SQLSaturday #377 - Kiev 2015

Event Date: 05/23/2015 00:00:00

Event Location:

  • RUS Hotel
  • 4 Hospitalna Str
  • Kiev, Ukraine

PDF of Schedule

This event has completed. All data shown below is from the historical XML public data available.

If there are any data quality issues or corrections needed, please contact the webmaster for this site or submit a pull request for the appropriate file(s).


This is a list of sessions from the event, based on the schedule in the XML files.

Title: Query Processing in In-Memory OLTP (Hekaton)

Abstract: In-Memory OLTP (code name: Hekaton) is the most important new feature in SQL Server 2014, and this session will teach you how query processing and optimization work with this new database engine. After explaining the basics, we will discuss how the query optimizer is used in In-Memory OLTP by both natively compiled stored procedures and by traditional stored procedures accessing memory-optimized tables through the query interop functionality. We will also take a look at how the new hash and range indexes are used, as well as how their performance implications are also covered along with the process of translating the plan created by the query optimizer into C code. Finally, some limitations with the current release will also be explained.


  • Benjamin Nevarez

Track and Room: Application Database Development - N/A

Title: Introduction to Microsoft Azure DocumentDB

Abstract: Microsoft Azure DocumentDB service (now in preview) is a NoSQL document database service designed for scalable and high performance modern applications. DocumentDB is delivered as a fully managed service with an enterprise grade SLA. It supports querying of documents using a familiar SQL over hierarchical JSON documents. DocumentDB is truly schema-free. It allows you to store and query any JSON document, regardless of schema. In this presentation, you will learn: • How to get started with DocumentDB you provision a new database account. • How to index documents • How to create applications using DocumentDb (using REST API or programming libraries for several popular language) • Basics of DocumentDB Queries


  • Mihail Mateev

Track and Room: BI Information Delivery - N/A

Title: What do I need to know about SQL Server platform upgrade?

Abstract: Why Upgrade? Data Platform Upgrade topic has been a popular session that I’ve presented in major conferences like Microsoft Tech-Ed (North America, Europe India) and SQLbits since 2008.

In this session, we will overview in depth end-to-end upgrade process that covers the essential phases, steps and issues involved in upgrading SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008 R2 SQL Server 2012 (with a good overview on 2014 too) by using best practices and available resources. A popular session that I have been presenting since the year 2008, in MS Tech-Ed, SQLSaturday SQLbits UK. We will cover the complete upgrade cycle, including the preparation tasks, upgrade tasks, and post-upgrade tasks. Real-world examples from my Consulting experience expanding on why how such a solution.


  • Satya Jayanty

Track and Room: BI Information Delivery - N/A

Title: Resource Governor - Fine tune your data performance engines

Abstract: How to manage memory, cpu resources and enables various applications reporting to perform better by creating resource pools and allocating the memory for various groups, users, databases, applications. What does Resource Governor do? What is a resource Pool? Why any basic/intermediate users are given caution before implementing Resource Governor? What is this capable of doing in terms of allocating resources to the users, databases and applications? What are the methods to implement Resource Governor how to monitor the resource pools in terms of GUI T-SQL?

Let us look into the above list of questions with best practices approach from a large scale system to small scale servers.


  • Satya Jayanty

Track and Room: BI Information Delivery - N/A

Title: Unit Testing SQL Server

Abstract: In the nearly 20 years I have been working with SQL Server, most of that as an independent consultant, I can count on two hands the number of clients I have come across that had ANY database tests constructed. I can count on TWO FINGERS the number of them that had repeatable database tests. Even the most ardent Agile/Scrum/pick-your-new-and-shiny-development-mantra shops hardly ever do anything more than wave a magic wand at testing the database, because it can be REALLY HARD to do and do correctly. In this session we will cover examples of why repeatable database testing is CRITICALLY important and then examine both a free and a low-cost commercial product to ease the pain and improve developer efficiency.


  • Kevin Boles

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Room BC

Title: Инструменты резервирования и репликации реляционных баз данных

Abstract: Будут освещены две темы: 1) Способы разгрузки продуктивных серверов баз данных при построении кроссплатформенной репликации. В примере будет затронута связка Oracle gt; SQL Server. Построение репликации с помощью Dell SharePlex. 2) Основные проблемы и нюансы, на которые стоит обратить внимание при построении резервного копирования SQL Server. Например, влияние компрессии на производительность сервера БД и методика оптимизации - построение динамических заданий, которые в зависимости от нагрузки на сервер БД будут определять необходимый уровень компрессии без потери производительности. Автоматизация проверки резервных копий и т.д. Инструментом анализа и оптимизации заданий резервного копирования рассматривается Dell LiteSpeed for SQL Server.


  • Ivan Rudnytskyi

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Room “Lazurny”

Title: Dive into the Query Optimizer-Undocumented Insight

Abstract: This 500 level session will focus on using undocumented statements and trace flags to get insight into how the query optimizer works and show you which operations it performs during query optimization. I will use these undocumented features to explain what the query optimizer does from the moment a query is submitted to SQL Server until an execution plan is generated including operations like parsing, binding, simplification, trivial plan, and full optimization. Concepts like transformation rules, the memo structure, how the query optimizer generates possible alternative execution plans, and how the best alternative is chosen based on those costs will be explained as well.


  • Benjamin Nevarez

Track and Room: SQL Server Internals - Room AE

Title: Azure Table Storage - дешевое, быстрое, масштабируемое хранилище

Abstract: Я всегда стараюсь следовать принципу - лучше для решения конкретной задачи брать специализированное решение, так как именно оно и было придумано для этого. В рамках своего доклада я хочу рассказать про Azure Table Storage - решение для хранения структурированных данных в облаке. Azure Table Storage - это сервис для хранения данных по принципу ключ-значение. Звучит довольно просто, но это дает нам дешевое, быстрое, масштабируемое хранилище в облаке. Сервис прост в использовании и имеет множество сценариев для применения. Хоть Azure Table Storage и не обладает богатством языка SQL для выборки данных, но все равно он способен удивлять. Во время доклада я продемонстрирую как можно использовать Azure Table Storage в своих облачных (и не только) приложениях для решения разного рода задач, начиная от простого хранения данных и заканчивая распределенным кэшем для фермы веб серверов.


  • Anton Boyko

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - Room D

Title: Introduction to Azure Machine Learning and Data Mining algorithms

Abstract: Microsoft Azure Machine Learning is fully managed service to create, test, operationalize and manage predictive analytics solutions in the cloud. With just a browser, you can now sign up to Azure Machine Learning, upload data and immediately start machine learning experiments. Visual composition, large pallet of modules and a library of starting templates makes common machine learning tasks simple and quick. Turning a model into web service is easy - with a few clicks, a Predictive model build in ML Studio can be turned into a public REST API that encapsulates custom data transformation logic and sophisticated machine learning models. Presentation will cover key features for solving real world tasks.


  • Oleksandr Krakovetskyi

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - Room “Lazurny”

Title: Scaling Out Microsoft Azure SQL Databases

Abstract: Microsoft Azure SQL offers a variety of service tiers and performance levels to fit the diverse needs of database applications in the cloud. For each tire, the maximum database size is limited (up to 500GB), so when additional resources are required scaling out becomes necessary. This requires sharding, which horizontally partitions data across multiple databases. Each database in this model is referred to as a shard. Azure SQL Database supports three methods to implement sharding: Elastic Scale, Custom Sharding and Federations This talk is a comparison and overview of these approaches, to be possible to choose the best one in your practice.


  • Mihail Mateev

Track and Room: Cloud Application Development Deployment - Room AE

Title: Database monitoring, tuning and optimization using Dell Software tools

Abstract: Ensure optimal database performance with non-stop data collection and instant metric-sensitive alerts. Speed through your work with intuitive interfaces, built-in expert guidance and easy-to-follow workflows. Get an enterprise-level view of database health and automated performance analysis to quickly identify and fix problem servers and resource areas. Maximize database performance and availability with these robust SQL Server monitoring and optimization tools.


  • Vladislav Samoylenko

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Room “Lazurny”

Title: Правдивая история об использовании SQL Server Change Data Capture

Abstract: Страдаешь от “кровавого Enterprise” - приходи!. Поговорим о том, что можно сделать, если компоненты приложения за многие годы стали так сильно связаны с базой данных, что и unit тест-то не написать. Расскажу правдивую историю о том, как мы использовали Microsoft SQL Server Change Data Capture. Это возможность SQL Server-а, которая очень часто остается без должного внимания. О том как можно построить асинхронную event-driven систему в приложении, где исторически база данных была центральным и главенствующим звеном. Доклад без прикрас: как было, с чего начинали и чем все закончилось! Реальная история - поэтому надеяться на успешный результат не стоит!


  • Sergey Mikhalev

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Room “Lazurny”

Title: “Не отдам!” - Блокировки, Дедлоки и прочая чепуха (часть 2)

Abstract: В этой сессии Дмитрий продолжит рассказ о том как SQL Server работает с блокировками и затронет вопросы блокировок на уровне схемы, экскалации блокировок и оптимистических уровней изоляции транзакций. Дмитрий также обсудит вопросы дизайна стратегии управления транзакциями в приложениях, работающих в многопользовательской среде.

Минимум PowerPoint, максимум Management Studio и конфеты (если останутся после первой части)!


  • Dmitri Korotkevitch

Track and Room: SQL Server Internals - Room F

Title: Transaction Log – How it works.

Abstract: В докладе мы поговорим о логе транзакций. Для чего он нужен и как работает, какие данные в нем хранятся. Почему он ростет и как этого избегать. С помощью чего и как мониторить лог транзакций.


  • Vitaliy Popovych

Track and Room: SQL Server Internals - Room BC

Title: Внутри Оптимизатора Запросов: Поиск или Просмотр

Abstract: Очень часто проблемы с производительностью планов запросов возникают тогда, когда сервер выбирает неверную стратегию доступа к данным. В докладе мы рассмотрим эту ситуацию с точки зрения оптимизатора, узнаем какими соображениями он руководствуется при выборе Поиска (Seek) или Просмотра (Scan), а также поговорим о некоторых свойствах данных операторов, которые полезно учитывать при анализе планов запросов.


  • Dmitry Pilugin

Track and Room: SQL Server Internals - Room F

Title: Тяп-ляп и в продакшн!

Abstract: В докладе рассматриваются элементарные базовые методы хранения исходных текстов базы данных; построение базы из этих исходных текстов; контроль версий; многопользовательская разработка; обновление версий схемы.


  • Oleksii Kovalov

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Room AE

Title: NoSQL - MongoDB. Agility, scalability, performance (Part 2)

Abstract: NoSQL - MongoDB. Agility, scalability, performance. I am going to talk about the basis of NoSQL and MongoDB. Why some projects requires RDBMs and another NoSQL databases? What are the pros and cons to use NoSQL vs. SQL? How data are stored and transefed in MongoDB? What query language is used? How MongoDB supports high availability and automatic failover with the help of the replication? What is sharding and how it helps to support scalability?. The newest level of the concurrency - collection-level and document-level. Join the session, I promise that it will be interesting! :)


  • Viktoriia Mala

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Room BC

Title: Транзакционная репликация - это не страшно.

Abstract: Когда я в первые столкнулся с репликацией, я подумал: “Да что в ней может быть сложного?”. Но как оказалось на деле, это достаточно не простая штука для понимания с первого раза. Второй момент, когда начинаются с ней проблемы, в виде рассинхронизации данных между её узлами, появлением каких-либо других ошибок, то не знаешь куда бежать.

В докладе я расскажу о том, что такое транзакционная репликация, как и для чего ее используют, как ее настроить и что делать если что-то пошло не так.


  • Evgeny Khabarov

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Room “Lazurny”

Title: NoSQL - MongoDB. Agility, scalability, performance (Part 1)

Abstract: NoSQL - MongoDB. Agility, scalability, performance. I am going to talk about the basis of NoSQL and MongoDB. Why some projects requires RDBMs and another NoSQL databases? What are the pros and cons to use NoSQL vs. SQL? How data are stored and transefed in MongoDB? What query language is used? How MongoDB supports high availability and automatic failover with the help of the replication? What is sharding and how it helps to support scalability?. The newest level of the concurrency - collection-level and document-level. Join the session, I promise that it will be interesting! :)


  • Viktoriia Mala

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Room BC

Title: Dynamic SQL: to be or not to be?

Abstract: В докладе я расскажу, что такое динамический sql, какие способы его построения, будут рассмотрены примеры использования “exec” и “sp_executesql”.


  • Alesya Zhuk

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Room D

Title: “Это Мое” - Блокировки, Дедлоки и прочая чепуха (часть 1)

Abstract: В этой сессии Дмитрий расскажет о различных типах блокировок, используемых в SQL Server, покажет как уровни изоляции транзакций влияют на работу приложений в многопользовательской среде, объяснит причины появляния проблем, связанных с блокировками, и продемонстрирует несколько способов их диагностики и решения.

Минимум PowerPoint, максимум Management Studio и конфеты!


  • Dmitri Korotkevitch

Track and Room: SQL Server Internals - Room F

Title: Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) with SQL Server

Abstract: In this session we will discuss most aspects of Windows Failover Clustering in connection with SQL Server. We will start from the basis and go to more depth including AlwaysOn Availability Groups. After this session you will understand how aforementioned technologies work, how to implement them in your environment, and how to benefit from them from developer, dba, and business points of view.


  • Yevhen Nedashkivskyi

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Room D

Title: Let’s cook ‘best SQL Server DBA practices’

Abstract: In this session we will go through the topics of performance, scalability and availbility - the 3 core topics that every DBA needs to know. Performance is at the core and required for every database application (small or mission-critical). In this talk we will go through the concepts, tools and procedures that will help you in monitoring and start fine-tuning the performance or find the root-cause on your data platform. The subject covered here is excerpted from my book “Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Administration cookbook”. This will also be an ideal beginning for any IT person who is willing step-into DBA world.


  • Satya Jayanty

Track and Room: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment - Room AE

Title: Common TSQL Mistakes

Abstract: We are going to examine a variety of oopsies MANY developers fall prey too - some obvious, some pretty subtle and some down right sneaky! Lots of code examples with the bad AND good code presented. I GUARANTEE that you will find things here that will either prevent you from getting bad data, throwing unwanted errors or vastly improving your database application’s performance. I have given this talk over SEVENTY times now and it is always very highly rated!


  • Kevin Boles

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Room AE

Title: Оптимизация модели для работы с PowerBI QA

Abstract: Power BI QA - это фантастическая функциональность, которая позволяет бизнес пользователям анализировать данные, задавая вопросы естественным языком. Это просто как спросить коллегу, а он не только даст правильный ответ, но ещё и подберёт подходящее отображение! ) Но для начала, нужно этого “коллегу” немного обучить. Об этом и будет мой доклад - как оптимизировать Вашу аналитическую модель, чтобы она отвечала на вопросы правильно. Ваши пользователи будут довольны!


  • Sergiy Lunyakin

Track and Room: BI Information Delivery - Room D

Title: Wait types. Что, как и зачем?

Abstract: В докладе я расскажу что такое ожидания, для чего они используются, какие типы ожиданий бывают, и на какие из них стоит обратить пристальное внимание. Как с помощью анализа статистики ожиданий понять, что происходит с SQL Server’ом.


  • Evgeny Khabarov

Track and Room: SQL Server Internals - N/A

Title: xEvents. Не хотите, а придётся

Abstract: На данной сессии я расскажу о всеобъемлющей методологии анализа производительности SQL Server и всех связанных компонентов от Hardware до планов выполнения запроса.


  • Олег Алексеев

Track and Room: SQL Server Internals - Room D

Title: Understanding Parameter Sniffing

Abstract: Parameter sniffing is a good thing: it is used by the Query Optimizer to produce an execution plan tailored to the current parameters of a query. However, due to the way that the plan cache stores these plans in memory, sometimes can also be a performance problem. This session will show you how parameter sniffing works and in which cases could be a problem. How to diagnose and troubleshoot parameter sniffing problems and their solutions will be discussed as well. The session will also include details on how the Query Optimizer uses the histogram and density components of the statistics object and some other advanced topics.


  • Benjamin Nevarez

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Room BC

Title: “Magic numbers”, local variable and performance

Abstract: About dependency between query syntax (adhoc query, query with local variables, stored procedures, local variable ) and query execution plan


  • Andrii Zrobok

Track and Room: Application Database Development - Room F

Title: Я - BI архитектор

Abstract: Кто такой BI архитектор, что он делаем, зачем он вообще делает и что он должен знать. Обо всем об этом мы поговорим на докладе, я расскажу как я стал BI архитектором, какие проекты у меня были, как общаться с клиентом


  • Eugene Polonichko

Track and Room: BI Information Delivery - Room F


This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.

Viktoriia Mala

MongoDB and SQL Server.

Sergiy Lunyakin

Twitter: - slunyakin

LinkedIn: Sergiy Lunyakin

Contact: https://slunyakin.wordpress.com

Sergiy Lunyakin (MCSA, MCSE, MCTS) is a Big Data Architect at SoftServe, Inc. He has extensive experience in designing and developing Big Data Analytics, Data Warehouse, and BI solutions, using both on-premises and cloud products. In 2016, Sergiy became Microsoft Data Platform MVP and has since maintained his MVP status. Sharing knowledge is another one of his passions. He regularly speaks at international conferences such as SQLSaturday, SQLDay, SQLNexus, and SQLBits. He also runs the Lviv SQL Server User Group in Ukraine and organizes SQLSaturday Lviv.

Dmitri Korotkevitch

Twitter: - aboutsqlserver

LinkedIn: Dmitri Korotkevitch

Contact: http://aboutsqlserver.com

Dmitri Korotkevitch is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and Microsoft Certified Master, author of Pro SQL Server Internals and other books with years of experience working with SQL Server as an Application and Database Developer, Database Administrator, and Database Architect.

Dmitri specializes in the design, development, and performance tuning of complex OLTP systems that handle thousands of transactions per second around the clock. He blogs at: http://aboutsqlserver.com.

Viktoriia Mala

MongoDB and SQL Server.

Anton Boyko

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/BoykoAnt

LinkedIn: Anton Boyko

Founder and main speaker at Ukrainian Microsoft Azure Community. 15+ years in application development. Builds apps based on Microsoft Azure platform since 2011. Microsoft Azure technical expert. Microsoft Azure MVP since 2014. Owner and one of the organizers of the most popular Microsoft Azure conferences in Ukraine: Azure Day and Global Azure Bootcamp.

Kevin Boles

Twitter: - @TheSQLGuru

LinkedIn: Kevin Boles

Kevin Boles is a SQL Server expert, working exclusively with the product since v6.5. With over 25 years of database experience and over 45,000 man hours of SQL Server engine experience, he holds many related certifications, is an MCT and was a SQL Server MVP from 2007 to 2012. Kevin has been a very successful independent consultant for over 20 years. His passion is the relational engine, especially designing, building, analyzing and tuning high-performance database applications.

Dmitri Korotkevitch

Twitter: - aboutsqlserver

LinkedIn: Dmitri Korotkevitch

Contact: http://aboutsqlserver.com

Dmitri Korotkevitch is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and Microsoft Certified Master, author of Pro SQL Server Internals and other books with years of experience working with SQL Server as an Application and Database Developer, Database Administrator, and Database Architect.

Dmitri specializes in the design, development, and performance tuning of complex OLTP systems that handle thousands of transactions per second around the clock. He blogs at: http://aboutsqlserver.com.

Sergiy Lunyakin

Twitter: - slunyakin

LinkedIn: Sergiy Lunyakin

Contact: https://slunyakin.wordpress.com

Sergiy Lunyakin (MCSA, MCSE, MCTS) is a Big Data Architect at SoftServe, Inc. He has extensive experience in designing and developing Big Data Analytics, Data Warehouse, and BI solutions, using both on-premises and cloud products. In 2016, Sergiy became Microsoft Data Platform MVP and has since maintained his MVP status. Sharing knowledge is another one of his passions. He regularly speaks at international conferences such as SQLSaturday, SQLDay, SQLNexus, and SQLBits. He also runs the Lviv SQL Server User Group in Ukraine and organizes SQLSaturday Lviv.

Alesya Zhuk

LinkedIn: Alesya Zhuk

Contact: http://dneprsqlusergroup.blogspot.com

работаю SQL/BI Developer . Опыт работы с MS SQL Server — 6 лет.

Satya Jayanty

Twitter: - sqlmaster

LinkedIn: Satya Jayanty

Contact: http://www.sqlserver-qa.net

My experience surrounded with high focus on the data platform with a track record of defining strategy, designing and delivering digital transformation migrations with major enhancements to current working methods. Worked in a capacity of Head of Data Engineering, Enterprise Data Architect and Solutions

Key career accomplishment recognition as an industry expert technical excellence from the Microsoft as Data Platform Most Valuable Professional (MVP) recognition since the year 2006 (13 years as MVP and counting), which recognizes exceptional technical community leaders worldwide who actively deliver, present share their extraordinary contributions, high quality, and real-world expertise. Twitter pod (http://twitter.com/sqlmast

Eugene Polonichko

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/EvgenPolonichko

LinkedIn: Eugene Polonichko

Contact: https://msolapblog.wordpress.com/

Leader of PASS Local Chapter in Donetsk (Ukraine). I work as DWH/BI architect. Responsible for designing and developing Data Warehouse and BI solutions with using Microsoft BI Stack products.

Denis Reznik

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/DenisReznik

LinkedIn: Denis Reznik

Contact: http://reznik.uneta.com.ua

Denis Reznik is a Data Architect at Intapp, Inc. He has more than ten years experience in software development, database design, and performance tuning for cloud and on-premises solutions. In 2010 Denis became Microsoft Data Platform MVP and maintains MVP status today. Apart from his professional career, Denis actively participates in the development of the Ukrainian Data Community.

Олег Алексеев

Работаю в области баз данных около 12 лет. Сертификации:

  • MSSQL 2012 MCSE
  • MSSQL 2008 MCTS
  • MSSQL 2005 MCTS

В данный момент занимаю позицию Solution architect в компании DB Best Technologies. В мои обязанности входят создания и продажи ИТ-решений связанных с миграцией на MS SQL Server.

Dmitry Pilugin

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/SomewereSomehow

LinkedIn: Dmitry Pilugin

Contact: http://www.queryprocessor.com/

Dmitry Pilugin, is a SQL Server DB developer from Russia, Moscow. He works with SQL Server for more than ten years. Currently he works as a database developer lead, responsible for the development of production databases in the media research company.

Dmitry holds a blog about SQL Server query processing: QueryProcessor.com, where he writes about a query optimization and execution, and also likes to share his knowledge about it speaking at various community events and tech conferences. Data Platform Microsoft MVP since 2014.

Benjamin Nevarez

Contact: http://www.benjaminnevarez.com/

Benjamin Nevarez is a SQL Server MVP and independent consultant based in Los Angeles, California who specializes in SQL Server query tuning and optimization. He is the author of “SQL Server 2014 Query Tuning Optimization”, “Inside the SQL Server Query Optimizer” and has contributed to other SQL Server books including “SQL Server 2012 Internals”. Benjamin has also been a speaker at many SQL Server conferences, including the PASS Summit, SQL Server Connections and SQLBits.

Oleksandr Krakovetskyi

Twitter: - http://twitter.com/msugvnua

Contact: http://appclub.im

PhD in Computer Science, Microsoft Regional Director, Microsoft MVP.

Satya Jayanty

Twitter: - sqlmaster

LinkedIn: Satya Jayanty

Contact: http://www.sqlserver-qa.net

My experience surrounded with high focus on the data platform with a track record of defining strategy, designing and delivering digital transformation migrations with major enhancements to current working methods. Worked in a capacity of Head of Data Engineering, Enterprise Data Architect and Solutions

Key career accomplishment recognition as an industry expert technical excellence from the Microsoft as Data Platform Most Valuable Professional (MVP) recognition since the year 2006 (13 years as MVP and counting), which recognizes exceptional technical community leaders worldwide who actively deliver, present share their extraordinary contributions, high quality, and real-world expertise. Twitter pod (http://twitter.com/sqlmast

Yevhen Nedashkivskyi

LinkedIn: Yevhen Nedashkivskyi

Yevhen Nedashkivskyi is a professional DBA and a database developer with more than 10 years of experience. MSCP, MSCA, MSCE, MVP.

Benjamin Nevarez

Contact: http://www.benjaminnevarez.com/

Benjamin Nevarez is a SQL Server MVP and independent consultant based in Los Angeles, California who specializes in SQL Server query tuning and optimization. He is the author of “SQL Server 2014 Query Tuning Optimization”, “Inside the SQL Server Query Optimizer” and has contributed to other SQL Server books including “SQL Server 2012 Internals”. Benjamin has also been a speaker at many SQL Server conferences, including the PASS Summit, SQL Server Connections and SQLBits.

Sergey Mikhalev

LinkedIn: Sergey Mikhalev

Разработчик в ok.ru. Автор #171;сериала#187; - 5 серий про #171;Подход доктора Хауса в оптимизации SQL запросов#187;. Увлекается легкой атлетикой и триатлоном.

Satya Jayanty

Twitter: - sqlmaster

LinkedIn: Satya Jayanty

Contact: http://www.sqlserver-qa.net

My experience surrounded with high focus on the data platform with a track record of defining strategy, designing and delivering digital transformation migrations with major enhancements to current working methods. Worked in a capacity of Head of Data Engineering, Enterprise Data Architect and Solutions

Key career accomplishment recognition as an industry expert technical excellence from the Microsoft as Data Platform Most Valuable Professional (MVP) recognition since the year 2006 (13 years as MVP and counting), which recognizes exceptional technical community leaders worldwide who actively deliver, present share their extraordinary contributions, high quality, and real-world expertise. Twitter pod (http://twitter.com/sqlmast

Viktoriia Mala

MongoDB and SQL Server.

Olena Smoliak

LinkedIn: Olena Smoliak

Senior Software Engineer at Adver-Online Microsoft Certified Solution Associate (MCSA): SQL Server 2012 Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): SQL Server 2008, Database Development Vinnitsa Data Platform User Group Leader (#vssug) Speaker at local user group meetings in Kyiv, L#39;viv, Dnipropetrovsk, SQLSaturday #290 (Kyiv, 2014), Global Russian Virtual Chapter Participated in organization of Kyiv SQLSaturdays #377, #290 (2014, 2015)

Kevin Boles

Twitter: - @TheSQLGuru

LinkedIn: Kevin Boles

Kevin Boles is a SQL Server expert, working exclusively with the product since v6.5. With over 25 years of database experience and over 45,000 man hours of SQL Server engine experience, he holds many related certifications, is an MCT and was a SQL Server MVP from 2007 to 2012. Kevin has been a very successful independent consultant for over 20 years. His passion is the relational engine, especially designing, building, analyzing and tuning high-performance database applications.

Oleksii Kovalov

DBA and DB developer with more than 10 year expirience. SQLSat/SSUG speaker. MCTS, MCITP. Author of pet-projects ExpressProfiler and SQL Code Guard

Evgeny Khabarov

Разработчик и администратор SQL Server. Область применения знаний в основном устранение проблем с производительностью систем, в основе которых лежит SQL Server.

Vladislav Samoylenko

More than 10 years in IT working with Microsoft products, all around data migration and Application Performance Management (APM)

Andrii Zrobok

LinkedIn: Andrii Zrobok

25+ years of experience in database development: development data-centric applications from scratch, support of legacy databases/applications, data migration tasks, performance tuning, consulting, database trainer. I have experience with wide range of databases such as FoxPro for DOS (Fox Software), MS SQL Server (started from version 6.5) , Oracle, Sybase ASE, MySQL, PostgreSQL. Co-Leader of PASS Local Chapter in Lviv. Speaker at PASS SQLSaturday conferences (since 2013); PASS Lviv/Vinnitsa/Virtual SQL Server User Group, EPAM IT Week (2015-2017), AIBig Data Day 2019.

Evgeny Khabarov

Разработчик и администратор SQL Server. Область применения знаний в основном устранение проблем с производительностью систем, в основе которых лежит SQL Server.

Mihail Mateev

Twitter: - mihailmateev

LinkedIn: Mihail Mateev

Contact: https://mmateev.wordpress.com/

Mihail Mateev is a technical consultant, community enthusiast, PASS Regional Mentor for CEE, chapter lead, Microsoft Azure MVP, Microsoft Regional Director. He works as a Senior Solutions Architect at EPAM Systems, focused on Data Platform, IoT and cloud related solutions. He also worked many years like a Technical evangelist in the Infragistics. Last years Mihail was focused on various areas related to technology Microsoft: Data Platform, Visual Studio, ASP.Net, Windows client apps, Data Platform, and Microsoft Azure. Michael also has a PhD in cloud computing area. He is a university lecturer on Smart Homes and Smart Energy IoT Solutions.

Vitaliy Popovych

Twitter: - https://twitter.com/PopovychVitaliy

LinkedIn: Vitaliy Popovych

Senior Database Developer at TFG an Intapp Company. Опыт работы с MS SQL Server — более 5 лет.

Benjamin Nevarez

Contact: http://www.benjaminnevarez.com/

Benjamin Nevarez is a SQL Server MVP and independent consultant based in Los Angeles, California who specializes in SQL Server query tuning and optimization. He is the author of “SQL Server 2014 Query Tuning Optimization”, “Inside the SQL Server Query Optimizer” and has contributed to other SQL Server books including “SQL Server 2012 Internals”. Benjamin has also been a speaker at many SQL Server conferences, including the PASS Summit, SQL Server Connections and SQLBits.

Ivan Rudnytskyi

Ivan Rudnytskyi has more than 8 years of experience in IT. He has been working as the Sales Engineer at BAKOTECH Group since 2012. Ivan is the expert in Dell Software database solutions. Prior to joining BAKOTECH team, Ivan worked as the Lead Engineer of the Development and Implementation Department at one of the largest system integrators in Ukraine, and was responsible for infrastructure systems architecture.

Mihail Mateev

Twitter: - mihailmateev

LinkedIn: Mihail Mateev

Contact: https://mmateev.wordpress.com/

Mihail Mateev is a technical consultant, community enthusiast, PASS Regional Mentor for CEE, chapter lead, Microsoft Azure MVP, Microsoft Regional Director. He works as a Senior Solutions Architect at EPAM Systems, focused on Data Platform, IoT and cloud related solutions. He also worked many years like a Technical evangelist in the Infragistics. Last years Mihail was focused on various areas related to technology Microsoft: Data Platform, Visual Studio, ASP.Net, Windows client apps, Data Platform, and Microsoft Azure. Michael also has a PhD in cloud computing area. He is a university lecturer on Smart Homes and Smart Energy IoT Solutions.


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