SQLSaturday #420 - Paris 2015

Event Date: 09/05/2015 00:00:00

Event Location:

  • SUPINFO Paris
  • Tour Montparnasse
  • Paris, Île-de-France, France

PDF of Schedule

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This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.

Title: Optimisation de requ#234;tes sur la base des plans d’ex#233;cution

Abstract: Comment optimiser ses requ#234;tes avec des exemples concrets #224; l’appuie. Il y a des r#232;gles d’usage #224; appliquer quelques soit la complexit#233; de la requ#234;te/proc#233;dure stock#233;e mais l’objectif de cette session est d’aller au del#224; du stade “Eviter les curseurs et SELECT * dans vos requ#234;tes”, #224; titre d’exemple :

  • En exploitant au mieux le T-SQL, ex : recours aux fonctions analytiques
  • En #233;tant attentif au design de la base de donn#233;es en amont Il y a 50 mani#232;res d’obtenir le m#234;me r#233;sultat, reste #224; savoir quelle est la plus performante. Les plans d’ex#233;cution permettent de r#233;pondre en grande partie #224; cette question. Le but de cette session est d’obtenir le r#233;sultat le plus satisfaisant pour chaque exemple, en suivant la m#234;me trame : requ#234;te -gt; plan d’ex#233;cution -gt; optimisation.


  • Sarah Bessard

Track and Room: Salle Jaune - Salle Jaune

Title: All in one with Polybase : APS, Hadoop, PDW SQL Server 2016

Abstract: Polybase est le front-end universel entre le monde relationnel et non relationnel. Dans cette session nous verrons les capacit#233;s de la plateforme Analytics Platform System (APS) contenant une r#233;gion HDInsight (Distribution Hadoop de Microsoft) et une r#233;gion PDW (Parallel Data Warehouse, l’offre MPP de SQL Server). Nous pr#233;senterons ensuite l’offre Polybase incluse dans SQL Server 2016 Public Preview. Sans oublier l’int#233;r#234;t et les b#233;n#233;fices du MPP, les cas d’usage de la Big Data en entreprise et le gain #224; utiliser en m#234;me temps ces deux technologies. Nous analyserons ainsi des donn#233;es non structur#233;es et volumineuses et les exploiterons au sein d’un syst#232;me d#233;cisionnel et relationnel avec un langage que nous connaissons tous : le T-SQL !

Speakers : Romain Casteres, Arnaud Voisin


  • Romain Casteres

Track and Room: Salle Rouge - Salle Rouge

Title: SQL 2016, un nouveau souffle pour la B.I. Microsoft On Premise ?

Abstract: Je parlerai principalement de 3 utilisations possibles avec SQL Server 2016 qui ne l’#233;taient pas avant :

  1. La B.I. mobile avec DataZen

  2. L’int#233;gration de donn#233;es BIG Data avec Polybase

  3. La mise en place de rapports op#233;rationnels en temps r#233;el gr#226;ce aux “columns store index non clustered” #233;ditables

Et de fa#231;on plus succincte, car malheureusement pas encore disponible dans la version actuelle de SQLServer 2016 CTP2 (mais normalement disponible en octobre donc la suite aux #JSS), des nouveaut#233;s annonc#233;es de SSRS, et de l’int#233;gration native du R.

Et en bonus, s’il reste un peu de temps, une nouveaut#233; de #Excel2016 qui va r#233;volutionner notre utilisation de SSAS :)

Les points pr#233;c#233;dents seront trait#233;s #224; travers 3 axes majeurs, l’int#233;gration dans une architecture existante et donc l’effort n#233;cessaire #224; l’adoption, une pr#233;sentation th#233;orique de l’utilisation de la fonctionnalit#233;, et une petite d#233;monstration.


  • Charles-Henri Sauget

Track and Room: Salle Rouge - Salle Rouge

Title: SSDT pour les sceptiques !

Abstract: Si quelque chose rapproche les profils dev, dba et BI, c’est le scepticisme autour de l’id#233;e de mettre une database sous un contr#244;le de version. Et pourtant, au fil des ann#233;es l’outil SSDT s’est perfectionn#233; et solutionne de mani#232;re remarquable cette probl#233;matique. Cette session fera le point les fonctionnalit#233;s de l’outil, les best-practices d’utilisation et sur la mise en pratique dans des cas r#233;els : comment g#233;rer un schema dont une autre #233;quipe est responsable, que faire quand un script SQL fait appel #224; une database master, comment #233;viter que SSDT tronque ma table ? La session ira jusqu’au fond des choses en se penchant #233;galement sur l’acc#232;s au dacpac via l’API pour vous permettre d’aller encore plus loin.


  • Cédric Charlier

Track and Room: Salle Jaune - Salle Jaune

Title: Professional Recycling - SSIS Custom Control Flow Components with Visual Studio Community

Abstract: SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) are an extensible data-integration platform. If the functionality of stock items do not suffice, the script component is the first point of extensibility. If these custom scripts are used in multiple SSIS packages/projects their handling gets quite cumbersome. For a professional recycling of (script) logic SSIS custom control-flow tasks are an option. With the announcement of Visual Studio Community edition there is no need of a full (and expensive) development environment. This session will cover the required tools, development tips tricks and best practices for Custom ControlFlow development.


  • Wolfgang Strasser

Track and Room: Salle Verte - Salle Verte

Title: R is for Real World: Predictive Analytics models for Business Analytics

Abstract: In this session, we will look at modeling techniques in Predictive Analytics using R. We will look at the concepts, techniques, and R code you need to excel in any role involving analytics. We will also look at visualising our results using Power BI, making actionable R results which are consumable for the business users.


  • Jen Stirrup

Track and Room: Salle Verte - Salle Verte

Title: Transaction Log Internals: Virtual Log Files

Abstract: Pr#233;sent#233; en anglais…

Experienced DBAs know that SQL Server stores data in data files and transaction log files. What is less commonly known is that the transaction log file is broken up into smaller segments known as Virtual Log Files, or VLFs.

Having too many VLFs will cause performance to suffer. And having too few will cause backup performance to suffer. How do you strike the right balance?

In this more advanced session, veteran DBA Mike Hillwig will show you what VLFs are, how they’re created, how to identify them, and how to strike the right balance between too few and too many.


  • Mike Hillwig

Track and Room: Salle Jaune - Salle Jaune

Title: Power BI for Developers

Abstract: Are you a developer? Want to learn what PowerBI has for you? Then come to my session where you will learn how to enhance your applications with PowerBI experiences…


  • Rui Romano

Track and Room: Salle Verte - Salle Verte

Title: Data modeling for data analysis and cubes

Abstract: Analysis Services OLAP cubes provide an incredibly powerful platform for the analysis and reporting of complex data. Unfortunately we often find that our source data is not in the right structure to make the best use of the cube’s power. This limits the cube’s functionality, compromises performance and complicates the reports. In this session we’ll look at a number of different data scenarios that we encounter and explore ways of remodelling the data within the data warehouse to optimize it for cubes and MDX. We’ll see how adding functionality into the ETL layer and data warehouse can have a dramatic effect on the functionality and simplicity of the cube.


  • Alex Whittles

Track and Room: Salle Verte - Salle Verte

Title: SQL Server sur Azure dans tous ses #233;tats !

Abstract: D#233;couvrons les diff#233;rentes options pour h#233;berger des bases de donn#233;es SQL Server sur la plateforme Microsoft Azure et les crit#232;res de d#233;cision pour vos besoins. Ce sera l’occasion d’#233;tudier les caract#233;ristiques et nouveaut#233;s d’Azure SQL Database et de pr#233;senter en d#233;tail les bonnes pratiques autour de SQL Server sur Azure Virtual Machine. Parmi les sujets d#233;montr#233;s : migration de bases existantes, g#233;o-r#233;plication en quelques clics, stripping de disques virtuels pour augmenter les IOs, Elastic Pool pour les #233;diteurs de logiciels, …


  • Benjamin Talmard

Track and Room: Salle Bleue - Salle Bleue

Title: DataViz 2016

Abstract: Datazen, Power BI v2, SSRS 2016. L’actualit#233; Microsoft autour de la visualisation des donn#233;es n’a jamais #233;t#233; aussi riche. Dans cette session, vous verrez tout ce qu’il y a #224; savoir sur l’offre DataViz de Microsoft en 2016, le tout avec des d#233;mos de DataZen, Power View v.Next et SSRS 2016.

Level 200


  • Ratana Vanisaveth

Track and Room: Salle Rouge - Salle Rouge

Title: Aller plus loin dans l’analyse et la visualisation des donn#233;es BI

Abstract: Une session pour d#233;couvrir tout ce qu’on peut faire en plus des fonctionnalit#233;s natives de la plate-forme Microsoft avec des outils tiers comme ceux de Pyramid Analytics ou XLCubed. Des outils puissants et des fonctionnalit#233;s bluffantes. Un must-know pour tout sp#233;cialiste de la BI


  • GUSS France

Track and Room: Salle Bleue - Salle Bleue

Title: Let’s do some IoT stuff with an Arduino and Azure Stream Analytics

Abstract: IoT for Internet of Things, the new buzzword that englobes everything we can do when an item has sensors and an internet connection!

In this session we’ll configure an Arduino board, one of the open source items with the largest community, get some reading from its sensors and stream them through Azure Stream Analytics for Real Time Dashboarding - with some luck directly in Power BI!


  • Florian Eiden

Track and Room: Salle Bleue - Salle Bleue

Title: SQL Server 2016 et nouveaut#233;s du moteur SQL

Abstract: D#233;couvrez lors de cette session ce qui vous attend avec SQL Server 2016 c#244;t#233; moteur. De la haute disponibilit#233; en passant par la s#233;curit#233; jusqu’#224; la pointe de la performance, tout le monde devrait trouver son compte!


  • David Barbarin

Track and Room: Salle Rouge - Salle Rouge

Title: Synchroniser ses donn#233;es

Abstract: Change Tracking, CDC, R#233;plication, Service Broker, SSIS, etc…


  • Arian Papillon

Track and Room: Salle Jaune - Salle Jaune

Title: BI in the Cloud - what solutions ?

Abstract: Microsoft BI has changed a lot since 2005. In a Cloud-First era, what tools and which architecture best fit for a BI solution. Power BI, HDInsight, Azure Data Factory, Azure Stream Analytics, Azure ML, DMG, IaaS, SQL Azure, etc. How these components articulate each other ? And how you can build a modern data solution with them ? In that session, we will explore tools, architectures and questions you have to ask yourself.


  • Jean-Pierre Riehl

Track and Room: Salle Bleue - Salle Bleue

Title: Performance des requ#234;tes : SSAS et SQL

Abstract: Le but du jeu sera de prendre deux bases de donn#233;es, l’une sur SSAS l’autre utilisant le moteur relationnel, r#233;pondant toutes les deux au m#234;me besoin analytique, et de comparer les performances entre les deux moteurs(temps de r#233;ponse, utilisation des ressource). L’objectif sera triple : d#233;terminer les typologies de requ#234;tes plut#244;t adapt#233;es #224; l’un ou l’autre des moteurs, d#233;gager quelques bonnes pratiques de d#233;veloppement et vous donner des pistes sur le choix du moteur relationnel ou du moteur OLAP pour le pilotage de votre activit#233;.


  • Patrice Harel

Track and Room: Salle Verte - Salle Verte

Title: Securing your SQL Azure Database. How?

Abstract: Do you think that your data is not secured in the cloud? Is that one of the reasons for you to not migrate at least some workloads there? Things changed in the last few months in terms of Azure database security. In this session we will take a closer look at what the features Row Level Security(RLS) and Dynamic Data Masking can do for your business and how they can help you secure your data.


  • Boris Hristov

Track and Room: Salle Bleue - Salle Bleue

Title: INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE - deep dive

Abstract: DML is used in most cases without thinking about the multiple operations for the db engine. This session will give a deep dive into the internal storage engine down to record level. After finishing the theory (and inside the theory) the differen DML commands and their tremendous operational tasks for the db engine will be investigated. SEE, what a workload will be caused by a “forwarded record”. What tremendous workload will occur in a page split. What happens if an existing record will be updated in fixed length attributes


  • Uwe Ricken

Track and Room: Salle Jaune - Salle Jaune

Title: SQL 2016 Query Store: Et si mes queries m’#233;taient cont#233;es…

Abstract: SQL 2016 introduit une fonctionnalit#233; tr#232;s attendue, le SQL query store . Ou comment lire dans SQL comme dans un livre ouvert et retrouver tres exactement l’historique d#233;taill#233; des queries et des plans d’executions. Session recommand#233;e a tout amateur de fine tuning et de troubleshooting.


  • Isabelle Van Campenhoudt

Track and Room: Salle Rouge - Salle Rouge


This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.

Alex Whittles

Twitter: - @PurpleFrogSys

LinkedIn: Alex Whittles

Contact: http://www.PurpleFrogSystems.com/blog

Alex is a Data Platform MVP, and is the owner and lead consultant at Purple Frog, a SQL Server Business Intelligence consultancy in the UK. He specializes in Data Warehouse modelling, ETL, Cubes, MDX amp; DAX. He#39;s a chartered engineer amp; has an MSc in Business Intelligence.

He runs the Birmingham (UK) SQL Pass chapter amp; Azure user groups, and is on the SQLBits and SQL Relay committees in the UK.

Alex is a regular speaker at global events including SQLBits, PASS Summit, SQL Relay, SQLSaturdays as well as numerous SQL Pass chapters around Europe

Boris Hristov

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/BorisHristov

LinkedIn: Boris Hristov

Contact: http://borishristov.com/blog/

Boris is a SQL Server Consultant, but also an Author for Pluralsight and a SQL Server MVP. He is frequently speaking at conferences all accross Europe and is heavily involved in training students and organizations in what he calls quot;The Art of SQL Serverquot;. Boris is frequently blogging and is the host of SQLHangouts.

GUSS France

Twitter: - @GUSS_France

LinkedIn: GUSS France

Contact: http://guss.pro

La communaut#233; Data Microsoft en France

Ratana Vanisaveth

My name is Ratana VANISAVETH, i#39;m 23 years old. I#39;m interesting in SQL Server product since 3 years, specially in the Business Intelligence amp; Dataviz I work as Junior BI Consultant since 1 year at AZEO company.

Jen Stirrup

Twitter: - @jenstirrup

LinkedIn: Jen Stirrup

Contact: http://www.jenstirrup.com

Jen Stirrup, Microsoft Regional Director and MVP is a well-known Business Intelligence and Data Visualization expert, author, data strategist, and Master of Business Administration (MBA) student in London. Jen leads a boutique analytics consultancy, delivering strategic advice to companies large and small.

Jen has presented in Africa, India, Europe and North America. Jen has presented at Ignite, Techorama, TechEd, PASS Summit, SQLBits, and SQLSaturday events in Europe and the US. She also delivers the MAPA Azure Architects course worldwide with Microsoft team members. Jen was also featured on the Best of PASS Summit 2015 DVD as one of the top 10 speakers. Jen also was awarded PASS prestigious PASSion Award in 2012

Cédric Charlier

Twitter: - @Seddryck

LinkedIn: Cédric Charlier

Contact: http://seddryck.wordpress.com

Cédric is a talented architect and Data Platform MVP active in the domain of Business Intelligence and Data warehousing. He has more than 10 years of successful experiences with SQL Server in European industrial groups and services companies. Driven by quality and reliability, he is the main developer of an open-source solution for testing BI solutions (cubes, etl, reports) named NBi (www.nbi.io). Cedric also advocates for the introduction and general usage of agile practices in BI’s world.

Uwe Ricken

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/dbBerater

LinkedIn: Uwe Ricken

Contact: http://www.sqlmaster.de

Uwe Ricken is working with IT systems since the 90’s. The primary passion for developments with Microsoft SQL Server expanded in 2007 with his engagement as a DBA for Deutsche Bank AG in Frankfurt am Main. After 6 years of operational experiences as a DBA and over 14 years as a developer of complex database models he achieved the “Microsoft Certified Master – SQL Server 2008” certification which “was” the highest technical certification. In the same year he earned his first award as a Data Platform MVP for his support to the Microsoft SQL Server community in Germany and Europe. Uwe Ricken is a speaker on many international conferences and events and preferred topics are “Database Internals”, “Indexing” and “Development”.

Wolfgang Strasser

Twitter: - wstrasser

LinkedIn: Wolfgang Strasser

Contact: http://workingondata.wordpress.com/

Wolfgang Strasser creates solutions based on the Microsoft Data Platform tools in his day-to-day job as Business Intelligence consultant. Either using SQL Server Database Engine, SSIS, reporting with SSAS and SSRS, implementing Power BI solutions or cloud tools for data analysis - the data-tools-landscape is broadening every day! Based on his professional careers as a software developer he likes to work on structured development processes. Wolfgang shares his knowledge with the community at many national and international events. For his community work, Wolfgang has been awarded with the Microsoft MVP Award for Data Platform in October 2015

Sarah Bessard

LinkedIn: Sarah Bessard

J#39;ai fait mes premi#232;res armes comme analyste programmeur et administrateur syst#232;me par la suite pour finalement me sp#233;cialiser sur SQL Server en 2005. Toutes ces exp#233;riences m#39;ont permis d#39;acqu#233;rir une vision globale des syst#232;mes d#39;information. Gr#226;ce au GUSS qui f#233;d#232;re la communaut#233; Data Microsoft en France, j#39;ai l#39;occasion d#39;animer des webcasts #224; intervalle r#233;gulier et int#233;gr#233; le board pour entretenir plus activement cette passion.

Florian Eiden

Twitter: - @fleid_bi

LinkedIn: Florian Eiden

Contact: http://fleid.fr

Data Platform Solution Architect for Microsoft in Western Canada

Isabelle Van Campenhoudt

Twitter: - @thesqlgrrrl

LinkedIn: Isabelle Van Campenhoudt

Contact: http://thesqlgrrrl.wordpress.com

Isabelle Van Campenhoudt is a system engineer (MCSE; MVP SQL Server) who has been working for more than 15 years in the world of databases; she lives in Belgium; Isabelle has strong experience in Business Intelligence. Trainer (Microsoft Certified Trainer), speaker and consultant, she used to collaborate with developers; infra (design and performance). She is also a teacher at EPHEC (Brussels) for the Bachelor of Computer Science curriculum. Isabelle is co-founder of CLUG; V-chapter Francophone

Benjamin Talmard

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/benjiiim

LinkedIn: Benjamin Talmard

En tant que conseiller technologique sur Microsoft Azure dans l#39;entit#233; #171; Developers Experience amp; Evangelism #187; de Microsoft France, Benjamin est en charge de l#39;accompagnement technique des #233;diteurs de logiciels fran#231;ais dans leur choix et leur adoption de la plateforme Microsoft Azure. Ses domaines de pr#233;dilection sont les architectures et le d#233;veloppement web. Benjamin est co-auteur du blog officiel Microsoft Azure France.

Romain Casteres

Twitter: - @PulsWeb

LinkedIn: Romain Casteres

Contact: http://pulsweb.fr/

MVP SQL Server, certifi#233; MCITP, MCTS, MCSA 2008/2012 et membre du Board du Groupe Utilisateurs SQL Server (GUSS). Consultant en Business Intelligence depuis plus de 4 ans je me suis sp#233;cialis#233; sur les technologies d#233;cisionnelles de Microsoft, le moteur SQL Server et plus r#233;cemment sur HDInsight, l#39;offre BigData de Microsoft. Blog: http://www.pulsweb.fr/

David Barbarin

Twitter: - mikedavem

LinkedIn: David Barbarin

Contact: http://www.dbi-services.com/index.php/blog/dbi-bloggers/blogger/listings/dab

David Barbarin is Consultant at dbi services. He has more than ten years of experience in Microsoft solutions. He is specialized in SQL Server technologies and associated topics such as installation, migration, security audits, troubleshooting of performance issues, or high availability architectures etc. David Barbarin is SQL Server MVP (since 2010), Microsoft Certified Master (MCM) for SQL Server, and Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT).

Patrice Harel

Contact: http://patriceharel.blogspot.com

Patrice évolue dans le monde de la BI Microsoft depuis maintenant 4 ans après une fin de cursus universitaire très orientée décisionnel. Il intervient sur des missions d’audit, de conseil et de développement. Il anime également un certain nombre de formations, toujours autour de la plateforme SQL Server. Son périmètre d’intervention commence avec la version 2005 et court jusqu’à la petite dernière : 2014.

Charles-Henri Sauget

Twitter: - SaugetCh

LinkedIn: Charles-Henri Sauget

Contact: http://www.sauget-ch.fr

Consultant décisionnel depuis 2009, j’ai eu l’occasion d’explorer certaines des fonctionnalités offertes par SQL Server, et cela est loin d’être terminé avec la croissance des volumes de données, et les nouveaux outils à disposition (Data Insights), de nouveaux défis vont très certainement s’offrir à nous. Même si la B.I. reste mon coeur de métier, je ne cache pas mon intérêt pour le Moteur SQL Server, surtout si l’on rajoute à ceci l’impact d’un hébergement en IaaS dans Azure !

Arian Papillon

Contact: http://blog.datafly.pro

Consultant et architecte SQL Server depuis deux décennies, MVP SQL Server, fondateur en 2005 du Groupe des Utilisateurs francophones de SQL Server (GUSS). Intervient sur les sujets SGBD (audit, performance, stockage, sécurité, disponibilité, intégration, migration) et BI (datawarehouse, OLAP, MDX).

Jean-Pierre Riehl

Twitter: - djeepy1

LinkedIn: Jean-Pierre Riehl

Contact: http://blog.djeepy1.net

Architect, Consultant, Trainer and also Manager, Jean-Pierre leads the Data BI Practice at AZEO, a French Microsoft “pure-player” partner. Jean-Pierre is MVP Data Platform since 2008 and speaks at many events in France and in Europe. JP leads the local community (GUSS) and organize events in France since 2011 : MS Cloud Summit, Les Journées SQL Server, SQLSaturday, etc. JP is passionate by data concerns in business like Data Governance, Data Quality or Data Vizualisation and since 2010, he’s specialized in Self-Service BI. His favorite topic is Power BI and business usages and technical architectures that go with.

Mike Hillwig

Twitter: - @mikehillwig

LinkedIn: Mike Hillwig

Contact: http://www.mikehillwig.com

Veteran DBA Mike Hillwig is a native Pittsburgher and resident of the Boston Suburbs. He’s a DBA Manager for a financial software company that’s owned by one of the world’s largest bank. Mike has been working with SQL Server since version 7 and has a background in infrastructure and network. Today, he manages a team of DBAs around the globe.

Rui Romano

Twitter: - @RuiRomano

LinkedIn: Rui Romano

Contact: http://ruiromanoblog.wordpress.com/

Rui Romano lives in Portugal and he leads the Business Intelligence team at DevScope.

He has been Developing amp; Architecting software solutions since 2003 always focused in the Business Intelligence area.


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