SQLSaturday #672 - Madrid 2017
Event Date: 09/23/2017 00:00:00
Event Location:
- Microsoft Iberica
- Centro Empresarial La Finca - Edificio 1, Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)
- Madrid, Madrid, Spain
This event has completed. All data shown below is from the historical XML public data available.
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This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.
Title: Azure Data Factory vs SSIS, the Ins and Outs.
Abstract: ADF provides a managed way to orchestrate the collection, movement and transformation of structured and semi-structured data together. It works both with on-premises and cloud data and it has - of course - a powershell interface, enabling you to manage it without the bling of the Azure portal. But is it useful, is it fast, is it easy and powerful to use ? And most of all is Azure Data Factory the new SSIS ? These are some of the questions that might arise, when reading about this new PaaS and that we will answer together in this demo packed session where will we go through orchestration, consumption and administration of data through the ADF pipeline.
- Regis Baccaro
Track and Room: Business Intelligence - Ramon y Cajal
Title: Challenges in HA\DR scenarios in SQL Server 2017 vNext on Linux
Abstract: With the emergence of SQL Server 2017 vNext on Linux, new challenges arise for High Availability and Disaster Recovery solutions. What kind of features and add-on’s exists in Linux that provide this type of solutions and the interoperability between instances in hybrid scenarios (with Linux and Windows) ? How can we configure all the scenarios we know of Windows on Linux and additionally how we can implement such hybrid scenarios ? Join me in this session where we will discuss all these points, as well as possible architectures and best practices in implementing HA \ DR scenarios in SQL Server 2017 vNext on Linux.
- Andre Batista
Track and Room: DBA - Isaac Peral
Title: DBA Moderno: Perversiones para desordenar el caos
Abstract: Años luchando contra ORMs, vistas, tablas sin clave primaria, fórmulas escalares en el where y malas prácticas en general nos otorgan a DBAs poder para retorcer aún más el sistema, echarle más leña al fuego y saltarnos cualquier norma que predicamos a los demás. En esta sesión veréis perversiones oscuras que son a la vez lo que no se debe hacer y lo que podemos hacer, si nos atrevemos. Vivir en el caos, adentrarnos en él y encontrar soluciones a problemas.
Advertencia: No hagáis esto en casa.
- Alberto López Grande
Track and Room: DBA - Santiago Dexeus
Title: Haciendo BI en 2017: los 3 puntos clave
Abstract: Poco queda ya del BI tradicional que conocíamos desde hace años.
Aprenderemos nuevas arquitecturas ágiles, automatizaremos nuestras soluciones existentes y tomaremos decisiones entre modelos en memoria u OLAP. Todo esto para estar preparados para lo que se nos que se nos viene encima en el mundo analítico, un mundo que no para de avanzar.
Por que de eso se trata, de no parar de aprender.
- Ruben Pertusa Lopez
Track and Room: Business Intelligence - Ramon y Cajal
Title: Let’s have some fun(ctional) with M (Power Query/Power BI) language!
Abstract: You know how to use Power BI or Power Query to load data from different sources but you want to go further than limiting yourself to the UI? You’re tired to look at auto-generated code and don’t understand the key concepts of this powerful ETL language? Then, this session is for you. During 60 minutes, you’ll learn how to write code in this functional language. Starting with syntax, primitive and structured values; we’ll quickly jump to the creation of expressions and functions and the usage of some recurrent patterns. This session contains many demos and real-life use-cases that you’ll be able to transpose to your own projects.
- Cédric Charlier
Track and Room: Business Intelligence - Isaac Peral
Title: Data Lake Analytics - R, Python and Cognitive Services
Abstract: In this session we take a look and a deep dive into Aure Data Lake, a new feature on Azure that will enable amost anyone to work with BIG DATA. It combines C# and SQL to a language that is way more intuitive than what we are used to. Azure Data Lake Store, our new repository for data of various origins – we can collect, store and share data from this lake as we see fit. Azure Data Lake Analytics, a new way to scale and use your analytics on AZURE and BIG Data, it introduces U-SQL a new language combined of C# and T-SQL to make the task of analyzing BIG Data easier and more comprehendible. Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio, provide an integrated development environment that spans the Azure Data Lake, dramatically simplifying authoring, debugging and optimization for processing and analytics at any scale.
The newest addition to Data Lake Analytics is execution of R, Pytnon and Cognitive Services, parts that this session will focus on.
- Kenneth Nielsen
Track and Room: Big Data Analytics - Ramon y Cajal
Title: SQL Security
Abstract: Overview about the challenges related with the security in SQL Server
- Francisco Racionero
Track and Room: DBA - Santiago Dexeus
Title: Together is better: Azure SQL Datawarehouse Azure Analysis Services
Abstract: In this session we will see which are the advantages that we will find working with Azure SQL Datawarehouse and Azure Analysis Services in scenarios with a high data volume, typically with tables that have billions of rows.
- How Azure SQL Datawarehouse works, which differences we must bear in mind if we compare to an on-premise SQL instance.
- Tips to take into account in an on-premise to cloud migration
- Why Azure Analysis Services? How does it performs in scenarios with billions of rows? Is the development environment mature enough?
- Jose Luis Cano
Track and Room: Business Intelligence - Isaac Peral
Title: Escenarios de modelado en DAX, el súper lenguaje de Power BI.
Abstract: En el camino a la creación de buenos cuadros de mandos y modelos analíticos, se impone la necesidad de contar con un buen modelado tabular. En la sesión se analizan y solucionan un grupo de escenarios de modelado con DAX y Power BI, aunque se adaptan a modelos tabulares con SQL Server Analysis Services en SQL Server Data Tools y Power Pivot en Excel. Estos escenarios son los que nos encontramos con frecuencia en proyectos.
- Ana Maria Bisbé York
Track and Room: Business Intelligence - Ramon y Cajal
Title: Dockeriza tu SQL Server
Abstract: Una de las grandes ventajas que ha tenido el poder instalar el SQL Server en entornos Linux, es el hecho de que el SQL Server se pueda montar en un “Docker”. Cansado de que la instalación de SQL Server cueste mucho tiempo y que siempre sean los mismos pasos, ahora con los contenedores vamos a ver como podemos tener listo nuestro entorno de una forma mucho más rápida. Además de esta ventaja a lo largo de la sesión veremos porque debemos de empezar a utilizar contenedores y sus principales ventajas.
- Adrian Diaz Cervera
Track and Room: DBA - Isaac Peral
Title: Introduction to Deep Learning
Abstract: This session will introduce Deep Learning concepts, with a focus on image recognition and image location exercises. After a brief introduction to the motivating factors - and why we cannot always just rely on the fantastic Cognitive Services -, concepts such as convolution, pooling and rectified linear units will be presented, so at the end of the session the attendant will be able to understand why deep learning is relevant in ‘day to day projects’, learn about the development cycle of deep learning models and some techniques as partial checkpoint training.
At the end of the session, a couple of less traditional models (autoencoders and LSTM) will be discussed and cases will be analyzed.
- Pablo Doval
Track and Room: Big Data Analytics - Auditorium
Title: Run Your DBA Morning Checklist with Policy-Based Management
Abstract: A good DBA performs a morning checklist every day, to verify that all the databases and SQL Servers are still in good condition. In larger environments, that checklist can become so time-consuming that you don’t even have time for a coffee! This session demonstrates how to use policy-based management to evaluate your servers. By the end of this session, you will be able to use this Solution to verify your own SQL Server environment in no time–and have plenty of time for your morning coffee!
- Pieter Vanhove
Track and Room: DBA - Santiago Dexeus
Title: Agile BI: Como tener linaje de datos y no morir en el intento
Abstract: Son muy pocos los proyectos que te proporcionan una relación de dependencias, los que te dicen que tu tabla X, depende de todas estas otras tablas. Muchos menos común es que esos datos no se hayan hecho a mano y que estén actualizados. Obviamente es un tema complejo y en la sesión me gustaría proponer una aproximación que se basa en varios tipos de desarrollo. Parsers para entender TSQL y calcular esas dependencias, Json para modelarlas y serializarlas, y un interprete de un lenguaje inventado para unirlos a todos y calcular esas dependencias, ese linaje.
- Miguel Egea
Track and Room: Business Intelligence - Auditorium
Title: ¿Aún puedes vivir sin Power BI?
Abstract: Power BI es una plataforma que nos permite hacer una interminable variedad de analíticas. Mostraremos una serie de ejemplos aplicables en tu día a día, tanto a nivel personal como profesional. Si asistes a esta sesión, tendrás la mente más abierta al uso de Power BI y lo tendrás en cuenta en un mayor número de situaciones.
- Salvador Ramos
Track and Room: Business Intelligence - Auditorium
Title: Machine Learning for developers
Abstract: Have you always heard the Machine learning concept and you put weird faces? In this session we will explain the main concepts in a very simple way. We will also see how Azure Machine Learning Studio will help us to create our experiments in an easy and simple way. We will also see how Python can help us executing some scripts that may be necessary to pre-process our data. Finally we show a demo developed in flask (python) that uses the azure ml studio API to perform a quantization process of different images using a clustering algorithm.
- Rodrigo Cabello
Track and Room: Big Data Analytics - Santiago Dexeus
Title: Hay un nuevo forastero en la ciudad y se hace llamar SQL Graph
Abstract: Otro más. Pero este es diferente. Este hace cosas nunca jamás vistas. Que sus herramientas de trabajo no son tablas ni foreign keys, sino nodes y edges. Habla un poco raro pero dice que viene para quedarse y ayudar. Pues no sé, parece interesante. Habrá que darle un voto de confianza y ver qué nos cuenta, ¿no crees?
- Carlos Sacristán
Track and Room: Big Data Analytics - Isaac Peral
Title: El tiempo es oro - Series temporales con R Server
Abstract: Saber cuanto vamos a vender mañana o el año que viene es el sueño dorado de muchos analistas de negocio. Sin embargo, no nos conformamos con un número, sino que necesitamos predicciones ajustadas a todos los niveles, detalles y segmentaciones posibles, y aquí es donde la predicción puede volverse realmente dificil. Descubre en esta sesión las implementaciones reales afrontando éstas predicciones sin importar el nivel de detalle que necesites y sube un peldaño en tus sistemas inteligentes
- Pau Sempere
Track and Room: Big Data Analytics - Ramon y Cajal
Title: Aplicando R al análisis de rendimiento de un servidor
Abstract: Vamos a realizar el análisis de rendimiento de un servidor desde varios puntos de vista. Empezaremos a analizar contadores de rendimiento manualmente, pasaremos por PowerBI, DataMining y acabaremos automatizando el proceso con R totalmente.
- Enrique Bañuls
Track and Room: Big Data Analytics - Auditorium
Title: Operación de SQL Server 24x7 - 365d: Trucos y consejos para llevarlo bien
Abstract: ¿Necesitas dar soporte 24x7 a los servidores SQL Server de tu empresa? ¿con qué cuentas? ¿con qué no cuentas? En esta sesión te daré pautas para poder ofrecer el servicio en tu empresa. Basaremos la sesión en trucos y consejos de nuestra experiencia del último año. Veremos los problemas más frecuentes que deberás resolver, y qué medidas poner para dormir sin sobresaltos.
- Eladio Rincon
Track and Room: DBA - Auditorium
Title: Lockless in Seattle: Using In-Memory OLTP Transaction Processing
Abstract: Locks and latches have long been the mechanism used to implement SQL Server concurrency control, but with the introduction of In-Memory OLTP the paradigm has shifted. Are we really looking at the Brave New World of Transaction Processing or a dystopian nightmare?
In this session, we will understand how In-Memory OLTP architecture is implemented and how its mechanics function. We will learn what transactional bad dependencies and other considerations are introduced by its use and what capabilities are provided by SQL Server 2016.
- Mark Broadbent
Track and Room: DBA - Isaac Peral
Title: Porque no todo tiene que ser SQL: CosmosDB
Abstract: El objetivo de esta sesión es dar otro enfoque dentro de un evento de SQL y hablar de las bases de datos NoSQL. En este caso hablaremos del nuevo servicio de Azure llamado CosmosDB, un servicio creado para dominar todas las NoSQL. También veremos diferencias entre SQL y NoSQL y cuando utilizarlas, así como a través de CosmosDB podemos crear una base de datos NoSQL como DocumentDB y utilizar la sintaxi de SQL de toda la vida para poder realizar queries.
- Robert Bermejo Blasco
Track and Room: Big Data Analytics - Santiago Dexeus
Title: Back to the future - Migrando nuestro SQL Server OnPremise a Azure
Abstract: Cubrimos los aspectos principales para migrar a una de las tres arquitecturas disponibles en SQL Server en Azure desde SQL Server On Premise. Esta sesión consiste en: -> ¿Cuál es la mejor plataforma para mi entorno? IaaS, PaaS o SQL Datawarehouse. -> Mejores Prácticas y mejores herramientas para nuestro proceso de migración dependiendo de la plataforma elegida. -> Después de la migración, tenemos varias preguntas pendientes: –> ¿Puedo mantener sincronizados ambos ambientes? –> ¿Cómo va el desempeño de mi base de datos?
- Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz
Track and Room: DBA - Auditorium
Title: A time travel with temporal tables
Abstract: Temporal Tables also known as System Versioned Tables is a new feature in SQL Server 2016 which allows to see the data (in one or more tables) exactly as they were in a point of time ago.
In this session will be shown how to implement them in new and existing tables, the most common scenarios where they are useful for major productivity benefits, like data audit, disaster recovery, trending analytics and others, all of these will be covered in demo time.
Track and Room: DBA - Santiago Dexeus
Title: Worst Practices Less known limitations for Columnstore Indexes
Abstract: Have you ever considered a situation where Columnstore Index can be quite the opposite of what one expect from it? A slow, wasteful source of painfully slow queries, lagging the performance, consuming irresponsible amount of resources … What about some less known limitations for building Columnstore Indexes ? The ones that will bite you suddenly in the middle of the project - when you do not expect it at all ?
Let me show you how to achieve that ;)
- Niko Neugebauer
Track and Room: Business Intelligence - Ramon y Cajal
This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.
Robert Bermejo Blasco
Twitter: - @robertbemejo
LinkedIn: Robert Bermejo Blasco
Contact: http://www.robertbermejo.com
Llevo más de 10 años en el mundo Microsoft, principalmente en entornos web y desde hace unos años en Azure, siendo MVP en esta categoría. Organizo la comunidad de Azure en Barcelona (@CAT_zure) donde mensualmente organizamos meetups sobre esta temática, también escribo en la revista CompartiMOSS así como se le puede ver en los diversos eventos nacionales hablando sobre Azure. Se puede decir que vive en la nube ;)
Alberto López Grande
Twitter: - @qwalgrande
LinkedIn: Alberto López Grande
Contact: http://qwalgrande.com/
Data Platform MVP, sqlpass.es coordination team. But before all that, I am DBA. I write the blog quot;Diario de un DBAquot; (http://qwalgrande.com).
I am currently Head of Structured Systems in Grupo Catalana Occidente. Working with SQL Server since 1998 in many areas (management, architecture, infrastructure, high availability, tunning, SSIS, SSAS, data quality,…).
Ruben Pertusa Lopez
Twitter: - @rpertusa
LinkedIn: Ruben Pertusa Lopez
Contact: http://www.sqlpass.es
Ruben is a Global BI/BigData Manager and Global Data Lead Architect at DUFRY HQ, member of PASS Spanish Group and founder of SQLSaturday Barcelona and Madrid. MCP and MCSA in SQL Server 2012 and also awarded with Microsoft MVP Data Platform. With more than 9 years of experience, he has been working in top projects for leading worldwide companies and teaching in the SolidQ BI Master. He has presented at the SQL Server 2008 R2 and 2014 Spanish launch event, PASS BA Chicago, TechNet Webcasts, Microsoft Partner Program and SolidQ Summit events.
Andre Batista
Twitter: - @klunkySQL
LinkedIn: Andre Batista
Contact: http://klunkysql.info/
Andre Batista, with academic path in the course of Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers ( ISEL - Lisbon ) is currently in Crossjoin Solutions working as SQL Server DBA, performing functions on the client PT (Portugal Telecom). He is interested in all areas related to SQL Server and particularly in architecture, implementation, maintenance and performance. He is a member of the Portuguese SQL Server User Group, SQLPort (http://www.sqlport.com) and also one of the founders of TUGA.
Alberto López Grande
Twitter: - @qwalgrande
LinkedIn: Alberto López Grande
Contact: http://qwalgrande.com/
Data Platform MVP, sqlpass.es coordination team. But before all that, I am DBA. I write the blog quot;Diario de un DBAquot; (http://qwalgrande.com).
I am currently Head of Structured Systems in Grupo Catalana Occidente. Working with SQL Server since 1998 in many areas (management, architecture, infrastructure, high availability, tunning, SSIS, SSAS, data quality,…).
Adrian Diaz Cervera
Twitter: - Adrian Diaz 81
LinkedIn: Adrian Diaz Cervera
Contact: http://geeks.ms/adiazcervera
Adri#225;n D#237;az es Ingeniero de Inform#225;tica por la Universidad Polit#233;cnica de Valencia. Cofundador del grupo de usuarios de SharePoint de Levante LevaPoint. Lleva desarrollando con tecnolog#237;as Microsoft m#225;s de 10 a#241;os y desde hace 3 a#241;os est#225; centrado en el desarrollo sobre SharePoint. Actualmente trabaja en el departamento de desarrollo de ENCAMINA una consultora inform#225;tica de Valencia que se destaca por realizar soluciones basadas en Tecnolog#237;a Microsoft, principalmente en SharePoint. Adem#225;s es colaborador habitual de la revista digital de habla hispana CompartiMOSS dedicada a SharePoint.
Salvador Ramos
Twitter: - https://twitter.com/salvador_ramos
LinkedIn: Salvador Ramos
Contact: https://elfuturodelosdatos.com
Más de 20 años trabajando con datos y aportando soluciones con ellos. Microsoft MVP desde 2003. Visita mi blog https://elfuturodelosdatos.com
Te ayudo a destacar frente a la multitud, como ANALISTA DE DATOS especializado en #PowerBI. Aprenderás a:
- Desarrollar un modelo de datos único
- Mantener los informes actualizados siempre sin el más mínimo esfuerzo
- Conseguir analizar mayor cantidad de información en menos tiempo y con mayor facilidad.
En definitiva, tomar decisiones rápidas y seguras basadas en datos.
Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz
Twitter: - jmjuradodiaz
LinkedIn: Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz
José Manuel Jurado currently works as SQL Escalation Engineer and Subject Matter Expert in Azure SQL Database at Microsoft Spain. With over 20+ years of experience in SQL Server environments (administration and database development), he is a speaker for internal events at Microsoft and for public events such as SQLSaturday, SQL Nexus, SQLBits, Pass Summit, SQL Server Konferenze, TechReady, DotNetConference, and Azure BootCamp. In the past, he worked as Project Manager for large global retail company for more than 10 years developing projects using different Microsoft Technologies.
Twitter: - leonel_abreu
An IT Pro who likes to play chess and baseball.
System Engineer degree since 2007, formerly Data Warehousing teacher at university levels from 2008 to 2009. Microsoft Student Partner during the years 2006 - 2007, Second Place in Microsoft Andean Imagine Cup (2006), MCTS, MCITP and MCP with over a decade of experience with SQL Server, working in BI, DBA, Database Development, .net Development, SharePoint and other several areas.
Since 2014 based in Barcelona, Spain. Learning enthusiast and always with passion for new technologies and new challenges.
Pieter Vanhove
Twitter: - http://twitter.com/Pieter_Vanhove
LinkedIn: Pieter Vanhove
Contact: http://pietervanhove.azurewebsites.net/
Pieter Vanhove is a Premier Field Engineer at Microsoft Belgium and has been working with SQL Server since 2000. Pieter has a profound knowledge in implementing high availability and disaster recovery solutions and loves the new Azure stuff. Together with the dataMinds team in Belgium, he helps organizing dataMinds Connect and is also a regular speaker at Belgian and international events.
Enrique Bañuls
Twitter: - @enriquecatala
LinkedIn: Enrique Bañuls
Contact: http://www.enriquecatala.com/
Mentor en SolidQ, Microsoft SQL Server MVP, Ingeniero en inform#225;tica, Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) y MCSE. Centrado en el motor relacional SQL Server, tanto en la resoluci#243;n de problemas de rendimiento y escalabilidad en sistemas OLTP como la definici#243;n e implementaci#243;n de entornos de alta disponibilidad confiables, en donde ha llevado con #233;xito m#225;s de 100 proyectos en diversos pa#237;ses (EEUU, Holanda, M#233;xico, Arabia Saud#237; o Austria)
Francisco Racionero
Twitter: - @fracionero
LinkedIn: Francisco Racionero
I am a SQL Server specialist with more than 20 years working in database systems. During my work life, I worked for some of the most important software companies in the world Accenture, IBM or Microsoft.
Always with high responsabilities in the projects involved, focusing in the interest of the customers.
This way has been my best presentation, across my counterparts along my career.
Kenneth Nielsen
Twitter: - https://twitter.com/DoktorKermit
LinkedIn: Kenneth Nielsen
Contact: http://funkylab.com
Kenneth M. Nielsen currently work at Microsoft as Data Platform Solution Architect, focusing on data services on Azure. Previously worked as managing consultant and teamlead for the company Rehfeld Partners in Denmark. He has worked at various consulting firms and worked on many small/large/very large bi installations in Denmark over the last 12 years. He really likes to advice the customers to take the right decisions, but also maintains a high technical knowledge, so he can act at both architect and developer.
Mark Broadbent
Twitter: - @retracement
LinkedIn: Mark Broadbent
Contact: http://tenbulls.co.uk
Mark Broadbent is a Data Platform MVP and SQL Server MCM with more than 20 years of experience working with SQL Server and principal of SQLCloud, a consultancy specializing in concurrency control and highly available solutions. He is the founder of the UK’s SQLSaturday Cambridge (its first and largest), SharePoint Saturday Cambridge, the Hybrid Virtual Chapter and the East Anglia SQL User Group.
Rodrigo Cabello
Twitter: - https://twitter.com/mrcabellom
LinkedIn: Rodrigo Cabello
AI Team Lead at Plain Concepts and Microsoft MVP in Artificial Intelligence with more than 10 years of experience in web application development. Passionate about new technologies and applications that use techniques based on Artificial Intelligence.
Niko Neugebauer
Twitter: - NikoNeugebauer
LinkedIn: Niko Neugebauer
Contact: http://www.nikoport.com
Niko Neugebauer is a Data Platform Consultant. A SQL Server MVP with over 20 years of experience in IT, he is passionate about the Microsoft Data Platform and community. Founder of the Portuguese SQL Server User Group and the main organizer of the first SQLSaturday event outside of North America (#78 Portugal), Niko speaks regularly at events such as PASS Summit, SQLRally, SQLBits, and SQLSaturday events around the world. Niko loves sharing information and knowledge and has authored over 130 blog posts on Columnstore Indexes, and regularly contributes to the open-sourced CISL library focused on Columnstore Indexes.
Pau Sempere
Contact: http://www.solidq.com
Pau Sempere S#225;nchez is a Computer Science graduate, working at SolidQ as Data Platform Architect and is member of PASS Spanish Group. He#39;s worked in BI and database projects for top companies in the world, in diverse areas as communications, insurance, retail, transport, banking and automotive. He has been presenting in many Microsoft and community events such as SQLSaturday Madrid and Barcelona, the 12 hours of SQL Server, SolidQ Summit or TechNet Webcasts, and teaching in the SolidQ Master for 6 years in a row
Miguel Egea
Twitter: - @miguelegea
Contact: http://www.portalsql.com
SQL Server MVP desde 2001 hasta la actualidad (con algunos años fuera del programa), trabaja como mentor en SolidQ en el departamento de BI. Es ponente habitual en eventos de comunidad de habla hispana. Apasionado de la tecnolog#237;a en general y de la relacionada con base de datos en particular.
Regis Baccaro
Twitter: - @regbac
LinkedIn: Regis Baccaro
Contact: http://theblobfarm.wordpress.com
Regis has more than 15 years of experience with SQL Server, SharePoint and .Net as an architect and developer. R#233;gis is a SQL Server MVP since 2014 and a frequent speaker at SQL conferences, a PASS Regional Mentor and the founder of SQLSaturday Denmark community event. He is also a certified industry trainer on the APS/PDW platform. In his freetime he is an avid runner, cook and farmer.
Carlos Sacristán
Twitter: - https://twitter.com/sacrisql
LinkedIn: Carlos Sacristán
Data Geek. Creo que estas dos palabras es lo que mejor me definen. Que luego esto se aplique en el “mundo real” en trabajar con bases de datos relacionales, multidimensionales, nosql, big data, machine learning o cosas así es lo de menos.
Pero eso sí, SQL Server siempre será mi favorito. No lo puedo evitar. Me tiene ganado.
Cédric Charlier
Twitter: - @Seddryck
LinkedIn: Cédric Charlier
Contact: http://seddryck.wordpress.com
Cédric is a talented architect and Data Platform MVP active in the domain of Business Intelligence and Data warehousing. He has more than 10 years of successful experiences with SQL Server in European industrial groups and services companies. Driven by quality and reliability, he is the main developer of an open-source solution for testing BI solutions (cubes, etl, reports) named NBi (www.nbi.io). Cedric also advocates for the introduction and general usage of agile practices in BI’s world.
Pablo Doval
Twitter: - @PabloDoval
LinkedIn: Pablo Doval
Contact: http://geeks.ms/blogs/palvarez
I work with code and data, but don’t tell my mom; she thinks I’m a piano player in a whorehouse.
Ana Maria Bisbé York
Twitter: - @ambynet
LinkedIn: Ana Maria Bisbé York
Contact: http://amby.net/
Partner Microsoft en Power BI. Influencer en Pragmatic Works. Lic. en Cibernetica Economica con Master en Ciencias Economicas, Moscu; 1988. Master en Gestion del Conocimiento y Business Intelligence con tecnologia Microsoft(MS), y Master en Tecnologias de Desarrollo de MS. Colaboro activamente en grupos de usuarios de MS Visual FoxPro. Mantiene un blog personal. Actualmente es Consultora Business Intelligence con tecnologia MS, trabajando tanto en formacion como en proyectos. Ha sido ponente en eventos SQLSaturday, dentro y fuera de Espania, 24H SQL, IT Woman y Encuentros en Microsoft Espania.
Jose Luis Cano
Twitter: - @jlcanoc
LinkedIn: Jose Luis Cano
Ingeniero industrial, Máster en Dirección de Empresas Industriales y Tecnológicas. Socio fundador de Next-Step Consultores, con amplia experiencia como responsable de Business Intelligence en distintas empresas. Es profesor colaborador en MBIT School y en la Escuela de Economía del Colegio de Economistas de Madrid. Co-administrador del Grupo de Usuarios de Power BI de España.
Eladio Rincon
Twitter: - @erincon
Contact: http://www.solidq.com/blogs
Eladio es MVP en SQL Server desde el a#241;o 2002; es director de bases de datos relacionales de SolidQ en Espa#241;a donde dirige proyectos para clientes de SolidQ en todo el mundo. Ponente habitual en conferencias Microsoft MSDN/TechNet, SQLPASS o grupos de usuarios; participa con sus compa#241;eros en los blogs tecnol#243;gicos de su empresa http://blogs.solidq.com/bigdata-hadoop , http://blogs.solidq.com/elrincondeldba y http://blogs.solidq.com/bigdata-hadoop
The following is a list of sponsors that helped fund the event: