SQLSaturday #564 - Orlando 2016

Event Date: 11/12/2016 00:00:00

Event Location:

  • Seminole State College of Florida
  • 100 Weldon Blvd Building UP
  • Sanford, Florida

PDF of Schedule

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This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.

Title: MICROSOFT: SQL Server 2016 Stretch Database

Abstract: Your cold data growth is getting out of control, storage consumption is increasing faster than your budget, your end-users won’t (or can’t) tell you what can delete or truncate, but they demand their cold or archived data always be online and available. Now you have tables so big that you dread re-indexing, and you have to look for ever more creative solutions to manage this data, while still remaining compliant. #160; There’s a solution that lets you take advantage of the Cloud, on your terms, all without impacting your existing end-user applications or queries. #160; Come find out how you can move your data securely and transparently, free up disc space and reduce your enterprise storage consumption, while retaining full control from the on-premises SQL Server. You’ll reduce maintenance operations time and resources, plus lower overall cost. Learn how SQL Server Stretch database will simplify your journey to the Cloud!


  • Anthony van Gemert

Track and Room: Application Database Development - DBA Admin 2 - Rm 4106

Title: Building Defense in Depth Using the Full Spectrum of SQL Server Encryption

Abstract: As the threat of Cybercrime and data breaches increases, it is important to know and understand the variety of options available to protect Personally Identifying Information and other business sensitive data. You need to be prepared to defend yourself from the threat of data theft by learning about and combining methods of encrypting data at rest and in transit. In this presentation, you will learn about encrypting data at rest, data in transit, securing the channels through which data is transported and other topics related to cryptography in SQL Server including details about validating certificates and preventing man in the middle attacks against your server. Other topics include an overview of replicating encrypted data and designing systems so that the DBA can’t decrypt the data. By the end of the session, you will understand how and when to use and combine every available encryption feature to design a defense in depth strategy for protecting data from escaping your network.


  • Michael Keleher

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Analytics Viz - Rm 3207

Title: Supercharge Your Maintenance Plans!

Abstract: Today’s SQL Server DBA has a myriad of options when it comes to implementing their backup and maintenance strategies. From internal maintenance plans to all-encompassing third-party solutions, the options are practically endless. One very popular solution revolves around a set of free scripts provided by Swedish data scientist, Ola Hallengren. These well admired scripts are used by corporations large and small worldwide in order to facilitate backups, integrity checks, and index maintenance operations.

In this session, not only will we introduce these scripts to those unfamiliar with them, but just as importantly, we’ll take a detailed look into just how these scripts can be extended and customized even further. You’ll be amazed at the flexibility offered by the optional parameters. We’ll also take a gander into the remarkably detailed logging tables in order to inspect the raw data and possibly turn it into a valuable reporting data source.


  • Troy Gallant

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - DBA Admin - Rm 4208

Title: Data Partitioning for Database Architects and Mere Mortals

Abstract: Data partitioning is an essential technique that simplifies database administration tasks, improves system availability and reduces the cost of the solution. Contrary to popular belief, data partitioning is not limited to partitioned tables and the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server.

This session demonstrates the data partitioning techniques available in the various editions of SQL Server. It discusses benefits, downsides and the best use-cases for partition tables, local and distributed partitioned views and stretch databases. The session will also demonstrate how data partitioning helps boost performance of systems handling a mixed workload, improves cardinality estimations with large tables, and reduces the system’s storage cost.

Finally, the session provides a set of guidelines on how to split the data between relational and non-relational storages in OLTP and IoT systems hosted in the Cloud.


  • Dmitri Korotkevitch

Track and Room: Application Database Development - DBA Admin 2 - Rm 4106

Title: Azure, PowerShell, and SQL Server Virtual Machines

Abstract: While the web portal makes it easy to deploy SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines, there are a number of benefits to using PowerShell to do the job. This session will introduce Azure PowerShell command-lets and how to create a basic Azure infrastructure to support a SQL Server VM. We’ll include the Azure Resource Manager, how to use ARM VM templates and Custom Script Extension, and how users can modify an existing Azure Gallery template. Desired State Configuration (DSC) will be covered to complete the Azure Powershell automation toolkit, allowing attendees to automate the deployment of dozens or more SQL Server virtual machines. Finally, we will configure Availability Groups and explain their eccentricities in the Azure environment as well as how to make them work effectively.


  • Rob Volk

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Analytics Viz - Rm 3207

Title: RESTful JSON API Microservices and SQL Server

Abstract: Transforming your enterprise or startup using micro services that rely on SQL Server data can be a challenge. There are so many options out there. I will introduce how you can jump into API driven develop with lightning fast frameworks that make your job easy and simple. Explore how we leverage Entity Framework to quick start your data models with code-first prototyping. Then we will explore how to transition back when you’re ready for deployment. SQL Server offers native tools for JSON support in the newest 2016 release but if you don’t have that luxury we’ll explore legacy versions as well. API driven development can transform your software development lifecycle so join me as we get you going in the right direction with the latest frameworks and tools. Source code will be provided of a standard API framework with a real data model to accompany your efforts. We will also touch on OAuth 2.0, Unit Testing, and Continuous Integration (CI) for truly streamlined SQL powered apps.


  • Jared Nielsen

Track and Room: Application Database Development - DBA Performance - Rm 4103

Title: Creating Reports and Dashboards with Power BI

Abstract: This session looks at both Power BI Desktop and Power BI.com to compare the advantages and capabilities of both platforms for creating and distributing data analysis within your organization. It will also touch a little on why you might choose Power BI over Power Pivot and why you might not. It will also look at how to create drill down detail screens to expose the details behind your visualizations. Finally, we will touch on how to publish your Power BI results for others in your organization to share. A basic understanding of database structures and referential integrity is an advantage to gain the most from this session, but as will be shown, not always necessary depending on the source of the data to be analyzed.


  • Michael Antonovich

Track and Room: BI Information Delivery - Cloud/Security/Misc - Rm 3206

Title: Planning and Executing a Successful SQL Server Database Migration

Abstract: Migrating an existing database to SQL Server requires much more than just moving the schema and data. They key to a successful database migration effort includes designing the target system, identifying all components from the existing system that will need to be migrated, and allowing adequate time for changes and testing.

In this session we will discuss all the different database components and configuration items that will need to be considered during the migration effort, how to utilize the SQL Server Migration Assistant as a planning and implementation tool, what components cannot be migrated (and what can be done about it), and pitfalls to avoid during the development, testing, and final implementation.


  • Carlos Colon

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Cloud/Security/Misc - Rm 3206

Title: Designing Stored Procedure Solutions

Abstract: With a little T-SQL experience, you can create a stored procedure that completes a task. But it’s harder to formulate a stored procedure solution with the big picture in mind. In this session, we will work through a real world scenario to develop a thorough solution. You will learn about:

Asking the right questions to set yourself up for success Making the case for stored procedures over ad hoc code and other objects Pro tips for standardization and cross-version compliance Reevaluating and expanding on your solution Limiting inputs to reduce unexpected behaviors and errors Choosing between alternate solutions Evaluating for performance

This session is for data professionals who can write T-SQL, but haven’t spent a lot of time in SQL development.


  • Jennifer McCown

Track and Room: Application Database Development - DBA Performance - Rm 4103

Title: SQL Internals , Recovery Models, Backups! OH MY

Abstract: The more you know about SQL Server the more you understand how it works. SQL Server is a product we use every day, and most of us know the big concepts. At the 10,000 foot view we know what Databases, Tables, and Columns are. But what makes up those Databases, Tables, and Columns. What are Records, Pages, Extents, and Allocation Units? What are Full, Simple, and Bulk-Logged Recovery? What are the differences between Full, Transaction Log, Differential, or Filegroup backups? This is an introduction to these concepts. In this session you will learn about the internal Structure, Recovery Modes, and Backups and be better prepared to for Future Learning and Managing SQL!


  • Bradley Ball

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - DBA Performance - Rm 4103

Title: Database Projects: Advanced Topics

Abstract: A dive into database project details. This demo heavy presentation will look at configuring database projects, building and publishing, deployment scripts, using SqlCmd variables, and (time permitting) creating unit tests. This session will also look at composite projects to logically break apart a database solution.


  • Jonathon Moorman

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Business Intelligence - Rm 4105

Title: Use Biml to Automate SSIS Design Patterns

Abstract: Perhaps you’ve heard the buzz about Business Intelligence Markup Language (Biml) and wondered, “Why is everyone so excited about Biml?” Occasionally, a new technology emerges that changes everything. For SSIS developers, Biml is one such technology. Business Intelligence Markup Language (Biml) is a powerful solution for rapidly creating SSIS packages and solutions. SSIS Design Patterns support various load profiles. Combined, Biml and SSIS Design Patterns offer a compelling solution for automating enterprise data integration.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to rapidly build multiple SSIS packages using Biml
  • How to apply different SSIS Design Patterns using Biml
  • How to automate SSIS Design Patterns using Biml


  • Andy Leonard

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - DBA/Professional Development - Rm 3205

Title: Effortless Backups with Minion Backup

Abstract: Minion Backup is a stand-alone backup solution that can be deployed on any number of servers, for free. Once installed, Minion Backup (or just, MB) automatically backs up all online databases on the SQL Server instance, and will incorporate databases as they are added or removed.

While the solution is designed to be as simple as possible to get up and running, MB is deeply configurable for every backup scenario. In this session, attendees will learn about:

  • Live Insight, which displays the status and progress of backups as they’re running
  • Backing up to Azure
  • Striping, mirroring, copying, and/or moving backups to various destinations
  • Flexible backup delete and archiving options
  • Dynamic Backup Tuning, which changes tuning settings based on your custom thresholds
  • Backing up certificates and passwords
  • High Availability and Disaster Recovery features, including compatibility with Availability Groups
  • Shrink log file on log backup, and some of the associated considerations


  • Jennifer McCown

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - DBA Performance - Rm 4103

Title: Monitoring and Alerting for an Azure PaaS application

Abstract: The support of PaaS applications is a challenging task. These systems consist of multiple loosely coupled cloud services and components using a Service Oriented Architecture. You must monitor their availability and resource usage along with overall system health via custom End-to-End tests. This session will show how to setup and configure monitoring and alerting on individual components in both the Azure portal and Application Insights including an operational dashboard that ensures the PaaS application remains healthy and available.


  • Ronald Dameron

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Analytics Viz - Rm 3207

Title: Loading SQL Server Data with Powershell

Abstract: Powershell has become the defacto standard for scripting Microsoft products. However, putting data in text files doesn’t scale. Here I’m going to show you the ins and outs of loading data into SQL Server using Powershell for the purpose of centralizing collections. We’re going to cover RBAR as well as bulk operations and the types of things you need to take into consideration in an enterprise setting. This is a no holds barred session taught by an enterprise SQL Server scripting expert. You can’t afford to miss this session if you do any level of scripting in your shop.


  • Sean McCown

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - DBA Admin - Rm 4208

Title: Power BI Data Governance - Protecting Business Data

Abstract: This session allows companies to think about the security and architecture of their Power BI deployment. Power BI is self service analytics. Users are quick to create a group work spaces without any thought. IT and organizations need to design a business friendly architecture that protects the business data without impacting the users ability to build their reports and dashboards. Users are also quick to change the data model or report without thinking of the negative impact. A strategy for delivering the changes needs to be put into place. This prevents presenting invalid reports or dashboards during the development or advancement stage of updating reports and dashboards.


  • Ernie Wise

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - DBA/Professional Development - Rm 3205

Title: Tone Analysis with HDInsight and Azure Machine Learning

Abstract: People’s sentiments and opinions are written in social networks. There are tweets, Facebook posts, book reviews, forum discussions, and more. These attitudes and feelings are communicated using text, with format depending on the social network. Twitter messages are limited to 140 characters and use hash-tags,; Facebook messages can be longer. This session reviews the different Natural Language Processing, text mining, and data mining techniques you can use for sentiment and tone analysis. Organizations can use the extracted knowledge for brand reputation, market predictions, and automatic learning. We’ll look at, Hadoop, data mining, Microsoft Big Data Hadoop distribution HDInsight and Azure Machine Learning


  • Paco Gonzalez

Track and Room: Advanced Analytics Techniques - DBA/Professional Development - Rm 3205

Title: Revenge: The SQL!

Abstract: Pop quiz DBA: Your developers are running rampant in production. Logic, reason, and threats have all failed. You’re on the edge. What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?

Hint: You attend Revenge: The SQL!

This session will show you how to “correct” all those bad practices. Everyone logging in as sa? Running huge cursors? Using SELECT * and ad-hoc SQL? Stop them dead, without actually killing them. Ever dropped a table, or database, or WHERE clause? You can prevent that! And if you’re tired of folks ignoring your naming conventions, make them behave with Unicode…and take your revenge!

Revenge: The SQL! is fun and educational and may even have some practical use, but you’ll want to attend simply to indulge your Dark Side. Revenge: The SQL! assumes no liability and is not available in all 50 states. Do not taunt Revenge: The SQL! or Happy Fun Ball.


  • Rob Volk

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Cloud/Security/Misc - Rm 3206

Title: Unit Testing SQL Server

Abstract: In the nearly 20 years I have been working with SQL Server, most of that as an independent consultant, I can count on two hands the number of clients I have come across that had ANY database tests constructed. I can count on TWO FINGERS the number of them that had repeatable database tests. Even the most ardent Agile/Scrum/pick-your-new-and-shiny-development-mantra shops hardly ever do anything more than wave a magic wand at testing the database, because it can be REALLY HARD to do and do correctly. In this session we will cover examples of why repeatable database testing is CRITICALLY important and then examine both a free and a low-cost commercial product to ease the pain and improve developer efficiency.


  • Kevin Boles

Track and Room: Application Database Development - DBA Admin - Rm 4208

Title: SQL Server Performance Best Practices

Abstract: 2016 is the year of All-Flash for primary storage and DELL EMC’s industry leading portfolio of All-Flash arrays unlock the speed, efficiency, and agility that your business stakeholders have been demanding. Whether supporting 1,000 or 10,000,000 IOPS, DELL EMC has a broad portfolio to ensure consistent sub-millisecond response time regardless of workload type.

Beyond just production database performance, DELL EMC provides robust database repurposing via our iCDM or Integrated Copy Data Management capabilities. Creating and maintaining test/dev, near real-time analytic, or sandbox environments has never been simpler. Join us and hear how we can address the needs of all of your Microsoft SQL Server instances.


  • Dominick DeQuarto

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - DBA Admin 2 - Rm 4106

Title: Making Database Development and Deployments Easier With SQL Server Data Too

Abstract: Tooling for database development and deployment is often a cause for frustration. Developers don’t like using Management Studio because it’s an administrative tool that doesn’t offer the full Visual Studio experience. DBAs want an automated, consistent, and reliable way to deploy changes without having to write custom scripts every time. Enter SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), a free set of tools from Microsoft that spans all phases of the database lifecycle from development to deployment while relieving both Developer and DBA pain along the way. In this introductory level session you’ll learn what SSDT it, how it works, and how to implement it in your environment.


  • Kendal Van Dyke

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - DBA Admin - Rm 4208

Title: Plan Explorer 3.0 Webinar

Abstract: In this video, renowned query tuning expert and Microsoft Data Platform MVP Aaron Bertrand looks at the brand new release of SQL Sentry Plan Explorer, the industry’s most popular free query tuning tool. If you’ve ever struggled with performance troubleshooting SQL queries or had trouble figuring out what was happening behind the scenes with the query optimizer, this video is for you.

Learn about new features that will help you solve vexing execution plan problems, and see how Plan Explorer can take you from novice to expert in record time!


  • Bradley Ball

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - DBA Performance - Rm 4103

Title: Hi, my name is Powershell, let’s be friends! An Intro to PoSH

Abstract: Powershell wants to be your friend - your very powerful friend. In this session we will go over some Powershell basics that will help get you started as well as some known “gotchas” when working in Powershell. This is a beginner session - no Powershell experience necessary. WARNING: You may get warm-fuzzies about Powershell by attending this session.


  • Amy Herold

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Cloud/Security/Misc - Rm 3206

Title: How To Tune A Multi-Terabyte Database For Optimum Performance.

Abstract: This session will cover how to tune a multi-terabyte database where all of the data is stored a single file, primary file group. We will look at file groups, managing indexes and moving large amounts of data.


  • Jeff Taylor

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Business Intelligence - Rm 4105

Title: Cortana Intelligence Suite

Abstract: The Cortana Intelligence suite is evolving every day. What began as data blob stores, no-sql providers, and SQL VMs, has grown into a full suite of offerings from Microsoft. Today you can build your entire data platform with ala carte purchases from Microsoft. In this session, I’d like to give you an overview of the services available as of the date of this presentation. I’ll also share with you some ways the different offerings have been used in products I’ve worked on in the past, as well as some insights into how it will be used in the future.


  • Shannon Lowder

Track and Room: Analytics and Visualization - Analytics Viz - Rm 3207

Title: I See What You Did There - Automating Auditing in SQL Server

Abstract: You are a DBA, not a psychic. If you want to know who is making changes, trying to access confidential data, or unsuccessfully attempting to login as the Web service account on any or all of the SQL Server instances you manage; you don’t need a crystal ball to gain the power of insight. However, if you follow along in this presentation you will be able to use the magic of SQL Server Audit to peer into the past with Power View and tell the professional future of the unwary soul who crossed your path. None shall PASS!


  • Rodney Landrum

Track and Room: Advanced Analytics Techniques - Analytics Viz - Rm 3207

Title: Data Quality Services - Integrating your Data Steward

Abstract: This session will take you through some of the basics of setting up DQS and how to get started. Beyond the technical work required to setup DQS, there is the Data Steward and their role in the day to day interactions with DQS. This session will explain how to integrate the Data Steward into the process to approve and correct data, in addition to how to integrated those corrections back into your data warehouse loads.


  • miguel Cebollero

Track and Room: BI Information Delivery - DBA/Professional Development - Rm 3205

Title: The DBA Career Path - An Open Discussion

Abstract: Join Andy Warren for an open discussion of the challenges and rewards of being a DBA and what the next step on the career path. Is it managing more and larger databases? Working on life critical systems? Moving into management? Or does our path take us more towards BI, or DevOps? No slides, just a lightly moderated discussion!


  • Andy Warren

Track and Room: Professional Development - DBA/Professional Development - Rm 3205

Title: Advanced Power BI: Solving the Hard Problems

Abstract: By now you have probably seen many Power BI demos and likely love what you see in the product. However, you may have noticed in most Power BI demos that they tend to show scenarios where everything just works right on the first try. So what do you do when your data is not perfect or your business problem is more complex? In this session, you will see what happens when you go beyond the basics and try to solve those difficult problems that you inevitably will run into when you’re back at work. This session will give you many tips on how to solve real world problems with Power BI.


  • Devin Knight

Track and Room: BI Information Delivery - Business Intelligence - Rm 4105

Title: Query Optimizer Changes in SQL Server 2016

Abstract: SQL Server 2016 brings us a lot of new and even revolutionary features, which is very exciting. However, the core components keep evolving too. One of these components is Query Optimizer, the most complicated, crucial and less understandable part of SQL Server.

The session will make a deep dive into the Query Optimizer internals and show some changes and new features of the SQL Server 2016. This will help you to understand how works the optimization process and certain features, and what changes you may came across in the query plans if you upgrade to SQL Server 2016.


  • Dmitry Pilugin

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - DBA Admin 2 - Rm 4106

Title: Intelligent Indexing

Abstract: Using indexing to improve performance


  • Arvin Meyer

Track and Room: Application Database Development - DBA Performance - Rm 4103

Title: Tips and Tricks for Reporting Services

Abstract: Taking the Scare out of Monster Reports Exploring new Frontiers with Power BI


  • Pam Shaw

Track and Room: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration - Analytics Viz - Rm 3207

Title: R Integration in Microsoft Solutions

Abstract: Session Abstract: R is a very powerful tool that is used for statistical computing and graphics. R has been adopted by many data scientists around the world and after Microsoft’s Revolution Analytics R acquisition is integrated in Microsoft solutions. This introductory session will give a brief history on R and then explain how this popular statistical language is now baked into some of the Microsoft tools such as SQL Server, Power BI, and Azure ML. There will be live demoes that will explain how R can be utilized using each tool.


  • Ryan Fonnett

Track and Room: BI Information Delivery - Business Intelligence - Rm 4105

Title: What’s New in SQL Server 2016 ?

Abstract: SQL Server 2016 is the newest version of SQL Server available from Microsoft. This session is designed to introduce SQL Server DBA’s and architects to some of the exciting features available in that version. Topics covered in this session include Query Store, Polybase, Stretch Database, JSON Support, Row Level Security, Always Encrypted, Enhancements to In-Memory OLTP tables and enhancements to AlwaysOn. If you are a SQL Server DBA or developer, an architect, or an IT professional who is excited about the new SQL Server 2016 features and are looking forward to learn more about them, this session is for you.


  • Gareth Swanepoel

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - DBA Admin 2 - Rm 4106

Title: SQL Server 2014 Column Store Index vNEXT

Abstract: The Column Store Index functionality released in SQL 2012 did allow for stunning performance gains for OLAP-style queries, but as a v1.0 release it suffered from a number of caveats, limitations, provisos, etc. The one BIGGIE was that it made it’s underlying table NON-UPDATABLE. Well, that often implementation-killing restriction has been addressed, along with a huge number of other fixes and enhancements. We will cover what those are and also see actual usage with some nice demos.


  • Kevin Boles

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Business Intelligence - Rm 4105

Title: What’s New In SQL Server 2012/2014/2016 For The Developer

Abstract: This session covers the new functionality directly related to SQL Server developers in the last several releases of SQL server.


  • Jeff Taylor

Track and Room: Application Database Development - DBA Admin 2 - Rm 4106

Title: Introduction to Fog Analytics

Abstract: This session will provide an overview of Fog Analytics and their frameworks: Azure IoT Suite and ConnectTheDots.io. Fog Analytics is applying analytics to the data generated by Internet of Things (IoT) devices in real-time.


  • John Wang

Track and Room: Analytics and Visualization - DBA/Professional Development - Rm 3205

Title: Free tools from the SQL Server Community

Abstract: No budget? That’s OK! Need Tools? We’ve get them! Don’t know where to go? We’ll show you! The SQL Server community is one of the best around and has put out loads of free tools, videos, blogs, and other great ideas and information to help you out. In this session we will show you several great tools, scripts, blogs and other resources to help you out. Best of all, it’s all free! But wait, there’s more. Order now and we’ll include an extra two tips at no additional cost!


  • Eric Wisdahl

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - DBA Admin 2 - Rm 4106

Title: Does your performance tuning need a 12-step program?

Abstract: Performance tuning can be complex.It’s often hard to know which knob to turn or button to press to get the biggest performance boost. In this presentation, Janis Griffin, Database Performance Evangelist, SolarWinds, will detail 12 steps to quickly identify performance issues and resolve them. Attendees at this session will learn how to:

  1. Quickly fine tune a SQL statement
  2. Identify performance inhibitors to help avoid future performance issues
  3. Recognize and understand how new SQL Server features can help improve query


  • Janis Griffin

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - DBA Performance - Rm 4103

Title: An Introductory Look at Execution Plans

Abstract: In this session we will look at some introductory execution plans, both estimated and actual, to help determine what the query optimizer will do, or has done, with the query presented. It should be noted that this session is not intended to be an in depth look at performance tuning, but rather a cornerstone in learning to use a tool appropriate for tuning.


  • Eric Wisdahl

Track and Room: Application Database Development - DBA/Professional Development - Rm 3205

Title: R For the SQL Server Developer

Abstract: R is the premiere language for data analysis. If the world of data science sounds fun and exciting, now is the time to get into R. We will walk through the core constructs of R, learn how to retrieve data from flat files and databases, and get a peek at the power behind R. This session will also give resources on where to go in order to become more familiar with statistics, R the language, and the R package ecosystem.


  • Kevin Feasel

Track and Room: Analytics and Visualization - DBA Admin - Rm 4208

Title: Combining SQL Server and R

Abstract: SQL Server 2016 now includes a feature called SQL Server R Services. This feature allows for direct integration between database and the R statistical language. In this session we’ll look at some of the R and SQL integration features, then we will build a machine learning model and then use that model for scoring and predictive analytics.


  • Robert Biddle

Track and Room: Analytics and Visualization - Analytics Viz - Rm 3207

Title: Row-level Security in SSRS and SSAS

Abstract: It is relatively straight-forward to grant a user access to a particular SSRS report, multi-dimensional cube, or tabular model table, but what happens when the user needs access to the object but should be denied access to view certain rows of data? In this session we’ll investigate a real-world solution to this common BI problem.


  • Chris Hyde

Track and Room: BI Information Delivery - Business Intelligence - Rm 4105

Title: Show me whatcha workin’ with: Big Data Edition

Abstract: Congratulations. You’ve setup your Big Data environment with all the fun toys. You have Pig, Sqoop, and Hive all on your Hadoop cluster. You even got your data flowing in there properly. Now what? In this session we’re gonna go over Data Mining tools to help you gain some insight from your data. Then, to bring it all together, we’ll go over some easy ways to use common tools to show off all of this Big Data of yours, using tools that most have access to.


  • Josh Luedeman

Track and Room: Advanced Analytics Techniques - Analytics Viz - Rm 3207

Title: Bad, less Bad, not Bad; rewriting bad SQL Code

Abstract: This session provides case studies in rewriting bad SQL, with a lot of discussion on what makes sql code “bad”


  • Jeffrey Garbus

Track and Room: Application Database Development - DBA Admin - Rm 4208

Title: How to be a GREAT DBA

Abstract: This presentation describes the tasks a DBA needs to perform to do a great job. Formal training classes and certifications only take you so far; this session talks from experience about everything from preventive maintenance to planning to scaling to communication.

Great for beginner to intermediate DBAs, as well as Developers who think this is a direction in which they might want to move.


  • Jeffrey Garbus

Track and Room: Professional Development - Cloud/Security/Misc - Rm 3206

Title: Hands-on with U-SQL and Azure Data Lake Analytics

Abstract: U-SQL is the query language for big data analytics on the Azure Data Lake platform. This session will explore the unification of SQL and C# in this new query language, examples of combining data from external sources such as Azure SQL Database and Blob storage with Azure Data Lake Store, creating and referencing assemblies, job submission and tools. The ADL platform will also be compared and contrasted to the HDInsight/Hadoop platform.


  • Jason Brugger

Track and Room: Analytics and Visualization - Analytics Viz - Rm 3207

Title: Index Sql Server databases for high performance


  1. Missing indexes for queries and sprocs
  2. Rank missing indexes based on logical reads and/or execution time
  3. Record missing indexes and query plans for later analysis
  4. Verify indexing results
  5. Stackoverflow big database used with examples


  • Valentin Iamandi

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - DBA Admin - Rm 4208

Title: SQL Writing SQL

Abstract: Have you ever had to move every object in a schema to a different schema? What about dropping and recreating a set of constraints to allow you to alter a dependent table? This session will demonstrate ways to use T-SQL and various catalog views to dynamically generate SQL statements that can save you time and effort in what would otherwise be tedious, manual tasks. I will provide a background followed by some examples and then open the floor to questions.


  • Tom Staab

Track and Room: Application Database Development - DBA Performance - Rm 4103

Title: Real World Lessons from Starting a Software Company

Abstract: While starting Pragmatic Works and other companies, Brian (as with others) made a lot of na#239;ve mistakes. In this session, he will share with you the pitfalls he found when starting a business and managing a team of developers and consultants. Learn how to create a culture in your organization or team that will help you retain employees and help your team stand out. Learn some of the mistakes that most leaders make when starting a company. Finally, learn how to turn your idea into reality and grab your first customers.


  • Brian Knight

Track and Room: Professional Development - DBA/Professional Development - Rm 3205


This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.

Gareth Swanepoel

Twitter: - @GarethSwan

Contact: http://mygareth.com

Gareth Swanepoel is a sysadmin-turned-SQL Server DBA. He has been working in the IT industry doing support and administration for over 25 years. He enjoys solving the complex problems that customers encounter when performance tuning SQL Server or when deploying SQL Server in large data warehouse environments. He is originally from South Africa and is currently a Dedicated Support Engineer (PFE) with Microsoft. He is a passionate member of the SQL Server community and is an accomplished author and speaker having presented at various user groups, SQLSaturdays, the PASS Summit and other technical conferences.

miguel Cebollero

Twitter: - SQLMiguel

LinkedIn: miguel Cebollero

Miguel is a father, husband and database professional with more than 18 years of experience. He has held positions in management, database administration, development, architect and BI development. Miguel is a regular speaker at local user groups, regional SQLSaturday and the national PASS Summit conference on various database topics. He has been an avid volunteer, chapter leader, contributor for PASS and published author of Pro TSQL Programmers Guide; ApressMedia, Published 2/27/2015

Jennifer McCown

Twitter: - http://www.Twitter.com/MidnightDBA

LinkedIn: Jennifer McCown

Contact: http://www.MidnightDBA.com/Jen

Jen McCown is CEO of MinionWare, LLC; a Microsoft Certified Master for SQL Server; and an independent consultant. She is Senior Editor at MidnightDBA.com, where she creates training videos, the DBAs at Midnight webshow, blogs, reviews, and podcasts. Jen is a member, volunteer, and speaker in PASS, and the PASS Women in Technology Virtual Group.

Kevin Feasel

Twitter: - feaselkl

LinkedIn: Kevin Feasel

Contact: http://www.catallaxyservices.com

Kevin Feasel is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and CTO at Envizage, where he specializes in data analytics with T-SQL and R, forcing Spark clusters to do his bidding, fighting with Kafka, and pulling rabbits out of hats on demand. He is the lead contributor to Curated SQL (https://curatedsql.com), president of the Triangle Area SQL Server Users Group (https://www.meetup.com/tripass), and author of PolyBase Revealed (https://www.apress.com/us/book/9781484254608). A resident of Durham, North Carolina, he can be found cycling the trails along the triangle whenever the weather’s nice enough.

Michael Keleher

Twitter: - @makeleher

LinkedIn: Michael Keleher

Michael Keleher is a Microsoft Certified Professional and is currently the Database Administrator at Bisk Education, Inc in Tampa, Florida. He has over twenty years of experience working in all areas of the Software Development Life Cycle plus another three as a Database Administrator. He enjoys getting involved in security and performance tuning projects.

Bradley Ball

Twitter: - @SQLBalls

LinkedIn: Bradley Ball

Contact: http://www.sqlballs.com

Bradley Ball is a Sr. Azure Engineer for Microsoft, and former Data Platform MVP. During his IT career Bradley has spent 8 years working as a Defense contractor for clients such as the U.S. Army and The Executive Office of the President of the United States, and the former Data Platform Practice Manager for Pragmatic Works Consulting. He has presented at SQLSaturdays, SSUG’s, SQL Rally, DevConnections, SQLBits, SQL Live 360, and the PASS Summit. Bradley can be found blogging on http://www.SQLBalls.com

Jeff Taylor

Twitter: - reviewmydb

LinkedIn: Jeff Taylor

Contact: https://blog.reviewmydb.com

Jeff Taylor is a Senior Software Data Architect. His work with databases began with SQL Server 6.5 over 22 years ago. He specializes in performance tuning and critical operational database issues. Currently he is serving as the President of the Jacksonville SQL Server Users Group and is an active board member of the Jacksonville Development Users Group.

John Wang

John Wang is a Back-end .NET Developer. Currently, his interests are IoT, big compute, services, cloud computing, Powershell and SQL topics. He is an frequent speaker at the various Code Camp, Meetup, IT Pro Camp and SQLSaturday.

Josh Luedeman

Twitter: - http://www.twitter.com/joshluedeman

LinkedIn: Josh Luedeman

Contact: http://www.joshluedeman.com

Josh is a Sr FastTrack Engineer with the FastTrack team in the Azure Engineering Group at Microsoft. Josh focuses on Microsoft’s Cloud Scale Analytics Solutions in Azure using products like HDInsight, Data Lake, Data Factory, and DataBricks. He has worked in IT for over 10 years holding positions in Application Support, Database Administration, and Business Intelligence, in industries like Higher Education, Consulting, Manufacturing, and Software Development.

Devin Knight

Twitter: - @knight_devin

LinkedIn: Devin Knight

Contact: http://devinknightsql.com

Devin Knight a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and the Training Director at Pragmatic Works. He is an author of seven SQL Server and Business Intelligence books and speaks at conferences like PASS Summit, PASS Business Analytics Conference, SQLSaturdays and Code Camps. He is also a contributing member to several PASS Virtual Chapters. Making his home in Jacksonville, FL, Devin is the Vice President of the local Power BI User Group and SQL Server User Group (JSSUG).

Dmitri Korotkevitch

Twitter: - aboutsqlserver

LinkedIn: Dmitri Korotkevitch

Contact: http://aboutsqlserver.com

Dmitri Korotkevitch is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and Microsoft Certified Master, author of Pro SQL Server Internals and other books with years of experience working with SQL Server as an Application and Database Developer, Database Administrator, and Database Architect.

Dmitri specializes in the design, development, and performance tuning of complex OLTP systems that handle thousands of transactions per second around the clock. He blogs at: http://aboutsqlserver.com.

Sean McCown

Twitter: - @KenpoDBA

Contact: http://www.midnightdba.com/dbarant

Sean McCown is a Certified Master with 23 years of experience in databases. He is also founder and co-owner of the MidnightDBA.com website, where he records free SQL Server training videos. He also writes the popular Minion Maintenance suite, the most configurable maintenance solution on the planet.

Michael Antonovich

Twitter: - @SharePointMikeA

LinkedIn: Michael Antonovich

Contact: http://sharepointmike.wordpress.com

Michael Antonovich is the assistant director of Web and Technology Services in the Communications Division for Orange County Public Schools in Orlando, FL, where he manages the Internet and intranet infrastructure. He has published seven books, ranging from an Apple II User Guide to Office and SharePoint 2010 User’s Guide. His blog has focused mainly on PowerPivot and Power BI, but for the last year Mike has taken a break to pursue some other activities. He hopes to restart his blog later this year focusing more on style and presentation. Mike has used SQL Server since 1998 and, for the past 7 years, has been promoting SSAS, PowerPivot, and Power BI for the masses.

Jonathon Moorman

LinkedIn: Jonathon Moorman

Jon has developed using Sql Server since version 6.0! Easily distracted by shiny objects, he has always been on the bleeding edge of sql development. When not presenting, Jon might be found backpacking, hiking, camping, canoeing, or simply resting at home with a good scifi book.

Bradley Ball

Twitter: - @SQLBalls

LinkedIn: Bradley Ball

Contact: http://www.sqlballs.com

Bradley Ball is a Sr. Azure Engineer for Microsoft, and former Data Platform MVP. During his IT career Bradley has spent 8 years working as a Defense contractor for clients such as the U.S. Army and The Executive Office of the President of the United States, and the former Data Platform Practice Manager for Pragmatic Works Consulting. He has presented at SQLSaturdays, SSUG’s, SQL Rally, DevConnections, SQLBits, SQL Live 360, and the PASS Summit. Bradley can be found blogging on http://www.SQLBalls.com

Jeffrey Garbus

LinkedIn: Jeffrey Garbus

Contact: http://mssqlperformance.blogspot.com/

Jeff has been consulting on and performing technical training for MS SQL Server since 1989, Version 4, on OS/2. Since then, he has worked extensively with each release of the product, specializing in performance and tuning, from concept through legacy system, on systems of all sizes, from small start-up company applications to multi-terabyte data warehouses.

In addition to hands-on consulting, he speaks at SQLSaturdays several times/year, has a youtube channel with free training, and has written 20 books on database management systems.

His latest book is “Transact SQL the Definitive Guide.”

Troy Gallant

Contact: http://www.troygallant.com

Troy has been a SQL Server professional for over 18 years, filling various roles as analyst, developer, and for the last decade, DBA. As a regular speaker at SQLSaturdays up and down the east coast, he’s taught on a multitude of topics from disaster recovery to performance tuning to professional development. Currently residing in Jacksonville once again, he just got back from two years as Sr. DBA for the EDW of a major international insurance company in New York City.

Pam Shaw

Twitter: - @PamShaw

LinkedIn: Pam Shaw

Contact: http://sqlpam.wordpress.com/

Pam Shaw has been in IT for over 30 years. Since 2001, Pam has been working with SQL Server, first 2000, then 2005, 2008, 2008 R2, 2012 and now 2014. Pam currently works as a BI Developer as an independent contractor. Pam is also the Chapter Leader of the Hillsborough SQL Users Group PASS chapter and organizer of SQLSaturday Tampa.

Jeffrey Garbus

LinkedIn: Jeffrey Garbus

Contact: http://mssqlperformance.blogspot.com/

Jeff has been consulting on and performing technical training for MS SQL Server since 1989, Version 4, on OS/2. Since then, he has worked extensively with each release of the product, specializing in performance and tuning, from concept through legacy system, on systems of all sizes, from small start-up company applications to multi-terabyte data warehouses.

In addition to hands-on consulting, he speaks at SQLSaturdays several times/year, has a youtube channel with free training, and has written 20 books on database management systems.

His latest book is “Transact SQL the Definitive Guide.”

Anthony van Gemert

Anthony has more than 14 years in IT leadership positions, including 8 years of program management with Microsoft leading and managing diverse teams globally. He currently works with the SQL data systems engineering team on SQL Stretch database, part of the SQL Server 2016 release. His focusing on front end UX, customer engagement, and the upgrade experience.

Ernie Wise

Twitter: - @WiseSoftwareLLC

LinkedIn: Ernie Wise

A Microsoft Certified Professional that loves making the lives of business users easier. Microsoft Partner consultant for close to 8 years working in SharePoint and Microsoft BI. Worked with the tools from architecture to development.

Jeff Taylor

Twitter: - reviewmydb

LinkedIn: Jeff Taylor

Contact: https://blog.reviewmydb.com

Jeff Taylor is a Senior Software Data Architect. His work with databases began with SQL Server 6.5 over 22 years ago. He specializes in performance tuning and critical operational database issues. Currently he is serving as the President of the Jacksonville SQL Server Users Group and is an active board member of the Jacksonville Development Users Group.

Ronald Dameron

Twitter: - @RonDBA

LinkedIn: Ronald Dameron

Contact: http://RonaldDameron.com

Ronald Dameron is The Only DBA at a small software company building planet-scale mobile resource management software.

He has over 20 years IT experience on a variety of platforms. His current interests are Azure, PowerShell, SQL Server 2016 and Linux.

He was a PASS Summit 2015 Speaker Idol contestant and has spoken at SQLSaturday Tampa, Orlando, South Florida, and the Tampa and Orlando SQL User groups. He has recently earned the Competent Communicator Award from Toastmasters International.

He is most active on Twitter as @RonDBA.

Eric Wisdahl

Twitter: - @EricWisdahl

LinkedIn: Eric Wisdahl

Eric Wisdahl is a computer engineer working in the database field. He has held multiple roles and positions in e-commerce, marketing and insurance industries. Currently, he is working as a database administrator in a development role for an e-commerce company.

Eric Wisdahl does not like writing about himself in the third person. It is kind of creepy.

Dmitry Pilugin

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/SomewereSomehow

LinkedIn: Dmitry Pilugin

Contact: http://www.queryprocessor.com/

Dmitry Pilugin, is a SQL Server DB developer from Russia, Moscow. He works with SQL Server for more than ten years. Currently he works as a database developer lead, responsible for the development of production databases in the media research company.

Dmitry holds a blog about SQL Server query processing: QueryProcessor.com, where he writes about a query optimization and execution, and also likes to share his knowledge about it speaking at various community events and tech conferences. Data Platform Microsoft MVP since 2014.

Janis Griffin

Twitter: - DoBoutAnything

LinkedIn: Janis Griffin

Janis Griffin has over 30 years of DBA/database experience including design, development and implementation of many critical database applications. Before coming to Quest Software, Janis primarily worked in the Telecom/Network Industry, working with both real-time network routing databases and OLTP business to business applications. Janis also held positions as a Principal Architect and Senior Manager, mentoring other DBAs on best practices in database performance tuning.

Carlos Colon

Twitter: - @CaColon

LinkedIn: Carlos Colon

Carlos is a certified SQL Server professional and a senior software developer. As a 20 year veteran, Carlos leads Dobler Consulting’s database managed services practice. He’s also a certified PMP and holds a B.S. in Management of Information Systems.

Amy Herold

Twitter: - @texasamy

LinkedIn: Amy Herold

Contact: http://www.sqlkitten.com/

Amy Herold is currently a Premier Field Engineer with Microsoft, specializing in APS. Prior to this, she was a Sr. Database Administrator, focusing on PowerShell and automation. She is also currently the Director of Programs for the North Texas SQL Server User Group (NTSSUG). She frequently speaks at SQLSaturday and user group events across the United States and has also participated in numerous Women in Technology sessions as a panelist. Amy currently blogs at sqlkitten.com.

Kevin Boles

Twitter: - @TheSQLGuru

LinkedIn: Kevin Boles

Kevin Boles is a SQL Server expert, working exclusively with the product since v6.5. With over 25 years of database experience and over 45,000 man hours of SQL Server engine experience, he holds many related certifications, is an MCT and was a SQL Server MVP from 2007 to 2012. Kevin has been a very successful independent consultant for over 20 years. His passion is the relational engine, especially designing, building, analyzing and tuning high-performance database applications.

Rob Volk

Twitter: - sql_r

LinkedIn: Rob Volk

Contact: http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/robv/

Rob Volk is a SQL Server DBA in the Metro Atlanta area since 2001. He also moderates and answers the forums on SQLTeam.com. While an old-time cranky DBA, he no longer considers quot;business intelligencequot; an oxymoron or quot;the cloudquot; as merely atmospheric moisture, and is delightedly dipping his toes into both of these new oceans, and loves to do things in new and and unusual ways.

Dominick DeQuarto

LinkedIn: Dominick DeQuarto

32 year veteran in the IT industry. Providing education and guidance on how the IT industry is transforming and what it means for a company’s current business and future state. Discussions around the “as a service” model and the journey to the hybrid cloud. How all this ties into the most important asset any company can have - their data. Evangelizing the importance of Hybrid Cloud Management, Data Protection and Data Management across federations.

Shannon Lowder

Twitter: - @shannonlowder

LinkedIn: Shannon Lowder

Contact: http://shannonlowder.com

For over 15 years Shannon Lowder has been spotting patterns and learning ways to work smarter instead of harder. He started with development and moved into database administration. Using TSQL, Database Jobs and PowerShell, he automated himself out of contracts quickly. As Business Intelligence became a greater demand, he moved into SSIS, SSRS, and SSAS development. Early on, he tried using PowerShell and .Net to automate BI Development. Later those efforts turned to Biml. After founding a startup six years ago, he finds himself a data platform consultant, designing and guiding other professionals to build highly automated enterprise solutions. Today, he is a Biml Hero candidate and is awaiting the final approval for the award.

Andy Leonard

Twitter: - AndyLeonard

LinkedIn: Andy Leonard

Contact: https://andyleonard.blog

Andy Leonard is founder and Chief Data Engineer at Enterprise Data Analytics, Microsoft Data Platform MVP, creator of the DILM (Data Integration Lifecycle Management) Suite, an SSIS trainer, consultant, developer, Business Intelligence Markup Language (Biml) developer and BimlHero, SQL Server database and data warehouse developer, community mentor, engineer, and farmer. He is a co-author of “The Biml Book and SQL Server Integration Services Design Patterns” and author of “Managing Geeks - A Journey of Leading by Doing”, “Data Integration Lifecycle Management with SSIS”, “Building Custom Tasks for SSIS”, and the “Stairway to Integration Services”. Andy blogs at andyleonard.blog where you can learn more on the About Andy page.

Andy Warren

Twitter: - @sqlandy

Contact: https://sqlandy.com

Andy Warren is a SQL Server consultant and trainer based in Orlando, FL. Focusing on administration, performance tuning, and SQL Server patterns and practices, he’s been a SQL Server MVP since 2008. Andy served two terms on the PASS Board of Directors, was a founding principal in SQLServerCentral, and created both the SQLSaturday and SQLRally event models.

Rob Volk

Twitter: - sql_r

LinkedIn: Rob Volk

Contact: http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/robv/

Rob Volk is a SQL Server DBA in the Metro Atlanta area since 2001. He also moderates and answers the forums on SQLTeam.com. While an old-time cranky DBA, he no longer considers quot;business intelligencequot; an oxymoron or quot;the cloudquot; as merely atmospheric moisture, and is delightedly dipping his toes into both of these new oceans, and loves to do things in new and and unusual ways.

Ryan Fonnett

LinkedIn: Ryan Fonnett

More than 11 years of professional experience with various programming languages, technologies, frameworks, methodologies, and tools. For 8 of those years most of my focus has been around the BI platform. For the past year or so, I have been focusing most of my attention on the front end specifically predictive analytics and visualizations. My passion is to deliver end to end data driven solutions that enable our customers to have a ‘edge’ over their competitors.

Kevin Boles

Twitter: - @TheSQLGuru

LinkedIn: Kevin Boles

Kevin Boles is a SQL Server expert, working exclusively with the product since v6.5. With over 25 years of database experience and over 45,000 man hours of SQL Server engine experience, he holds many related certifications, is an MCT and was a SQL Server MVP from 2007 to 2012. Kevin has been a very successful independent consultant for over 20 years. His passion is the relational engine, especially designing, building, analyzing and tuning high-performance database applications.

Paco Gonzalez

Twitter: - @pacosql

LinkedIn: Paco Gonzalez

Paco Gonzalez is the CEO of SolidQ North America, and a Microsoft Data Platform MVP. Focused on Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, he specializes in helping organizations become data driven from a strategic and technical perspective. Paco is a speaker at small and large conferences such as PASS Summit, Ignite, and Business Applications Summit, and he has published several books and whitepapers. He is based in Atlanta, GA.

Robert Biddle

Twitter: - @robert_biddle

LinkedIn: Robert Biddle

Contact: http://robert-biddle.com

Robert Biddle is a Data Architect for Hilton Grand Vacations in Orlando, Florida. He has over a decade of experience working with SQL Server in a variety of roles. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Delaware and also has MCITP certifications for Database Administration and Database Development. In recent years, Robert has specialized himself working with data integration, ETL, and data warehousing. He is a frequent speaker at SQLSaturday and Code Camp events.

Chris Hyde

Twitter: - ChrisHyde325

LinkedIn: Chris Hyde

Chris Hyde is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and Microsoft Certified Trainer based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He works as an independent SQL Server BI and DBA consultant, and is the leader of the Albuquerque PASS local user group. He is also part of the Friends of Redgate program and was a member of the Idera ACE class of 2018. He loves loud music and cricket, but usually not at the same time.

Brian Knight

Twitter: - @BrianKnight

Contact: http://www.bidn.com/people/brianknight

Brian Knight, a SQL Server MVP, MCSE, and MCDBA, is the owner and founder of Pragmatic Works. He is also the co-founder of SQLServerCentral.com, BIDN.com, and SQLShare.com. Brian runs the local SQL Server users group in Jacksonville (JSSUG), is a contributing columnist at several technical magazines, and does regular webcasts at PragmaticWorks.com. He is the author of 15 SQL Server books and a frequent speaker at conferences such as PASS Summit, SQL Connections, TechEd, and many Code Camps.

Valentin Iamandi

Contact: http://logicalreads.wordpress.com/

Valentin brings more than 10 years of database experience in tuning, architecture, backup, large data transaction, and more. He has a solid background in database analysis and development and his skills cover SQL Server and Oracle as well as a slew of different operating systems. Valentin fluently speaks English, French, and Romanian. Valentin has a passion for performance and optimization and shares his experience on the topic in his blog http://logicalreads.wordpress.com/

Arvin Meyer

LinkedIn: Arvin Meyer

Having 16 consecutive MVP awards, Arvin maintains the Access Web http://www.mvps.org/access, an Access download site on his domain (http://www.datastrat.com), owns and is webmaster of http://www.accessmvp.com, and several client websites. A Microsoft Certified Professional and Microsoft MVP, Arvin writes freelance technology articles, is an author of a book on Access, leads the Access, Office, and Security Special Interest Groups at the Central Florida Computer Society.

Jennifer McCown

Twitter: - http://www.Twitter.com/MidnightDBA

LinkedIn: Jennifer McCown

Contact: http://www.MidnightDBA.com/Jen

Jen McCown is CEO of MinionWare, LLC; a Microsoft Certified Master for SQL Server; and an independent consultant. She is Senior Editor at MidnightDBA.com, where she creates training videos, the DBAs at Midnight webshow, blogs, reviews, and podcasts. Jen is a member, volunteer, and speaker in PASS, and the PASS Women in Technology Virtual Group.

Brian Knight

Twitter: - @BrianKnight

Contact: http://www.bidn.com/people/brianknight

Brian Knight, a SQL Server MVP, MCSE, and MCDBA, is the owner and founder of Pragmatic Works. He is also the co-founder of SQLServerCentral.com, BIDN.com, and SQLShare.com. Brian runs the local SQL Server users group in Jacksonville (JSSUG), is a contributing columnist at several technical magazines, and does regular webcasts at PragmaticWorks.com. He is the author of 15 SQL Server books and a frequent speaker at conferences such as PASS Summit, SQL Connections, TechEd, and many Code Camps.

Kendal Van Dyke

Twitter: - SQLDBA

LinkedIn: Kendal Van Dyke

Contact: http://www.kendalvandyke.com

Kendal is a database strategist, community advocate, public speaker, and blogger. A practiced IT professional with over 15 years of SQL Server experience, Kendal excels at disaster recovery, high availability planning/implementation, amp; debugging/troubleshooting mission critical SQL Server environments. Kendal is a Senior Consultant on the Microsoft Premier Developer Support team and President of MagicPASS (http://magicpass.sqlpass.org), the Orlando, FL based chapter of PASS. Before joining Microsoft, Kendal was a SQL Server/Data Platform MVP from 2011-2016.

Jared Nielsen

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/FUZIONAgency

LinkedIn: Jared Nielsen

Contact: http://www.FUZIONAgency.com

Rather than accepting the status quo, I believe in learning everything, and nothing, and mixing it all together until you have a strange, unique and ethereal blend of technology, marketing, knowledge, wisdom, creativity, passion, charity, caring, and humility. I think that being uncategorizable is the goal since life is the voyage, not the destination, so too should work be that extension of the undefinable so you

Rodney Landrum

Twitter: - @SQLBeat

Contact: https://www.simple-talk.com/blogs/author/2133-rodney-landrum/

Rodney Landrum has been architecting solutions for SQL Server for over 12 years. He has worked with and written about many SQL Server technologies, including DTS, Integration Services, Analysis Services, and Reporting Services. He has co-authored 4 books on Reporting Services. He is been a regular contributor to SQL Server magazine, sqlservercentral.com and Simple-talk.com. Rodney is also SQL Server MVP

Jason Brugger

Twitter: - @bigdataangler

LinkedIn: Jason Brugger

Contact: https://jasonbrugger.wordpress.com

Jason Brugger is a solution architect with experience in both traditional BI technologies and big data analytics on Azure and the Microsoft stack. He recommends and develops data solutions on both mature and emerging technologies, holding MCSE certification in Data Management and Analytics, as well as MCSE: Business Intelligence and MCSE: Data Platform. He has been working with SQL Server and Microsoft technologies since 1995.

Eric Wisdahl

Twitter: - @EricWisdahl

LinkedIn: Eric Wisdahl

Eric Wisdahl is a computer engineer working in the database field. He has held multiple roles and positions in e-commerce, marketing and insurance industries. Currently, he is working as a database administrator in a development role for an e-commerce company.

Eric Wisdahl does not like writing about himself in the third person. It is kind of creepy.

Tom Staab

Twitter: - tomsql

LinkedIn: Tom Staab

Contact: http://tomsql.com

Tom is a Partner Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He has worked with SQL Server for over 20 years as an architect, developer, administrator, mentor, and speaker specializing in the data engine and Integration Services. He enjoys interacting with the SQL Server community at events such as AWS re:INVENT and PASS Summit as well as online via Twitter (@tomsql) and as a moderator and contributor at ask.sqlservercentral.com.


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