SQLSaturday #660 - Lviv 2017

Event Date: 08/19/2017 00:00:00

Event Location:

  • Hotel Taurus
  • 5, Kn. Sviatoslava Sq., Lviv, Ukraine
  • Lviv, L’vivs’ka Oblast’, Ukraine

PDF of Schedule

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This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.

Title: Enabling Citizen Data Science with Microsoft

Abstract: In times past, Data Science was only for those elite few with a rare combination of skills including advanced knowledge of statistics.

Microsoft has been making sure that everyone can participate in the data revolution by giving people access to predictive API’s, in-database advanced analytics and drag-and-drop predictive experiments. All thanks to SQL Server 2016 and the Cortana Intelligence Suite in Azure.

These advances have given people with less knowledge of statistics and programming the ability to become what Gartner calls citizen data scientists. Should we be worried about creating fools-with-tools or should we embrace the democratization of data science as the golden age of data?

Using a combination of theory and demo’s, we explore Microsoft’s solutions to ensure democratization of data science and the possible dangers that lurk below the surface.


  • Jan Mulkens

Track and Room: Advanced Analysis Techniques - C

Title: IoT Circus – deathmatch oops, datematch :) Power Bi vs Time Series Insights

Abstract: Or how to visualize your data and find insights for beginner IoT developer If you create an IoT solution today, you have a variety of components available to mix and match to make your solution, akin LEGO. You get your hardware and firmware right and you get data from the sensors, now what? Of course, you would like to have, some data visualization easy and fast, and of course you would like to learn something from that data easy and fast. And it would be nice to have the results available on mobile devices, yes, yes easy and fast. Now enter our two titan technologies in a match to the death oops data trying to achieve these goals, you guess it easy fast (and cheap). And we will see them clash, from real hardware, to the big Azure cloud, to mobile devices, trying to outmatch each other.


  • Catalin Gheorghiu

Track and Room: Application Database Development - A

Title: Создание data-driven serverless приложений используя Azure Functions

Abstract: Мы уже привыкли к тому, что облако даёт нам возможность гибко управлять вычислительными ресурсами, включать сервера если они нам нужны и выключать их если нагрузка упала. Но что если я скажу вам, что есть способ разработать приложение и разместить его в облаке так, что оно готово в любой момент откликнуться на ваш вызов, но если запросов к нему нет, то и денег оно не попросит? Представьте, что вы можете загрузить код в облако и платить не за виртуальную машину с фиксированным CPU, а за ещё более высокоуровневую абстракцию. Представьте, что у меня есть “бесконечных” размеров вычислительный кластер состоящий из 100500 виртуальных машин, которые готовы взяться за выполнение моих задач, а не просто хостить у себя мой код. В этом сценарии у нас отсутствует такое понятие как сервер в принципе. Наш вычислительный ресурс уже меряется количеством выполненных задач, которые к нам пришли, и суммарным временем работы кластера, которое было выделено для решения этих задач.


  • Anton Boyko

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - B

Title: Dealing with CosmosDB

Abstract: CosmosDB service is a NoSQL is a globally distributed, multi-model database database service designed for scalable and high performance modern applications. CosmosDB is delivered as a fully managed service with an enterprise grade SLA. It supports querying of documents using a familiar SQL over hierarchical JSON documents. Azure Cosmos DB is a superset of the DocumentDB service. It allows you to store and query noSQL data, regardless of schema. In this presentation, you will learn: • How to get started with DocumentDB you provision a new database account. • How to index documents • How to create applications using CosmosDb (using REST API or programming libraries for several popular language) • Best practices designing applications with CosmosDB • Best practices creating queries.


  • Mihail Mateev

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - B

Title: SQL Server Performance Tuning Nowadays

Abstract: Nothing is perfect, which means that your database may be not perfect as well. And one day you may decide that your database is slow and it’s time to optimize it. But.. Where to start? When to end? What to look at? Which queries are slow? How to identify the real bottleneck? And so on, and so on. There are a lot of questions that should be answered in a process of performance tuning.

In this session, we will find answers to all these questions going from collecting data for analysis, through identifying bottlenecks to optimization of the particular queries. On this way, we will learn performance tuning practical techniques and solve a bunch of issues in real-time. And despite I’m a big fan of Profiler and old-fashioned tools and technics, new, more interesting and useful instruments are available nowadays, so will use them to find the bottleneck and tune performance. Minimum of theory and a lot of practice.


  • Denis Reznik

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - A

Title: SQL Server 2017 New Features (Not Linux support!)

Abstract: This session covers the new features in SQL Server 2017 - apart from Linux support

  • Using Query Store for automatic tuning of querys which have bad plans (multiple plans with regressions)

  • Additional information stored in actual execution plans

  • New DMVs e.g. log information, statistics histograms

  • Interleaved Execution for multi-statement T-SQL TVFs

  • Adapative joins for queries

  • Resumable online index rebuild

  • Faster non-cluster index builds on memory optimized tables.

  • Additional in-memory SQL Surface Area e.g. Computed columns, JSON, CROSS APPLY,sp_spaceused,sp_rename,CASE,TOP N with TIES

  • Parallel Redo for memory optimized tables, increases throughput for Always On Availability Groups

  • DTC support for Always On Availability Groups

  • Cluster-less Availability Groups

  • Minimum Replica Commit Availability Groups

  • New CLR strict security

  • Graph database queries

  • Running Python scripts in SQL Server

  • BULK INSERT directly from CSV files


  • David Williams

Track and Room: Application Database Development - A

Title: Introduction to SQL Server 2017 for Linux

Abstract: Microsoft surprised a lot of people with the announcement that SQL Server is going to be released for Linux. And there we have it - preview releases available in public are regularly delivered, working great and fast. On my session I’ll show details of solution that allowed this idea to come true. We’ll see how to install, use and administer Linux version of SQL Server. We’ll see it working as a service and in Docker containers. I’ll give you details of why the second option is really interesting, or to say it more clearly - groundbreaking. In addition to slides you’re going to see quite a bit of T-SQL and bash code, terminal windows, Visual Studio Code, tools that are familiar to you and new stuff as well.


  • Andrzej Kukula

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - B

Title: State-of-the-Art Machine Learning Algorithms in R from Microsoft

Abstract: Do you fancy learning regression and classification in one hour? We will start with linear regression, simple but powerful machine learning algorithm. With it you will learn about correlation coefficient, loss function, optimization algorithms and regularization. At the end of this section we will built a ML model using Fast linear model with Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent (SDCA) optimization. Next step is get to know artificial neural networks, their architecture, activation functions and backpropagation algorithm. This allows us to build a (better?) model using rxNeuralNet and N#. Evaluation metrics for regression models will conclude first part of the session. In the second part we will use almost the same ML algorithms for classification — the difference is that Logistic regression will replace Linear regression. Finally we will learn about Evaluation metrics for classification models, which allows us to pick the very best model for problems we are going to solve together.


  • Marcin Szeliga

Track and Room: Advanced Analysis Techniques - A

Title: “The Time Machine”. Change Tracking, Change Data Capture, Temporal Tables

Abstract: How it works, differences, scenarios… It will be few slides and many demos.


  • Andriy Pogorelov

Track and Room: Application Database Development - C

Title: IoT Duel - Cloud vs. on Premises Solutions

Abstract: This talk is a parallel, between IoT solutions, based on premise and systems, build with Microsoft Azure components. The presentation will cover the architecture, technology stack, implementation and best practices. We will consider plusses and deltas in different cases, using both approaches. You will see also many demos, which will help you to build own cloud based or on premises Internet of Things systems.


  • Mihail Mateev

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - A

Title: Using non-relational data inside SQL Server

Abstract: This session will cover the approaches and instruments for non-relational data implementation in SQL Server and will include information on JSON, XML, CLR and Graph Data.


  • Taras Bobrovytskyi

Track and Room: Application Database Development - B

Title: SQL Server: Готуємося до гіршого

Abstract: Вірус зашифрував диски? Пожежа в дата-центрі? Некомпетентний підрядник? Конкуренти, що готові на все?Кожного дня адміністратор баз даних зіштовхується з ризиками, які повністю здатні паралізувати, або зупинити на завжди роботу конкретного підрприємства. Як підготуватися до подібних проблем? Як впевнити клієнтів, що ви захищені й вам можна довіряти? Що робити, якщо лихо вже сталося? Під час даної доповіді ми поговоримо про технології резервного копіювання, високої доступності та захисту даних, що доступні у SQL Server 2016 та SQL Server vNext. Основною задачєю буде зрозуміти, як побудувати просту та надійну стратегію відновлення від будь-яких збоїв, та попередити їх виникнення заздалегідь.


  • Yevhen Nedashkivskyi

Track and Room: Strategy and Architecture - C

Title: Як звучить Data Science у .mid

Abstract: About my experience of generating music using different machine learning algorithms, and comparing their results.


  • Dmytro Stolpakov

Track and Room: Advanced Analysis Techniques - C

Title: What’s new in SQL Server 2017 RC for Business Intelligence

Abstract: Recently Microsoft has announced SQL Server 2017 RC. What’s new for BI? Do you know about SSIS Scale-Out Feature? Or about new DAX Enhancements in SSAS? or about Power BI Report Server? If you want to know about it come to my session and I’ll tell you about it.


  • Eugene Polonichko

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - C

Title: SQL Server 2016: JSON vs XML

Abstract: Долгое время на Microsoft Connect поддержка работы с JSON была одной из самых востребованных фич, которую наконец-то реализовали в SQL Server 2016.

Что можно сказать… JSON очень крут и на протяжении сессии я поделюсь опытом как с помощью новой функциональности смог ускорить OLTP/DW операции от 2 до 10 раз по сравнению с ранее использовавшимся парсингом XML. Кроме того, в конце мы поговорим об интересных багах и особенностях парсинга JSON и XML.


  • Sergey Syrovatchenko

Track and Room: Application Database Development - C

Title: How to start working in the multiserver environment?

Abstract: For several years you have been working as a database administrator with few Microsoft SQL Server instances and you have moved to a new project where there is a need to consolidate hundreds of instances. How to tackle this problem? On the session, I will show how to discover, check configuration, apply all best practices and introduce best in class maintenance tasks. And all of that using free community-based tools!


  • Michal Sadowski

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - A

Title: Важливість статистики в MS SQL Server, як вона використовується.

Abstract: В презентації буде розказано, що таке статистика, яким чином вона збирається і модифікується. Розглянемо модель, на якій базується використання статистики, і зміни моделі в останніх версіях MS SQL Server. Буде наведено багато практичних прикладів використання статистики оптимізатором запитів.


  • Andrii Zrobok

Track and Room: Application Database Development - B


This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.

Andriy Pogorelov

LinkedIn: Andriy Pogorelov

I have been dealing with database administration and development for more than 16 years. Started from SQL Server 2000

  • Active member of Data Platform community
  • Organizer of SQLSaturday Kharkiv
  • Speaker at various Data Platform related events
  • I possess Microsoft certificates: MCDBA, MCITP, MCSA.

Mihail Mateev

Twitter: - mihailmateev

LinkedIn: Mihail Mateev

Contact: https://mmateev.wordpress.com/

Mihail Mateev is a technical consultant, community enthusiast, PASS Regional Mentor for CEE, chapter lead, Microsoft Azure MVP, Microsoft Regional Director. He works as a Senior Solutions Architect at EPAM Systems, focused on Data Platform, IoT and cloud related solutions. He also worked many years like a Technical evangelist in the Infragistics. Last years Mihail was focused on various areas related to technology Microsoft: Data Platform, Visual Studio, ASP.Net, Windows client apps, Data Platform, and Microsoft Azure. Michael also has a PhD in cloud computing area. He is a university lecturer on Smart Homes and Smart Energy IoT Solutions.

Marcin Szeliga

LinkedIn: Marcin Szeliga

Data Philosopher. Since 2006 invariably awarded Microsoft Most Valuable Professional title in the Data Platform category. A speaker at numerous conferences across Europe, as well as at user groups meetings. The author of many books and articles devoted to Microsoft Data Platform. An independent consultant, database-centric application practitioner and architect totally focused on SQL Server and Azure. Huge fan of Data Science and Machine Learning.

Anton Boyko

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/BoykoAnt

LinkedIn: Anton Boyko

Founder and main speaker at Ukrainian Microsoft Azure Community. 15+ years in application development. Builds apps based on Microsoft Azure platform since 2011. Microsoft Azure technical expert. Microsoft Azure MVP since 2014. Owner and one of the organizers of the most popular Microsoft Azure conferences in Ukraine: Azure Day and Global Azure Bootcamp.

Yevhen Nedashkivskyi

LinkedIn: Yevhen Nedashkivskyi

Yevhen Nedashkivskyi is a professional DBA and a database developer with more than 10 years of experience. MSCP, MSCA, MSCE, MVP.

Denis Reznik

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/DenisReznik

LinkedIn: Denis Reznik

Contact: http://reznik.uneta.com.ua

Denis Reznik is a Data Architect at Intapp, Inc. He has more than ten years experience in software development, database design, and performance tuning for cloud and on-premises solutions. In 2010 Denis became Microsoft Data Platform MVP and maintains MVP status today. Apart from his professional career, Denis actively participates in the development of the Ukrainian Data Community.

Catalin Gheorghiu

Twitter: - MrSmersh

LinkedIn: Catalin Gheorghiu

Contact: http://ronua.ro/author/catalin/

Catalin Gheorghiu is a solution architect from Romania. He has more than 15 years of experience in developing solutions, especially on Microsoft technologies in very demanding environments. Is contributing articles and blogs to several user groups (MrSmersh), lecturing all over Romania and abroad, is also RONUA Timisoara (PASS Chapter) user group leader. Since 2011, every year he was awarded the Microsoft MVP Award.

Jan Mulkens

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/JanMulkens

LinkedIn: Jan Mulkens

Contact: http://www.janmulkens.be

Jan Mulkens is a Microsoft MVP in AI, a Solution Expert at Ordina Belgium, and a Microsoft Data Platform BI Consultant. In his spare time, he is a speaker at conferences and user groups in Europe and he organizes two user groups and a conference in Belgium. Power BI Days conference (www.powerbidays.com), Belgium Microsoft Advanced Analytics User Group (bit.ly/msaaug), and Flemish Power BI User Group (meetup.powerbibelgium.com).

David Williams

Twitter: - @smooth1x1

LinkedIn: David Williams

Contact: http://justdave.info

David is a cross product DBA (SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, Informix, Sybase) who has worked for 25 years as a DBA for both private, local/central government customers including a Fortune 50 investment bank. Certifications include MCSE 2014 Data Platform, MCTS SQL Server 2008 DBA and Developer as well as certifcations in other products. David has spoken at multiple SQLSaturdays as well as local usergroups and is a regular volunteer at events including SQLBits.

Eugene Polonichko

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/EvgenPolonichko

LinkedIn: Eugene Polonichko

Contact: https://msolapblog.wordpress.com/

Leader of PASS Local Chapter in Donetsk (Ukraine). I work as DWH/BI architect. Responsible for designing and developing Data Warehouse and BI solutions with using Microsoft BI Stack products.

Andrzej Kukula

Twitter: - @andrzejkukula

LinkedIn: Andrzej Kukula

Consultant and trainer in SQLExpert.pl with more than 20 years of IT experience. Architect of HA/DR solutions, BI solutions, Data Platform solutions, cloud solutions. Solves SQL Server related problems, including performance tuning. Passionate about SQL Server and programming. Speaker at various conferences including SQLSaturday, SQLDay, SQLNexus, AzureDay, Global Azure Bootcamp and local user groups.

Sergey Syrovatchenko


Mihail Mateev

Twitter: - mihailmateev

LinkedIn: Mihail Mateev

Contact: https://mmateev.wordpress.com/

Mihail Mateev is a technical consultant, community enthusiast, PASS Regional Mentor for CEE, chapter lead, Microsoft Azure MVP, Microsoft Regional Director. He works as a Senior Solutions Architect at EPAM Systems, focused on Data Platform, IoT and cloud related solutions. He also worked many years like a Technical evangelist in the Infragistics. Last years Mihail was focused on various areas related to technology Microsoft: Data Platform, Visual Studio, ASP.Net, Windows client apps, Data Platform, and Microsoft Azure. Michael also has a PhD in cloud computing area. He is a university lecturer on Smart Homes and Smart Energy IoT Solutions.

Dmytro Stolpakov

LinkedIn: Dmytro Stolpakov

data science one love

Taras Bobrovytskyi

LinkedIn: Taras Bobrovytskyi

Started working with SQL Server in 2007 as consultant, eventually becoming a MIcrosoft Certified Trainer. Participated in consulting projects in Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan Since 2012 working as a database developer/data architect at DieboldNixdorf SSI team

Andrii Zrobok

LinkedIn: Andrii Zrobok

25+ years of experience in database development: development data-centric applications from scratch, support of legacy databases/applications, data migration tasks, performance tuning, consulting, database trainer. I have experience with wide range of databases such as FoxPro for DOS (Fox Software), MS SQL Server (started from version 6.5) , Oracle, Sybase ASE, MySQL, PostgreSQL. Co-Leader of PASS Local Chapter in Lviv. Speaker at PASS SQLSaturday conferences (since 2013); PASS Lviv/Vinnitsa/Virtual SQL Server User Group, EPAM IT Week (2015-2017), AIBig Data Day 2019.

Michal Sadowski

Twitter: - SadowskiMichal

LinkedIn: Michal Sadowski

Contact: https://sqlplayer.net/michal-sadowski

Senior Database Platform Engineer, leader of Krakow chapter of Data Community Krakow (former Polish SQL Server User Group) - PASS Chapter. With more than 10 years of experience in Microsoft technology, helps in advisory for performance optimization on database and application levels. Active speaker on SQL Server related events like SQLSaturday, SQLDay, MCT Global Summit etc. Holds many Microsoft certificates including MCSE: Data Platform, MCSA: SQL Server 2012/2014/2016, MCSA: Windows Server 2008/2012/2016 and MCT.


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