SQLSaturday #634 - Iowa City 2017

Event Date: 06/10/2017 00:00:00

Event Location:

  • University of Iowa - University Capitol Centre
  • 201 S Clinton St
  • Iowa City, Iowa

PDF of Schedule

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This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.

Title: Wish you could live the glamorous consulting life?

Abstract: We are going to talk about a topic many will not touch at a SQLSaturday: Money. How to make it, how to get customers, how to market. Consulting is a great career choice, from the increased pay, (sometimes less), to the flexible hours, (working nights and weekends), you will work with a wide range of customers, (if you can find them), that will lead you to wonder why you didn’t start earlier? (and walk away from a cushy job).

I would not trade my consulting career for any other choice, I love the rewards and the freedom it provides me, but I’ve learned the hard way. In this session you will learn sales, marketing and management strategies to get your practice off the ground, sand traps to avoid along the way and a honest, down to earth assessment of the consulting life. An essential session for those thinking about this choice and/or those who are just starting out. Y


  • Juan Soto

Track and Room: Professional Development - 2840

Title: Performance Dreams started at SQL Server 2014 and come true now at SQL Server 2016

Abstract: “Performance dreams wait for you at SQL Server 2014 and Come true at SQL Server 2016 “, it is just like this because you there are unbelievable performance reads and substantial improvements that can drive your DB environment to a distinct level of stability and Performance to be a leading environment in a very short time ..! It looks like apparently a myth or legend to see those new SQL Server 2016 features how they could flipped up SQL Server Powers from the old generation to the new generation of in-advanced analytics using In-memory and CCI (Colmnstore indexes) where no longer need for any DWH solutions at all but just reading data directly from production DBs with ZERO performance impacts on end users ..! come in here to my session and you will know more about many new features and rich powers of SQL Server 2014 2016 regarding performance particularly like Microsoft project “Hekaton” for In-memory built in for OLTP , CCI( columnstore index) ,Resource Governor for IO consumpti


  • Shehab El-Najjar

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - 2523

Title: Purging data in SQL 2016 using Dynamic Partitioning

Abstract: Have a large or potentially large database that you would like to partition? Manually implementing table partitioning and the corresponding maintenance can be a lot of work, especially if you have many tables. In this presentation we look at how you would implement a partitioning solution dynamically for all tables with the designated partition column. We use a controller table so it’s easy to change settings and set it up to keep a fixed number of file groups. The partition maintenance will recycle through the file groups over time as partitions are dropped and created. We do as much as possible through dynamic scripting. This solution can easily be extended for archiving but in this example we are using it to implement a data retention scheme. We look at new features in SQL 2014 such as managed lock priority and truncating partitions in SQL 2016. Assumes you have some understanding of SQL Server table partitioning and T-SQL coding.


  • Kirby Richter

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - 2520C

Title: JSON for the Data Mortals

Abstract: In SQL Server 2016 Microsoft has include native handling of JSON. What does that mean? What is JSON? Why do I care? Will there be knives and hockey masks? Come to this session and you will learn what JSON is, where and how it is used and why as a data professional you need to know this.


  • Jim Dorame

Track and Room: Application Database Development - 2520C

Title: Ethics, Morals, and Laws for the DBA 101

Abstract: Ethics, Morals, and Laws each govern one aspect of our behavior as people and DBAs. They govern which actions we take and which actions we avoid.

Understanding the basics of these guides and how they coordinate (and sometimes conflict) with each other helps you to make choices you can live with from both a personal and professional perspective.

This session presents basic definitions, ideas, and discussion points. It is intended to be an interactive presentation where the audience contributes to the discussion, so no two presentations are exactly the same!


  • Pat Phelan

Track and Room: Professional Development - 2840

Title: Master Data Management with SQL Server 2016 MDS

Abstract: Want to know the position Master Data Management and MDS play in an organization’s overall data strategy? We’ll review the key concepts and the different roles and responsibilities to help you get your organization moving forward with MDM. We’ll then take a look at the features of SQL Server 2016 MDS that make it an excellent tool for MDM. This demo-packed presentation will cover architecture and installation, different ways of processing data, hierarchies, security and many other features that will get you up and running with MDS.


  • Neal Waterstreet

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - 2520B

Title: Learn to Love Database Security Audits

Abstract: Configuring the security on a SQL Server instance is often treated like a one-time event, but nothing could be further from the truth. DBAs need to proactively watch each and every piece of the security infrastructure to ensure that the security we have implemented is effective and up-to-date. But that’s a huge task in itself. Where do we begin?

In this session, we’ll talk about why auditing is probably the single most important piece of the security infrastructure, and where to find security-related information in SQL Server’s metadata and logs. I’ll also demonstrate how to distill the vast amount of metadata available into reports and alerts that are manageable, meaningful, and actionable.


  • Ed Leighton-Dick

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - 2390

Title: He’s Assertive, She’s Aggressive: Recognizing patterns of unconscious bias in the workplace

Abstract: Social science has shown that people tend classify one another by gender, race, or other physical characteristics and instinctively react based on stereotypes and cultural norms. These automatic prejudices (often called unconscious bias) contribute to the disproportionate success of white men in STEM when compared to equally qualified women or minorities. The difference between unconscious bias and intentional discrimination is that the people that participate in it are often motivated to end these behaviors when they’re brought to their attention.

This discussion will cover some common patterns of unconscious bias that occur in the workplace and offer real, concrete actions to intervene as an employee, a manager, or an organization.


  • Andrea Mascher

Track and Room: Professional Development - 2520C

Title: Cube Processing Strategies

Abstract: There has been a wide range of Cube solutions implemented over the years. Cube processing strategies will cover both Multidimensional and Tabular cubes. Best practices will be included for processing large and small cubes. Processing big cubes can consume a large amount of IO, and create lengthy response times. Processing many small cubes at once can create bottlenecks on the database. Additionally, processing complex cube will be addressed. Best practices for designing dimensions and partitions will be covered in detail, because of the impact associated with good design.


  • Ross McNeely

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - 2520B

Title: Joe Celko - Data Encoding Schemes

Abstract: Data doesn’t go directly into a computer. It is usually encoded, but nobody takes time to classify and consider how to actually design these encodings. The goal of this talk is to give you those skills.

We’ll begin by considering the basic types of encodings.

Enumeration Encoding Measurement Encoding Abbreviation Encoding Hierarchical Encoding Vector Encoding Concatenation Encoding

The talk will then move on to the concepts of validation and verification, what makes a good encoding scheme, and where to look for industry standards.

Speaker: Joe Celko Joe Celko served on the original ANSI X3H2 Database Standards committee and is the author the Joe Celko series of SQL books for Elsevier/MKP. These days, I do training and design evaluations.


  • Ed Leighton-Dick

Track and Room: Application Database Development - 2520D

Title: Extended Events: What are they and How do I use them

Abstract: Since Extended Events are replacing Profiler, every DBA should know what they are and how to use them. This session will cover the basics of Extended events as well as an introduction to the system_health session. This session will give someone who has never used Extended events before the skills to start using them!


  • Dave Bland

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - 2520B

Title: Isolation Levels – Understanding Transaction Temper Tantrums

Abstract: In this session we will review Isolation levels and how they affect applications that run on SQL Server. We will explore what happens when multiple applications accessing the same data use different isolation levels, and how that effects the server as a whole. We will also explore different ways to relieve these tantrums, and make your applications play nice together.


  • Adam Koehler

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - 2523

Title: SQL as fast as the Flash!

Abstract: Are you constantly being hounded by your DBA to tune your SQL? Are you a BI developer whose reports are taking too long to run? Are you a DBA that is constantly being asked to help developers tune their SQL? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions…. This is the session for YOU! In this session, Jared Karney will show you the simple tips and tricks you can use to write fast queries the first time and help others identify bottlenecks in their own scripts.


  • Jared Karney

Track and Room: Application Database Development - 2520C

Title: SQL Survivor - Where’s the data?

Abstract: An experience in my career that shook me to my core. What had happened, how I survived, and what I learned. A discussion on backup and recovery planning, change management, and how to use your influence to ensure this doesn’t happen.


  • Matthew Wiegert

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - 2390

Title: Intermediate R - Shiny, Working with SQL Server, and Docker

Abstract: This session will go over more intermediate to advanced R concepts. In this session, we’ll look at connecting and working with SQL Server. This includes offloading data processing to Microsoft R Services. Along with that, we’ll look at Shiny, and creating dashboard-like content in Shiny and how to deploy to a Shiny server. We’ll use Docker for everything in this presentation, from the creation of the R/Shiny projects, to using SQL Server.


  • David Thole

Track and Room: Analytics and Visualization - 2520D

Title: Introduction to Data Analysis in R

Abstract: This session will cover the bare essentials about getting started with R. I’ll go over what R is, why it’s a thing, how to make use of it, and current industry trends. While I won’t be able to teach everything you need to know about how to use R in this session, my goal is to get attendees down the right path. I will show a number of examples, and discuss how R deals with data.


  • David Thole

Track and Room: Analytics and Visualization - 2520D

Title: SSAS 2016 Tabular - Diving into the new features

Abstract: Taking a looking at all the new features of SSAS 2016 Tabular, how to use them effectively and avoid pitfalls. Features include Bi-Directional Cross Filtering, Parallel Partition Processing, Calculated Tables, etc.


  • Brian Beswick

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - 2523

Title: I Know SQL Server, but want to become a great DBA - What do I need to know?

Abstract: This session will cover what is needed to transition from someone who knows SQL Server to becoming a great DBA. It will cover what technical skills are needed, how to think like a great DBA and explore some of the functionality of SQL Server that can help all DBAs do their job. The presenter will share of the his experiences of his journey to go from a trainer to a successful DBA.


  • Dave Bland

Track and Room: Professional Development - 2840

Title: Supercharging Backups and Restores For Fun and Profit

Abstract: Super-fast queries are an essential part of any business process, but speed will never be more important than during a disaster when you need to restore from backup. Come and see how both backups and restores can be tuned just like a query. In this demo-intensive session, we will discuss the different phases of the backup and restore processes, how to tell how long each of them is taking, and which are the easiest to significantly speed up. You just might be surprised how simple it is to achieve dramatic results - cutting your backup and restore times by 75% or more is absolutely possible using the methods covered here.


  • Bob Pusateri

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - 2520D

Title: Index 360 - Looking at Indexes from Multiple Perspectives

Abstract: If you have used a database, chances are almost certain you’ve utilized indexes as well. In this presentation I will discuss both Rowstore and Columnstore Indexes and why they are important to anyone that interacts with a database. This session will cover what they are, how they are utilized, how best to take advantage of them, and even when they can be problematic. It is my intention to help anyone become more comfortable with indexes and understand what they can do for you and your role, be it a DBA, Developer, or BI Professional.


  • John Eisbrener

Track and Room: Application Database Development - 2523

Title: Remember Back When? Temporal Tables in SQL Server 2016

Abstract: SQL Server 2016 comes with its own version of a Wayback Machine: temporal tables. With this new feature, it is easy to store and query the history of changes to data. We will discuss the fundamentals and creating, storing data in, querying from, and maintaining these tables. We will also take a quick look under the hood to see how they work. And yes, this is a version 1 product, so we’ll also consider the current limitations that are in place. Find out how temporal tables can benefit your system!


  • Brian Hansen

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - 2523

Title: Anatomy of a Transaction

Abstract: In SQL Server, the transaction log is the most important file in any database. All changes to the data and schema are tracked in the transaction log. Join me to learn how to read the transaction log, how to follow a transaction as is processes, and how SQL Server handles a transaction rollback. You will also learn how to identify the resources and objects SQL Server accesses during the course of the transaction. Finally, you will see how SQL Server processes transactions for In-Memory tables.


  • Frank Gill

Track and Room: Strategy and Architecture - 2390

Title: Installing SQL Server on Linux in AWS

Abstract: This session will discussion the strategies, pitfalls, and configuration items needed to successfully install SQL Server 2016 on Ubuntu Linux in AWS.

The session will end with a demonstration of an install of SQL Server 2016 on Linux and the tools for SQL Server.


  • Stacy Hein

Track and Room: Strategy and Architecture - 2520C

Title: T-SQL Tips Tricks to Make Your Life Easier!

Abstract: Do you spend your days slinging T-SQL code? Want to improve your T-SQL game? If you answered yes, then this session is for you.

This demo-intensive session will showcase a collection of my favorite beginner and intermediate level tips and tricks. We will explore how to identify and fix some common T-SQL anti-patterns, my favorite SSMS productivity tricks, and clever solutions to some common but not easily-coded challenges.

This session targets both developers and DBAs; the only prerequisites are the desire to write better T-SQL code and aim of living an easier life!


  • Andy Yun

Track and Room: Application Database Development - 2390

Title: Creating an Azure SQL Database Using PowerShell

Abstract: Azure SQL Database provides an environment to quickly build SQL Server databases. This allows for testing of new versions and functionality with minimal effort. PowerShell provides cmdlets that create, configure and deploy an Azure SQL Database quickly and easily. Additionally, cmdlets exist to tear the environment down once you are done with it, Join me to learn more about the options available for scripting and automating the build of an Azure SQL Database.


  • Frank Gill

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - 2520B

Title: The Junior Developer’s Handbook

Abstract: Boy Scouts, Role-Playing Gamers, Human Resources…they all have handbooks to help them navigate their roles. Now database developers have one too! In this session, we’ll cover the essentials for any T-SQL developer to succeed. Topics include a method for writing new queries, measuring query performance, the importance of date tables and window functions, and time-saving tricks you never knew were possible in Management Studio. If you’re looking for the missing manual for developers in their first two years, this session is for you.


  • Doug Lane

Track and Room: Application Database Development - 2390

Title: Execution Planning for Success

Abstract: Execution plans are one of the best ways to learn how SQL Server is interpreting your query. We’ll discuss execution plan internals, how SQL Server estimates the cost of your query, and what a graphical execution plan is displaying.

Learning to read an execution plan is a great way to begin troubleshooting performance. At the end, we will take a look at how SQL Server 2016 provides more tools for exploring execution plans.


  • Arthur Daniels III

Track and Room: Application Database Development - 2520D


This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.

Brian Hansen

Twitter: - tf3604

Contact: http://www.tf3604.com

Brian is a database administrator at Children International in Kansas City. He has been working with SQL Server technologies since 1998, including roles in report development, application development and database administration.

Ed Leighton-Dick

Twitter: - eleightondick

LinkedIn: Ed Leighton-Dick

Contact: http://www.edleightondick.com

Ed Leighton-Dick is a Microsoft MVP, SQL Server performance and architecture specialist, and Founder/Principal Consultant of Kingfisher Technologies. He is a frequent volunteer with PASS, including current roles as a Regional Mentor, co-leader of I-380 PASS local group, and co-leader of the HA/DR virtual group. He can often be found teaching sessions at local, regional, and national events, including user groups, SQLSaturday, and PASS Summit.

Neal Waterstreet

Twitter: - @nealwaterstreet

LinkedIn: Neal Waterstreet

Contact: http://www.nealwaterstreet.com

Neal is a BI Architect/Consultant with more than 20 years of industry experience. Neal is skilled in the entire BI spectrum, including dimensional modeling, ETL design and development using Integration Services (SSIS), designing and developing multidimensional cubes and Tabular models using Analysis Services (SSAS) and Master Data Management using Microsoft Data Services (MDS). He’s also involved with the database community and is the co-founder and co-leader of the PASS Healthcare Virtual Chapter and the Atlanta Modern Excel User Group.

Bob Pusateri

Twitter: - @SQLBob

LinkedIn: Bob Pusateri

Contact: http://www.BobPusateri.com

Bob Pusateri is a Microsoft Certified Master, DBA, and systems architect with over 10 years of experience on SQL Server. His interests involve internals, performance optimization, and cloud technologies. He is an active member of two Chicago-area PASS Local Groups, a community speaker, and maintains a web presence through both Twitter (@SQLBob) and his blog (bobpusateri.com).

Andrea Mascher

Andrea Mascher (she/her) leads the SQL Server DBA team at The University of Iowa (UI). In addition to her experience in the education sector, Andrea previously supported systems in the biotechnology and healthcare fields.

Andrea is an advocate for gender diversity in STEM and co-founded the UI Women In Technology users group to promote a climate of inclusivity and professional growth for women and non-binary individuals in technical fields at UI. Andrea also serves as a member of the UI Council on the Status of Women.

Andrea’s undergraduate and graduate coursework at UI was in Computer Science, with a focus on Electronic Voting Systems and Technology Law and Policy.

Dave Bland

Twitter: - @SQLDave29

LinkedIn: Dave Bland

Contact: https://www.davebland.com

Over 20 years of SQL Server experience that includes being a DBA, BI development and Application development using VB.NET. Dave currently is the Manager of the DBA team at Stericycle. Dave is a Friend of Red-Gate for 2019. He is a frequent presenter at SQLSaturday events and user groups around the country. Has been teaching SQL Server since version 2000 and is the SQL Server instructor at Harper College in Palatine, IL. Current certifications include: • Microsoft Certified Trainer • MCTS: SQL Server 2008, Implementation and Maintenance • MCTS: SQL Server 2008, BI Development and Maintenance • MCSA: SQL Server 2008 • MCSA: SQL Server 2016 • MCSE: SQL Server 2016 - BI • MCDBA: SQL Server 2000 • MCSD • MCSE: Data Management and Analytics

Juan Soto

Twitter: - jsoto22

LinkedIn: Juan Soto

Contact: https://accessexperts.com/blog/

I’m the President of IT Impact, a Microsoft Access MVP and a frequent author on the official Microsoft Access blog as well as the first Access developer to be profiled on their site. I’m also a frequent speaker at Access User Groups throughout the USA, covering subjects such as SQL Server with Access as well as providing tools and resources for Access developers on the web. My expertise is optimizing Access with SQL Server and helping SQL Server DBAs understand how to design tables for Access.

John Eisbrener

Twitter: - @johnedba

LinkedIn: John Eisbrener

Contact: http://www.dbatlas.com

John is a DBA (Default Blame Assignee) with over a decade of experience breaking and subsequently fixing, database solutions. He maintains separate swear jars for Oracle, Postgres, and Greenplum, but keeps the largest container reserved for SQL Server. When not accumulating loose change for his children’s college funds, John can be found trying to help others with their database solutions as the Principal Consultant for DB Atlas, speaking at various SQLSaturdays throughout the Midwest, or helping out with his local PASS chapter meetings in Madison, WI.

Andy Yun

Twitter: - SQLBek

LinkedIn: Andy Yun

Contact: http://sqlbek.wordpress.com

Andy Yun is a SentryOne Principal Solutions Engineer and a former Microsoft MVP. He has been working with SQL Server for nearly 20 years as both a Database Developer and Administrator. Leveraging knowledge of SQL Server Internals and extensive experience in highly transactional environments, he strives to make T-SQL leaner and meaner. Andy is extremely passionate about passing knowledge onto others, regularly speaking at User Groups, SQLSaturdays, and PASS Summit. Andy is a co-founder of the Chicago SQL Association, co-Chapter Leader of the Chicago Suburban User Group, and part of the Chicago SQLSaturday Organizing Committee.

Frank Gill

Twitter: - skreebydba

LinkedIn: Frank Gill

Contact: http://skreebydba.com/

Frank Gill is a Senior Data Engineer at Concurrency With 21 years of IT experience, the first 8 as a mainframe programmer, he has developed a love of all things internal. Over the past several years, he has worked extensively with SQL Server solution in Azure, including Managed Instance. When not administering databases or geeking out on internals, Frank volunteers at the Art Institute of Chicago and reads voraciously.

Dave Bland

Twitter: - @SQLDave29

LinkedIn: Dave Bland

Contact: https://www.davebland.com

Over 20 years of SQL Server experience that includes being a DBA, BI development and Application development using VB.NET. Dave currently is the Manager of the DBA team at Stericycle. Dave is a Friend of Red-Gate for 2019. He is a frequent presenter at SQLSaturday events and user groups around the country. Has been teaching SQL Server since version 2000 and is the SQL Server instructor at Harper College in Palatine, IL. Current certifications include: • Microsoft Certified Trainer • MCTS: SQL Server 2008, Implementation and Maintenance • MCTS: SQL Server 2008, BI Development and Maintenance • MCSA: SQL Server 2008 • MCSA: SQL Server 2016 • MCSE: SQL Server 2016 - BI • MCDBA: SQL Server 2000 • MCSD • MCSE: Data Management and Analytics

Matthew Wiegert

Twitter: - @TechWiegert

LinkedIn: Matthew Wiegert

SQL Database Manager for a financial institution in northern Wisconsin. Experience working with SQL Server 2008 and up for three years now. Previous experiences include working with JD Edwards ERP system and serving in the US Army.

Frank Gill

Twitter: - skreebydba

LinkedIn: Frank Gill

Contact: http://skreebydba.com/

Frank Gill is a Senior Data Engineer at Concurrency With 21 years of IT experience, the first 8 as a mainframe programmer, he has developed a love of all things internal. Over the past several years, he has worked extensively with SQL Server solution in Azure, including Managed Instance. When not administering databases or geeking out on internals, Frank volunteers at the Art Institute of Chicago and reads voraciously.

Brian Beswick

LinkedIn: Brian Beswick

Contact: http://brianbeswick.com/

Brian is a Managing Consultant at Allegient. He has many years of experience in database architecture and development across multiple versions of SQL Server. He’s an accomplished Database Architect with a specialty in Business Intelligence. He’s particularly strong at understanding and designing solutions for complex requirements.

Ed Leighton-Dick

Twitter: - eleightondick

LinkedIn: Ed Leighton-Dick

Contact: http://www.edleightondick.com

Ed Leighton-Dick is a Microsoft MVP, SQL Server performance and architecture specialist, and Founder/Principal Consultant of Kingfisher Technologies. He is a frequent volunteer with PASS, including current roles as a Regional Mentor, co-leader of I-380 PASS local group, and co-leader of the HA/DR virtual group. He can often be found teaching sessions at local, regional, and national events, including user groups, SQLSaturday, and PASS Summit.

David Thole

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/thedarktrumpet

LinkedIn: David Thole

A functional programming and data science geek. Loves research, analysis of data, and developing algorithms to solve complex programming problems.

Shehab El-Najjar

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/MSQLPerformance

LinkedIn: Shehab El-Najjar

Contact: http://sqlserver-performance-tuning.net/

Shehab El-Najjar was the ONLY Microsoft SQL Server MVP in Gulf for the past 6 years and the 2nd one all over the Middle East , he is the founder of SQL Gulf events series (SQL Gulf #1 , #2 and #3 ) where he spent so much time and efforts to broadcast Microsoft SQL Server technologies all over the Gulf such as KSA and Emirates and other Gulf cities ahead ..)

 He is now Professional Services Manager at Saudi Emircom

 He was previously COO and business leader in KSA market through his startup WAJA IT for 3 years

 He is an influencing Database community leader all over the region  A senior Database Consultant (SQL Server MVP for 6 years in row) -The 2nd MVP awardee SQL Server all over Middle East and Arabic region

Jim Dorame

Twitter: - @DBAJD

LinkedIn: Jim Dorame

Contact: http://www.jamesdorame.com/

Jim Dorame has been working with SQL Server for over 20 years. Over those years he has learned a great deal from the SQL community. He has also given back to the community in the hopes that he may help someone in their career. He is always looking for something to learn and luckily Microsoft keeps adding to SQL Server.

Arthur Daniels III

Twitter: - ArthurDanSQL

Contact: https://www.DBA-Art.com

Arthur Daniels is a Premier Field Engineer (PFE) at Microsoft. He has focused on diagnosing and optimizing performance on very large databases in mission critical environments.

Doug Lane

Twitter: - @thedouglane

LinkedIn: Doug Lane

Contact: http://www.sqltheater.com

Doug Lane is the founder of SQL Theater, a company specializing in helping junior developers and public speakers. Doug has over 15 years#39; experience in IT and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Media Production. In addition to presenting at conferences, SQLSaturdays, and user group meetings, Doug also blogs and produces video training courses.

Adam Koehler

Twitter: - sql_geek

LinkedIn: Adam Koehler

Adam Koehler is the Senior Database Administrator for ScriptPro, LLC. He has worked with SQL Server from 7.0 to 2017 in various roles throughout his career with the last 14 years in a DBA role.

Stacy Hein

Twitter: - @sqlstacy

LinkedIn: Stacy Hein

As a DBA for 15 years, I have a wide and varied experience in most industries and sizes of companies. My experience with SQL Server ranges from version 6.5 through version 2016.

I have two BS degrees in Chemistry and Biology and an MS in Cybersecurity. My favorite part of this career is the opportunity to learn something new everyday and share that knowledge with others. The opportunity to mentor other DBAs over the years has also been a enriching part of my career. Mentoring is another reason I love being a DBA.

Ross McNeely

Twitter: - Ross_McNeely

LinkedIn: Ross McNeely

Contact: https://rossmcneely.com

Ross McNeely is a Tail Wind Principal Consultant in Data Management, and the Practice Manager of Business Intelligence. He works with external vendors, customers, and partners to integrate disperse data sources. Throughout most of his 15 year career he has been specializing in Information Management, and implementing solutions for Information Strategy, Information Asset Management, Enterprise Data Management, and Business Intelligence.

Jared Karney

Twitter: - jaredkarney

LinkedIn: Jared Karney

Jared Karney has been working with SQL Server since 2007. He currently works as a Premier Field Engineer for Microsoft. His specialties include performance tuning, big data, cloud, automation, internals, and overall architecture. He is an MCT and holds a number of Microsoft certifications. He is also a leader for the Chicago SQL Server Users Group.

Pat Phelan

Twitter: - @YetAnotherSQL

LinkedIn: Pat Phelan

Pat Phelan first joined a computer user group (DECUS) in High School, and has joined many more since then. Pat worked many jobs in high school and college, and over twenty years for a major accounting firm. Pat started working for Involta in 2007 and is now the database mentor and a member of the Engineering team. Involta builds, owns and operates world class colocation datacenters and also provides managed services and support staff to clients.

David Thole

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/thedarktrumpet

LinkedIn: David Thole

A functional programming and data science geek. Loves research, analysis of data, and developing algorithms to solve complex programming problems.

Kirby Richter

Twitter: - @sqlkirby

LinkedIn: Kirby Richter

Kirby Richter is a Minnesota SQL Server Professional with 20 years’ experience. Currently Principal Database Architect at Dell Storage, specializing in Database Administration, large databases and Performance Tuning. Working with all versions of SQL Server since 6.5 Enjoys Development, Database Administration and Business Intelligence. Presents periodically at local events. Hobbies include kayaking, camping and amateur Astronomy.


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