SQLSaturday #579 - Vienna 2017

Event Date: 01/20/2017 00:00:00

Event Location:

  • JUFA Wien City
  • Mautner-Markhof-Gasse 50
  • Vienna, Vienna, Austria

PDF of Schedule

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This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.

Title: Data Science Track in the Microsoft Professional (Degree) Program [EN]

Abstract: Gain the skills you need to help you get the job you want - and use new, innovative solutions and knowledge services to build up your skills.

When you apply for a job in data science, employers want to know if you can analyze and visualize data with Excel or Power BI and whether you can use R or Python to explore the data. They also want to know that you understand key topics, like statistics and machine learning.

Use the latest tools to solve real-world data problems It takes more than knowledge to be effective as a data scientist—technical skills and real-world experience with data are critical. The courses in the Microsoft Professional Program include hands-on labs so you can practice with tools used by data scientists in the field today.

We show you in that session, how you can benefit from this Microsoft Professional Degree Program - Data Science, how we enrich the Microsoft content with additional services and what you can expect from this best-of-breed solution


  • Suha Güngören

Track and Room: BI (Architecture, Development, Administration, Analytics, Vizualization) - ETC

Title: Women in Technology – Ein Thema in Österreich? [DE]

Abstract: Weltweit ist die Anzahl von Frauen in technischen Berufen und speziell in der IT niedriger als in anderen Berufsgruppen. Wie gestaltet sich die Situation in Österreich? Und welche Gründe könnten hierzulande Einfluss darauf haben?

In einer offenen Gesprächsrunde möchten wir euch Zahlen und Fakten zu dem Thema sowie eigene Erfahrungsberichte präsentieren. Viel mehr sind wir aber an euren Erfahrungen und Meinungen interessiert? Musstet ihr Hindernisse in euren Berufsweg überwinden? Wünscht ihr euch Frauen im Team? Seid ihr auf der Suche nach Angestellten und würdet euch über weibliche Mitarbeiter freuen? Jeder ist hier gefragt und willkommen.

Genauso wichtig ist für uns, wie ihr die Rolle der PASS in diesem Kontext seht. Können wir etwas tun? Sollten wir auch? Was würdet ihr euch von uns wünschen?

Wir freuen uns auf eine rege Beteiligung. :-)


  • Gabi Münster

Track and Room: Lightning Talks - Microsoft

Title: New Security Features in SQL Server 2016

Abstract: In this session we will explore the new features introduced with SQL Server 2016 to enhance security. Always Encrypted is a new technology that protects your data not only at rest, but also throughout the whole interaction between the application and the database. Dynamic Data Masking is another interesting feature that allows us to protect sensitive data by masking it to all users that don’t have enough privileges to see the actual contents. Row Level Security allows showing to end users only the data they’re entitled to access, without changing the applications’ code. We will demonstrate the use of these three features with example applications and we will explore the use cases where these technologies represent a big leap from previous custom implementations.


  • Gianluca Sartori

Track and Room: Administration (Enterprise Database Deployment) - Microsoft

Title: Multi-client SSAS deployment : What’s MDS got to do with? [DE]

Abstract: A typical business case: A customer needs an analytical approach for several departments. Some requirements are identical, others differ. How do you design your architecture? Do you prefer building one big solution containing everything or do you build several small solutions, repeatedly building the shared requirements?

In this session we are looking into one possible approach: Build a large solution containing all client views. Maintain the client-specific master data in MDS 2016. The client specific deployment is designed to use AMO based on a client specific configuration.

But how about the Tabular mode? Let’s find out together if we can apply a similar approach by using TOM, the AMO extension for tabular model in SQL Server 2016.


  • Gabi Münster

Track and Room: BI (Architecture, Development, Administration, Analytics, Vizualization) - Trivadis

Title: R 101 - What is this R thing, and is it worth some effort? [DE]

Abstract: Everyone has heard phrases like “Data is the new oil” or “Data Analytics will shape business”, and maybe you are also wondering what this R thing is about and if it’s worth the effort to learn something new. This session is going to explain what R is and how it can help to refine your data and to better understand your business. Meaning, it provides ideas where R can be used in helping to answer some data related questions. An overview is given how R works with Power BI, from data cleansing to data enhancing to data visualization. An explanation is given why R will be a great addition to the SQL Server arsenal and how R can be used with Azure Machine Learning. This session is not about coding or statistics, but about introducing a great new companion.


  • Thomas Martens

Track and Room: BI (Architecture, Development, Administration, Analytics, Vizualization) - Trivadis

Title: SQL Server Infernals: Worst Practices in Action [EN]

Abstract: Let’s face it: Best Practices are too many to really know them all and choose which ones should be applied first. Does your telephone ring all the time? Do your users ask for that “quick report” that instead takes ages and keeps changing every time you think it’s done?

Have you ever thought that in dire times avoiding Worst Practices could be a good starting point and you can leave fine tuning for a better future? If the answer is “yes”, then this session is for you: we will discover together how not to torture a SQL Server instance and we will see how to avoid making choices that in the long run could turn out to be not as smart as they looked initially.


  • Gianluca Sartori

Track and Room: Development (Application Database) - ETC

Title: IoT in the wild [DE]

Abstract: In this session the learnings and architecture of an implemented IoT prototype will be presented. It implements a full working IoT solution with as less as possible individual coding and as such ready “made” components were preferred. Therefore, components like Azure IoTHub, Azure Stream Analytics, Azure Data Factory, Azure Logic Apps, Azure SQL Database, Power BI, and many more were put together. The implemented approach includes alarming, aggregation (Stream Analytics) and concludes with Machine Learning processes.

You will see an active solution with all parts working in a ready-made demo up to the dashboards in Power BI. So get ready for an interesting practical view on IoT in the “wild”.


  • Mario Schnalzenberger

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - Acceleratio

Title: Azure 101 for DB Administrators [DE]

Abstract: Die Cloud ist derzeit das Thema in der IT. Microsoft hat mit seiner Cloud Plattform Azure eine umfassende Lösung für die Entwicklung und den Betrieb von Anwendungen bereitgestellt, die in vielen Szenarien (Serverless-Computing, Mobile-Anwendungen, etc.) eingesetzt werden kann. Da es auch für Datenbank Administratoren und Entwickler interessant ist, welche Anwendungen auf meine Datenbank zugreifen, möchte ich in dieser Session einen kurzen Einblick in die verschiedenen Services von Azure liefern. Mit prägnanten Beispielen wird gezeigt, wie diese eingesetzt werden können und in Verbindung mit einem SQL Server stehen. Ebenso möchte ich zeigen, wie die Verwaltung und Einrichtung eines Azure-Kontos funktioniert und welche Tipps und Tricks es gibt, um Kosten zu sparen.


  • Raoul Holzer

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - Trivadis

Title: Doing Hadoop with Azure HDInsight [DE]

Abstract: Hadoop is everywhere. Growing from a project within Yahoo, it soon became a very popular tool for data analytics. Today, there are a lot of Hadoop installations in major companies and Hadoop is capable of analyzing large amounts of data. In this session, we will have a look at what Hadoop by outlining different tools such as HCatalog, Hive, Pig, Storm, Spark and HBase and will then look at HDInsight and its benefits.


  • Mario Meir-Huber

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - Solid Q

Title: Azure SQL Data Warehouse: What, Where, How [EN]

Abstract: Have you heard about Azure SQL DWH? Do you want to move your current DWH into the Cloud? Can I use Azure SQL DWH like my regular DWH on-premise? In this session I’m going to answer on these questions. Also, I will prodive information where is better to use Azure SQL DWH and what is more important, how to use it.


  • Sergiy Lunyakin

Track and Room: BI (Architecture, Development, Administration, Analytics, Vizualization) - Solid Q

Title: A time travel with temporal tables [EN]

Abstract: Temporal Tables is a new feature in SQL Server 2016, that allows to see the data (in one or more tables) exactly as they were in a point of time ago.

In this session will be shown the most useful scenarios: 1) Auditing efects 2) Trending Analytics 3) A cloud based approach to handle Historical Data



Track and Room: Development (Application Database) - Trivadis

Title: Extended Events – The Top Features for efficient Traces [DE]

Abstract: Extended Events, which entered the product in SQL Server 2008, are replacing the old SQL Trace Profiler - and there are many good reasons for that. In this session you will see a selection of the most fascinating possibilities using this Tracing Framework. If you want to find out how to trace in a flexible and lightweight way, how to do advanced analysis directly inside the GUI, how to audit Database and Table-access without Auditing, how to analyze deadlocks without old-fashioned TraceFlags based on the built-in system_health session, this session is just for you. You will also learn how to use the GUI in an effective way for top-down-analysis and what is possible with some XQuery scripting.


  • Andreas Wolter

Track and Room: Administration (Enterprise Database Deployment) - Pyramid

Title: SQL Server on Linux [DE]

Abstract: “I double checked the calendar but it’s not 1th April…” (‏@ildivenire) Tatsächlich, am 7. März 2016 stellt Microsoft Pläne für SQL Server auf Linux vor. Warum Microsoft das tut, wie SQL Server on Linux so manchen Entwicklungsprozess revolutionieren kann und was mit den Preview Releases bereits möglich ist, zeige ich in meiner Session.


  • Florian Mader

Track and Room: Development (Application Database) - Microsoft

Title: Apply the Power of Azure Data Lake Analytics to Your BI Landscape [DE]

Abstract: Azure Data Lake Analytics (ADLA) is a new service from Microsoft for Analytics on Big Data Workload. U-SQL as a query language offers extraordinary query and transformation power by combining C# and SQL together. Nice! But: How do you integrate this service into your existing BI workload?

In this session you will learn how to integrate relational databases (SQL Azure DB, Azure DWH, or SQL Server) by federation with ADLA, how to trigger jobs from on-prem systems like SSIS, and how to orchestrate the service via Azure Data Factory. Through live demos you will see that this service gives you great computing power for your BI landscape and integration is not that difficult.


  • Oliver Engels

Track and Room: BI (Architecture, Development, Administration, Analytics, Vizualization) - Microsoft

Title: Maximierung Ihres Investments in Microsoft mit Pyramid Analytics [DE]

Abstract: Die Datennutzung, d.h. die effektive Sammlung, Auswertung und Reporting von organisationsrelevanten Informationen, ist eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben, die CIOs derzeit als wettbewerbsfähigen Vorteil betrachten und für die CFOs bereit sind, erheblich zu investieren. Zahlreichen branchenführenden Unternehmen ist es bereits gelungen, ihre Geschäftsabläufe von „datenblind“ auf „datengestützt“ umzustellen. Der Business Intelligence-Markt wächst zweistellig. Erfahren Sie in diesem Vortrag, wie Sie mit BI Office Ihr Investment in Microsoft optimieren können und zu einem datengestützten Unternehmen werden. Sehen Sie, wie dies mit Microsofts Power BI zusammenspielt und hören Sie dazu hilfreiche Praxisbeispiele.


  • Emma Page

Track and Room: BI (Architecture, Development, Administration, Analytics, Vizualization) - Pyramid

Title: Exploring Dark Data with SQL Server 2016 and R [EN]

Abstract: With the addition of R into SQL Server 2016, Microsoft have provided a few extra degrees of freedom for the standard SQL developer. You can now use the R language to wrangle, clean and collect external data, using libraries and functionality that simply wasn’t available to you before with regular T-SQL. Performing data enrichment at scale with SQL Server or even Microsoft R Server can provide extremely valuable new insights for your clients and start reaping the benefits of big data.

In this session, Consolidata’s Oliver Frost shows you how to develop your own application for tapping into ‘dark data’. Ollie will demonstrate how to stream live tweets, perform aggregations in R and pipe the output to a Power BI dashboard, giving you a full end-to-end experience of the importance of learning some basic R code in 2016.

This session is for anyone who is new to R and is interesting expanding their skill set beyond their comfort zone in SQL Server.


  • Oliver Frost

Track and Room: Development (Application Database) - Microsoft

Title: Business Intelligence for Modern IoT Solutions in Microsoft Azure [EN]

Abstract: The Internet of Things is becoming reality at a rapid pace. Many objects in the real world can be connected to the Internet. Cloud computing is the best option for the IoT backend. Microsoft Azure offers the best set of services, required for the Internet of Things solutions, including a wide set of storages, websites, cloud services, Azure Service Bus / Event Hubs, Mobile Services, AD authentication and many data platform and BI related products like Azure SQL Database, DocumentDB, Azure Storage, Azure Stream Analytics, Machine Learning, Power BI and more..

This talk is about the main types of BI, used in IoT systems. Presentation is also about the most used Azure components, related to BI. You will see several real-life examples for BI in IoT solutions in different areas: smart energy systems, charging stations for electric cars and logistic systems.


  • Mihail Mateev

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - Pyramid

Title: String Concatenation Done Right [EN]

Abstract: Numerous techniques for concatenating string data can be found online, and even in some books. In this session you will learn two of them that are reliable, and fairly easy to understand, implement, and deploy. You will also learn how to control the order of the values being concatenated, a feature that is not natively provided by SQL Server.


  • Matija Lah

Track and Room: Development (Application Database) - Pyramid

Title: Recommendations in Azure ML and Cognitive Services [DE]

Abstract: Wer schon erste Erfahrungen mit Azure ML gesammelt hat, der weiß wie schwer es ist zum Teil ein passenden Algorithmus zu finden, der auf die gestellt Aufgabe passt. Die Cognitive Services werden immer mächtiger und einfach anzusprechen.

Mit dem Fokus auf Vorschläge (Kunden die dieses Produkt kauften, kauften auch …) vergleiche ich Azure ML und Cognitive Servies Recommendations. Das Ergebnis ist bei beiden das gleiche, ein Vorschlag welcher Artikel auch interessant sein könnte. Nur das wie ist für den Developer deutlich anders.


  • Alexander Klein

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - Trivadis

Title: SQL Security in the Cloud [EN]

Abstract: Our data should be secure. And our environment too. What we can do for maximize security in a hybrid environment, where SQL Server exist in two forms: premise and cloud. How organize our job, how control our data if we use Windows Azure SQL Database - The Cloud Database. Physical security, policy based management, auditing, encryption, federation, access and authorization. All of those subjects will be covered on my session.


  • Tobias Koprowski

Track and Room: Administration (Enterprise Database Deployment) - Acceleratio

Title: Peanut Butter Chocolate: Integrating Hadoop with SQL Server [EN]

Abstract: So you jumped on the bandwagon and set up a Hadoop cluster…but now what? Your database developers and app developers know how to integrate with and develop against SQL Server, but the Hadoop world is a completely different experience. This talk will help bridge the gap between SQL Server and Hadoop, using tools such as SQL Server Integration Services and Sqoop to migrate data between a Hadoop cluster and a SQL Server instance, as well as PolyBase to integrate the two like never before.


  • Kevin Feasel

Track and Room: Development (Application Database) - Acceleratio

Title: SSIS für Faulpelze – Einführung in Biml [DE]

Abstract: Jeder der sich mit dem Thema Datenbeladung per SSIS beschäftigt weiß: Viel von dem was wir tun ist weder technisch anspruchsvoll noch kreativ. Es ist eine Wiederholung der Wiederholung der Wiederholung. Warum also nicht langweilige Tasks automatisieren und sich auf die spannenden Themen konzentrieren? In diesem Vortrag schauen wir uns in einigen Demos gemeinsam an, wie sich eine komplette Staging-Umgebung mit BIML aufbauen und warten lässt.


  • Ben Weissman

Track and Room: BI (Architecture, Development, Administration, Analytics, Vizualization) - ETC

Title: In the name of the resources: Aggregating data [EN]

Abstract: The queries that are used for reports are usually the least efficient because you are dealing with huge amounts of data from tables sometimes joined many, many times. In this session we will go through good and bad examples of aggregating the data from your relational database. You will see tips on how to get good use of the indexes, how to lower the number of actual table queries and other tricks that will make your queries run faster.


  • Dejan Dular

Track and Room: Development (Application Database) - Solid Q

Title: SQL 2016 New features [EN]

Abstract: SQL 2016 is now here packed with new features such Always Encrypted, Dynamic Data Masking, temporal tables, stretched tables, Query Store, Live Query stats and more. This talk gives an overview of what#39;s new and improved in SQL Server 2016 and demonstrates some of these features


  • David Postlethwaite

Track and Room: Administration (Enterprise Database Deployment) - Solid Q

Title: Microsoft Business Intelligence für alle mobilen Plattformen [DE]

Abstract: Cloud First, Mobile First! Das gilt auch für SQL Server 2016. In dieser Session betrachten wir die mobilen Fähigkeiten von SQL Server 2016. Der Reporting Service hat nun umfangreiche Möglichkeiten, um Daten und Analysen auf mobilen Geräten darzustellen Die Session beleuchtet Erstellung, Datenzugriff, Sicherheit, Design und Verteilung und zeigt an Beispielen, dass die Reporting Services 2016 wirklich „Mobile First“ sind. Ein Vergleich mit den mobilen Lösungen von Power BI, der Cloud-Lösung für Self-Service-BI, rundet die Session ab.


  • Frank Geisler

Track and Room: BI (Architecture, Development, Administration, Analytics, Vizualization) - Acceleratio

Title: What is new in SQL Server 2016 Availability Group [EN]

Abstract: SQL Server 2016 has lots of new features and changes in Availability Group. This session is about the new things and demo about the followings: Workgroup cluster + AAG, Direct Seeding, DB_FAILOVER and Load balancing secondary replica.


  • Janos Berke

Track and Room: Administration (Enterprise Database Deployment) - ETC

Title: Lightning Talks (Ehrenmüller, Zunzer, Brückl, Monchen Strasser)

Abstract: Markus Ehrenmüller-Jensen: Burst Your Sun (Glasses) - Improve your Datavizualisation Heino Zunzer: Testing your database with tSQLt Gerhard Brückl: Polybase – Big Data meets SQL Server Erik Monchen: SQL Server Reporting Services - What’s new Wolfgang Strasser: Power BI und ihre On-Premises Daten


  • Markus Ehrenmueller-Jensen

Track and Room: Lightning Talks - Pyramid

Title: SQL Server 2016 R Integration for database administrators [EN]

Abstract: SQL Server 2016 came equipped with R Microsoft Server and native integration of R Language. R is a powerful language and environment for statistical computing, data mining, predictive analytics and visualizations.

This session will explore possibilities on how R integration can work for DBA. And how it can help them with their daily tasks. Extending the possibilities of statistical analysis and predictions beyond customer related world into administrative world.


  • Tomaž Kaštrun

Track and Room: Administration (Enterprise Database Deployment) - Microsoft

Title: Modern Database Administration using PowerShell and dbatools [EN]

Abstract: In this session, I’ll feature some crazy useful PowerShell commands from the dbatools module. This SQL Server-centric toolset, which has evolved into an open-source community project with over 20 contributors, includes commands like Remove-SqlDatabaseSafely, Set-SqlTempDbConfiguration, Find-SqlDuplicateIndex, Show-SqlWhoIsActive, Test-SqlPowerPlan and Repair-SqlOrphanUser.

Join for me for this electric, demo-heavy session to learn how to greatly simplify your life as a DBA.


  • Chrissy LeMaire

Track and Room: Administration (Enterprise Database Deployment) - Solid Q

Title: Introduction into Microsoft Azure [DE]

Abstract: Microsoft Azure is a flexible, open, and secure cloud built for business. It provides access to a broad collection of integrated cloud services that accommodate many languages and operating systems. Join this session to get an introduction into the cloud platform and discover, at a high level, what powerful data and analytics services it provides.


  • Oliver Lintner

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - Acceleratio

Title: Automating the testing of your BI solutions with NBi [EN]

Abstract: If you want to accelerate the testing of your BI solutions, the best strategy is the automation of your tests with the help of a dedicated framework. During this session, we’ll take a look to the features of the open-source framework named “NBi” (www.nbi.io). This framework is providing support for automated tests on the fields of databases, cubes, reports and ETLs, without the need of .Net skills. The demos will show us the best approaches to quickly and effectively assert the quality of BI developments. We’ll go a step further, generating the tests by an interesting system of templates and test-cases sources.


  • Cédric Charlier

Track and Room: BI (Architecture, Development, Administration, Analytics, Vizualization) - Acceleratio

Title: If a machine can learn, why can’t YOU learn Azure Machine Learning? [EN]

Abstract: Are you a DBA or Developer and would like to get started with AzureML the EASY WAY? AzureML isn’t just for “data scientists”… Anyone can use it! And after this session you’ll be using it too… Disclaimer: Sadly, AzureML still can’t predict what’s on your girlfriend’s mind. Nothing ever will.


  • André Melancia

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - ETC


This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.

Gianluca Sartori

Twitter: - http://twitter.com/#!/spaghettidba

LinkedIn: Gianluca Sartori

Contact: http://spaghettidba.com

Gianluca Sartori is a Data Platform MVP, independent consultant and performance tuning specialist. He has been working in the software industry since 1999 and has been working with SQL Server ever since. He also works as a SQL Server trainer and in his spare time he writes technical articles and participates the SQL Server forums. Gianluca enjoys presenting SQL Server topics at conferences in Europe and in Italy in particular. He is currently working as lead DBA at a famous Formula 1 team.


Twitter: - leonel_abreu


An IT Pro who likes to play chess and baseball.

System Engineer degree since 2007, formerly Data Warehousing teacher at university levels from 2008 to 2009. Microsoft Student Partner during the years 2006 - 2007, Second Place in Microsoft Andean Imagine Cup (2006), MCTS, MCITP and MCP with over a decade of experience with SQL Server, working in BI, DBA, Database Development, .net Development, SharePoint and other several areas.

Since 2014 based in Barcelona, Spain. Learning enthusiast and always with passion for new technologies and new challenges.

Andreas Wolter

Twitter: - AndreasWolter

LinkedIn: Andreas Wolter

Contact: http://www.andreas-wolter.com/blog/

Andreas Wolter is a Program Manager for SQL Server- and Azure Security at Microsoft. In this role he is working on Security features of SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and Managed Instance. He is currently focusing on “Separation of Duties”-concepts and RBAC-Integration. He has 18 years of experience with SQL Server before joining Microsoft and is the founder of Sarpedon Quality Lab, the Germany-based company specialized on SQL Server HA, Performance and Security. He is Microsoft Certified Master (MCM) for SQL Server and Microsoft Certified Solutions Master for the Data Platform (MCSM) and was recognized as MVP for multiple years in row.

Mario Schnalzenberger

Mario Schnalzenberger ist seit 20 Jahren in der IT-Industrie t#228;tig und hat sich in den letzten acht Jahren im Bereich Statistik und Big Data an der Universit#228;t und im Predictive Bereich besch#228;ftigt. Seit zwei Jahren ist er im cubido-Team und unterst#252;tzt die Kunden in diesem spannenden Umfeld. Mario hat Abschl#252;sse in Statistik, Volkswirtschaftslehre und Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Er unterrichtet seit 7 Jahren an der Universit#228;t Linz und anderen Hochschulen in #214;sterreich sowie der HTL Leonding. Er tr#228;gt regelm#228;#223;ig bei verschiedensten Konferenzen in den vielf#228;ltigen Themen der angewandten Statistik, Informatik und Big Data vor.

Cédric Charlier

Twitter: - @Seddryck

LinkedIn: Cédric Charlier

Contact: http://seddryck.wordpress.com

Cédric is a talented architect and Data Platform MVP active in the domain of Business Intelligence and Data warehousing. He has more than 10 years of successful experiences with SQL Server in European industrial groups and services companies. Driven by quality and reliability, he is the main developer of an open-source solution for testing BI solutions (cubes, etl, reports) named NBi (www.nbi.io). Cedric also advocates for the introduction and general usage of agile practices in BI’s world.

Mario Meir-Huber

Mario Meir-Huber is a Big Data Architect for Microsoft in Austria. Before joining Microsoft, Mario worked 7 years in the area of Big Data, mainly Hadoop in Eastern Europe. Next to work, he teaches Big Data and Hadoop at several national and international universities and wrote two books on Cloud Computing. He is a frequent speaker at national and international events on Big Data

Sergiy Lunyakin

Twitter: - slunyakin

LinkedIn: Sergiy Lunyakin

Contact: https://slunyakin.wordpress.com

Sergiy Lunyakin (MCSA, MCSE, MCTS) is a Big Data Architect at SoftServe, Inc. He has extensive experience in designing and developing Big Data Analytics, Data Warehouse, and BI solutions, using both on-premises and cloud products. In 2016, Sergiy became Microsoft Data Platform MVP and has since maintained his MVP status. Sharing knowledge is another one of his passions. He regularly speaks at international conferences such as SQLSaturday, SQLDay, SQLNexus, and SQLBits. He also runs the Lviv SQL Server User Group in Ukraine and organizes SQLSaturday Lviv.

Gabi Münster

Twitter: - @SQLMissSunshine

LinkedIn: Gabi Münster

Gabi Münster is working as a Business Intelligence consultant and team lead and brings in her experience with SQL Server, data warehousing, relational and multidimensional database design and implementation, report and dashboard design, and Master Data Services, as well as project management into the community as a regional PASS Local Group lead. She is also passionate about motivating other women to start a technical career and therefore initiates and supports “Women in Technology” events. Apart from SQLSaturdays, she also spoke at SQLBits, SQL Nexus, Tuga IT, and 2015’s and 2017’s PASS Summit. In October 2017 Gabi received her first Data Platform MVP award.

Thomas Martens

Twitter: - tommartens68

LinkedIn: Thomas Martens

Contact: http://minceddata.info

Thomas “Tom” Martens has been awarded as a MSFT Data Platform MVP and works as Lead Expert at b.telligent (www.btelligent.com). For 20+ years Tom delivers Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing and Analytics solutions. Tom helps organizations to become data driven by implementing self service Business Intelligence tools at enterprise scale. His current interest is about the visualization of data and applying analytical methods to small and large amounts of data. Tom is a regular speaker at the PASS User Groups, Power BI User Group, SQLSaturdays, the PASS Camp and also the SQL Server Konferenz.

Florian Mader

currently Solution Architect in EPG, previously Consultant in MCS

Kevin Feasel

Twitter: - feaselkl

LinkedIn: Kevin Feasel

Contact: http://www.catallaxyservices.com

Kevin Feasel is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and CTO at Envizage, where he specializes in data analytics with T-SQL and R, forcing Spark clusters to do his bidding, fighting with Kafka, and pulling rabbits out of hats on demand. He is the lead contributor to Curated SQL (https://curatedsql.com), president of the Triangle Area SQL Server Users Group (https://www.meetup.com/tripass), and author of PolyBase Revealed (https://www.apress.com/us/book/9781484254608). A resident of Durham, North Carolina, he can be found cycling the trails along the triangle whenever the weather’s nice enough.

Gianluca Sartori

Twitter: - http://twitter.com/#!/spaghettidba

LinkedIn: Gianluca Sartori

Contact: http://spaghettidba.com

Gianluca Sartori is a Data Platform MVP, independent consultant and performance tuning specialist. He has been working in the software industry since 1999 and has been working with SQL Server ever since. He also works as a SQL Server trainer and in his spare time he writes technical articles and participates the SQL Server forums. Gianluca enjoys presenting SQL Server topics at conferences in Europe and in Italy in particular. He is currently working as lead DBA at a famous Formula 1 team.

André Melancia

Twitter: - AndyPT

LinkedIn: André Melancia

Contact: http://Andy.PT

Owner / Principal Consultant at LunarCat.PT Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) focusing on SQL Server, Azure, IoT and Security.

19+ years’ fun developing information and multimedia systems, DBA, project and IT management.

Data Community Portugal, IT Pro Portugal and PowerShell Portugal communities organiser. IPv6 Portugal, DNSSec Portugal and Windows Development Portugal online communities moderator. Actively volunteering, organising, speaking or just participating at community meetings and events around the world.

Proud uncle and food devouring expert, with dangerous рuϧϧy cat as companion.

Go to http://Andy.PT and you’ll know the same as the NSA…

Matija Lah

Twitter: - @MatijaLah

LinkedIn: Matija Lah

Contact: http://milambda.blogspot.com

Matija Lah has more than a decade of experience working with Microsoft SQL Server, mostly architecting data-centric solutions in the legal domain. His contributions to the SQL Server community have led to the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional award in 2007 (Data Platform), which he held until 2017. In 2008 Matija joined SolidQ as a Mentor, located in Central and Eastern Europe. He spends most of his time on projects involving advanced information management, and natural language processing.

Alexander Klein

Twitter: - @SQL_Alex

LinkedIn: Alexander Klein

Alexander Klein is a senior Business Intelligence consultant with more than 15 years of experience. He focuses on Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse projects with Microsoft technologies like SQL Server, Power BI, Azure ML or Cortana Intelligence.

Since 2008, he has been a self-employed consultant in large and medium-sized projects in all sectors across Europe. He has been visiting SQLSaturdays and other Data Conference all over Europe since 2013. Speaker at national and international events since 2017.

Gabi Münster

Twitter: - @SQLMissSunshine

LinkedIn: Gabi Münster

Gabi Münster is working as a Business Intelligence consultant and team lead and brings in her experience with SQL Server, data warehousing, relational and multidimensional database design and implementation, report and dashboard design, and Master Data Services, as well as project management into the community as a regional PASS Local Group lead. She is also passionate about motivating other women to start a technical career and therefore initiates and supports “Women in Technology” events. Apart from SQLSaturdays, she also spoke at SQLBits, SQL Nexus, Tuga IT, and 2015’s and 2017’s PASS Summit. In October 2017 Gabi received her first Data Platform MVP award.

Mihail Mateev

Twitter: - mihailmateev

LinkedIn: Mihail Mateev

Contact: https://mmateev.wordpress.com/

Mihail Mateev is a technical consultant, community enthusiast, PASS Regional Mentor for CEE, chapter lead, Microsoft Azure MVP, Microsoft Regional Director. He works as a Senior Solutions Architect at EPAM Systems, focused on Data Platform, IoT and cloud related solutions. He also worked many years like a Technical evangelist in the Infragistics. Last years Mihail was focused on various areas related to technology Microsoft: Data Platform, Visual Studio, ASP.Net, Windows client apps, Data Platform, and Microsoft Azure. Michael also has a PhD in cloud computing area. He is a university lecturer on Smart Homes and Smart Energy IoT Solutions.

Tobias Koprowski

Twitter: - @KoprowskiT

LinkedIn: Tobias Koprowski

Contact: http://koprowskit.eu/geek/

Founder of Shadowland Consulting. In January 2015 decided to permanently leave Poland and discover new worlds. Actually settled in Hucknall (The Last home of The Byron Family). Community leader focused on SQL Server, SharePoint, security, collaboration and ITIL, DR, BCM, and SLA. Love licensing stuff.

Microsoft Certified Trainer, freelancer, and consultant. Subject Matter Expert at Microsoft. Member of Microsoft Terminology Community, Friends of RedGate PLUS, PASS, ISSA, ACM and more. Since 1st July 2010 Data Platform MVP. Creator of SQLDAY Conference and Conference CEO 2009-2011. Co-Leader of PASS East Midlands Group. Speaker at group meetings and conferences. STEM Ambassador.

Traveler. Coffee Addicted.

Chrissy LeMaire

Twitter: - @cl

LinkedIn: Chrissy LeMaire

Contact: https://netnerds.net

Chrissy LeMaire is a Data Platform and PowerShell MVP who has worked in IT for over 20 years. She works for General Dynamics and serves as the SQL Server DBA at NATO Special Ops HQ in Belgium. She is also an avid scripter, and has used PowerShell since it was introduced in 2005 at the Microsoft Professional Conference in Los Angeles. Chrissy is the creator of the popular dbatools PowerShell module for SQL Server.

Chrissy recently achieved her MS in Systems Engineering at Regis University ‍

Frank Geisler

Twitter: - @Frank Geisler

LinkedIn: Frank Geisler

Contact: http://www.gdsbi.de

Frank Geisler is owner and CEO of GDS Business Intelligence GmbH. He is SQL Server MVP, MCT, MCSE – Business Intelligence, MCSE – Data Plattform and MCSE - Azure Solutions Architect. In his Job he is building Business Intelligence Systems based on Microsoft Technology, mainly on SQL Server and SharePoint.

Heino Zunzer

Twitter: - @hzunzer

LinkedIn: Heino Zunzer

Contact: http://heinozunzer.com

Starting out as a C/C++ developer over the way opf system administration I finally found my calling as Database Developer/Architect/part-time DBA. I have been working with SQL Server for 20 years now, the last six years exclusivly so. Though my jobs often include all areas of SQL Server, my main focus is and will remain Database Modelling, Development, Development life cycle and performance tuning.

Certifications: MCSE: Data Platform MPD: Windows Developer

Oliver Lintner

Oliver joined Microsoft Austria in 2011 as a, so called, quot;Premier Field Engineer (PFE) for Developmentquot;. Over more than three years he supported many different Microsoft customers around Europe before he moved on and became a Technical Evangelist (TE) for Azure. As a TE, most of his time Oliver engages with different MS customers working on exciting projects around the Microsoft Azure cloud platform.

Mihail Mateev

Twitter: - mihailmateev

LinkedIn: Mihail Mateev

Contact: https://mmateev.wordpress.com/

Mihail Mateev is a technical consultant, community enthusiast, PASS Regional Mentor for CEE, chapter lead, Microsoft Azure MVP, Microsoft Regional Director. He works as a Senior Solutions Architect at EPAM Systems, focused on Data Platform, IoT and cloud related solutions. He also worked many years like a Technical evangelist in the Infragistics. Last years Mihail was focused on various areas related to technology Microsoft: Data Platform, Visual Studio, ASP.Net, Windows client apps, Data Platform, and Microsoft Azure. Michael also has a PhD in cloud computing area. He is a university lecturer on Smart Homes and Smart Energy IoT Solutions.

Dejan Dular

Twitter: - @dejandular

LinkedIn: Dejan Dular

Dejan is an independent .NET and SQL developer. During his career he developed applications mainly in the area of Customer Management Systems and Supply Chain Management. In the last years he specialized as a back-end developer and data specialist. He is also a Microsoft Dynamics CRM expert.

In his free time he is working with IoT and calls himself a DIY freak.

Suha Güngören

Mag. Suha Güngören studierte Betriebswirtschaft mit Schwerpunkt Rechnungswesen, Unternehmensfinanzierung und Kapitalmärkte und ist seit 1995 als Trainer tätig. Seit 1998 ist er Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT). Seine Spezialgebiete sind Datenbanken, Business Intelligence und SharePoint als Präsentationsmedium. Weitreichende Erfahrungen konnte er aus einer Vielzahl an Projekten innerhalb der unterschiedlichsten Branchen sammeln. Die Mehrheit dieser Projekte hatten den Bereich Datenbanken im Projektfokus.

Heute ist er auch der primary contact für Data Science Projekte bei ETC, um Kunden auf die Herausforderungen der Zukunft optimal vorzubereiten

Oliver Engels

Twitter: - @oengels

Contact: http://www.ssis-components.net

Oliver Engels is CEO of oh22data AG, a Microsoft Gold Partner in Germany specializing in CRM and BI. His special interests are Azure, Data Governance and Integration, Visualisation Tools like SSRS, Power BI, Tableau, R, and SharePoint. He has worked with SQL Server since version 6.5 and is a founder and Board member of PASS Germany, a PASS Regional Mentor, and runs the Frankfurt PASS Local Group. For more than seven years he is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and a Microsoft pTSP.

Markus Ehrenmueller-Jensen

Twitter: - MEhrenmueller

LinkedIn: Markus Ehrenmueller-Jensen

Contact: http://www.savorydata.com

Markus Ehrenmueller-Jensen, as the founder of Savory Data, has a long history of providing customer solutions in the areas of data engineering, data science, and Business Intelligence. He is a certified software engineer, a graduated business educator, and professor of Databases Project Management at HTL Leonding, and is certified as an MCSE MCT. He is a published author and writes articles for well-known journals. He co-founded PASS Austria and organizes SQLSaturdays in Austria. Markus is a founding member of Power BI Usergroup Austria. Since 2017 Markus was awarded as an Microsoft Data Platform MVP.

Raoul Holzer

Twitter: - @RaoulHolzer

Raoul Holzer ist in der Firma TechTalk als Senior Entwickler nicht nur in Projekten tätig, sondern auch als Coach und Consultant mit den Themen Application Lifecycle Management und Cloud-Computing unterwegs.  Auch hat er schon auf den Linuxwochen in Wien und auf der Agile Tour Vienna Vortäge gehalten.

David Postlethwaite

Twitter: - @postledm

LinkedIn: David Postlethwaite

Contact: http://www.gethynellis.com/

David Postlethwaite has been a DBA for Liverpool Victoria in Bournemouth, England since 2008 He supports both Oracle and SQL Server from 2000 to 2017, DBMS, SSIS, SSAS and Reporting Services. In 2015 David built and deployed the company’s first cloud solution using Microsoft Azure SQL Database and web services

Before becoming a DBA David was a .NET developer and way back in history a Windows and Netware administrator.

He is an occasional blogger on www.gethynellis.com

David is a regular speaker for SQLSaturday. Most of his presentations can be found on his YouTube channel www.youtube.com/c/DavidPostlethwaiteSQL

Oliver Frost

Twitter: - @OFrost

LinkedIn: Oliver Frost

I currently work predominantly as a Data Engineer for Consolidata Ltd with side roles in Engagement, Marketing and Sales. My background is in Neuroscience and so I would like to cover cross-over topics in the future (machine learning, deep learning and developing algorithms).

My tool set includes: SQL Server, R, Microsoft R Server and Azure. I have a good knowledge of other NoSQL technologies including Hadoop, Spark and Neo4j.

I also have an unconventiona background - I am also a current world record holder for solving the 4x4x4 blindfolded Rubik’sCube blindfolded!

Janos Berke

Twitter: - @JanosBerke

LinkedIn: Janos Berke

Contact: http://www.iamberke.com

I am an IT professional with over a decade of technical and management experience. I am using SQL Server since version 6.5. Currently I am a consultant and helping companies in SQL Server design, migrations, operation and developments as well as providing customized training .

Ben Weissman

Twitter: - bweissman

LinkedIn: Ben Weissman

Ben Weissman has been working with SQL Server since SQL Server 6.5, mainly in the BI/Datawarehousing field. He is a Data Platform MVP, MCSE Data Management and Analytics, and a Certified Data Vault Data Modeler. He is also the first BimlHero Certified Expert in Germany and a co-author of ‘SQL Server Big Data Clusters’ and ‘The Biml Book’. Ben has been involved in more than 150 BI Projects and is always looking for ways to become more productive and make SQL Server even more fun! Together with his team at Solisyon, Ben provides training, implementation and consultancy for SQL/BI developers and data analysts in upper-mid-market companies around the globe.

Tomaž Kaštrun

Twitter: - @tomaz_tsql

LinkedIn: Tomaž Kaštrun

Contact: http://www.tomaztsql.wordpress.com

Tomaž Kaštrun is BI developer and data analyst. His main focus are data mining, T-SQL development, programming and query optimization. He has been working with SQL server since version 2000. He is Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft MVP for data platform and Microsoft trainer.

Emma Page

Twitter: - @tweet_page

LinkedIn: Emma Page

Emma Page ist bei Pyramid Analytics zusammen mit ihrem Team für die Marktentwicklung in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz zuständig. Zuvor war sie während 15 Jahren in verschiedenen Sales und Business Development Funktionen für Microsoft, IBM und zuletzt Evernote tätig. Sie hat an der Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich Betriebsökonomie studiert.


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