel en las soluciones de Data Science.


  • Eduardo Castro

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - Conference - SQLSaturday Montevideo - Torre ANTEL

Title: Data Analytics: Clustering, Regression and Machine Learning con Power BI

Abstract: En esta sesión veremos cómo realizar modelos de análisis de clustering, regresión y series de tiempo con SQL Server, Azure Machine Learning y cómo integrarlos con Power BI.


  • Eduardo Castro

Track and Room: BI Information Delivery - Conference - SQLSaturday Montevideo - Torre ANTEL

Title: SQL Server 2017 - Community-driven enhancements

Abstract: With SQL Sever 2017 Microsoft incorporates new features proposed by the Data Platform professional community, we will talk about them as well as the outstanding features of the next version of SQL


  • Javier Villegas

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Conference - SQLSaturday Montevideo - Torre ANTEL

Title: Guy in a Cube unplugged

Abstract: Patrick and Adam answer a lot of questions. Those questions result in videos on their YouTube channel. This session combines some of the best challenges that they have dealt with including Power BI Desktop to the service, data source connectivity and Azure Analysis Services. Don’t miss out, there is a little something for everyone.


  • Patrick LeBlanc

Track and Room: BI Information Delivery - Conference - SQLSaturday Montevideo - Torre ANTEL

Title: Tecnicas Avanzadas de Monitoreo

Abstract: En esta charla estaremos demostrando Tecnicas avanzadas de Monitoreo tales como

  • Analizando la actividad de SQL Server
  • Utilizando Extended events para realizar monitoreo en SQL Server
  • monitoreo proactivo
  • Auditoria Utilizando Service Broker


  • Javier Villegas

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Conference - SQLSaturday Montevideo - Torre ANTEL

Title: Introduction to Azure Analysis Services

Abstract: You have been wanting to using SQL Server Analysis Services, but just don’t have the physical resources on-premises to set one up. Analysis Services has typically shipped with SQL Server on premises, but now it has been implemented as a fully managed service in Azure. Join this session to learn how to create a and deploy a model, load and refresh data using Azure functions, secure the model, view the model and a little about pricing.


  • Patrick LeBlanc

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - Conference - SQLSaturday Montevideo - Torre ANTEL


This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.

Patricio Cofre

Twitter: - pcofre

LinkedIn: Patricio Cofre

Contact: http://www.metricarts.com/noticias/

Microsoft Data Platform MVP Regional Director. PASS Chile User Group Leader. Master of Engineering Management, Northwestern University and Master of Engineering Sciences, Catholic University of Chile. He has developed and led projects of Analytics for various companies in Latam, mainly in the areas of financial services and retail. He has specialized in Data Warehousing, and Machine Learning. He is co-founder and CEO of Metric Arts. He is also lecturer at the Catholic University of Chile, University of Chile, Catholic University of Peru, Louisville University in Panama, INCAE Costa Rica and FIU in USA

Eduardo Castro

Twitter: - edocastro

LinkedIn: Eduardo Castro

Contact: http://ecastrom.blogspot.com

Eduardo Castro, Microsoft Data Platform MVP and PASS Board of Advisor for LATAM, is well known LATAM SQL Server Expert and focuses on architecture, Business Intelligence and Data Analytics, Eduardo has an specialization and master degree in Data Analysis and Big Data. I have been speaker at PASS Summit delivering session about R and Data Science.

Eduardo Castro has presented in United States, Costa Rica, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, El Salvador and South Korea.

Patrick LeBlanc

Twitter: - patrickdba

LinkedIn: Patrick LeBlanc

Contact: http://patrickdleblanc.com

Patrick LeBlanc is a currently a Principal Program Manager at Microsoft and a contributing partner to Guy in a Cube. Along with his 15+ years’ experience in IT he holds a Masters of Science degree from Louisiana State University. He is the author and co-author of five SQL Server books. Prior to joining Microsoft he was awarded Microsoft MVP award for his contributions to the community. Patrick is a regular speaker at many SQL Server Conferences and Community events.

Patrick LeBlanc

Twitter: - patrickdba

LinkedIn: Patrick LeBlanc

Contact: http://patrickdleblanc.com

Patrick LeBlanc is a currently a Principal Program Manager at Microsoft and a contributing partner to Guy in a Cube. Along with his 15+ years’ experience in IT he holds a Masters of Science degree from Louisiana State University. He is the author and co-author of five SQL Server books. Prior to joining Microsoft he was awarded Microsoft MVP award for his contributions to the community. Patrick is a regular speaker at many SQL Server Conferences and Community events.

Patricio Cofre

Twitter: - pcofre

LinkedIn: Patricio Cofre

Contact: http://www.metricarts.com/noticias/

Microsoft Data Platform MVP Regional Director. PASS Chile User Group Leader. Master of Engineering Management, Northwestern University and Master of Engineering Sciences, Catholic University of Chile. He has developed and led projects of Analytics for various companies in Latam, mainly in the areas of financial services and retail. He has specialized in Data Warehousing, and Machine Learning. He is co-founder and CEO of Metric Arts. He is also lecturer at the Catholic University of Chile, University of Chile, Catholic University of Peru, Louisville University in Panama, INCAE Costa Rica and FIU in USA

Javier Villegas

Twitter: - https://www.twitter.com/javier_vill

LinkedIn: Javier Villegas

Contact: http://sql-javier-villegas.blogspot.com.ar/

Javier Villegas is a Database Administrator Manager for Mediterranean Shipping Company. Javier has more than 20 years working with SQL Server on every version from 6.5 to SQL Server 2019, Including SQL Azure Database and SQL Azure Managed Instance. His specialization is Administration, Performance Tuning and High Availability. He is a Microsoft MVP in Data Platform. Javier is a frequent speaker in conferences and events such as SQLSaturday , PASS Virtual Groups, 24 Hours SQL PASS , vOpen(NetConf), GroupBy and DataPlatformGeeks. @sqlargentina

Javier Villegas

Twitter: - https://www.twitter.com/javier_vill

LinkedIn: Javier Villegas

Contact: http://sql-javier-villegas.blogspot.com.ar/

Javier Villegas is a Database Administrator Manager for Mediterranean Shipping Company. Javier has more than 20 years working with SQL Server on every version from 6.5 to SQL Server 2019, Including SQL Azure Database and SQL Azure Managed Instance. His specialization is Administration, Performance Tuning and High Availability. He is a Microsoft MVP in Data Platform. Javier is a frequent speaker in conferences and events such as SQLSaturday , PASS Virtual Groups, 24 Hours SQL PASS , vOpen(NetConf), GroupBy and DataPlatformGeeks. @sqlargentina

Eduardo Castro

Twitter: - edocastro

LinkedIn: Eduardo Castro

Contact: http://ecastrom.blogspot.com

Eduardo Castro, Microsoft Data Platform MVP and PASS Board of Advisor for LATAM, is well known LATAM SQL Server Expert and focuses on architecture, Business Intelligence and Data Analytics, Eduardo has an specialization and master degree in Data Analysis and Big Data. I have been speaker at PASS Summit delivering session about R and Data Science.

Eduardo Castro has presented in United States, Costa Rica, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, El Salvador and South Korea.


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