SQLSaturday #606 - Santiago 2017
Event Date: 04/01/2017 00:00:00
Event Location:
- Duoc Sede Antonio Varas
- Antonio Varas 666, Providencia
- Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile
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This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.
Title: Query Processing in In-Memory OLTP (Hekaton)
Abstract: In-Memory OLTP (code name: Hekaton) is the most important new feature in SQL Server 2014, and this session will teach you how query processing and optimization work with this new database engine. After explaining the basics, we will discuss how the query optimizer is used in In-Memory OLTP by both natively compiled stored procedures and by traditional stored procedures accessing memory-optimized tables through the query interop functionality. We will also take a look at how the new hash and range indexes are used, as well as how their performance implications are also covered along with the process of translating the plan created by the query optimizer into C code. Finally, some limitations with the current release will also be explained.
- Benjamin Nevarez
Track and Room: SQL Server 2016 v.Next - SalaSQL
Title: Dive into the Query Optimizer - Undocumented Insight
Abstract: This 500 level session will focus on using undocumented statements and trace flags to get insight into how the query optimizer works and show you which operations it performs during query optimization. I will use these undocumented features to explain what the query optimizer does from the moment a query is submitted to SQL Server until an execution plan is generated including operations like parsing, binding, simplification, trivial plan, and full optimization. Concepts like transformation rules, the memo structure, how the query optimizer generates possible alternative execution plans, and how the best alternative is chosen based on those costs will be explained as well.
- Benjamin Nevarez
Track and Room: SQL Server 2016 v.Next - SalaSQL
Title: stop reinventing the wheel. Use window functions
Abstract: In this session we will see practical exemples on how we can, at the same time, decrease the our code complexity, increase the performance and speed up our time developing. Come to learn how to create more legible, cleaner and faster code. Developer Track.
- Dhiego Piroto
Track and Room: Business Intelligence - SalaAzure
Title: Corriendo R sobre un ambiente Serverless: Amazon Athena
Abstract: Es una preocupación latente en los científicos de datos el hecho de tener que administrar infraestructura que soporte las plataformas de Big Data mientras corren SQL en R. Amazon Athena es un servicio interactivo de queries que trabaja directamente con datos almacenados en Amazon S3 y hace fácil analizar datos usando SQL estándar sin la necesidad de administrar infraestructura. Integrando R con Amazon Athena les da a los científicos de datos una plataforma poderosa para la construcción de soluciones analíticas interactivas.
- Mauricio Muñoz
Track and Room: Business Intelligence - SalaAzure
Title: Microsoft R Server Data Science world
Abstract: Microsoft R Server Data Science world. The presentation provides advanced topics for data scientists who will be using of the product suit (R open, R Server and R client), an introduction to the R code and will help familiarizing with the R server interface.
- Adrian Fernandez
Track and Room: Advanced Analytics - SalaAA
Title: Nuevas Caracteristicas de SQL Server 2016 para DBAs
Abstract: Veremos alguna caracteristicas de SQL 2016 para DBA : Query Store , Live Query Statistics, Cambios en el proceso de Setup, Mejoras en AlwaysOn y Scope Database Setting. Asi como tambien los ultimos mejoras introducidas con el Service Pack 1
- Javier Villegas
Track and Room: SQL Server 2016 v.Next - SalaSQL
Title: Creación de un Modelo de Healthcare en Azure Machine Learning
Abstract: Los modelos de salud son una muy interesante área de aplicación del advanced analytics dado su impacto en la mejora de nuestras sociedades. Azure Machine Learning ofrece una excelente alternativa para este sector dado que no se requiere de hardware ni software para comenzar a aprovecharlo, además de tener amplias capacidades para conectarse con fuentes públicas de datos, muy útiles en modelos de healthcare como son la contaminación, hacinamiento, temperaturas, precipitaciones, etc.
- Patricio Cofre
Track and Room: Advanced Analytics - SalaAA
Title: Usando Código R en Transact-SQL
Abstract: SQL Server 2016 ofrece la posibilidad de ejecutar código R en Transact SQL, eliminando la tradicional fricción entre el mundo de la gestión de datos y la gestión analítica, al poner todo sobre un mismo ambiente. Con esto, es posible aprovechar lo mejor de ambos lenguajes, sin tener el costo de traspaso de datos desde un ambiente a otro. La sesión constará con ejemplos prácticos, a través de los cuales se buscará mostrar las ventajas de esta nueva característica de SQL Server 2016.
- Patricio Cofre
Track and Room: Advanced Analytics - SalaAA
Title: Monitoreo de SQL Server R Services
Abstract: En esta sesión veremos las herramientas y scripts disponibles para monitorear el desempeño y configuración de R Services por medio de DMV y Extended Events
- Eduardo Castro
Track and Room: Advanced Analytics - SalaAA
Title: Integrando Datos y Migrando hacia una plataforma Microsoft
Abstract: Introduccion a la Integracion de los Datos Queries Cross Plattform SQL Azure – SQL Server Excel – Google Analytics Utilizando un repositorio local como herramienta de integración Data Repository Compartido Migrando hacia una plataforma Microsoft Comparación de Estructuras Comparación de Datos
- Gustavo Boismoreau
Track and Room: Business Intelligence - SalaAzure
Title: Be more productive in the development and management of your SQL Server and Analysis Services
Abstract: Monitoring: With any device, anywhere, Identify comsumpsion from MDX, Top SQLs Statements consumption detection, identifying fragmented indexes Analyzing: BI Users that consumes resources, also locks and blocks detections and actions to avoid this Rewriting: SQL Codes - changing executing plan Migrations: database comparison, schema comparison and data comparison
- Gustavo Carneiro
Track and Room: Business Intelligence - SalaAzure
Title: Usando Pig y Hive en HDInsight
Abstract: La idea es explicar la virtudes de pig y hive.
- Cristobal Ibarra
Track and Room: Business Intelligence - SalaAzure
Title: Analytics con Azure Data Lake y HDInsight
Abstract: Uso de Hadoop y Data Lake en Azure como herramientas para analytics y reportería avanzada.
- Nestor Campos
Track and Room: Business Intelligence - SalaAzure
Title: Azure Data Lake Analytics y U-SQL
Abstract: HDinsight es la solución de Azure para proveer clusters Hadoop de manera fácil. Un interesante siguiente paso puesto a nuestra disposición es Data Lake Analytics, servicio que permite realizar procesamiento analítico de datos pagando por el poder de procesamiento utilizado (pay per job) y escalando fácilmente, sin tener que provisionar ni configurar la infraestructura que realiza el procesamiento además de otras excitantes características. Veremos Data Lake Analytics y U-SQL, un lenguaje simple y familiar, poderoso y extensible, para procesar nuestros datos.
- Marco Ramirez
Track and Room: Advanced Analytics - SalaAA
Title: SQL Server Query Tuning Optimization
Abstract: Este seminario de un día completo mostrará cómo optimizar las consultas de SQL Server y crear aplicaciones de alto rendimiento. Aprenderás sobre el funcionamiento interno del procesador de consultas para poder escribir mejores queries y proporcionar al procesador de consultas información de calidad que necesita para producir planes de ejecución eficientes. También obtendrá sugerencias para solucionar las consultas de rendimiento inferior. En la memoria OLTP. Se cubrirán también nuevas características de SQL Server 2014/2016.
- Benjamin Nevarez
Track and Room: SQL Server 2016 v.Next - PreCon
Title: Uso de Lenguaje R con Spark en Data Analytics
Abstract: En esta sesión veremos la forma que podemos integrar el uso de leguaje R ejecutando dentro de clusters de Spark para lograr soluciones de análisis de datos, así como la creación de soluciones de Machine Learning escalables.
- Eduardo Castro
Track and Room: Advanced Analytics - SalaAA
Title: Tip para migrar SSIS (Integration Services)
Abstract: Tip para mover los Dts y SSIS en la diferente versiones
- Carlos Farias
Track and Room: SQL Server 2016 v.Next - SalaSQL
Title: Recomendaciones para Entornos de SQL Server Productivo
Abstract: Algunas recomendaciones para entornos de SQL Server productivos Recomendaciones para Entornos de SQL Server Productivos Index Rebuild update stats sp_configure tempdb model backup trace flags importantes
- Javier Villegas
Track and Room: SQL Server 2016 v.Next - SalaSQL
Title: Power BI in Action - Live Streaming using Flow - Azure
Abstract: Mediante una presentación dinámica, dar a conocer no solo Power BI como capa front end del stack de Microsoft sino también integrar la herramienta a través de FLOW generando un flujo en vivo que compile información en tiempo real y la vaya cargando en BD de Azure.
- Gaston Cruz
Track and Room: Business Intelligence - SalaAzure
Title: Nuevas características de SQL Server 2018 (vNext) Database Engine
Abstract: SQL Server 2018 (vNext) viene con diferentes mejoras y características nuevas para el mundo del BI y Analytics, así como para el mundo de las BD transaccionales. Dentro de las novedades hay mejoras en consultas “In-Memory”, funciones de agregación con datos de texto (concatenación agrupada), nuevas funciones para datos string, accesos a datos bulk, etc. Discutiremos lo nuevo y veremos algunos ejemplos de SQL Server 2018 en acción.
- Kamal Valero
Track and Room: SQL Server 2016 v.Next - SalaSQL
This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.
Marco Ramirez
Twitter: - @maramirm
LinkedIn: Marco Ramirez
Marco es Ingeniero Civil Industrial en Computaci#243;n. Su carrera profesional lo ha llevado a desempe#241;arse como desarrollador de software, arquitecto de Software y en los #250;ltimos 4 a#241;os, como consultor en Inteligencia de Negocios en Metric Arts, en donde tambi#233;n ha desarrollado su pasi#243;n por la ense#241;anza, en temas de BI y tecnolog#237;a en general. Como consultor, ha tenido contacto con diversas tecnolog#237;as, entre las cuales SQL Server y sus tecnolog#237;as asociadas son las m#225;s importantes
Adrian Fernandez
Twitter: - adrianfz10
LinkedIn: Adrian Fernandez
Adrián Fernández, especializado en bases de datos y analítica avanzada, graduado en tecnología Informática, postgraduado en Big Data y científico de datos I.T.B.A (Instituto Tecnológico Buenos Aires), cursando Magister Data Science UDD. Especialista de Soluciones Microsoft en plataforma de datos e Inteligencia Artificial. Scope: SQL Server, Azure Machine Learning, Cognitive Services, Business Intelligence, Power BI, Big Data, (Python / R / Julia / Scala). Data Science: experto Microsoft R Server (MRS), colaborando con proyectos de investigación avanzada como científico de datos y participando en discusiones de grupo Microsoft Data Scientist en la búsqueda de desarrollo de nuevos productos y resolución de casos de negocio.
Benjamin Nevarez
Twitter: - @BenjaminNevarez
Contact: http://www.benjaminnevarez.com/
Benjamin Nevarez is a SQL Server independent consultant based in Los Angeles, California, who specializes in SQL Server query tuning and optimization. He is the author of “SQL Server 2014 Query Tuning amp; Optimization” and “Inside the SQL Server Query Optimizer” and co-author of “SQL Server 2012 Internals.quot; Benjamin has also been a speaker at many SQL Server conferences, including PASS Summit, SQL Server Connections, and SQLBits. His blog can be found at http://www.benjaminnevarez.com.
Javier Villegas
Twitter: - https://www.twitter.com/javier_vill
LinkedIn: Javier Villegas
Contact: http://sql-javier-villegas.blogspot.com.ar/
Javier Villegas is a Database Administrator Manager for Mediterranean Shipping Company. Javier has more than 20 years working with SQL Server on every version from 6.5 to SQL Server 2019, Including SQL Azure Database and SQL Azure Managed Instance. His specialization is Administration, Performance Tuning and High Availability. He is a Microsoft MVP in Data Platform. Javier is a frequent speaker in conferences and events such as SQLSaturday , PASS Virtual Groups, 24 Hours SQL PASS , vOpen(NetConf), GroupBy and DataPlatformGeeks. @sqlargentina
Gaston Cruz
Twitter: - gastonfcruz
LinkedIn: Gaston Cruz
Contact: http://www.gastoncruz.com
Especialista en implementacion de soluciones en Inteligencia de Negocios, con pasion para disenar soluciones corporativas trabajando en equipos distribuidos.
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in Data Platform.
Business Intelligence (BI) - Consultorias Estrategicas BI Arquitectura Technology Feasibility Analysis Data Management /Governance Roadmap BI Program Management Data Quality Management and Analy
Especializaciones: Business Intelligence Solution / Technical Architect , SSIS , SSRS ,SSAS, SQL Server 2008 R2, 2012 , 2014, Power BI, Power View, Office 365, SharePoint 2013, Power View, Power Pivot ,Power Query, Power Map
Ultimas experiencias en tecnologias Microsoft: Power BI, Power View, Power Pivot, Power Qu
Patricio Cofre
Twitter: - pcofre
LinkedIn: Patricio Cofre
Contact: http://www.metricarts.com/noticias/
Microsoft Data Platform MVP Regional Director. PASS Chile User Group Leader. Master of Engineering Management, Northwestern University and Master of Engineering Sciences, Catholic University of Chile. He has developed and led projects of Analytics for various companies in Latam, mainly in the areas of financial services and retail. He has specialized in Data Warehousing, and Machine Learning. He is co-founder and CEO of Metric Arts. He is also lecturer at the Catholic University of Chile, University of Chile, Catholic University of Peru, Louisville University in Panama, INCAE Costa Rica and FIU in USA
Eduardo Castro
Twitter: - edocastro
LinkedIn: Eduardo Castro
Contact: http://ecastrom.blogspot.com
Eduardo Castro, Microsoft Data Platform MVP and PASS Board of Advisor for LATAM, is well known LATAM SQL Server Expert and focuses on architecture, Business Intelligence and Data Analytics, Eduardo has an specialization and master degree in Data Analysis and Big Data. I have been speaker at PASS Summit delivering session about R and Data Science.
Eduardo Castro has presented in United States, Costa Rica, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, El Salvador and South Korea.
Benjamin Nevarez
Twitter: - @BenjaminNevarez
Contact: http://www.benjaminnevarez.com/
Benjamin Nevarez is a SQL Server independent consultant based in Los Angeles, California, who specializes in SQL Server query tuning and optimization. He is the author of “SQL Server 2014 Query Tuning amp; Optimization” and “Inside the SQL Server Query Optimizer” and co-author of “SQL Server 2012 Internals.quot; Benjamin has also been a speaker at many SQL Server conferences, including PASS Summit, SQL Server Connections, and SQLBits. His blog can be found at http://www.benjaminnevarez.com.
Patricio Cofre
Twitter: - pcofre
LinkedIn: Patricio Cofre
Contact: http://www.metricarts.com/noticias/
Microsoft Data Platform MVP Regional Director. PASS Chile User Group Leader. Master of Engineering Management, Northwestern University and Master of Engineering Sciences, Catholic University of Chile. He has developed and led projects of Analytics for various companies in Latam, mainly in the areas of financial services and retail. He has specialized in Data Warehousing, and Machine Learning. He is co-founder and CEO of Metric Arts. He is also lecturer at the Catholic University of Chile, University of Chile, Catholic University of Peru, Louisville University in Panama, INCAE Costa Rica and FIU in USA
Gustavo Boismoreau
Twitter: - @boismo
LinkedIn: Gustavo Boismoreau
Contact: http://www.toadworld.com
Ingeniero en Sistemas recibido en UTN con 22 años de experiencia en la profesión. Estudio un MBA en el IAE. Trabajo en compañías como IBM, Telefónica, Sky, Global Crossing y Dell. Se ha desempeñado como implementador, desarrollador, Project Manager, Gerente de Desarrollo y Gerente de IT. Actualmente gerencia el equipo latinoamericano de sales engineers de la linea de negocio information management en Quest.
Nestor Campos
LinkedIn: Nestor Campos
Software Architect with experience in Cloud Computing with Azure and Big Data with Hadoop, Spark and MongoDB.
Javier Villegas
Twitter: - https://www.twitter.com/javier_vill
LinkedIn: Javier Villegas
Contact: http://sql-javier-villegas.blogspot.com.ar/
Javier Villegas is a Database Administrator Manager for Mediterranean Shipping Company. Javier has more than 20 years working with SQL Server on every version from 6.5 to SQL Server 2019, Including SQL Azure Database and SQL Azure Managed Instance. His specialization is Administration, Performance Tuning and High Availability. He is a Microsoft MVP in Data Platform. Javier is a frequent speaker in conferences and events such as SQLSaturday , PASS Virtual Groups, 24 Hours SQL PASS , vOpen(NetConf), GroupBy and DataPlatformGeeks. @sqlargentina
Javier Villegas
Twitter: - https://www.twitter.com/javier_vill
LinkedIn: Javier Villegas
Contact: http://sql-javier-villegas.blogspot.com.ar/
Javier Villegas is a Database Administrator Manager for Mediterranean Shipping Company. Javier has more than 20 years working with SQL Server on every version from 6.5 to SQL Server 2019, Including SQL Azure Database and SQL Azure Managed Instance. His specialization is Administration, Performance Tuning and High Availability. He is a Microsoft MVP in Data Platform. Javier is a frequent speaker in conferences and events such as SQLSaturday , PASS Virtual Groups, 24 Hours SQL PASS , vOpen(NetConf), GroupBy and DataPlatformGeeks. @sqlargentina
Kamal Valero
Twitter: - kamalvalero
LinkedIn: Kamal Valero
Gerente de Business Intelligence en Punto Ticket. Microsoft MVP en Data Platform
Gustavo Carneiro
Twitter: - @gustavosavant
LinkedIn: Gustavo Carneiro
Contact: http://@toad_brasil
Gustavo is the Strategic Solutions Consultant from Quest Software with 18+ years of IT technical and commercial experience. Previously was Dell End User Computing 3th party Software Consultant
Carlos Farias
Twitter: - ChilePass
Contact: http://chile.pass.org
Profesional con 10 años de experiencia en TI, en donde a desarrollado en la administracion de base de datos, gestion de proyecto y gestion de operaciones en las Tecnologías de la Información (accenture, sonda, eds) Transporte Marítimo/Portuario (CSAV, Hapag Lloyd) Retail (johnson) Banca (banco estado) Manufactura (CMPC S.a)
Dhiego Piroto
Twitter: - @dhiegopiroto
LinkedIn: Dhiego Piroto
Contact: http://dhiegopiroto.wordpress.com/
MCITP SQL Server 2008 (ADM amp; DEV). Atua com tecnologias SQL Server a 6 anos. Atualmente #233; consultor de performance, com foco em tecnologias Microsoft. Dentro dos clientes atentidos destacam-se institui#231;#245;es financeiras (nacionais e internacionais) e empresas de varejo. Contribui com a revista SQL Magazine e #233; membro atuante na comunidade SQL Server BR.
Benjamin Nevarez
Twitter: - @BenjaminNevarez
Contact: http://www.benjaminnevarez.com/
Benjamin Nevarez is a SQL Server independent consultant based in Los Angeles, California, who specializes in SQL Server query tuning and optimization. He is the author of “SQL Server 2014 Query Tuning amp; Optimization” and “Inside the SQL Server Query Optimizer” and co-author of “SQL Server 2012 Internals.quot; Benjamin has also been a speaker at many SQL Server conferences, including PASS Summit, SQL Server Connections, and SQLBits. His blog can be found at http://www.benjaminnevarez.com.
Eduardo Castro
Twitter: - edocastro
LinkedIn: Eduardo Castro
Contact: http://ecastrom.blogspot.com
Eduardo Castro, Microsoft Data Platform MVP and PASS Board of Advisor for LATAM, is well known LATAM SQL Server Expert and focuses on architecture, Business Intelligence and Data Analytics, Eduardo has an specialization and master degree in Data Analysis and Big Data. I have been speaker at PASS Summit delivering session about R and Data Science.
Eduardo Castro has presented in United States, Costa Rica, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, El Salvador and South Korea.
Mauricio Muñoz
LinkedIn: Mauricio Muñoz
More than 16 years of professional experience on Information Systems and Technology positions. Working experience and certifications on Information Security, Cloud, Middleware Integration, SoA, WebServices, Telecommunications Networking and Operating Systems. Currently helping customers to achieve business goals by using AWS Cloud architectures.
Cristobal Ibarra
LinkedIn: Cristobal Ibarra
Professional Profile Empathetic, proactive and with a strong knowledge profile in the area of information technology (IT). Highlighting the skills of analysis, design, management and evaluation of technology solutions in both software development and Business Intelligence. Objectives My goal is to belong to an organization where I can develop and enhance my skills, where I can contribute with my strengths (such as academic skills and experience) and provide all my knowledge to the management processes of the organization.
The following is a list of sponsors that helped fund the event: